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Osnovna škola Kutjevo

Test iz engleskog jezika

Project 1

Name: ___________________________________________
Class: ____________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________
Points: _____/49

1. Look at the clocks. Write the times.

Use these words.

a) b) c)
It's ________________ It's ________________ It's _________________

___________________ __________________ ____________________

d) e) f)
It's ________________ It's ________________ It's _________________

___________________ __________________ ____________________

2. Draw the handels on these clocks.

It's five past eleven. It's three o'clock. It's twenty to nine. It's half past one. It's quarter to two.

It's ten past ten. It's quarter past eight. It's twenty five to six. ____/8
Osnovna škola Kutjevo
Test iz engleskog jezika
Project 1

3. Choose the correct answer.

a) Children like/likes cartoons.

b) She have got/has got a black cat.
c) Do/does you need help?
d) Doctor help/helps sick people.
e) He wake up/wakes up at 7 o'clock every morning.
f) My grandma don't work/doesn't work in a school.

5. Fill in the sentences with these words.

helps looks writes has brushes doesn't go

a) Luka always ____________________ for his football ball.

b) Linda ______________ her theet three times a day.
c) Jack _______________ camping in winter because is cold.
d) Lucy sometimes _____________ her mum in the kitchen.
e) Bill can't go to school. He _______________ chicken-pots.
f) Jasmine often _______________ interesting stories.

6. Put these sentences in negative form.

1. I have breakfast in the kitchen.

2. My teacher goes to school with car.

3. They all take the school bus.

4. Her mum cooks us dinner.

5. You play basketball very good.


Osnovna škola Kutjevo
Test iz engleskog jezika
Project 1
7. Put these sentences in question form.

1. I have breakfast in the kitchen.

2. My teacher goes to school with car.

3. They all take the school bus.

4. Her mum cooks us dinner.

5. You play basketball very good.



8. Complete these sentences with at or on.

a) The party starts _____ 7 o'clock.

b) I have a math exam ______ Friday.
c) I am calling you, to tell you that you have piano lessons _____ quarter
to four _____ Saturday.

9. Answer on this questions.

a) Where is Millie's uncle from?

b) What sport do Mickey and Millie play?

c) Why they don't take Mut with them.


10. Put the verbs in correct form using Present Simple Tense.
Osnovna škola Kutjevo
Test iz engleskog jezika
Project 1
a) My friend _____________ to school every day. (go)

b) I ______________ video games. (play)

c) He ______________ the dog, (walk)

d) Mickey ________________ sport on TV. (watch)

e) My sister and I ______________ pizza for lunch. (have)

f) She _______________ at eight o'clock. (wake up)


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