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Human Resources Management

Wildan Army Abdillah
Islamic State University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Basically, every organization is inseparable from the existence of human resources, which can
help carry out a series of activities to achieve organizational goals. This requires managers to
play an active role in understanding and managing people in the organization. Human resource
management needs to be carried out effectively and efficiently. Human Resource Management
(MSDI) does not only rely on management functions such asplaning, organizing, actualizing,
controlling and evaluating, but also in the implementation function of human resource
management, such as recruitment, selection, job appraisal, training and development, and how
human resource management provides compensation. This is done in accordance with
principles based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Organization, Management

Manajemen Sumber Daya Insani

Pada dasarnya setiap organisasi tidak terlepas dari keberadaan sumber daya insani, yang dapat
membantu menjalankan rangkaian kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Hal ini menuntut
manajer untuk berperan aktif dalam memahami dan mengelola orang-orang di dalam
organisasi. Pengelolaan sumber daya insani perlulah dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien.
Manajemen Sumber Daya Insani (MSDI) tidak hanya bertumpu pada fungsi manajemen seperti
planing, organizing, actualizing, controlling dan evaluating, tetapi juga pada fungsi implementasi
manajemen sumber daya manusia, seperti rekrutmen, seleksi, penilaian kerja, pelatihan dan
pengembangan, dan bagaiamana manajemen sumber daya insani memberikan konpensasi. Hal
tersebut dilakukan sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlandaskan Al-Qur’an dan Hadits
Kata-kata Kunci: Manajemen Sumber Daya Insani, Organisasi, Pengelolaan

Human resources are an important aspect in filling the needs of any organization and
are a very important and even vital existence regardless of an institution or a company
(profit or non-profit). Management of a professional workforce is one of the factors in
determining the progress and success of an organization. Human resources as individual
assets that drive the organization need to be given training and also develop their
abilities (Ansory & Indrasari, 2018).
Sharia human resources are human resources who have knowledge of sharia law and
practice these sharia values in every activity (Siswanto, 2020). As a great power that has
been created by Allah SWT, humans are used as caliphs to manage the resources that
exist on earth for the welfare of the entire universe and its contents, including humans
themselves (H. Ali, 2015). as affirmation of Allah SWT in the letter Al-Jastiyah 13

َ‫ت لِّقَ ۡو ٖم يَتَفَ َّكرُون‬ َ ِ‫ض َج ِميعٗ ا ِّم ۡن ۚهُ إِ َّن فِي ٰ َذل‬
ٖ َ‫ك أَل ٓ ٰي‬ ‫أۡل‬
ِ ‫ت َو َما فِي ٱ َ ۡر‬
ِ ‫َو َس َّخ َر لَ ُكم َّما فِي ٱل َّس ٰ َم ٰ َو‬
13. And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth
- all from Him. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

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As Allah SWT says, humans are creatures that are created with all perfection and have a
lot of potential within oneself. Ar-Ruum 30
‫ٱلناس اَل يَ ۡعلَ ُمون‬
ِ ‫ك ٱلدِّينُ ۡٱلقَيِّ ُم َو ٰلَ ِك َّن أَ ۡكثَ َر‬
َ ِ‫ق ٱهَّلل ۚ ِ ٰ َذل‬ ۡ ۚ
ِ ‫ٱلناس َعلَ ۡيهَا اَل ۡتب ِدي ِ;ل لِ َخل‬
َ ‫ك لِلدِّي ِن َحنِ ٗيف ۚا فِ ۡط َرتَ ٱهَّلل ِ ٱلَّتِي فَطَ َر‬
َ َ‫فَأَقِمۡ َو ۡجه‬
30. So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of
Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation
of Allah. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.

Human Resource Management (MSDI) or the Department of Human Resources is a

science and art designed to manage employee relationships and roles in order to achieve
organizational goals more effectively (H. Ali, 2015). It governs how to manage and
optimize the potential of each member of the organization (Yusuf, 2016). Starting from
planning to termination of employment (Sutrisno, 2019). Therefore, in an organization,
there must be an MSDI that regulates how to acquire, develop, use, evaluate and
maintain employees of the correct quantity and quality.
MSDI is based on the following concept: Every employee is a human being, not a
machine, not just a business resource. MSDI research combines various scientific fields
such as psychology and sociology. MSDI elements are human. MSDI also involves the
design and implementation of planning systems, staffing, staff development, career
management, performance evaluation, staff compensation and good working
relationships. MSDI involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect
its human resources (Sukarno L. Hasyim, 2020).

This type of writing is qualitative. According to Jerome Kirk and Marc L. Miller
in(Rachman, 1999) Qualitative research is a special tradition in the social sciences which
basically rests on observing humans in their respective fields and relating to these
people in their discussions and terminology.
Furthermore, the compilers used this type of literal research (library research). The
research was carried out by collecting, clarifying, and producing data obtained from
various written sources. Then analyze the literature related to the material, and focus on
discussing the issues discussed (Muhajir, 1983).


Concept of Human Resources
Traditional HR Concept
Human resource management is a process of obtaining, training, appraising, and giving
congensas, as well as paying attention to how work relationships, health and safety and
fairness to employees (Dessler & Varkkey, 2009). According to (Griffin, Ricky, Pustay, &
W, 2005) Human resource management is a set of organizational activities aimed at
attracting, developing and maintaining an effective workforce. HRM is a process that
seeks to become organizational staff and maintain high employee performance through
human resource planning, recruitment or decruitment, selection, orientation, training,

Journal of Economicate Studies (JoES) vol. xx no. xx – 20xx pp. xx-xx

Author’s Last Name; Short Title

career development, compensation and benefits, and performance appraisals (Robbins,

S & Coulter, 2008).
While (Lee, Lee, & Wu, 2010) explained that the concept of HR is a series of processes
consisting of acquiring, developing, motivating and maintaining human resources. So
this is a process of management and use in the formation of human capital in the process
of company development (Khan & Taher, 2009).
Islamic HR Concept
Information resource management is a process in handling various obstacles within the
scope of employees, employees, laborers, managers and other workers in order to
support the activities of an organization or company in order to achieve goals (Sukarno
L. Hasyim, 2020).
Human resource management is a process that strives to become organizational staff
and maintain high employee performance based on the guidelines of the Qur'an and
Sunnah through human resource planning, recruitment or decruitment, selection,
orientation, training, compensation and benefits, performance. assessment, and career
development (Chowdhury, Hoque, & Mawla, 2019). Islam is the complete code of life (Al-
Qur'an; 5: 3). So Muslims must carry out every activity according to the guidelines of the
Qur'an and Sunnah. The Qur'an often refers to honesty and fairness in trade, and
demands a fair and just distribution of wealth in society. The Qur'an encourages people
to acquire skills and technology, and highly praises those who seek to make a living.
Values The values of the 'Islamic' organization are based on the Qur'an and Hadith. For
Muslims, Islam is an institution of quotations from the Qur'an and the events and
experiences of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) life to explain and clarify the Islamic roots
of their socio-economic policies and practices (Nik, Alias, Shahid, Abdul Hamid, & Alam,
The Quran and Hadith are the basis for sharia principles and human norms. In principle,
Sharia becomes an important part of revelation as well as a guideline for human action
which covers every aspect of life. From a religious point of view, every Islamic
organization must adhere to Islamic law which states the principles of sharia, Islamic
knowledge and understanding for every aspect of the work environment (Seidu, 2006).
The need for an organization based on sharia principles is necessary to meet the
requirements of sharia in order to maintain how the relationship between the
organization and their stakeholders should be, management from top to bottom,
suppliers, customers, and employees (Nik et al., 2013). Human resource management
aims to maintain and implement strict sharia principles in the relationship between
management and employees in accordance with the organizational environment
(Hashim, 2009).
Basically, the interest of human resource management is very important in managing
employees and facilitating them so that employee allocation can run effectively and
efficiently in accordance with Islamic principles (Tayeb, 1997). In line with (Sukarno L.
Hasyim, 2020) opinion the need for MSDI is to increase the effectiveness of human
resources in the organization and provide an effective work unit organization.
Practical Aspects of Human Resources

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Author’s Last Name; Short Title

In fact, the principles of sharia are not impartial, fair and just in every human daily
activity, without being attended by any discrimination, regardless of the status and also
the position between one party and another (Nik et al., 2013). Therefore it is necessary
to have adequate knowledge and understanding of the principles of sharia which are the
main duties and responsibilities of management, so that knowledge and understanding
of these principles based on syriah can build all HR systems and practices in everyday
life (Al-Faruqi & Al-Bann, 1980).
HRM is an integrated strategy and development process that is planned for the effective
utilization of the capabilities and efforts of their employees to achieve organizational
goals and results (Storey, 1995). Next according to them (A Ali, Gibbs, & Camp, 2000;
Tayeb, 1997) the existence of HRM issues in the organization has religious bases,
especially the principles of sharia. Practices in human resource management are
mentioned by (Namazie & Frame, 2007) There are five such as recruitment, selection,
job appraisal, training and development, and the last is compensation based on Islamic
principles and principles. In Islamic management principles, there is an emphasis on
human welfare, fairness and justice in resource management. With the aim of
organizational justice and harmonious employee relations, it is better not to ignore the
potential contribution from aspects of human resource management practices with
sharia principles (Abbas Ali, 2005; Yousef, 2015).
MSDI Practices in Organizations
Planning human resources is the process of determining what positions can be filled in
the organization and how to fill them (Jusmaliani, 2011). According to (Gaol, 2014)
Human resource planning is the activity of assessing the needs of a group of people in
the future, both in number and level of expertise or proficiency, formulating and
implementing plans to meet a number of these needs through recruitment, training,
development, or if necessary reducing costs, taking steps to increase productivity. and
levels of ownership and to introduce flexibility in hiring people.
Human resource planning is forecasting the need for the number of employees in the
future, both in terms of quality and quantity, planning people who will perform tasks
and jobs in the organization (Kartawan, Marlina, & Susanto, 2014)
In relation to what is stated in the Koran, the Qur'an inspires mu'minin in various ways
in designing a number of plans of action by observing how Allah's plan is in His creation
(Chowdhury et al., 2019). Allah SWT says in the Qur'an Surah Al-Qamar verse 49 and
Surah Al-Hadid verse 22
‫إِ َّنا ُك َّل َش ۡي ٍء َخلَ ۡق ٰ َن ُه ِب َق َد ٖر‬
49. Indeed, all things We created with predestination.

َ ِ‫ض َواَل ف ِٓي أَنفُسِ ُكمۡ إِاَّل فِي ِك ٰ َتبٖ مِّن َق ۡب ِل أَن َّن ۡب َرأَ َه ۚٓا إِنَّ ٰ َذل‬
‫ير‬ٞ ِ‫ك َعلَى ٱهَّلل ِ يَس‬ ِ ‫اب مِن مُّصِ يبَةٖ فِي ٱأۡل َ ۡر‬
َ ‫ص‬َ َ‫َمٓا أ‬
22. No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register
before We bring it into being - indeed that, for Allah, is easy -

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In these two verses it can be interpreted to clearly show that the concept and the end
result of each creation are in accordance with the plan. Therefore, Allah SWT teaches
mankind that His work is made according to plan. It is a true inspiration for every
sincere believer and deserves to be followed.

Next we look at how the life and example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, we can learn
that his actions were based on planning both in the religious and worldly
realms(Chowdhury et al., 2019) and it was conveyed by Bukhari that the Prophet
Muhammad SAW said:(Bukhari, 1989)

‫فاءناستطاع ان التقو حتىي‬،‫ ((ان قامت الساعةوفي يد احدكم فسيلة‬:‫ عن النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم قال‬،‫عن انس بن مالك‬
))‫ فليغرسها‬،‫يغرسها‬

"If the Day of Resurrection has come and in the hands of one of you there is a small date
palm tree, if he can plant it before the end of the world, let him plant it "

Basically it is impossible for us to achieve the organizational goal of having the right
people in the right place at the right time without planning. Human resource planning
can be summarized into three processes as to what is presented (Robbins, S & Coulter,
2000) the first is how to assess human resources today, the second is how to assess
human needs in the future, and the third is how to develop programs to meet human
resource needs in the future.
One of the functions of human resource management is to find the most suitable
candidates to become employees. One of the processes needed is through recruitment.
This recruitment is based on an accurate job analysis and job description.
Therefore, filling a position with competent human resources with knowledge and
expertise as well as a mental attitude in accordance with the determined requirements
can be ascertained through the proper channels.
In most organizations, this responsibility is usually assumed by the human resource
manager. The recruitment process must be carried out fairly and all recruitment
decisions must be made wisely, to ensure the candidate being hired is best suited for the
job. In this regard Islam requires the person responsible for recruitment to be pious and
just (Hashim, 2009).
In Islam, a person is considered pious if he acts according to Allah's orders; work in
righteousness and prevent himself from doing evil or harm. Thus, a truly pious manager
is most expected to realize the need for recruitment and other HR practices to be carried
out in the way of Allah with mandate and responsibility.
This requirement is stated in the Qur'an in Surah An-Nisa verses 58-59

۞ َ‫وا بِ ۡٱل َع ۡد ۚ ِل إِ َّن ٱهَّلل َ نِ ِع َّما يَ ِعظُ ُكم بِ ۗ ِٓۦه إِ َّن ٱهَّلل َ َكان‬
ْ ‫اس أَن ت َۡح ُك ُم‬
ِ َّ‫ت إِلَ ٰ ٓى أَ ۡهلِهَا َوإِ َذا َح َكمۡ تُم بَ ۡينَ ٱلن‬ ْ ‫إِ َّن ٱهَّلل َ يَ ۡأ ُم ُر ُكمۡ أَن تُ َؤ ُّد‬
ِ َ‫وا ٱأۡل َ ٰ َم ٰن‬

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Author’s Last Name; Short Title

ِ ‫ُوا ٱل َّرسُو َل َوأُوْ لِي ٱأۡل َمۡ ِر ِمن ُكمۡۖ فَإِن تَ ٰنَز َۡعتُمۡ فِي َش ۡي ٖء فَ ُر ُّدوهُ إِلَى ٱهَّلل‬ ْ ‫يرا ٰيَٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّ ِذينَ َءا َمنُ ٓو ْا أَ ِطيع‬
ْ ‫ُوا ٱهَّلل َ َوأَ ِطيع‬ ٗ ‫ص‬ِ َ‫َس ِمي ۢ َعا ب‬
‫ر َوأَ ۡح َسنُ ت َۡأ ِوياًل‬ٞ ‫ك خ َۡي‬ َ ٰ ٓ ‫أۡل‬ ۡ ‫هَّلل‬ ُ ۡ ُ ُ ُ
َ ِ‫َوٱل َّرسُو ِل إِن كنتمۡ تؤ ِمنونَ بِٱ ِ َوٱليَ ۡو ِم ٱ ِخ ۚ ِر ذل‬
58. Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you
judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you.
Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.
59. O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority
among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you
should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

Employers are required to inform applicants the truth or facts about the job. This
includes job requirements, job holder criteria, and the compensation to be paid.This
information is important for applicants to be able to evaluate the suitability of the job
with their competencies, capabilities and interests. Applicants should not be assigned
tasks that are too difficult to handle, nor should they be ordered to perform work
beyond their capacity.
Selection is a series of activity steps used to decide whether an applicant is accepted or
rejected according to the qualifications in the job description (Jusmaliani, 2011). Thus,
selection is a series of activities carried out by an organization or company to make
decisions about which of the prospective employees are considered the most
appropriate or meet the requirements to be accepted as an employee and who should
not be accepted or rejected as an employee (Kartawan et al., 2014).
Employee selection is a crucial issue. This was hinted at by Rasulullah SAW in a hadith
narrated by Al-Bukhâ riy from Abû Hurayrat. Rasulullah SAW said:

‫ كيف‬:‫ قال‬.‫ إذا ضيعت األمانة فانتظر الساعة‬:‫ قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬:‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه قال‬
‫ إذا أسند األمر إلى غير أهله فانتظر الساعة‬:‫إضاعتها يا رسول هللا؟ قال‬
"When you waste the trust, then wait for its destruction ”. The Prophet was asked: "O
Messenger of Allah, what makes him useless?" The Apostle answered: "If a case is
submitted to someone who is not an expert, then wait for its destruction" (Narrated by
Al-Bukhâ riy).

The urgency of selection is also contained in the story stated in Surah Al-Baqarat (2)
verse 249. The verse tells of Thâ lû t who made the selection of his soldiers who actually
carried out their mission, namely against the unjust king or ruler named Jâ lû t, through a
test to endure thirst as well as to see their obedience and loyalty:
‫س ِمنِّي َو َمن لَّمۡ يَ ۡط َعمۡ ; هُ فَ ;إِنَّهۥُ ِمنِّ ٓي‬ َ ‫ب ِم ۡنهُ فَلَ ۡي‬ َ ‫وت بِ ۡٱل ُجنُو ِ;د قَا َل إِ َّن ٱهَّلل َ ُم ۡبتَلِي ُكم بِنَهَ ٖر فَ َمن َش ِر‬ ُ ُ‫ص َل طَال‬ َ َ‫فَلَ َّما ف‬
‫وا اَل طَاقَةَ لَنَا‬ ْ ُ‫ُوا ِم ۡنهُ إِاَّل قَلِياٗل ِّم ۡنهُمۡۚ فَلَ َّما َجا َو َز ۥهُ ه َُو َوٱلَّ ِذينَ َءا َمن‬
ْ ُ‫وا َم َعهۥُ قَال‬ ۢ
ْ ‫ٱغت ََرفَ ُغ ۡرفَةَ بِيَ ِد ۚ ِهۦ فَ َش ِرب‬ۡ ‫إِاَّل َم ِن‬
ُ ‫;ير ۢةَ بِ;إِ ۡذ ِن ٱهَّلل ۗ ِ َوٱهَّلل‬
َ ِ‫وا ٱهَّلل ِ َكم ِّمن فِئ َٖ;ة قَلِيلَ; ٍة َغلَبَ ۡت فِئ َٗ;ة َكث‬ ٰ
ْ ُ‫ال ٱلَّ ِذينَ يَظُنُّونَ أَنَّهُم ُّملَق‬ َ َ‫ۡٱليَ ۡو َم بِ َجالُوتَ َو ُجنُو ِد ۚ ِهۦ ق‬
َ‫صبِ ِرين‬َّ ٰ ‫َم َع ٱل‬
249. And when Saul went forth with the soldiers, he said, "Indeed, Allah will be testing

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Author’s Last Name; Short Title

you with a river. So whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoever does not taste it is
indeed of me, excepting one who takes [from it] in the hollow of his hand." But they
drank from it, except a [very] few of them. Then when he had crossed it along with those
who believed with him, they said, "There is no power for us today against Goliath and his
soldiers." But those who were certain that they would meet Allah said, "How many a
small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah. And Allah is with
the patient."

Job Assessment
Performance appraisal is the process by which employees' contributions to the
organization over a period of time are assessed (Shaw, Delery, & Abdulla, 2003). In an
Islamic perspective, the measurement of employee performance must be based on
fairness and fairness as well as accountability and responsibility in line with what is
stated in Al-Qur'an surah An-Nahl verse 90, Surah Al-A'raf verse 85, and surah Al-
Hujurat. verse 13

;ِِٕ ‫۞إِ َّن ٱهَّلل َ يَ ۡأ ُم ُر بِ ۡٱل َع ۡد ِل َوٱإۡل ِ ۡح ٰ َس ِن َوإِيت‬

َ‫َٓإي ِذي ۡٱلقُ ۡربَ ٰى َويَ ۡنهَ ٰى َع ِن ۡٱلفَ ۡح َشٓا ِء َو ۡٱل ُمن َك ِر َو ۡٱلبَ ۡغ ۚ ِي يَ ِعظُ ُكمۡ لَ َعلَّ ُكمۡ تَ َذ َّكرُون‬
90. Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids
immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will
be reminded.
ْ ُ‫;ة ِّمن َّربِّ ُكمۡۖ فَ;;أ َ ۡوف‬ٞ ;َ‫ُوا ٱهَّلل َ َم;;ا لَ ُكم ِّم ۡن إِ ٰلَ; ٍه غ َۡي; ُر ۖهۥُ قَ; ۡ;د َج; ٓا َء ۡت ُكم بَيِّن‬
‫وا ۡٱل َك ۡي; َل َو ۡٱل ِم;;يزَ انَ َواَل‬ ۡ ‫َوإِلَ ٰى َم ۡديَنَ أَ َخاهُمۡ ُش َع ۡيبٗ ۚا قَا َل ٰيَقَ ۡو ِم‬
ْ ‫ٱعبُد‬
َ‫ر لَّ ُكمۡ إِن ُكنتُم ُّم ۡؤ ِمنِين‬ٞ ‫خَي‬ ۡ ۡ‫ص ٰلَ ِحهَ ۚا ٰ َذلِ ُكم‬ ۡ ِ‫ض بَ ۡع َد إ‬ ‫أۡل‬
ِ ‫ُوا فِي ٱ َ ۡر‬ ْ ‫اس أَ ۡشيَٓا َءهُمۡ َواَل تُ ۡف ِسد‬ ْ ‫ت َۡبخَ س‬
َ َّ‫ُوا ٱلن‬

85. And to [the people of] Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu'ayb. He said, "O my
people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. There has come to you clear
evidence from your Lord. So fulfill the measure and weight and do not deprive people of
their due and cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. That is better
for you, if you should be believers.

ٞ ِ‫ٰيَٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّا َخلَ ۡق ٰنَ ُكم ِّمن َذ َك ٖر َوأُنثَ ٰى َو َج َع ۡل ٰنَ ُكمۡ ُشعُوبٗ ا َوقَبَٓائِ َل لِتَ َعا َرفُ ٓو ۚ ْا ِإ َّن أَ ۡك َر َم ُكمۡ ِعن َد ٱهَّلل ِ أَ ۡتقَ ٰى ُكمۡۚ إِ َّن ٱهَّلل َ َعلِي ٌم خَ ب‬

13. O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you
peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the
sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

Performance appraisal in Islam is based on the normative guidelines and practices of

the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his four direct caliphs. The normative realm is
revealed in the instructions of the Al-Quran. These can be grouped into three
categories: contractual arrangements, responsibility and self-control, and performance
appraisals of the Almighty (Abbas Ali, 2005).In the contractual aspect, Islam views one's
job as a reaffirmation of the obligatory relationship between the organization and

Journal of Economicate Studies (JoES) vol. xx no. xx – 20xx pp. xx-xx

Author’s Last Name; Short Title

employees. Both the company and its employees have expectations that must be met
simultaneously (Chowdhury et al., 2019).

Training and Development

Training refers to the process of increasing the knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities,
talents and potential of employees for better performance and achieving organizational
goals (Flippo, 1984). Islamic training and development focuses on the purification of
one's soul (Tazkiyah al-nafs). The Qur'an encourages people to acquire knowledge,
skills and technology, and highly praises those who seek to make a living. Indeed, the
basic qualification of humans to be representatives of Allah on earth is to process
knowledge. Broadly speaking, training is a process of developing the quality of human
resources that will make them more knowledgeable and skilled so that they become
more productive (Nik et al., 2013).

In the Qur'an it is explained that the basic qualifications of humans to become

representatives of Allah on earth are the knowledge written in surah Al-Baqarah verses
30-33 (Chowdhury et al., 2019).
َ‫ك ٱل; ِّد َمٓا َء َون َۡحنُ نُ َس;بِّ ُح بِ َحمۡ; ِدك‬ ُ ِ‫ض خَ لِيفَ ٗۖة قَالُ ٓو ْا أَت َۡج َع ُل فِيهَ;;ا َمن ي ُۡف ِس; ُد فِيهَ;;ا َويَ ۡس;ف‬ ِ ‫ل فِي ٱأۡل َ ۡر‬ٞ ‫ك لِ ۡل َم ٰلَئِ َك ِة إِنِّي َجا ِع‬ َ ُّ‫َوإِ ۡذ قَا َل َرب‬
‫ض;هُمۡ َعلَى ۡٱل َم ٰلَئِ َك; ِة فَقَ;;ا َل أَ ۢنٔ‍بُُِٔ;ونِي بِأ َ ۡس; َمٓا ِء ٰهَٓ;ؤُٓاَل ِء إِن‬ َ ‫َونُقَدِّسُ لَ ۖكَ قَا َل إِنِّ ٓي أَ ۡعلَ ُم َما اَل ت َۡعلَ ُمونَ َوعَلَّ َم َءا َد َم ٱأۡل َ ۡس َمٓا َء ُكلَّهَا ثُ َّم ع ََر‬
ۡ‫;ال ٰيَٓٔـََٔ;ا َد ُم أَ ۢنبِ ۡئهُم بِأ َ ۡس; َمٓائِ ِهمۡۖ فَلَ َّمٓا أَ ۢنبَ;;أَهُم بِأ َ ۡس; َمٓائِ ِهم‬
َ ;َ‫ك أَنتَ ۡٱل َعلِي ُم ۡٱل َح ِكي ُم ق‬َ َّ‫ك اَل ِع ۡل َم لَنَٓا إِاَّل َما َعلَّمۡ تَنَ; ۖ;ٓا إِن‬ ْ ُ‫ص ِدقِينَ قَال‬
َ َ‫وا س ُۡب ٰ َحن‬ َ ٰ ۡ‫ُكنتُم‬
َ‫ض َوأَ ۡعلَ ُم َما تُ ۡب ُدونَ َو َما ُكنتُمۡ ت َۡكتُ ُمون‬ ‫ب ٱل َّس ٰ َم ٰ َو ِ أۡل‬
ِ ‫ت َوٱ َ ۡر‬ َ ‫قَا َل أَلَمۡ أَقُل لَّ ُكمۡ إِنِّ ٓي أَ ۡعلَ ُم غ َۡي‬

30. And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will
make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who
causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify
You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

31. And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels
and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."

32. They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us.
Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."

33. He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of
their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens
and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."

According to (Hashim, 2009) two important points can be drawn from these verses of
the Qur'an. First, the descendants of Adam are entitled to the position of the Caliph of
Allah on earth based on knowledge. Second, Adam's children who are more worthy of
receiving the caliph are those who are eminent in knowledge. Those who are
knowledgeable surpass others, and limit the reception of reproof to those who are

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Author’s Last Name; Short Title

endowed with knowledge and understanding on a level before their Lord, and
preferable to others.


Muslim managers must develop a compensation system that not only meets the
fundamental needs of employees but will motivate them to invest their best efforts. In
designing a compensation package, Muslim managers must consider several very
important factors such as employee needs, employee performance, company
capabilities, company profitability, nature of work, geographic location of the company
and the number of competitors (Chowdhury et al., 2019).

Any compensation, whether direct or indirect, is aimed at recognizing the value of

employee performance and to establish ways to motivate them to work at full efficiency
in an ever-changing business environment. Islam emphasizes that workers must be
paid adequate and fair wages for their work, while taking into account the quality and
quantity of work, their needs and needs, and the economic conditions of society as a
whole. Islam strictly prohibits coercion and forced labor. Instead, he directed that full
compensation should be given to workers entitled to their work without deductions
(Abbas Ali, 2005; Chowdhury et al., 2019).

Based on the above discussion, in an Islamic perspective, there are six main functions of
Human Resource Management from various functions of different experts, namely
planning, recruitment, selection, job appraisal, training and development and
compensation. The main objective of the human resource management function is to
ensure the availability of a competent, willing, dedicated, sincere and ethical workforce
in an organization that will work to maximize the interests of internal and external
Human Resource Management does not only prioritize management functions such as
planning, organizing, actualizing, controlling and evaluating but rather relying on
operational functions of HR management such as recruitment, selection, job appraisal,
training and development, as well as the practice of providing compensation with the
sharia concept which is based on the Qur'an and

We would like to thank M. Anton Athoillah, H., Prof., Dr., MM. for his comments and
suggestions, fruitful discussions as well as his support and encoragement.

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