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5 Best Backend Technologies For Web

App Development in 2021

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Having a website for your business has become an essential need of the new age market,
regardless of the industry’s business verticles or functional expertise.
From ordering food to shopping for your favourite dress to catching up with friends, there is a
website for almost everything.
Because 70% of potential customers prefer purchasing brands having websites, undoubtedly,
organizations worldwide are pouring investments in web development services.
The advancement in technology has brought immense mobile and website development
innovations and allows companies to efficiently match the customers’ changing needs.
While developing a website is no longer a far-fetched task for the developers, standing against
the customers’ rapidly changing expectations is a real challenge.
So if you are one of those businesses that aim to deliver valuable output to their customers,
then the simple way is to leverage the most potential framework, APIs, tools and libraries that
ensure a seamless browsing experience.
For instance, there are thousands of e-commerce platforms available globally, but 40.4% of
Americans prefer shopping at Amazon. Did you ever notice why Amazon is the first name that
popped up in your mind while talking about e-commerce websites?
Despite offering a wide choice of product categories and highly engaging front-end design, its
website works like a well-oiled machine.
So the possible way to start your journey of web development is by identifying the current
market needs and coming up with the ways that enable you to stand in future as well. You may
have brilliant ideas, but it is essential to deliver a highly engaging and seamless front-end
experience backed by a robust backend to make them well-received in the market.
Why Backend Holds An Important Role In Web Development?
Building a website that loads under 3 seconds and delivers a seamless user experience is all
we demand for. But managing your site’s content isn’t as straightforward as many businesses
assume. Most people often overlook the fact that the front-end is based on the powerful
backend of the site.
No matter how beautifully and brilliantly the site’s front-end has been designed. Its poor backend
system will cause a big failure!
If you are still wondering why backend is an important consideration, then you need to read
“Website backend development consists of those elements that allow you to optimise the
performance of your website. Right from the database, content to plugins, lots of things make
your website operatable. Having access to your site’s backend allows you to manage the
content of your website.”
But the good news is, for developing dynamic web pages, any reputed web development
company can now leverage ready-to-use components and eliminate the need to build and
configure everything from scratch.
But the main question is, which backend development technologies and frameworks should be
used to build a robust back-end in 2021?
Predicting the future of such a dynamically changing industry as an expert is by no means an
easy task. But here are the few tips and tricks that enable you to get the best answer to your
5 Most Scalable Backend Development Framework for Web Development in 2021: How To
Choose Them Like a Pro?
Before you get into the process of development, choosing the right programming language and
technology for backend development is an essential yet complex and tricky task. So if you are
an enterprise, you can consider these tips to make the best decision:
● Choose the programming language that has been maintained for the last 5 years and
has future scope.
● Go through with the leading names and choose the one that perfectly fits your
company’s resources and goals.
● Programming languages that have a strong community are the preferred most for
backend development.
● Mainstream and well adapted in the industry by the leading titans.
● Pick the one which is highly popular with stable or increasing popularity.
Based on the above mentioned parameters, we have enlisted some of the most popular
programming languages and technologies used for both enterprise website backend
development. You can choose to hire web developers to make the most out of these
technologies and develop apps that run smoothly on multiple platforms.

5 Leading Languages For Backend Development

That Are Going To Rule the Domain in 2021

1. Backend Development Choice #1: Node.Js

Node.js is a Popular Choice For Consistency Purposes!
When it comes to building a website, JavaScript has maintained its importance, and Node.js is
one of the most powerful JS frameworks that has taken center stage in recent years.
Since Node.js has its runtime environment, therefore it has gained immense popularity among
the developer’s community.
Also, Node.js is considered as the most efficient framework, so developers widely used it to
create high-end hybrid apps such as video streaming apps.
Key Highlights of Node.js
● Based on JavaScript
Node.js is a JavaScript-based solution, and the majority of the developer’s community is already
aware of this language and have good command of it. So hiring a Node.js developer is easier
and less time consuming for businesses.
● Ensure High Performance
Node.js is popularly known for high performance. It is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8
Engine that allows it to compile the codes directly into the code machine which ultimately results
in faster implementation. In addition, Node.js supports the non-blocking input/output operations
which in turn reduces the response time of the server.
● Node.js Tools and Frameworks
The default package of Node.js is NPM which has more than 350,000 tools available in the
registry and free to access. This gives developers a plethora of options to choose from.
Secondly, Express.js is one of the most potent frameworks of Node.js that is simple to access
and ensures the fastest yet opinionated solution.
2. Backend Development Choice #2: Python
Famous for High-Level Dynamics!
According to the survey, Python is the second most popular programming language, surpassing
Java and has become a choice of 48.24% of developers.

Image Source
If you are about to kick-start your software development project, the popularity of the
programming language will be one of the significant concerns to bear in mind. And Python has
been exceptionally out-shined in the community.
Whether you want to assemble a knowledgeable in-house team or find a reliable website
development company that helps you build a product, then Python is surely a widespread
technology that will surely help you start the development process much faster.
Here are the Major Reasons:
● Simple Language Means Faster Backend Development
One of the primary reasons for hiring a Python developer is, it boasts a simple yet
straightforward language for development. Python’s syntax resembles everyday English
language which makes it easy to read, learn and use for advanced levels of work. Hence it is
widely used for web development, software development and more.
● Support of Abundance of Libraries and Frameworks
The third most important reason why organizations are picking Python for backend development
in 2021 is it is supported by a plethora of frameworks and libraries, which makes it easier to
integrate with other languages, ensure automation garbage collection, GUI support and more.
● Compatible With Trending Technologies Like AI & ML
Python’s compatibility with the latest yet industry demanding technologies makes it the most
preferred among Indian developers. So if you are planning to build a robust application, then
collaborating with the developers will be a worthy decision.
Pro Tip: When you are looking for a tech partner who’ll help you launch your Python product,
keep in mind that they are working with Python 3.9 as it boasts all the latest features and is
highly efficient for enterprise projects.

3. Backend Development Choice #3: Kotlin

Perfect Solution To Common Developer’s Problems!
Using 60% of Android app developers globally, Kotlin has a dominating position in the
programming community. Being officially supported by Google, Kotlin is highly preferred for
Android development.
But how does Kotlin fit into 2021 backend framework trends?
Kotlin is a code-concise language that requires less code writing to improve readability,
therefore results in fewer bugs and enables developers to focus on other essential tasks.
In 2021, Kotlin as a backend programming language has occupied an important position and
ensured excellent website performance.
Apart Here are the Key Highlights of Kotlin
● Multi-platform Compatibility
Kotlin is a universal backend programming language, so to transforming applications from one
platform to another, you can hire web developer and leverage straightforward yet seamless
● Easier to Learn and Implement
Kotlin came from industry instead of academia; therefore, Kotlin is more straightforward than
Java, which solves the real challenges and problems programmers face. Also, there is less
requirement for code writing, therefore the language is less error-prone and allows developers
to find errors quickly.
● Secure and Safe To Use
No matter how complicated your development project is, data security is always essential to
growing in the modern business world. Therefore hiring Kotlin developers is a worthy decision to
add an additional layer of security.

4. Backend Development Choice #4: Ruby on Rails

Popularly Known For Standardized Web App Creation!
Ruby on Rails has been launched with an aim to simplify the process of web and mobile app
development and plays a pivotal role in reducing the time spent on standardized the task.
RoR is slower than Python, but it helps in reducing 25% website development time as compared
to other programming languages. So if you are all set to kick off your web development project,
then here are the few benefits you can leverage by hiring a web developer experienced on RoR.
Top RoR Benefits For Businesses
● The code which is written in Ruby on Rails is highly crisp, consistent and clear. This is
one of the most time-efficient frameworks in the world that save a huge amount of time
on development.
● It boasts a large community of programmers, thus if developers face any issues during
development projects, they will have a large number of experts to reply to them instantly.
● Since 70% to 80% of codes can be reused for web app development, though experts
can help you save a great amount of time on development.
● It works on Mobile-View-Control-Format, which simply means that you can simply
separate the business logic from other app elements.
Ruby On Rails is one of the best-recommended programming languages for the development
projects like;
● Database solutions
● E-commerce sites
● Social Media Sites
● Content Sites

5. Backend Development Choice #5: Java

The Principle of Write Once and Run Anywhere Makes It Still Charming For Developers!
Java is another popular programming language for backend web development that is widely
used for developing enterprise-scale web applications along with Android app development,
desktop app development and other scientific apps that require object-oriented programming
Since this programming language is based on Write Once Run Anywhere Principle and those
codes can be executed in any platform that supports Java without any need for recompilation,
though around 8 million Java developers worldwide have strong faith in this programming
The popularity of This Programing Language
Java is based on Javascript, which has existed for 15+ years for web development in the
community, therefore, leading companies like Adobe, Flipkart, Amazon have already enhanced
the functionalities of their app by simply hiring Java developers.
(Which Is The Best Programming Language and Framework in


Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you have few industry-leading programming languages for
your web and app development. Every programming language has its own charm and losses,
so there is no standard programing language that fits all business needs. If you are in a
dilemma that which programing language is best suited to your project, then you can hire a web
development company with the soundtrack record. They will help you pick the best backend
programing language and frameworks that are not only used by leading industries but also an
efficient choice for your project.
So no matter what type of web and app development requirements are, you can Contact Us or
drop a query to get yourself the business growing solution.

Top 5 picks for backend development in

Krunal Shah

Mar 24, 2021 | 10 min read

The software development industry has been evolving since the dawn of the new millennium,
more so in the past decade. One of the main reasons behind the advancement of the software
industry is the rapid inclusion of technology.

Since the business world is more inclined to digital technology, website development has
become vital in business expansion. Moreover, the introduction of backend development has
enabled web developers to develop top-notch websites, resulting in business expansion.

Table of Content

● Role of backend development in website development

● 5 leading future of backend development programming languages
● Node.js for consistency purposes
● Python for high-level dynamics
● Kotlin: The answer to developer’s common problems
● Ruby and Ruby on Rails for standardized web app creation
● PHP for creating immaculate websites and apps
● Conclusion

Role of backend development in website development

The primary focus of backend development is on the server-side of the website. In general, the
backend consists of three major parts:

● Database
● Application
● Server
At the server-side, backend power-ups the working of the website. In addition, the programs
written here by the backend developers are used to communicate the database information to
the browser.

In 2021, backend development is going to be even more vital as businesses look to expand at a
rapid rate. We will look at the 5 best languages for backend development that are going to rule
the roots in 2021.

Let us set the ball rolling!

5 leading future of backend development programming languages

Before beginning, we have seen everything from cloud computing to AI, everything making its
mark in the software realm. Moreover, apart from development, the technical craft too will hold
an important place in backend development in 2021.

Therefore, keeping every aspect in mind, we have curated a list of the backend programming
languages that will be important in the future of backend development.

Node.js for consistency purposes

Node.js has its own runtime environment. This is the reason why it is popular among the
developer community. Moreover, as Node.js is efficient, it is preferred to develop high-end apps
for website development as well as video streaming.

Best for real-time apps

Node.js is asynchronous, non-blocking, and single-threaded in nature. That’s why Node.js is the
best backend language for real-time applications.

Easy to hire developers

Node.js is a JavaScript-based solution so the majority of the front-end developers are familiar
with this language. In fact, JavaScript was the most used programming language according to a
survey by Stack Overflow in 2019. So if you plan to hire Nodejs developers, it’s not going to be
very hard or time-consuming.
When it comes to switching to the back-end, the developers can benefit themselves with all the
advantages of JavaScript development. Because of a dynamic community of developers,
Node.js is one of the best backend programming languages. The dynamic developer’s
community contributes to the development of the language.

Irresistible microservices in Nodejs

Node.js is best for microservices architecture as it is a lightweight technology. It allows breaking

application logic into small modules, thus has better flexibility. The developers can add more
functions to the existing ones, making Node.js a preferred backend programming language.
Also, as the developers can reuse the codes, the performance and productivity of the website
are increased.

Nodejs tools and frameworks

The default package manager of Node.js is NPM, which is a marketplace for open-source
JavaScript tools. The marketplace has more than 350,000 tools available in its registry. This
gives the developers a plethora of options to choose from.

In recent years, Express.js has become one of the most popular Node.js frameworks. The
reason behind this is simple. Express.js is a minimalist, fast and opinionated solution. Moreover,
it renders enough mobile app and website features to enhance the backend development
process. What’s more, Express.js is flexible and doesn’t impose any strict rules to handle a
respective task.

7 Unbeatable Reasons to Use NodeJS For Enterprise Apps

Python for high-level dynamics

To put into perspective. Python is very similar to the English language we use in everyday life.
The backend programming language has a simple syntax which allows even the rookie coders
to learn the language fast. Because it is immaculately easy to read, developers working on the
same projects can have better communication in understanding the code.

Python has no research contentions or deadlocks. Thus, it doesn’t take much effort to write and
maintain asynchronous code using Python. Moreover, as each unit of the code runs separately,
it is easier for the developers to handle them. Because of such an immaculate feature, the
Python backend programming language has been able to maintain its longevity even after 30

According to CodinGame’s developer survey of 2020, Python is the third-best programming

language in the developer’s community.
The scale of Python’s popularity is exceptional. For instance, in 2020, it was awarded the title of
TIOBE programming language of the year. Its popularity is a testimony to its top-notch features.

Python has a less-limited programming approach in comparison to other backend programming

languages. Because of its flexibility and multiple paradigms, It is an ideal language for budding
startups. Since we are living in a dynamic business world, it is best suited for the established
players of the market.

Let us now see some of the leading frameworks for website development using Python.

Web development frameworks


This framework is highly used for mid-range projects and fully-fledged web applications.
Moreover, Django has built-in features that simplify the web development process and allows
code reuse. The framework synchronizes well with MySQL, Oracle SQL, and other databases.

This Python backend development framework provides management solutions that can be
easily customized. Moreover, Flask is a micro-framework that is used for solutions that mainly
prefer lean functionality. Also, it is used to create prototypes.


With Pyramid, the developers can start small and scale big according to the requirement. This
framework is used with either extended plugins or various databases. Pyramid is mainly used
when there is a need of implementing various solutions in one task.

We are a team of expert developers, testers and business consultants who strive to deliver
nothing but the best. 'Hire Python Developer' to create a dynamic web application or IOT based

Kotlin: The answer to developer’s common problems

Kotlin is a backend programming language for Java Virtual Machine. It is highly preferred for
Android development as it has Google’s official support.

With Kotlin, besides writing fewer codes, you get improved readability as well. Less coding
results in fewer bugs and allows the developers to focus on other important tasks. In 2021,
Kotlin backend programming language will hold an important position as it increases the
website’s performance.

Another interesting fact about Kotlin is that it came from the industry and not from academia.
Thus, it a simpler tool than Java which solves challenges and problems faced by the
programmers. For example, it assists the developers to get away from null-pointer exceptions.

Thus, this becomes an effective tool to use with Java and is as ubiquitous as Java. Kotlin will
have a huge impact in future backend development as it is fully-compatible with Java. Besides
this, the developers would have access to huge libraries enabling them to write concise codes.
This is why over 61% of the developers with more than 5 years of experience prefer working
with Kotlin.
The learning curve of Kotlin is very easy. Moreover, if the businesses is looking for streamlining
product development, they can move the project to Kotlin easily. Besides, it doesn’t require
more than 2-3 engineers to work on product maintenance with Kotlin.

Android development is not the only USP of Kotlin. Since the backend programming language
has high interoperability, it suits multi-platform development as well. What’s more, JetBrains has
also added Gradle support in Kotlin which enables the developers to write in Gradle files. Thus,
writing native iOS applications in Kotlin becomes very easy.

Business benefits of Kotlin

As businesses are looking to get out of the horrors of 2020, Kotlin can be a great ally for them. It
facilitates faster development and is comparatively very cheap. Also, Kotlin is a universal
backend programming language. Therefore, transfer from one platform to the other becomes
very easy.

As mentioned above, Kotlin has a very easy learning curve. Thus, the language is less
error-prone and gives the developers a chance to find the errors easily.

Kotlin is a very safe and secure backend programming language. Everyone understands that
data security is the most essential thing to rise in the modern business world. The Kotlin
developers are integrated into the semantics principles. These principles prevent the occurrence
of common mistakes that often happen during the execution of the program.

Technology Stack For Mobile App Development: How To Choose The Right

Ruby and Ruby on Rails for standardized web app creation

Ruby on Rails is slower than Python but still is one of the top three well-known backend
programming languages. David Hansson in 2003 first wrote Ruby on Rails with an aim to
simplify the process of web and app development.

In 2021, Ruby on Rails will play a pivotal role as it helps in reducing the time spent on
standardized tasks. It minimizes the website development time by 25% as compared to other
languages. In addition to it, there are some amazing advantages of Ruby on Rails that will help
businesses in the long run.

Top Ruby on Rails advantages for developers and businesses

We have listed some of the top advantages of this backend development below.
● The code which is written in Ruby on Rails is crisp, clear and very consistent. In addition,
this programming language is one of the most time-efficient frameworks in the world.
● It has a large community of developers. Thus if the developers face any problem during
web app development, they have a large pool to rely upon.
● It reduces the time taken for web app development as the developers can reuse the
codes to a greater extent
● Ruby on Rails (RoR) works on Model-View-Control-Format. This simply means that it is
easier to separate the business logic from the other parts of the app

● The coding process in RoR is self describable and easily readable. Therefore, the rookie
developers do not need any extra documentation to start any new project
● The developer can develop a prototype of the future website at a faster rate with Ruby
on Rails

The backend programming language is further known for its predictability and stability. Due to
its predictable nature, the developers find it easier to add new features according to the
requirement. Moreover, the framework is suitable for long-term projects and can be used in all
kinds of business industries.

Below is a list of projects which can benefit immensely from Ruby on Rails

● Database solutions
● Content sites
● Social media sites
● Ecommerce sites

Moreover, we have also listed some of the top companies who prefer Ruby on Rails as their
backend programming language. They are:

● Dribble
● Groupon
● Airbnb
● Apple
● Hulu
● YellowPages
● Zendesk
We are a team of expert developers, testers and business consultants who strive to deliver
nothing but the best. Planning to build a completely secure and efficient application? 'Hire
Dedicated Developers'.

PHP for creating immaculate websites and apps

PHP is a convenient backend programming language that is very flexible and has immaculate
features. This is why PHP is considered to be the future of backend development in 2021.
Moreover, the syntax of PHP is very expressive which provides creative freedom to the

PHP has inbuilt website development capabilities. It promotes rapid website development by
simplifying it with a basic structure. The developers can add features to the app without writing
complex and lengthy codes.

This backend programming language allows developers to work with a wide range of relational
databases. Moreover, PHP automates common web development tasks like session
management, URL mapping, caching, etc. Its built-in security features guards the website
against threats.

Besides the established players of the software world, budding entrepreneurs can also use PHP
as it is cost-effective. Besides this, the developers can perform the unit test in an efficient
manner with PHP. PHPUnit is the object-oriented unit testing framework for PHP. It helps the
backend developers to run and write the tests in an efficient manner.

Most of the frameworks in PHP are open-source thus the developers have no dearth of options.

PHP vs Nodejs: What To Choose in 2021


The listed backend development programming languages will be essential for companies to rise
in 2021. Business organizations can use them to the core once they understand their
requirements and select the backend programming language accordingly.

It is necessary for the businesses to select the best language for backend according to their
requirement. Apart from the language, you need to ensure that you have the best backend
developer for your project. Do not compromise on the quality of backend developers as it can
make or break your project.

The Best Programming Languages to Use

In Your Backend In 2021
Jun 17, 20219 min read

Miłosz Kaczorowski

Co-founder at Ideamotive. Technological advisor and software consultant.

One of the biggest dilemmas a product owner confronts while managing a software
development project is how to choose backend technology. There are three fundamental things
behind the choice:

● your business priorities and objectives

● the specifics of your business domain and market
● the specifics of technology itself.

The server side of your future product is arguably its most important part. There are a few
dozens of languages available on the market and the number is changing every year. To make
your navigation in the maze of modern web development easier our talented web developers
prepared a list of six coding systems considered the best backend languages. We recommend
considering such backend solutions as Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and Golang.
Introduced in 1991 Python gained popularity as one of the easiest programming languages to
get acquainted with. Throughout the years it gathered numerous communities supporting the
advancement of Python libraries and frameworks. According to the PYPL PopularitY of
Programming Language Index Python is the most popular programming language in the world.

By now Python is used by a variety of IT companies, such as Instagram social network,

Spotify streaming service, Instacart grocery delivery company, Lyft rideshare company.

The most beloved Python’s traits are:

● The simplicity of syntax

● Fast prototyping
● A rich ecosystem of pre-ready code samples
● Scalability.

Simple syntax

Among other backend languages, Python gained a reputation as the easiest to learn. It has a
simple syntax similar to the English language which makes Python code comprehensible even
for amateurs. Nevertheless, such simplicity doesn’t restrain Python’s productivity. Trained
developers can turn it into a powerful tool capable of complex calculations.

Fast prototyping

With fewer lines of code, the Python programming language is fast, making it ideal for getting
things to market quickly. It is mostly used for minimum viable, mid-sized, and large products.
Brief development time shortens the distance between feedback and implementation of
improvements allowing your product to evolve at a cougar pace.

Python’s libraries and frameworks

One of the biggest Python’s treasures is a voluminous collection of library tools and packages,
which allows access to much pre-written code, streamlining your application development time.
For example, you have access to Pillow for image processing, Bcrypt for generating strong
hashing values, Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization, SLQALchemy for composable
queries, etc. From the variety of available pre-written code samples, we consider Django as the
best backend framework.

There are several tools available in Python ensuring the scalability of the product. First of all,
Python supports powerful data containers for ‘collections’ such as dict, list, set, and tuple.
Second, Python provides a number of generator functions that allow you to create efficient
iterators. Generators are also a beneficial instrument for encapsulation of methods and
variables that provides new and useful ways for you to package and isolate the internal code
dependencies. This is why you can use generators for loops.

Python’s disadvantages:

Despite its benefits, Python has a number of disadvantages:

● It is not suitable for mobile computing;

● It is slower by virtue of being an interpreted programming language;
● The database access layer is immature;
● Python is highly dependent on 3rd party frameworks and libraries;
● If the application is interrupted, the execution time becomes very slow.

Another popular choice for back-end development is Java – a class-based, object-oriented
programming language with syntax deriving from C++. It was developed during the early 1990-s
by Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle in 2010) and was released to the market first in 1996.

It is widely used for building enterprise-scale web applications as it is one of the most stable
languages on the market. Java’s advantages include platform independence, multi-threaded
processing, automatic garbage collection, and security.


Java was developed with the “Write Once, Run Anywhere” approach in mind, meaning that the
code written in Java can be run on any platform, regardless of where it was originally created.
Such platform independence is provided by Java Virtual Machine – the environment where Java
code is executed. In this respect, Java is different from other languages that require compilers.

Multi-threaded Processing

A great Java’s feature is the use of a multi-threaded web server. Such a server processes each
request in an independent thread. This feature allows avoiding queueing of the events by
executing requests concurrently. For this reason, Java is a great tool for CPU-overloading tasks,
such as transcoding a video, compressing files, financial modeling, etc.

Java is said to be more secure than any other programming language. Its security is obtained
from a large set of APIs, tools, and implementations of commonly-used security algorithms,
mechanisms, and protocols. A vital role is played by the abovementioned Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) that verifies the byte-code. The JVM provides guarantees that there is no unsafe
operation going to execute. Other Java’s security mechanisms beloved by professionals include
cryptography, public key infrastructure, secure communication, authentication, and access

Java’s disadvantages:

While being a reliable and steady backend language, Java has some drawbacks:

● The creation of high-quality data structures is limited by the absence of templates;

● Memory management is expensive;
● Due to the extra level of compilation and abstraction by the Java Virtual Machine the
performance is rather slow;
● Commercial use of Java requires the purchase of a license from Oracle;
● Java doesn’t provide a backup facility.

JavaScript and its runtime environment, Node.js

Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web.
Introduced in 1995, it was mainly used for frontend development until the release of the Node.js
runtime system in 2009. The new runtime allowed the execution of JavaScript code outside the
browser. Server-side scripting appeared to be efficient in the production of dynamic web page
content which gives a website a richer interface.

Choosing Node.js is a wise decision if you are developing games, chats, streaming services or
Internet of Things products. It also suits well for microservice-based products. Such Node.js
utility is accomplished by such characteristics as support of a non-blocking input-output and a
significant number of connections.


One of the key features of JavaScript’s Node.js is the use of non-blocking input-output which
provides concurrency. JavaScript execution is single-threaded so that the event loop is capable
of executing callback functions only after completing other work. Any code that is expected to
run in a concurrent manner must allow the event loop to continue running as non-JavaScript
operations. The asynchronous input-output makes Node.js a perfect tool for uploading video or
audio to the server, which in turn will process it.

Wealthy connections network

The other benefit achieved by the use of a single thread is the support of a huge number of
simultaneous connections and the distribution of messages across channels. The number of
concurrent connections can reach up to 1 million and the number of concurrent WebSocket
connections up to 600 thousand! For the development of a real-time application, such a feature
is essential.

Beneficial for the microservice-based architecture

If your future software is planned to be divided into separate functional modules in containers,
using Node.js is a great choice. It is a lightweight technology that makes it easier and cheaper
to parallelize development, test separate modules, and conduct ongoing support.

Disadvantages of applying Node.js

● As the code is executed on the user machine, many people choose to disable JavaScript
due to the fear of being exploited for a malicious intent;
● Might be interpreted differently by different browsers;
● Node.js responsiveness may be blocked by any CPU intensive computation;
● JavaScript doesn’t suit the development of financial products because of the use of the
floating decimal point which can lead to accumulation of errors in variables;
● The hiring of developers with extensive experience might fail due to Node.js’ young age.
Contact us and we will gladly assist you in recruiting true professionals.

PHP and its framework Laravel

Hypertext pre-processor aka PHP is a widely used, open-source scripting language. PHP is
capable of generating dynamic page content. It can collect form data and also can send and
receive from cookies. PHP is also database-friendly and can add, delete, and modify data in the
database. Moreover, it can be used to control user access and to encrypt data. The scale of the
projects released with PHP varies from small to mid-sized, although larger examples do appear.
Products developed with PHP include content management systems, e-commerce websites and
applications, web-based applications, and the development of sites. From several available
PHP frameworks, we recommend choosing Laravel as the best backend framework.

The strong sides of PHP are:

● Good performance;
● Convenient debugging procedure;
● A strong community of available specialists;
● Inexpensive website hosting.

PHP is fast

The use of PHP makes website pages load faster as compared to many other web development
technologies. For instance, PHP is three times faster than Python. A higher application speed
makes customers satisfied and helps to keep their attention. In addition, lower loading time is an
important SEO ranking factor that enhances a product’s promotion on the web.

PHP is easy to debug

Among many PHP extensions, there is one particularly helpful for debugging. It is called Xdebug
and was released in 2002 by Derick Rethans. Xdebug uses DBGp protocol and provides such
information as stack and function traces in error messages, memory allocation, code coverage
analysis, etc. Convenient debugging tool results in the reliability and safety of the final product.

Large choice of available specialists

Being one of the oldest backend development languages on the market, PHP is known by many
programmers. A large number of available specialists results in high competitiveness and lower
demanded wages, which is beneficial for the quality of the final product and reducing
development costs.

Cheaper hosting services

The most common operation scenario for a PHP website is the LAMP stack. It means that a
website runs on an Apache HTTP web server deployed on a Linux system and the database is
managed by MySQL. Both elements are open-source which reduces the development costs.

PHP’s disadvantages

Although PHP could be the best backend language, some of its key features make it vulnerable.

● Since PHP is a script-based language and requires event-based architecture, real-time

applications are not its forte;
● PHP is hard to manage as it’s not competent modular;
● PHP doesn’t allow change or modification in the core behavior of online

Ruby on Rails
Developed in the mid-1990-s in Japan by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, Ruby is an interpreted,
object-oriented programming language. It focuses on objects and data, rather than single
actions and a specific logic behind them. These objects are then treated as units within a
program, which interact with one another. Although the language is recently losing in popularity
(according to the State of Octoverse 2020 Ruby has the lowest rating) its main framework -
Rails, is doing just fine. The spheres where Ruby shines at its best include social networking
and e-commerce. Since Ruby has the ability to support traffic-heavy apps, it is perfect for
products like Twitter. It’s also capable of managing a great number of transactions and bookings
which is crucial for companies like Airbnb and Couchsurfing. Other reasons to consider Ruby as
the best backend language are a catalog of sophisticated development tools, stability, strong
devotion to standards.

Ruby supports convenient development tools

Ruby on Rails provides fantastic instruments that help deliver more features in less time. It
provides a standard structure for web apps, where all the common patterns are taken care of for

Ruby is reliable

Ruby on Rails is mature and offers stability that directly translates into successful, hassle-free
maintenance for years. Skilled developers know how to create a steady commercial website
with good revenue.

Ruby adheres to high-quality standards

One of Ruby on Rails’ advantages is a strong backing of web standards for every part of an
application. Applications that are made with Ruby on Rails are expected to follow established
software design paradigms, such as “convention over configuration” (logical situations are
assumed by default which saves time on decision-making), “don’t repeat yourself”
(encouragement to avoid code duplication and to create abstractions instead) and “active record
pattern” (specific way of accessing data in the database).

The weak sides of Ruby on Rails are:

● Lack of flexibility in problem solutions;

● The high price of the mistakes in terms of a dramatic decrease in productivity;
● Shortage of good comprehensive documentation.

Golang is a young and ambitious open-source programming language delivered by Google. The
design of Golang was initiated in 2007 while the first stable version was released in 2011. Since
the very beginning, the language has kept the developer’s attention as a promising project. The
first major event that proved the new language’s efficiency was the Droboxes’ decision to switch
from Python to Golang in 2014. In 2016, Golang was introduced to the Tiobe index’s
Programming Language Hall of Fame as a language that has the highest rise in ratings in a

The list of companies using Go throughout the world is impressive. Among them Alibaba,
Xiaomi, Medium, Mozilla, etc. The advantages of the new language are obvious: it is safe, agile,
convenient for testing, and has good scalability.

Great performance

Good performance is a crucial characteristic you should look for in the best backend language.
If you want your product to run quickly and smoothly, then hiring a Golang development team is
a wise decision. Tests have proven that Golang has a better performance compared to Java and
Python. High execution speed is provided by the language design. While other back-end
languages require an interpreter to run, Golang is directly translated into formats that a
processor understands. The other strong side of Golang is a better memory management
system which helps to eradicate the notorious memory leakage issues when programmers do
not release unused memory by mistake.

Golang’s simple and clear syntaxes make it safer than languages with complicated code. As a
statically typed language, Golang produces fewer errors than dynamic languages, such as
Python or Ruby. Those errors are easy to identify and fix which makes the final product more

Convenience for testing

The quality of the final product depends much on the scrutiny performed. Cleverly designed
tests eliminate errors and malfunctions before the product’s release. With Golang, product
inspection is a pleasure. The backend language has a built-in testing tool with a simple API. It
supports parallel testing and returns multiple values: error, partial response, test results, a
message that explains it, etc.


As your business extensively grows, expanding an application can be a challenge. There is

always a chance of getting into a bottleneck situation. Implementation of Golang at the early
stage of product development eliminates such risks. The unique feature of Google’s backend
development language is GoRoutines which are functions or methods that run concurrently with
other functions or methods. Multiple GoRoutines can run concurrently and independently from
each other. Implementation of GoRoutines leads to a stable system, particularly when the app is
scaled upwards to cater for growing usage.

Disadvantages of implementing Golang

The price for Golang’s productivity is the high cost of development in terms of money and time.
The pace of development is slowed down by the absence of generic functions. Without support
for generic functions, programmers will need to create multiple footprints of functions to deal
with different types of parameters on their own. For that reason, Golang doesn’t suit occasions
when a quick demo for the investors has to be crafted. Also, it’s not the best choice for the
minimum viable products.

10 Best Backend Web Development

Frameworks in 2021
Updated: August 26, 2021 by Vicky Singh Rao

Laying down a strong foundation for your building is essential for it to hold on. And choosing the
right backend framework is quintessential to the efficient operation of the software.

A backend framework is a collection of tools, code libraries, and other software that enables the
building of server-side logic that powers websites and apps from behind the scenes.

They eliminate the need to build and configure everything from the ground up by offering
ready-made components for developing dynamic web applications.
Top 10 backend frameworks
According to Github Stars, the top 10 backend frameworks as of February 2021 are:

1. Laravel
2. Flask
3. Django
4. Express.js
5. Ruby on Rails
6. Meteor
7. Spring
8. Koa
9. NestJs
10. Strapi

Let’s dive into the details of the top 13 backend frameworks for web development.

1. Laravel

Written in: PHP

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework based on the MVC architecture. It is ideal
for developers who love to program in PHP. Key benefits include authentication, simple API,
caching backends, logs, and tests. Plus, it’s easy to get started with great documentation, queue
management, and an eloquent ORM. Laravel is perfect for building blogs, news portals, and
e-commerce websites.

2. Flask

Written in: Python

Flask is a Python-based micro web framework. It is micro in the sense that Flask aims to keep
the core simple but extensible. Developers that have a grasp of Python can easily adapt to
working with Flask. As a micro-framework, it’s perfect for applications that require heavy

3. Django

Written in: Python

Django is one of the most popular frameworks written in Python language. It follows the model
view controller (MVC) pattern. Django is arguably one of the cleanest frameworks in terms of
architecture. Django is used for the development of sophisticated database-driven websites.
Many developers prefer Django over other server-side frameworks due to its flexibility, REST
frameworks for APIs, and battery functions.
4. Express.js

Written in: JavaScript

Express.js, aka Express, is a backend web application framework designed for building web
applications and APIs. It provides a thin layer of fundamental web app features. And with a
myriad of HTTP utility methods and middleware, creating a robust API is quick and easy.

5. Ruby on Rails

Written in: Ruby

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a server-side framework written in Ruby. It offers default
structures for a database, web pages, and web service. Scalability is one of the main reasons
for many users to opt for Ruby on Rails.

6. Meteor

Written in: JavaScript

Meteor is an open-source framework for building web, mobile, and desktop applications in
JavaScript. It’s known for the smooth running of data between client and server. Meteor can be
used with any popular front-end JS framework, including Vue, React, Svelte, Angular, or Blaze.
Developers using Meteor can code for front-end and backend with one single language. This
framework guarantees seamless real-time communication between a client and a server.

7. Spring

Written in: Java

Spring is the most popular framework for enterprise Java. It leverages the Spring platform and
third-party libraries to enable the developers to get started with minimum hassle. It focuses on
the “plumbing” of enterprise applications so that teams can focus on application-level business

8. Koa

Written in: JavaScript

Koa is a lightweight and scalable Node.js framework that provides a robust set of features for
web and mobile apps. By leveraging async functions, it allows you to greatly increase error
handling. Koa was built by the team behind Express to be a more robust foundation for APIs
and web applications. It is often referred to as the lightweight version of Express. Koa provides
an elegant suite of methods that make writing servers fast and enjoyable.

9. Nest.js
Written in: JavaScript and TypeScript

Nest.js is an open-source, extensible, progressive framework for building compelling and

demanding backend systems. It is production-ready because it comes with a lot of great
features. It can be connected with GraphQL, WebSockets, or used for building microservices.
Nest.js is easily expandable, as it can be used with other libraries. NestJS uses modern
technologies, so the applications created with it are maintainable and long-lasting.

10. Strapi

Written in: JavaScript

Strapi is a Node.js API framework with headless CMS capabilities. It is a cross between a
content management system (CMS) and a Node.js framework. Strapi is the most advanced
Node.js content management framework, saving developers weeks of API configurations. It
comes with an impressive set of features and useful plugins.

How to select a web framework?

With so many options available, selecting a backend framework can be a hassle. Here are a few
factors to keep in mind.

● It is foremost to understand the purpose behind the use of a framework and whether it’s
suitable or not.
● The best backend frameworks ensure that security is a central part of the framework’s
● Migrating from one backend framework to another is expensive and risky. Therefore, it’s
critical to pick a framework that can grow with your business.
● Ease of installation. The best frameworks contain a simple setup and run as fast as
● If you choose a framework with poor documentation, you’ll end up spending more time
figuring out the basics than developing features.
● Learning curve. If you’re familiar with a particular programming language, you may
want to use a framework that employs that language.
● If you’ll go for a backend framework that has a large and supporting community, you can
always ask for help.

There are a bunch of backend frameworks in the market. However, only a handful of them can
deploy a scalable application. Truly versatile frameworks are based on powerful and expressive
languages and enable developers to build web applications and APIs.

What is the best backend framework?

Choosing the right technology for backend development services is crucial for application
performance and scalability. However, there is no best backend framework – each one is the
“best” for different use.

Top 10 Backend Web Development Frameworks in 2021

Programming language Use cases

1. Laravel PHP Deltanet Travel

Neighborhood Lender


Python Pinterest
2. Flask


Python Instagram
3. Django


The Washington Times

National Geographic



JavaScript Uber
4. Express.js


Ruby Airbnb
5. Ruby on Rails




JavaScript Mazda
6. Meteor


Java Trivago
7. Spring
Via Varejo


NodeJS Roche
8. Koa


JavaScript and TypeScript Netflix

9. NestJs


JavaScript IBM
10. Strapi


All these frameworks have large communities and good documentation. Selecting one for your
project will depend on required features, what technology pairs with it, development goals, team
strength, etc. A good choice would be a framework with the programming language you are
more familiar with. However, venturing into uncharted waters can be a great learning
Final Word
To conclude our overview of the best backend language for web development we want to outline
that there is no single solution suitable for all kinds of projects. It is always a trade between
productivity and demanded resources, scalability and safety, simplicity of production, and
effectiveness. If you are not sure which backend development technology will be the best for
your project, get in touch with us. Our software consultants will help you define your business
needs and pick the right technology and our skilled backend developers matched with your
industry and company culture will help you create your product.

The 9 Best Programming Languages to

Learn in 2021

By: David Yang

If you’re new to the field of software development, the toughest part of learning programming is
deciding where to begin. There are hundreds of programming languages in widespread use,
each with its own complexities and idiosyncrasies.
The good news is that as you begin your journey as a software developer, you’ll start to discover
which programming language will be most suitable for you, your interests, and your career

In the list below, we go over the best and most in-demand programming languages for many of
the most common use cases including web development, mobile development, game
development, and more.

1. JavaScript
It’s impossible to be a software developer these days without using JavaScript in some way.
According to Stack Overflow's 2020 Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most popular language
among developers for the eighth year in a row. Nearly 70 percent of survey respondents
reported that they had used JavaScript in the past year.
Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is essential to front-end web development. A majority of
the web’s most popular sites, from Facebook and Twitter to Gmail and YouTube, rely on
JavaScript to create interactive web pages and dynamically display content to users.

Although JavaScript is primarily a front-end language run on the browser, it can also be used on
the server-side through Node.js to build scalable network applications. Node.js is compatible
with Linux, SunOS, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Because JavaScript has a forgiving, flexible syntax and works across all major browsers, it is
one of the friendliest programming languages for beginners.

In the video below, learn why we chose to focus our curriculum on Javascript back in 2012 and
why our founders continue to stick with the programming language for 2021 and beyond.

2. Swift
If you’re interested in Apple products and mobile app development, Swift is a good place to
start. First announced by Apple in 2014, Swift is a relatively new programming language used to
develop iOS and macOS applications.

Swift has been optimized for performance and built from the ground up to match the realities of
modern iOS development. Not only does iOS run on every iPhone and iPad, but it’s also the
basis for other operating systems such as watchOS (for Apple Watches) and tvOS (for Apple
TVs). In addition, Apple isn't going anywhere as a tech industry leader, and iOS apps continue
to be the most profitable in the mobile app marketplace.

3. Scala
If you’re familiar with Java—a classic programming language in its own right—it’s worth
checking out its modern cousin, Scala. Scala combines the best features of Java (such as its
Object-Oriented Structure and its lightning-fast JVM runtime environment) with a modern twist.

As a functional programming language, Scala allows engineers to elevate the quality of their
code to resemble pure math. Scala allows for concurrent programming, allowing complex
procedures to be executed in parallel. Furthermore, it is a strongly typed language. Engineers
can create and customize their own data types, allowing them to have the peace of mind
knowing entire swaths of bugs are impossible at runtime.
4. Go
One of the core languages favored by Google, Go is the little language that could. As a
low-level language, Go is ideal for engineers who want to enter the field of systems
programming. It encompasses much of the same functionality of C and C++ without the difficult
syntax and steep learning curve. It’s the perfect language for building web servers, data
pipelines, and even machine-learning packages.

As a compiled language, Go runs “close to the metal,” allowing for a blazing-fast runtime. It’s an
open-source language, and ambitious developers can see their personal contributions adopted
and enjoyed by programmers worldwide.

5. Python
Python is perhaps the most user-friendly programming language of any on this list. It’s often
said that Python’s syntax is clear, intuitive, and almost English-like, which, like Java, makes it a
popular choice for beginners.

Also like Java, Python has a variety of applications that make it a versatile, powerful option
when choosing the best programming language for your use case. If you’re interested in
back-end web development, for example, then the open-source Django framework, written in
Python, is popular, easy to learn, and feature-rich. Django has been used in the development of
some popular sites like Mozilla, Instagram, and Spotify.
Python also has packages such as NumPy and SciPy that are commonly used in the fields of
scientific computing, mathematics, and engineering. Other Python libraries such as TensorFlow,
PyTorch, scikit-learn, and OpenCV are used to build programs in data science, machine
learning, image processing, and computer vision. Python's science and data applications make
it a great choice for the academically inclined.

6. Elm
One of the youngest languages on our list, what began as a Harvard student’s thesis has now
grown to become a point of passion for front-end developers around the world.

Elm compiles to JavaScript, making it ideal for building fast-executing UIs with zero errors at
runtime. Elm is a functional programming language, allowing developers to create client-side
interfaces without the declarative trappings of HTML and CSS.

Furthermore, the Elm web architecture was the intellectual inspiration for Redux, the
state-management library taught here at Fullstack.

7. Ruby
Ruby is another scripting language that’s commonly used for web development. In particular, it’s
used as the basis for the popular Ruby on Rails web application framework.

Beginners often gravitate toward Ruby because it has a reputation for having one of the
friendliest and most helpful user communities. The Ruby community even has an unofficial
saying, “Matz is nice and so we are nice,” encouraging members to model their kind and
considerate behavior on Ruby’s chief inventor Yukihiro Matsumoto.

In addition to the active community and its straightforward syntax, Ruby is also a good language
to pick up thanks to its association with great tech businesses. Twitter, Airbnb, Bloomberg,
Shopify, and countless other startups have all built their websites using Ruby on Rails at some

8. C#
Like C++, C# (pronounced C Sharp) is a general-purpose, object-oriented language built on the
foundations of C. It was originally designed by Microsoft as part of its .NET framework for
building Windows applications.

C# uses a syntax that’s similar to other C-derived languages such as C++, so it’s easy to pick
up if you’re coming from another language in the C family. C# is not only the go-to for Microsoft
app development, but it’s also the language mobile developers use to build cross-platform apps
on the Xamarin platform.

Additionally, anyone who is interested in VR development should consider learning C#. C# is the
recommended language for building 3D and 2D video games using the popular Unity game
engine, which produces one-third of the top games on the market.

9. Rust
Rust is a bit of an upstart among the other languages on this list, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a
valuable language to learn. Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey found that Rust was the
most loved programming language among developers for the fifth year in a row, with 86.1
percent of Rust developers saying that they want to continue working with it.

Developed by the Mozilla Corporation, Rust, like C and C++, is intended primarily for low-level
systems programming. What Rust adds to the mix, however, is an emphasis on speed and
security. Rust emphasizes writing “safe code” by preventing programs from accessing parts of
memory that they shouldn’t, which can cause unexpected behavior and system crashes.

The advantages of Rust mean that other big tech companies, such as Dropbox and Coursera,
are already starting to use it internally. While it may be a bit more difficult to master than other
beginner languages, Rust programming skills are likely to pay off handsomely, as the language's
popularity will only continue to rise in the near future.
It’s Code Time
When deciding which programming language to learn, it’s important not to get caught up in
flashy trends and popularity contests. The best programming languages to learn in 2021 are
likely the same ones that were best to learn in 2017 and 2018, and that will continue to be true
for the next several years as well.

Although the field of computer programming changes rapidly, the languages that we’ve
discussed above have a great deal of staying power. By learning one or more of these
languages, you’ll be in an excellent position not only for this year but in the years to come.

When beginning your journey into coding, only you can answer the question of the best
programming language to learn. Make your selection based on your interests and the type of
software development you want to get into. Here is a quick summary of the different possibilities
that we’ve discussed:

● Front-end web development: JavaScript

● Back-end web development: JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby
● Mobile development: Swift, Java, C#
● Game development: C++, C#
● Desktop applications: Java, C++, Python
● Systems programming: C, Rust

Top Backend Technologies In 2021:

Meaning And Comparison Of Stacks

What does your software consist of? Frontend and backend, of course. These are the main
parts to make your website or mobile app functional.
In this article:

● What Is Backend Development?

● The Role Of Backend In Web Or Mobile App Development
● What Are Backend Technologies?
● Most Popular Backend Frameworks And Languages For Mobile Apps
● Best Backend Technologies For Startup
● Hiring Backend Developers For Your Project: The Expertise We Can Share

The backend plays the most crucial part in this combination since it implements all users’
requests via the frontend part. And it is highly essential to choose the right backend technology
that will let developers build a solid ground for your software.

By the way, what is the backend in detail? What technologies developers use, and what is their
difference? How is mobile and web app backend created? These and a range of other answers
are waiting for you in our new article.

What Is Backend Development?

It is hard to imagine your life without personal gadgets. You wake up, pick up your smartphone,
and start reading the newsfeed. Everything you see on the mobile screen is a frontend, an
invisible part of an app is called the backend.

The frontend is a client-side where images, buttons, animations are displayed. The backend
part is a server-side that processes your requests when you need to search for something, send
messages, download information, etc.
The backend consists of three parts — server, application, database. So the backend's primary
goal is to store and organize data, interact with the interface, send and receive the required
information displayed as a web page.

However, it mustn’t be your headache trying to delve into all technical details. You need
to entrust the resolution of this problem to experts. Get in touch with Cadabra Studio

The Role Of Backend In Web Or Mobile App Development

Any software is created for the user. And the primary goal of the software is to provide the user
with adequate functionality. Therefore, without efficient backend development, it will be
impossible to build a working app that meets all potential customers' expectations. You cannot
create software if you don’t hire a backend developer.

The frontend may be stunning and eye-catching, but it means nothing if the application doesn’t
work. The backend is responsible for the interaction with the database, permanent calculations,
and the performance depends on how properly everything is assembled in the backend.

It is the backend where the most crucial coding stage is performed during the development
process. Thus, if there are many crashes and errors, it means the availability of backend code
issues. However, the code complexity level may depend on the selected technology since
languages and frameworks are different. That is why we prepared the backend technologies list
with their comparisons.

What Are Backend Technologies?

The backend is created both for mobile and web apps. What is backend web development? It is
when a website is made with the application of native backend frameworks and languages. And
cloud backend solutions like BaaS (backend-as-a-service) are not used. We would like to start
with a backend stack for websites.

Note: All stacks shown here are referred to as full stacks, i.e., they include tools for both
frontend and backend development. There is no sense to use backend tools only since the
client-side and server-side are tightly connected.
MEAN stack

MEAN reflects a modern approach to web development. Each development stage applies
JavaScript-based tools. That is, the MEAN acronym stands for MongoDB (NoSQL database),
Express.js (backend framework), Angular (frontend framework), Node.js (backend platform).
This stack allows developers to build a full-fledged website using JavaScript only.

As for pros, when developers use the MEAN stack, the backend part can be created faster,
and you can save your money since a couple of JavaScript developers can build a website. You
don’t need to hire a large team of experts. Its cons include MongoDB’s particularities — this
database is suitable for small- and mid-sized web applications. Still, in large-scale projects, it
may be the reason for data loss during networking partitioning.

Examples of MEAN stack websites: YAHOO!, YouTube, Netflix, Reddit, etc.

This article may be interesting for you: Build Netflix like Website

LAMP Stack

This stack is considered to be the primary opponent of the MEAN stack. LAMP acronym
consists of Linux (an operating system), Apache (a web server), MySQL (database), PHP (a
scripting language). Sometimes PHP in the LAMP stack can be replaced with Perl or Python

As for pros, LAMP provides a secure infrastructure for web app development. When
developers choose the LAMP stack, the development process goes faster since every host and
most CMSs support backend techs like PHP and MySQL. But due to the wide adoption of the
MEAN stack, LAMP loses its popularity since it is not as efficient as MEAN, these are the cons.

Examples Of LAMP stack websites: WordPress, Facebook, Tumblr, Wikipedia, etc.

MEAN Stack Vs. LAMP Stack

It is time for the server-side technologies comparison that we have just described above. LAMP
stack vs. MEAN stack is the fight where there are no losers and winners yet. LAMP uses Linux
as an operating system, whereas MEAN has no OS at all in its components. So using LAMP
stack, you are limited to one specific OS.

Simultaneously, the LAMP stack allows developers to replace PHP with Python or Perl, but the
MEAN stack implies JavaScript-based tools usage only. It also concerns databases — LAMP
developers can replace MySQL with PostgreSQL. But MEAN stack devs can work with
MongoDB only.

Finally, as for frontend components. MEAN uses the Angular framework to enhance and
accelerate frontend development. When the website is created using LAMP, developers need to
use additional JS-based tools to improve their web app, so MEAN gains the lead.

MERN Stack

What are the particularities of the MERN stack? Backend technologies are identical to the
MEAN stack, and it is the first particularity. Second, the only difference in MERN and MEAN
stacks is the frontend framework/library.

The MERN stack includes MongoDB as a database, Express.js as a backend framework, React
as a library for frontend, and Node.js. So Angular is replaced with React, and MERN pros and
cons are almost the same as MEAN stack has. However, MERN is one of the LAMP stack
alternatives that doesn’t play into the latter’s hands.

Examples of MERN stack websites: eBay, GitHub, PayPal, Bloomberg, etc.

MERN Stack Vs. MEAN Stack

Although these two stacks are almost identical, it is possible to compare them to find some pros
and cons. MERN is better for faster development since React allows developers to write the
code faster. The performance of React is higher than the Angular framework has.

However, MEAN is used for enterprise applications since the maintenance of architecture is
more accessible with Angular. It is suitable for supporting MVC architecture, whereas React
cannot boast about the same features.
And MEAN allows the application of third-party tools easily since Angular comes with integrated
features for compatibility with many third-party libraries. React requires additional configuration
to work with third parties, and it takes more time. So MEAN may win this race.

RoR Stack

Another stack consists of two primary backend technologies — Ruby on Rails framework and
Ruby programming language. As for other tools, the RoR stack may include such JS libraries as
Redux, React, Backbone.js, Bootstrap as CSS framework, PostgreSQL/MongoDB as a
database, Redis as a DBMS (database management system).

Examples of RoR stack websites: if you want to have a complete picture of websites built with
RoR, you need to read our article: Websites Built With Ruby on Rails, and get acquainted with
the Ruby on Rails framework’s advantages.

As for comparison, it is rather hard to compare the RoR stack with the above ones since it has
its strict individual particularities, unlike MEAN or LAMP stacks.

What does the backend stack fit your future software better? Contact Cadabra Studio and
get your consultation.

Most Popular Backend Frameworks And Languages For

Mobile Apps
Having finished with web development stacks, we cannot ignore mobile app development. As
everybody knows, mobile apps are traditionally created using Java or Kotling languages
(Android OS) and Swift (iOS platform).

Still, mobile apps with complex architecture require additional development of the backend.
There is a wide variety of programming tools to build a server-side for a mobile app, and we will
list the most popular ones.

Which Language Is Used For Backend Of Mobile Apps?

Backend services development of mobile apps can be performed with the following languages:
● Ruby. A general-purpose programming language that is actively used in web and mobile
app development. It is often used in conjunction with the Ruby on Rails framework. Ruby
language contributes to faster development, and Ruby developers try to adhere to TDD
methodology (test-driven development), so tests are performed before code is written, so
the number of possible mistakes comes to naught.

● Python. It is considered to be one of the most simple languages to learn. Many

beginners start learning Python when it comes to software development. Its syntax is
simple and easy to understand, and the language comes with a range of additional tools
and libraries. Python perfectly matches AI-based complex projects.

● PHP. It is a general-purpose scripting language that contains all required aspects for
effectively addressing the challenges. PHP comes with robust frameworks like Laravel,
Symfony, Joomla, etc., which help reduce the development time. PHP has a reusable
code, so it also impacts the development time. Also, PHP is flexible and compatible with
many third-party technologies.

● Node.js. A programming platform to write server-side scripting based on JavaScript. JS

developers may use Node.js for the development of large-scale mobile apps. It is a clear
and flexible language. Backend developers use it in Android mobile apps where Java
language is applied because Node.js was used as one of Java creation components.

● Golang (Go). The language that was developed by Google and may be considered as
one of the fastest server-side languages. It has a simple and straightforward syntax, high
performance and compilation, compatibility with C and C++ libraries, open-source, and
many other advantages. You can also check the table below to compare languages by
Mobile App Backend Frameworks

A framework is a tool that simplifies/improves the development process and is used along with
the primary programming language. And they are actively used during the development of the
mobile app backend.

● Django. An open-source framework is written in Python. When a backend is created

with Python, Django is also used often as an additional tool. The framework has a large
community, and it is a perfect tool for developing complex web and mobile applications.

● Ruby on Rails. A multi-level MVC framework from Ruby (as we mentioned above).
Ruby on Rails is a one-size-fits-all framework since it is suitable for simple web/mobile
apps and apps with complex business logic and dynamic interfaces. Moreover, RoR is
open-source, and it is distributed under the MIT license.

● Express/Koa/Sails. All listed frameworks are referred to as the Node.js platform. The
bundle of these frameworks helps JavaScript developers build scalable mobile apps
providing them with high performance.
● Firebase. It is not a framework but a tool that is connected with backend creation. A
BaaS solution from Google that Android and iOS developers may use to create backend
faster. However, the cloud backend isn’t always suitable for mobile projects since it has
certain limitations. Anyway, this is a good topic for our next article, where we would like
to share more information about BaaS.

Okay, what is the best backend framework for mobile apps? It depends on your project’s
requirements. Besides, when you choose a tech stack for your future project, we recommend
following specific tips to avoid failures.

Best Backend Technologies For Startup

If you plan to launch your startup, and you need to hire backend developers, you should get
acquainted with the most appropriate backend technologies that will fit your startup in the best

● Ruby with Ruby on Rails. The first best backend tech is Ruby with the RoR framework.
However, RubyGems (a package manager for Ruby language) supports other Ruby
frameworks that can be used in startups. If you want to save costs, make a secure
application, and do everything quickly — Ruby with frameworks is what you need.

● Python with Django. Python allows using multiple handy frameworks, and the Django
framework is one of them. This web framework enhances software development, speeds
it up, and makes it scalable and reliable. Besides, Python is suitable for AI-based
projects, so you can also make use of such exciting frameworks like TensorFlow if you
need to integrate AI into your startup. The combination of Python and Django provides
you with many capabilities to create brand new software.

● PHP with Laravel. PHP is the programming language that is used for minimum viable
product development. It contributes to an efficient programming process since it can be
used with the Laravel framework to create full-fledged web applications and
microservices. Also, Laravel helps speed up the development process.

● Node.js. This backend framework suits streaming web apps or messaging applications
development, and it also allows building cross-platform apps. Finally, as Node.js is part
of the robust JS package, you can create both frontend and backend with this

Hiring Backend Developers For Your Project: The

Expertise We Can Share
When our large team creates software, we build an individual approach to each project. It’s
sporadic when the same tech stack may be used for different apps. Primarily, we work on each
project from scratch, starting from research and prototyping made by designers to frontend and
server-side development and quality assurance.

Tech Stack Cadabra Studio Adheres To

As for the development process, our team usually applies the following tools for frontend

● JavaScript

● CSS3

● React

● Angular

● Vue.js

For backend creation:

● Node.js


● Go

● Python

● Ruby on Rails

And mobile app development will include these languages:

● Java/Kotlin for Android

● Swift for iOS

RVOS Project Tech Stack

Recently we created a customer web portal for the RVOS insurance agency. You can delve into
details if you read our RVOS case study. But here, we will pay attention to the technology stack
and development-related issues you might be interested in.

The first thing our specialists have created was a detailed and well-thought-out specification that
included future functionality. The development specification is crucial since it contains all
technical details of the RVOS project (it is a must-have document for any other projects). It
helps developers, designers, QA engineers, and DevOps engineers avoid possible bugs during
designing, development, and testing. And it speeds up the development process entirely.

Then we proceeded to the creation stage. As you know, the development of any app is not a
“piece-of-cake” process. And there are a few challenges engineers faced and solved them

● When the RVOS project was launched on the production server (a server used to host
website content and applications for deployment to a live environment), QA engineers
detected bugs that didn’t appear on the test server. The solution was to perform smoke
testing in a staging server (a production-similar environment where the app is tested
before it goes live). It became possible to detect even minor bugs.

● As the RVOS portal app had a few releases, there were large intervals between them,
and it would be challenging to understand what version exactly we release for the time
being. So as to avoid unnecessary confusion, we indicated the version in tickets (in a
Jira project management system).

● It was impossible to perform automated testing for the part of functionality due to
complex code. However, our QA department team did their best to perform manual
testing and ensure that everything is done correctly. It took more time, but their effort
was rewarded — the app functioned flawlessly.

● The team worked remotely, and it was rather complicated to organize the communication
between all team members and ensure that team and client collaborate as well. Our
experienced project manager (PM) led the project from the very beginning to its end and
fulfilled all tasks successfully and responsibly. Cadabra Studio pays rapt attention to the
specialists we hire.

The challenges above helped us consider specific issues so that we don’t repeat mistakes
again. We also think it necessary to share the toolset we used for the RVOS project
development and explain why one or another technology was applied.
Name Purpose

PHP A flexible language for backend development that is compatible with many
operating systems, easily integrated, and has efficient performance.

Symfony The PHP backend framework helped developers speed up the

development process, use additional plugin bundles to enhance the app’s

React Our developers used this frontend framework due to its benefits like virtual
DOM (performance boost), quick debugging, code stability, and fast

Oracle An object-relational database management system that was applied as an

external database for claims, policies, customers, etc.

MySQL A relational database management system that functioned as a portal

database for the rest of the data is not present in Oracle. Both DBMSs are
easy to use, highly functional, and secure.

Majesco A cloud-based insurance platform used to create claims and for customer
updates. The platform was selected for its reliability and features.

Web Services A handy payment gateway that provides API for multiple payment orders

Mercure An open protocol for real-time communication. It is fast and reliable, and it
is natively supported by modern web and mobile apps.

Paperwise A platform for easier document management and classification. We needed

it to simplify the document processing issues.

Active A directory server is used for LDAP authentication (the process of validating
Directory a username and password combination).

Finally, we prefer using a code hosting platform for version control called GitHub. And we used it
for all our projects, not only RVOS, cause GitHub allows tracking changes in code across
versions. Besides, it can integrate with common platforms like Google Cloud or Amazon, and
provides plenty of other advantages.

That is the tech stack we used for the RVOS project. But you need to know that we select tools
for each project exclusively, so when Cadabra Studio takes your application under development,
our specialists choose the tech stack that meets your project perfectly.

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