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Testimony of—Continued

Jurgela -

- - -- - -
Krupavicius, Msgr. Nykolas, through interpreter, Constantine R.
- -- -- -- -
Lancroronska, Dr. Karolina, former historian, University of Lwow---
Lipski, Joseph, former Polish Ambassador to Germany---------------
Lopianowski, Maj. N., of regular Polish Army---------------------
Lubodziecki, Stanislaw, former judge, Polish Supreme Military Court-
Maklowicz, Mrs. Jadwiga, teacher of secondary school in Poland-----

Matlachowski, John, former lecturer of history at Warsaw Under
ground University- 1231
Mekarski, Dr. Stefan, former librarian, Jan Casimir University, etc.-- 1225
Mekarska, Mrs. Josefa, wife of Dr. Stefan Mekarski----------------- 1225
Michael, King of Rumania 1003
Michalski, Wojciech, escaped, May 4, 1954, from Poland------------- 1445
Monsonyi, Dezso, anonymous name -- 1312
Monter-Chrusciel, Maj. Gen. A., officer of the Polish home and under
ground armies------------------------------------------------- 1129
Morski, Maj. Michael, an officer in the Polish home and underground
armies 1140, 1147
Nagy, Mrs. Laszlo, school teacher in Hungary---------------------- 1281
Nahalka, Father Stefan, ordained in Rome------------------------- 1352
Nowicki, Dr. Jan, former practicing physician in Sieniauwka, Poland- 1226
Ogrodzinski, Zbigniew, of Polish merchant marines----------------- 1245
Oliva, Dr. Jerzy, lawyer – 1226
Pajak, Dr. Antoni, former member Polish Socialist Party------------ 1229

Pelczynski, Gen. Tadeusz, officer of the Polish home and underground
armies 1133
Pieniacki, Rev. Msgr. Wlodzimierz------------------------------ 978, 990
Pilch, Capt. Adolf, an officer in the Polish home and underground
armies - -- 1142
Plechavicius, Dr. Leonardus, of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York
City----------------------------------------------------------- 943
Poess, Father Josef, serving German parish in Rottenburg----------- 1287
Pomian, Col. A., officer of the Polish home and underground armies--- 1134
Pronaszko, Mrs. Janina, member of the Polish home and underground
armies -- 1138, 1145
Puzyna, Lucie -------- 1100
Raczynski, Ambassador Count Edward 961
Raichl, Pramovir, through interpreter John Hvasta----- ––––––––––– 882
Rei, August, former Prime Minister and President, Republic of
Estonia - ---- 1429
Rozmarek, Charles, president, Polish National Alliance and president,
Polish American Congress, Chicago, Ill------------------------- 681
Rybka, Capt. Franciszek, an officer in the Polish home and under
ground armies ---- 1144
Selter, Karl, former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Estonia---------- 1429
Senkus, Juozas, recently of London, England-------------------- 1048, 1240
Siemashko, Rev. Mateush, of Polish Lutheran Church---------------- 1211
Smal-Stocki, Prof. Roman, of Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis-- 911
Smutny, Dr. Garomier, formerly head of the office of President Beneš
of Czechoslovakia---------------------------------------------- 1236
Sokolow, Valentine, through interpreter, Oleg Anisimov.------------- 895
Sorm, Jiri, former flight mechanic, landed in Western Germany------- 1420
Stepien, Wladyslaw, Chicago, Ill----------------------------------- 744
Stransky, Jaroslav, professor, University of Brunow---------------- 1025
Stypulkowski, Zbigniew, lawyer, graduated from University of
Warsaw- - ____ 1072
Szeliga, Mrs. Maria, through interpreter, Lubienski----------------- 995
Szpotanski, Benedikt, member labor service unit near Kaiserslautern- 1424
Tachreiter, Dr., graduate of Medical Academy of Danzig------------- 1155
Tell, Mrs. Maria, secretary of programs, Polish Broadcasting Corp--- 1223
Thrushnowicz, Mrs. Alexander, whose husband was recently kidnaped
out of West Berlin--------------------------------------------- 1441
Treszka, Adam, lawyer, graduate of Lwow University---------------- 1057
Vecsey, Father Joseph, friend of Cardinal Mindszenty--------------- 1274
Vilim, Blazej, formerly deputy of Parliament of Social Democratic
Party, Czechoslovakia------------------------------------------ 1239

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