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Good day parents and teachers, I am Geraldine Mendoza from Tagaytay City Science National

High School. I turned twenty last month and I am part of the what so called Gen. Z or Generation Z. Not
all of us are aware about the different generations that we have up until now and we are not aware how
these generations differ from each other.

The Generation Z refers to those who were born between 1997 to 2012. Some of you already
have a kid like me and you may not understand why some of us are different apart from the other
generations. This generation that we are included is unique, why? First, we are into games and music.
For us, gaming is no longer just a hobby, it is also a part of our personal identity. Next, we are ambitious,
we like to dream about our goals but what we lack is the drive to make the first step. When it comes to
our behavior, we tend to be rebellious to the norms of previous generations because we want to prove
to everybody that we can also manage ourselves and prove to you that we can also be independent.
There are times that we are being adventurous and risky, maybe because we are ignorant. We can’t
blame you for thinking that we are difficult to understand but I hope that I help you to open your minds
to extend your patience for us.

Before I end this speech I just want to say that in our generation, boredom is our greatest
enemy and patience is what we lack. It’s been a pleasure being with all of you today, thank you.

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