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Università degli Studi di GENOVA

A.Y.: 2020/2021

ID Domanda: 13968

Personal data

Name: Yar
Surname: Ahmad
Gender: M
Date of birth 11/08/1997
Country of birth: PK
City of birth: Gujrat
Current citizenship: PAKISTAN
H#4 St 15A Sector--E DHA 2 Islamabad Pakistan,
Residing in [street, number, city, ZIP code, Country]:
+923336227043, Islamabad, 44000
Telephone: +923335109176
Italian tax code: HMDYRA97M11Z236H
Passport number: BG6999591
Expiry date: 14/04/2021

Pre-enrolment application

The reason for the visa application: I want to enrol in a study course
Where will you apply for a visa?: AMBASCIATA ISLAMABAD - PAKISTAN

Course information

Institution: Università degli Studi di GENOVA

Course: Engineering for Natural Risk Management
Course Curriculum: -
Course Type: Laurea Magistrale
Language: -
Class of degree course (according to Italian law): LM-26
Official length of the course: 2 anni
Course location/Campus: SAVONA Campus Universitario Via Magliotto 2, 17100

Submitted to Università degli Studi di GENOVA on: 14/07/2020

Università degli Studi di GENOVA
the student is ammitted to the course
An academic eligibility letter has been issued

it is not necessary to verify the knowledge of the language

Attestazione di superamento di ulteriori requisiti
per l'ingresso alla formazione superiore
Bachelor in Civil Engineering
The qualification was assessed and deemed suitable

The institution requires the Declaration of Value

Further information
Expected start date of teaching activities: 15/09/2020
tuition fees (annual amount €): -
The student is guaranteed support in finding accommodation

Submitted to AMBASCIATA ISLAMABAD - PAKISTAN on: 16 Luglio 2020



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