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New Words

1. Politely: Cortezmente: She politely declined my invitation.

2. Decline: Rechazar: She declined my offer.
3. Reason:Motive(motive): My reasons are important.
4. Something=Algo: I have something to tell you.
5. Tired=Cansado: Ninive is tired.
6. Busy: Ocupado: She is busy.
7. Early: temprano: She’s always early.
8. Late: Tarde: Marcos is late for the meeting.
9. Then: Entonces: Marcos is sick. Then, tomorrow he will not come to class.
10. Too: Demasiado: She’s too tall./The music is too loud.
11. Tall: Alta: My daughter is tall.
12. Loud:Alto ( sonido): Dembow is always too loud.
13. Talk/speak: Hablar: I should talk.
14. Cold: frio: It’s too cold in here.
15. Short: corto: It’s too short.
16. Kid: Bromear: She’s kidding./Are you kidding me?
17. Need: Necesitar: I need gloves for the cold.
18. Suit: Traje: My suit is blue.
19. Suite: In a hotel: She’s in the suite 305.
20. Young: joven: My daughter is young.
21. Old: Viejo: She’s an old lady.
22. Under age: Menor de edad: She’s under age.
23. Minor: Menor: She’s a minor.
24. Windy: Con mucho viento: It’s windy today.
25. Wear: Llevar puesto/vestir: I’m wearing black pants today.(Wear/Wore/Worn)
26. Maybe/Perhaps: Quizas: Maybe the next presdent of DR will be Leonel Fernandez again.
27. Some othe time: En algún otro momento: I will visit you some other time.
28. How about?/ What about ?= Que tal?
A: Do you want to go to the beach?
B: No, I can’t . I’m too busy.
A: How about next week? / What about next week?

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