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1. What is the title of your study?

 Anime Invasion: Level of Linguistic Intelligence among Grade 12 STEM students Anime
and Non-anime watcher Students in Our Lady of Fatima University
2. What study approach did you use?
 Comparative Study
3. Why did you choose comparative study over correlational approach?
 Because we, the researchers, want to know the level of linguistic intelligence between
anime and non-anime watcher.
4. Why did you not considered using correlational approach?
 Sir, first it is not suitable to our research. SINCE, we want to know the differences of the
two variables and not their RELATIONSHIP.
5. Why did you choose Our Lady of Fatima University as your research locale?
 Since most of the researchers lived in Valenzuela City and it is more convenient to find
our respondents.
6. What type of set of questionnaire will you use to measure the level of linguistic intelligence
between anime and non-anime watcher?
 Standardized Test
7. How did you know that standardized questionnaire can measure the level of linguistic
 If this research measure what it intents to measure. For instance, if this research
instrument can interpret the student’s score of their level of linguistic intelligence and can
justify it, and it is considered as standardized and reliable questionnaire.
8. How would this study benefit the Our Lady of Fatima University?
 This research will give an awareness to the university in terms of progressing the
knowledge in teaching tactics, specifically the use of animated films with subtitles in the
classroom to help students improve the student’s vocabulary and sentence complexity.
9. Why did you choose this topic? What is the source of your topic?
 The researcher chose this topic because out of interest and curiosity on the level of
linguistic intelligence between anime watcher and non-anime watcher.
10. What is the purpose of your study?
 The purpose of the study is to progress the knowledge in teaching tactics, specifically the
use of animated films with subtitles in the classroom to help students improve their
vocabulary and sentence complexity.
11. What are your criteria in your respondents?
 The respondents should be a grade 12 STEM students that is watching and not watching

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