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CLIL- Science - Reading


1. Read the first part of the passage and look at the food pyramid. For each type of
food write the matching number of food group.
A. apple _5_ C. spaghetti _6_ E. yoghurt _2_
B. tomato _4_ D. chicken _3_ F. chocolate cake _1_

For a healthy diet you must eat the right type of food in the right
quantities. Each food group contains specific nutrients: carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, water, minerals and vitamins. We need to eat a lot of
the food at the bottom of the pyramid but just a little of the food at the
top of the pyramid.

1. Fats, oils and

sweet group

2. Milk and 3. Meat, eggs

cheese group and fish group

5. Fruit group
4. Vegetables group

6. Bread, cereal, rice

and pasta group

7. Water

The essential nutrients

Nutrients are the components of food that are essential to the body’s functions. They give you energy
and they help your body grow. The essential nutrients are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water,
minerals and vitamins.
• Carbohydrates contain single or multiple sugars. Your body uses carbohydrates to give you energy.
• Lipids are energy reserves. They give your body a lot of calories with little nutritional value.
• Proteins help to build and repair your cells and muscles. We usually get proteins from meat, eggs
and fish.
• Water represents about 60% of your body’s weight. It helps maintain your body temperature and
carries nutrients to your cells.
• We get minerals and vitamins from red meat, milk, cheese, eggs, cereals and green vegetables and
fruit. Minerals and vitamins help your body to function properly and to stay strong and healthy.

2. Read the second part of the passage and answer the questions
1. What are the essential nutrients?
The essential nutrients are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, minerals and vitamins.
2. What do carbohydrates contain?
Carbohydrates contain single or multiple sugars.
3. Which nutrient gives us lots of calories?
Lipids are energy reserves give to your body a lot of calories.
4. In which food items do we find proteins?
We usually get proteins from meat, eggs and fish.
5. What are the functions of water in your body?
It helps maintain your body temperature and carries nutrients to your cells.
6. How do minerals and vitamins help your body?
Minerals and vitamins help your body to function properly and to stay strong and healthy.
7. Where can you get the different nutrients from?
There are seven main classes of nutrients that the body needs. These are carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water. It is important that everyone consumes these seven
nutrients on a daily basis to help them build their bodies and maintain their health.
8. Write a short passage about your typical diet with reference to the food pyramid.
In my diet the main thing is to drink a lot of water there we complete with proteins can be chicken,
egg and fish, in what are vegetables I like everyone, in what is cereals I like to eat all kinds of dried

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