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Class 12 - Chemistry
Section A
1. (b) hcp and ccp
Explanation: Packing efficiency is the percentage of total filled space by particles i.e.,
Volume occupied by fow spheres inthe unit cell
Total volume of unit cell

Since packing efficiency for hcp or ccp is calculated to be 74% which is maximum among all type of
crystals while that of bcc has 68% and scc has 52%
2. (a) Helium
Explanation: Size of Helium is small so does not causes “Bents” to divers when the dive back to surface. As
it is less soluble.
3. (b) Ammonia
Explanation: Urea on reaction with NaOH liberates ammonia.
NH2CONH2 + 2NaOH → Na2CO3 + 2NH3↑

4. (d) b, c
Explanation: Chiral molecules(the object which is non-superimposable on their mirror image) contains
one carbon atom surrounded by four non-identical species. All straight-chain molecules cannot be chiral
because of the presence of two or more identical groups like hydrogens. Even the carbons with double or
triple bonds to a group cannot be considered as a chiral carbon. An asymmetric carbon needs to be
surrounded by four species different from each other through covalent bonds. Hence, the atoms b and c
are asymmetric. 
5. (d) o – nitrophenol
Explanation: The nitro-group is an electron-withdrawing group. The presence of this group in the ortho or
para position decreases the electron density in the OH bond. As a result, it is easier to lose a proton. Also,
the o-nitrophenoxide or p-nitrophenoxide ion formed after the loss of protons is stabilized by resonance.
Hence, ortho and para nitrophenols are stronger acids than phenol.
6. (d) α– Aminoacid
Explanation: Proteins are the polymers of α-amino acids. So building unit of a protein is α – Aminoacid.
7. (a) Paramagnetic
Explanation: They will have unpaired electrons so are weakly attracted by a magnetic field.
8. (a) greater for gases with lower solubility.
Explanation: The higher the value of KH at a given temperature, the lower is the solubility of a gas in the
9. (a) 3 double bonds; 12 single bonds
Explanation: Cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid contains three double bonds and 12 single bonds as shown

a, b and c are three (double) pi-bonds and numerics 1 to 12 are (single) sigma bonds
10. (d) 2-chloro, 2-methyl propane
Explanation: Longest chain will be of three carbon to which Cl and CH3 will be attached at 2 positions.

11. (b) Chloramphenicol
Explanation: Chlorine containing antibiotics, chloramphenicol, produced by soil microorganisms is very
effective for the treatment of typhoid fever. Chloramphenicol is an antityphoid drug.
12. (a) they are readily excreted in urine
Explanation: B group vitamins and vitamin C are soluble in water so they are grouped together as water
soluble vitamins. These must be supplied regularly in diet because they are readily excreted in urine and
cannot be stored (except vitamin B12) in our body.

13. (d) They imparts colour to the crystal

Explanation: The paired electron can get excited and on returning back to ground state it emits light thus
imparts colour.
14. (c) Elevation in boiling point of the solvent
Explanation: This graph is for elevation in boiling point. Boiling point is the temperature at which vapour
pressure of solution becomes equal to atmospheric pressure.
15. (a) NaF and O2
Explanation: Fluorine reacts with concentrated NaOH to produce NaF and O2. But with cold diluted
2NaOH, it forms OF2 and NaF.
2F2 + 4NaOH → 4NaF + 2H2O + O2↑

16. (a) higher melting point and lower solubility

Explanation: The para-isomers of dihalobenzenes are high melting as compared to their ortho- and meta-
isomers. It is due to the symmetry of para-isomers that fits in crystal lattice better as compared to ortho-
and meta-isomers. These compounds have a lower solubility in water but higher solubility in organic
17. (b) b > d > a > c > e
Explanation: The correct order of decreasing acid strength is b > d > a > c > e. As p-nitrophenol is most
acidic and p-methoxy phenol is least acidic. When an electron-withdrawing group is para to the OH group,
the acidity is maximum. When an electron releasing group is para to OH group, the acidity is minimum.
18. (c) they are readily excreted in urine and cannot be stored (except vitamin B12) in our body.
Explanation: B group vitamins and vitamin C are soluble in water so they are grouped together as water
soluble vitamins. These must be supplied regularly in diet because they are readily excreted in urine and
cannot be stored (except vitamin B12) in our body.

19. (d) metallic crystal

Explanation: Brass shows all the characteristics of Metallic Crystal.
20. (c) molality
Explanation: It is independent of volume hence independent of Temperature.
21. (b) CuSO4

Explanation: Cu2 + will reduce to Cu + and I- will oxidize to I2.

Molecular equation:
2CuSO4 + KI → CuI + I2 + K2SO4
Ionic equation:
2Cu2+ + I- → 2CuI + I2↑

22. (a) Mixture of  and


The reaction of aromatic arenes with chlorine in the presence of Lewis acid catalysts like iron (III) chloride
gives ortho and para isomers of haloarenes by an electrophilic substitution reaction. Cl2 forms a

coordination complex with FeCl3, forming Cl+FeCl4- complex, which gives a slight positive charge to Cl, and

FeCl4- is negatively charged. This Cl+ then reacts with the aromatic double bonds of the toluene molecule to
form an addition product, followed by deprotonation to form a mixture of o- p- and m- isomers of the
chlorotoluene. The m- isomer is very unstable, so the product form is o-Halotoluene and p-Halotoluene.
23. (d) Cyclopentane
Explanation: Cyclopentane is nearly inert chemically, they react with halogens in the presence of light
through the substitution of one hydrogen atoms. Since the cyclic structure confers a high degree of
symmetry on the molecule, only one monochloro cyclopentane is possible.

24. (a) Polypeptides

Explanation: In the secondary structure of Proteins, a polypeptide chain exists in two forms:
i. Alpha helix - stabilized by a hydrogen bond.
ii. Beta pleated sheet.
25. (c) H2Te
Explanation: Acidic strength increases from H2O to H2Te. This is because the dissociation energies
decrease as the bond length of M-H increases from oxygen and tellurium.
Section B
26. (d) Ferromagnetic
Explanation: Ferromagnetic substance get permanently magnetised in applied Magnetic Field.
27. (c) 55.55 M
Explanation: Density of water = 1g/mL
Volume of 900g of water = 900mL
Moles of water = Given mass/Molecular mass = 900/18 = 50mol
Molarity of water = 50/900×1000 = 55.55M
28. (a) 1 molecule of glucose + 1 molecule of fructose
Explanation: Sucrose (cane sugar) is a disaccharide(form by two monosaccharides). One molecule of
sucrose on hydrolysis gives one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose.
H2 O

C12 H22 O11 −−→ C6 H12 O6 + C6 H12 O6

Cane sugar + D(+) glu cos e D(−) furctose

Note: Sucrose is a dextrorotatory(D) sugar on hydrolysis produces a laevorotatory(L) mixture, so known as

invert sugar. Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar while maltose and lactose are reducing sugar.

2− −
29. (b) CO3 , NO3
2− −
Explanation: CO3  and NO3  are isoelectronic with 32 electrons and sp2 hybridization hence, have
pyramidal structure.
30. (d) Wurtz reaction
Explanation: Alkyl halides react with sodium in dry ether to give hydrocarbons containing double the
number of carbon atoms present in the halide. This reaction is known as the Wurtz reaction.
2RX + 2Na → R-R + 2NaX
So, C6H5CH2CH3 is not prepared by the Wurtz reaction.

31. (a) ZnO

Explanation: ZnO is an amphoteric oxide. it reacts with both acid and base. With HCl, it forms zinc
chloride and water and with NaOH, it forms sodium zincate and water.
ZnO(s) + 2HCl(l) → ZnCl2(s) + H2O(l)
ZnO(s) + 2NaOH(l) → Na2ZnO2(s) + H2O

32. (b) primary structure of proteins.

Explanation: Primary structure of proteins: Proteins may have one or more polypeptide chains. Each
polypeptide in a
protein has amino acids linked with each other in a specific sequence and it is this sequence of amino acids
that is said to be the primary structure of that protein.
33. (b) Tertiary alcohol
Explanation: The outcome of oxidation reactions of alcohol depends on the substituents on the carbinol
carbon. In order for each oxidation step to occur, there must be H on the carbinol carbon.
Primary alcohols can be oxidized to aldehydes or further to carboxylic acids. In aqueous media, the
carboxylic acid is usually the major product. PCC or PDC, which are used in dichloromethane, allow
the oxidation to be stopped at the intermediate aldehyde.
Secondary alcohols can be oxidized to ketones but no further:
Tertiary alcohols cannot be oxidized (no carbinol C-H).
34. (b) Formic acid
Explanation: Formic acid (HCOOH) has the polar group -OH and can form H-bond with water. Thus,
formic acid is highly soluble in water.
− − −
35. (d) BrO 4 > IO
> ClO

Explanation: The higher the value of reduction potential, the higher is its tendency to get reduced Hence,
the order of oxidizing power is
− − −
BrO > IO > ClO
4 4 4

36. (a) Na
Explanation: 2CH3Br + 2Na → CH3CH3 + 2NaBr

37. (a) 4
Explanation: 8 corners atoms × atom per unit cell =1 atom

6 face centred atoms × 1

atom per unit cell = 3 atoms

Total no. of atoms per unit cell= 1 atom + 3 atoms = 4 atoms

38. (a) Alcohols
Explanation: Lucas Test is a test that is used to distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary
alcohols. This test is carried out with the help of Lucas reagent, which is a solution of anhydrous Zinc
Chloride and concentrated hydrochloric acid (ZnCl2 + HCl). It is based on the difference between the
reactivity of primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols with hydrogen halides.
39. (a) 26%
Explanation: 74% space in crystal is filled.
Therefore, empty space = (100-74)% = 26%
40. (a) Acetone and chloroform
Explanation: Acetone and chloroform will show a negative deviation due to their association after mixing.

41. (d) Br2

Explanation: Br– get oxidized to Br2 on treatment with H2SO4.

2KBr + 2H2SO4 → K2SO4+ SO2 ↑+ Br2 ↑+ 2H2O.
Concentrated sulphuric acid oxidizes HBr to Bromine.
42. (a) Williamson's synthesis
Explanation: Williamson’s synthesis: When an alkyl halide reacts with sodium alkoxide, ether is formed.
This reaction is known as Williamson’s synthesis. The reaction generally follows the SN2 mechanism for
primary alcohols.
′ ′
R − X + R − ÖN a → R − Ö − R + N a X
⋅⋅ ⋅⋅

W illiamso n s synthesis

43. (d) Mercury

Explanation: Ozone is detected by using Hg.
When ozone is passed through mercury, it loses its meniscus and sticks to the glass due to the formation of
the mercurous oxide. This is called the tailing of mercury.
2Hg(s) + O3 (g) → Hg2O (s)+ O2(g)

44. (c) Adipose and liver

Explanation: Vitamins which are soluble in fat and oils but insoluble in water are fat soluble vitamins.
These are vitamins A, D, E and K. They are stored in liver and adipose (fat storing) tissues.
45. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
This can be explained through structure of caro's acid (peroxomonosulphuric acid).

Oxidation no. of S = x, oxidation no, of H = +1,

Oxidation no. of O in peroxo linkage = -1 (each),
Oxidation no. of other oxygen atoms = -2 (each).
2 + x - 6 - 2 = 0 or x = +6
46. (d) A is false but R is true.
Vinylic halides are very less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions because of the resonance
effect. Resonance gives rise to partial double bond character to the carbon-halogen bond making it
stronger and therefore more difficult to cleave than a C sp3 - X bond. It also reduces the polarity of the
carbon-halogen bond thereby making heterolysis difficult.

47. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: α-glycosidic linkage is present in maltose.

48. (c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: Cl2 is an oxidising agent. It bleaches the articles by oxidation permanently in presence of
49. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Section C
50. (d) water will move from the side (B) to side (A) if a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure is applied
on piston (B).
Explanation: Water will move from the side (B) (concentrated sodium chloride solution) to side (A)
(freshwater) if a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure is applied on piston (B).
51. (a) SN1 mechanism


When benzyl chloride is treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide, where –OH is the nucleophile,
nucleophilic substitution reaction takes place forming benzyl alcohol. Here, the benzene ring is resonance
stabilized and its stability is extended to the methylene group attached, giving a positive charge to –CH2,
making the whole carbocation stable when the bond between benzyl and bromide is broken. This reaction
is SN1 (unimolecular nucleophilic substitution) reaction, it has two steps, and is followed due to the
stability of carbocation. This reaction is concerted and occurs in two steps. First, the halide group leaves
the carbocation, and the nucleophile then attaches itself to the cation, forming alcohol. 
52. (a) a mixture of ortho and para nitro phenols
Explanation: Nitration of phenols: Phenols upon treatment with dilute nitric acid undergoes nitration at
low temperature (298 K) to give a mixture of ortho and para nitrophenols. The mixture formed is further
separated into ortho and para nitrophenols by steam distillation on the basis of their volatility. Due to
intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding, ortho nitrophenols are lesser volatile in comparison
to para nitrophenols which involves only intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

+ −
53. (a) Xe [PtF6 ]

Explanation: Xe+ [PtF6 ]
54. (c) All of these
Explanation: Xe has completely filled 5p -orbital. As a result, when it undergoes bonding with an odd
number (1, 3 or 5) of fluorine atoms, it leaves behind one unpaired electron. This causes the molecule to
become unstable. As a result, XeF, XeF3 and XeF5 do not exist.

55. (d) XeF2

Explanation: XeF2 has 3 lone pairs on Xe atom


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