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A vegan diet includes foods from plants such as vegetables, fruits and grains.

Vegans avoid eating foods from animal products like meat, eggs and dairy
products. Some individuals will avoid foods that have used animal products
during their processing, such as honey. Vegans need to ensure they are eating a
balanced diet in order to derive the most nutrients from food.

A healthy diet entails five portions of fruits and vegetables daily. Meals should
have starchy carbohydrates and whole grains if possible. In place of dairy,
vegans can use soy and almond-based products. These choices should
preferably be low in sugar and fats. Individuals should include beans and other
alternatives for sources of protein. People often adopt this lifestyle out of an
ethical choice or for health purposes. Whatever the reason, it comes with great

Meals from vegetables, fruits and seeds are high in vitamins

E, B1 and C; fiber and magnesium; iron and folic acid. At the same time, they are
low in cholesterol and fats. Research confirms that vegans minimize chances of
chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, stroke, hypertension, cancer and
other lifestyle diseases. It is advisable to accompany this diet with sufficient
physical exercises.

The most important thing to consider when switching up a nutritional routine is to

balance foods to ensure the provision of vital nutrients. In case one finds a
deficiency of any kind, he or she may bridge this gap with supplements. A
nutritionist will readily offer guidance on any queries. Consult with a health care
provider to find out if a vegan diet is suitable for you.

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