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Problem: The Individual Needs of Low-Achievers Are Not Being Addressed

Personalized learning is the most popular trend in education. The educators are doing their best to
identify the learning style of each student and provide training that corresponds to their needs.

Solution: Address the Needs of Low-Achievers

The educators must try harder to reduce the number of students who are getting low results on long-
term trajectories. If we identify these students at an early age, we can provide additional training to help
them improve the results.

Problem: The Teachers Are Expected to Entertain

Today’s generations of students love technology, so the teachers started using technology just to keep
them engaged. That imposes a serious issue: education is becoming an entertainment rather than a
learning process.

Solution: Set Some Limits

We don’t have to see education as opposed to entertainment. However, we have to make the students
aware of the purpose of technology and games in the classroom. It’s all about learning.

The Problem: Not enough tech support in your school. You have the tech, but when teachers or students
need help, or something goes wrong, everything comes to a standstill because your current tech support
staff doesn’t have the manpower to handle it all.

The Solution: Some schools are training teams of students to provide basic-level tech support for the
school, even at the elementary level. These students attend staff trainings on new technology, act as
teaching assistants when a class is working with a new or challenging technology, and even conduct
their own training sessions for students and teachers.

The Problem: In writing classes, students are sometimes slow to come up with ideas for what to write

The Solution: Dedicate a wall in your classroom as an Inspiration Board, a place where students can
place images, quotes, rough ideas, the opening lines of a story they’re thinking of writing, anything that
inspires them or shows fragments of inspiration. This gets the ideas out of students’ heads and into a
public space, where they can generate fresh new ideas.

The Problem: Students need to grow their vocabulary in all subject areas, but our most common
methods of vocabulary instruction are dry and don’t lead to long-term retention.

The Solution: Instead of doing traditional dictionary and sentence-writing work, have students construct
the meaning of vocabulary words in a variety of ways.

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