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Board of Education Fieldwork Form

1. Date of meeting: Nov 18, 2021

2. Time you were there: From 6:00 To 7:00

Did the meeting end before you left?

No, when I left the meeting was still continuing

3. Were you able to talk with anyone about the meeting while you were there?

I was not able to discuss anything with anyone

4. What kind of items were discussed?

● problems facing the LGBTQ+ community
● food drives
● issues facing students and teachers
● filed complaints against board members
● covid 19 vaccines
Reports from school officials?
A special education teacher and a veteran was discussing her time in Panama. She
then discusses how she had no choice or say when she was stationed in Panama
everything had to be a certain way. She left that life because she no longer wanted to be a
piece of government property. As she continues she explains how she has a choice to get
the vaccine or not. She said she doesn't want to be a part of government property so she
chooses not to get the vaccine. She closes her speech out with the government cannot
dictate the way we live and shouldn't force a vaccine on us individuals.
Reports from the superintendent?

Groups or representatives expressing concern?

A group of 4 people are expressing their concerns to remove a member from the board
(Cristinia Ganya). They explained how she is falsely trying to protect students from covid
19. They go on to say she is basically a hypocrite and doesn't wear a mask at any board
meetings and they have photo evidence to prove. They continue to say she is using her
position to her advantage to make unethical decisions. She has violated many CVUSD
laws. They made another complaint against board member Joe Sachfer. This was another
incident at another board meeting in october. She didn't explain the events. The only way
to see this is to look at the live stream from that day. She explains how 5 officers attend a
woman's house. She then asked the board members if they had any reasons for his
actions.The board had nothing to say. Since they didn't have any answers she asked if
there were any policies for this action.
Reports from student representatives?
The student board member discussed the difficulties of being part of the LGBTQ+
community. She had announced that she was cisgender and knew how many students feel
being afraid of expressing themselves. She decissued that students shouldnt be limited to
their expressions.

Anything else?
More on the Vaccine. An individual explained how the government is communist. He
said the vaccine is murdering alot of individuals across the global. He then followed up
with data of how many people died in each country.

5. Were you able to obtain an agenda?

6. After examining the agenda, what kind of items did it contain? List and briefly

The agenda was very large. The agenda was broken up into different sections starting
with the roll. This was a separate meeting which started earlier than the actual meeting.
Then the agenda included the time of the regular meeting. Giving the run down of the
meeting. After that which was number 2 said the pledge of allegiance which everyone
participated in. The agenda was a schedule of the meeting. It was very helpful to keep
organized and also gave a little more information about what the speaker was talking
about which I found helpful. The agenda also included a time slot for the audience to
comment on anything that was not being listed in the agenda.

7. What decisions were made by the school board?

I couldn't hear much from all the commotion but from what I could understand they had
made the decision that students will continue to wear masks in schools and they will still
be encouraging people to get vaccines.

8. What observations can you make about the procedures that were used to conduct the
The board is very well organized. Everyone speaking is given only a certain amount of
minutes to speak. If they go over that the board cuts them off and announces that their
time has come to an end. This is to ensure everything stays on schedule
9. In at least a page describe your impressions and opinions you have as a result of this
This is my first ever board meeting and it was quite interesting. To begin, a group of
people were focusing their concerns and complaints against board member officials. It
was getting a little hostile as someone from the seats made a comment (i couldn't quite
catch what they said) which had angered the woman speaking so he followed up by
saying to the gentleman “Did I ask You”. The board members have said numerous times
the crowd couldn't speak but of course no one listens. Another member from the group
continues on about Joe schaeffer. She then asked the board members if they had any
reasons for his actions. Their response was they could answer this because it was her time
to speak and couldn't answer any questions. What I found interesting was she stated that
the bylaw said “not typically respond to a speaker after they are finished” but she wasn't
finished with her time so I don't understand why the board couldn't answer any of her
questions. It was as if they were protecting Joe Schaeffer. She kept insisting that they
could indeed answer her questions. Their response was “Do you have additional
comments”. They kept repeating this response every time she asked a question. Another
woman had a complaint about Joe schaeffer. Majority of the meeting was about the
vaccine. Every individual who discussed the vaccine included how the government is
communism and authortasim. I was surprised with the data the gentleman gave about
how many people were dying because of the vaccine. For example he said nicagraua had
30,000 murders. I'm not sure how accurate his data was but it was interesting. Some
things I noticed while beginning there is that no one pays attention to who's speaking.
Majority of people are on their phone or having side conversations. I noticed one guy was
practically dozing off. A Lot of people left after they were done speaking. I noticed
people just wanted to say what they had to say and they were good. It took my attention
as the board members weren’t interested into anything anyone was saying as if they were
there because they were forced. Their body language spoke for it all. For example one of
the gentlemen was slouched and he constantly kept drinking out his cup. He looked very
miserable. To conclude, the Board meetings just contain a lot of angry people.

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