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Development of molecular methods for the detection of bacteria in the


Article  in  Journal of General Microbiology · May 1991

DOI: 10.1099/00221287-137-5-1009

122 700

1 author:

Roger Pickup
Lancaster University


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Journal of General Microbiology (199 1), 137, 1009-1 019. Printed in Great Britain

Review Article

Development of molecular methods for the detection of specific bacteria in

the environment
Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere Laboratory, The Ferry House, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 OLP, UK

Introduction Traditional methods for the detection and

enumeration of micro-organisms
The detection and isolation of a wide range of bacteria
from the environment are essential components in the There are numerous strategies for the detection and
study of microbial ecology (for reviews see Austin, 1988; isolation of bacteria from environmental samples (for a
Grigorova & Norris, 1990). In recent times great review see Herbert, 1990). Conventional methods are
emphasis has been placed on the detection and enumera- designed for enumeration either of the culturable
tion of groups of bacteria that are indicative of pollution population or of the total population per se. A count of
and contamination of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. culturable bacteria is obtained after growth on a suitable
Accurately determining numbers of pathogens or indica- medium containing carbon and/or other energy sources
tor organisms is imperative for assessing public health (Roszak & Colwell, 1987). Since all media are selective to
and safety (Kasper & Tartera, 1990). The most common a lesser or greater extent, and not all bacteria are
microbial indicators of pollution are associated with recoverable, viable counts are rarely quantitative. Modi-
sewage effluent and include, for example, enteric fication of recovery procedures can increase the number
bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Vibrio sp. and faecal of viable bacteria isolated from any sample. For
streptococci. The presence of each can be determined example, CPS medium, which comprises low concentra-
routinely using set procedures and specific bacteriologi- tions of casein, peptone and starch, has given the highest
cal media. Concerns over the possible consequences of counts of aquatic bacteria (Jones, 1970). Incubation
releasing genetically modified micro-organisms temperatures play a significant role in the efficiency of
(GMMOs) into the environment and the ecosystem recovery. Temperatures optimized for medically-impor-
effects that may occur as a result have prompted a need tant bacteria (i.e. those above 30°C) select against the
to detect and enumerate novel types of bacteria (for majority of environmental isolates. However, maximum
example see Brill, 1985; Gillett et al., 1984). So far only recovery can be obtained following incubation between
limited numbers of micro-organisms have been released 10 and 20 "C for periods of as long as 23 d. Further
or are intended for release. These include strains of modifications of isolation procedures such as the use of
Pseudomonas syringae, Pseudomonas Jluorescens, Rhizo- media incorporating purified agars or gelling agents
bium sp. and baculoviruses (see Sussman et al., 1988). (such as pluronic polyol F127) that solidify on
Sensitive monitoring methods to detect a host and its warming have proved beneficial. Agar substitutes are
recombinant DNA in various ecosystems are essential particularly useful in pour plate methods since bacteria
for determining the ability of GMMOs to survive, grow are often sensitive to temperatures prevailing in molten
and disseminate, and to assess any likely environmental agar (Gardener & Jones, 1984). More accurate counts
impact. than those obtained using spread or pour plate methods
can be achieved by most-probable-number (MPN)
Abbreviations : GMMO, genetically modified micro-organism ; procedures. The MPN technique employs a serial
MPN, most probable number; NCBV, non-culturable but viable; dilution of the sample in appropriate media and a high
PCR, polymerase chain reaction. degree of replication provides statistically significant
0001-6707 O 1991 SGM

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1010 R. W . Pickup

enumeration of culturable organisms (Roszak & Colwell, techniques. Filamentous organisms are an obvious
1987). example, especially since they can comprise up to 50% of
It is not, however, normally possible to enumerate all the biomass in freshwater sediments (Jones & Jones,
the culturable bacteria in an environmental sample. 1986). Similarly distinct organisms such as Ochrobium
Public health regulations focus on detection of known sp., Achromatium spp. and the putative genus Metallo-
pathogens or specific groups of indicator bacteria and genium can be identified easily and enumerated (J. G .
selective media have been developed accordingly. Jones, personal communication). However, the majority
Commercially available media can be used to isolate of bacteria do not possess any distinct morphological
specific bacterial groups such as enteric bacteria, faecal characteristic and therefore identification requires addi-
streptococci and pseudomonads (Lanyi, 1990). Similarly, tional biochemical or immunological techniques. Im-
media have been designed for the isolation of groups of munofluorescence microscopy has been widely applied
ecologically important bacteria such as fluorescent to the detection and enumeration of particular micro-
pseudomonads, methanogens and yellow-pigmented organisms when conventional techniques have proved
bacteria (including Flavobacterium and Cytophaga ; difficult. Fluorochromes, such as fluorescein isothio-
Schneider & Rheinheimer, 1988). In addition, some cyanate, can be coupled to an antibody that binds
media can be used to isolate and identify bacteria to a directly with a target antigen on the cell or to a second
species level (for example, E. coli; Burman, 1967). anti body that recognizes an antibody produced against
Methods for direct counting do not rely on the the micro-organism (for example, see Chantler &
culturability of bacteria in the sample and consequently McIllmurray, 1988). Immunofluorescence detection has
are more quantitative than viable counting procedures. been used for various bacteria that are difficult to
Direct counting of bacteria on black membrane filters by culture, for example methanogenic bacteria (Conway de
epifluorescence microscopy has become the most fre- Macario et al., 1982), methane oxidizers (Reed &
quently used method for total bacterial population Duggan, 1978), N ,-fixing organisms (Renwick & Gar-
estimates and permits a rapid quantitative estimation of eth, 1985), nitrifiers in soil and marine habitats (Belser &
aquatic bacteria (Hall et al., 1990). It is not always Schmidt, 1978; Ward & Carlucci, 1985) and acid-
necessary to use membranes since this technique can be tolerant Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (Ape1 et ai., 1976).
applied directly in counting chambers or on natural or Successful application of fluorescent anti bodies can be
artificial surfaces (Hall et al., 1990). Epifluorescence is affected by a range of factors, including specificity and
achieved by using a range of nucleic acid or protein cross-reactivity, autofluoresence (particularly when al-
stains that fluoresce when excited by light of a suitable gae are the target micro-organisms), nonspecific stain-
wavelength. The quality of the microscopic image ing, expression of the antigen-coding genes, stability of
depends on many factors, such as light source, optical the antigen under environmental conditions, and the
characteristics of the instrument used, the type of inability of the technique to distinguish viable and non-
fluorochrome employed and the nature of the sample viable cells and be quantitative (Schmidt, 1974; Ford &
under analysis (Fry, 1988). Although problematic, Olsen, 1988).
techniques have been developed to count bacteria
directly in situ (Jones, 1977; Fry & Humphrey, 1978).
However, if the only information required is total Sampling strategy
numbers as opposed to information on community
structure and distribution, then standard procedures can One of the major limitations to research into microbial
be employed to remove bacteria from solid surfaces or communities, and consequently the detection of bacteria
particles. The direct count can then be performed on a in the environment, is an inability to isolate and grow in
cell suspension (Goulder, 1987; Fry, 1988). In addition, culture the vast majority of bacteria. There has always
labour-intensive methods such as electron microscopy been a discrepancy between cell numbers obtained from
have been used for direct counting of bacteria from direct and viable counts. In the aquatic environment
filtered samples (see Hall et al., 1990). direct counting methods indicate that there are approxi-
Direct counting procedures that employ simple flu- mately lo6 bacteria ml-' in lakewater, yet only lo3 cells
orescent stains are non-discriminatory by nature. Counts ml-I are culturable (Jones, 1977). Studies by Ferguson et
of individual genera or species can be achieved only if al. (1984) and Hoppe (1978) concluded that culturable
the target is morphologically distinct or distinguishable bacteria represented only 0.01-1 2.5% of the viable
from the rest of the indigenous microflora by some other bacterial population from the marine environment.
means. Although bacteria have little morphological Similarly in soil, the greater part of the microbial
diversity it is possible to recognize a limited number of population cannot be cultured (Atlas, 1983). Further-
organisms based on cell morphology using microscopic more, some bacteria have been shown to become

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Molecular methods f o r the detection oj' bacteria 101 1

unculturable but retain their viability after exposure to where bacterial numbers are low, or when highly
the environment and have been called 'non-culturable selective media are used, large volumes of water can be
but viable' (NCBV) (Colwell et ul., 1985). This compli- filtered and the filter placed directly on to the solid
cates both the detection and enumeration of key medium. Alternatively, the filter can be washed and the
pathogenic organisms and, potentially, candidates for cell suspension spread to give single colonies. In
deliberate release into the environment. Micro-organ- addition, single colonies can be obtained from MPN
isms known to achieve the NCBV state include E. coli, dilution tubes when cultured on selective media. It is
Salrnonellu typhiniurium and Vihrio spp. (Colwell et a/., difficult to obtain a representative sample of a bacterial
1985; Roszak & Colwell, 1987). There are two other population from solid substrates such as soil or fresh-
factors which contribute to this discrepancy. The direct water sediment. Problems arise due to the spatial
count cannot distinguish between cells that are viable, distribution of the micro-organisms in soil and the strong
NCBV, or dead. Conversely, media used for the isolation associations they form with particulate matter (Stotzky,
of viable bacteria may actively select against growth 1985). To obtain viable cells, the soil sample can be
because they are too rich in nutrients or do not supply converted into a suspension, agitated by vortexing or
essential co-factors. Methods have been developed that sonication and the supernatant spread on to solid media
go some way to distinguish viable cells under epifluores- to obtain single colonies. Alternatively, the cells can be
cence microscopy (for a review see Roszak & Colwell, removed from the soil by using chemical dispersants to
1987). Kogure et a/. (1979) showed that elongation of dissociate the micro-organisms from soil particles (for
cells provided an indication of viability when a nutrient example, MacDonald, 1986; Hopkins et al., 1991a, 6 ) in
source supplemented with the DNA gyrase inhibitor single- or multi-stage procedures followed by either the
nalidixic acid was added to environmental samples. isolation of single colonies or an estimation of biomass.
Although nalidixic acid is commonly used as an As with all techniques that require the isolation of
inhibitor, piromidic acid can be used as an alternative in viable cells, a vast untapped portion of the population
some cases (Fry, 1990). However, it is clear that not all will remain unscreened. Microbial ecologists have
viable cells, for example species that exist as cocci, can recently begun to apply molecular techniques to the
react by elongation in this way. Also, as with bacterial detection of bacteria from the environment, obviating
isolation procedures, it is clear that all experimental the need for cell culture. Like traditional methods, these
conditions are not suitable for all samples. Despite some techniques also rely heavily on the sampling strategy for
limitations, this method represents a bridge between their efficiency. Detection methods that do not rely on
counting culturable bacteria and direct counts and has culturability but use immunological and nucleic acid
been termed a direct viable count (DVC; Kogure et al., hybridization techniques can employ strategies that
1979). either involve isolating total cells and from those
Any estimation of the numbers of bacteria in the obtaining total DNA, or extract total DNA directly from
environment, whether they are pathogens, indicator a sample. D N A extraction can be performed with
organisms or GMMOs, must allow for the fact that a bacterial cells isolated by a bulk method or by direct lysis
proportion of the target organisms may have entered the of the cells followed by DNA recovery. A rapid method
NCBV fraction of the microbial population. The for the direct isolation of DNA from the aquatic
traditional and molecular methods that are available environment comprises filtration of a large volume of
show a dichotomy in the organisms they can detect. water through a cylindrical filter membrane with DNA
Culture techniques impose strict limitations on the extraction occurring within the filter housing (Sommer-
amount of sample that can be removed from natural ville et a/., 1989). In a similar approach, Ogram et al.
ecosystems and adequately processed in the laboratory. (1988) used direct lysis followed by ultracentrifugation
Coupled with the non-representative nature of the and hydroxyapatite chromatography to obtain DNA
population obtained this emphasizes the need for from freshwater sediments. These methods circumvent
sampling procedures that preclude a requirement for the need for culturing the organisms yet have limitations
culturing. Detection methods will target either the in the range of organisms and the size of DNA fragments
culturable population or the total population (including that can be isolated (Table 1). In the soil environment
1 viable, NCBV, and dead or dying cells). The sampling two strategies have been developed. Firstly, removal and
strategy therefore determines the route and ultimately collection of bacterial cells followed by lysis of the cell
the sensitivity of the method being used or developed. suspension can be used to maximize the release of DNA
Lakewater is probably the most amenable medium to from the various cell types (Holben et al., 1988).
sample and process for the isolation of micro-organisms. Secondly, Steffan et al. (1988) directly lysed bacterial
Viable colonies can be obtained by spreading the water cells and recovered the DNA using the procedure of
sample (1 p1-1 ml) directly on to solid media. In samples Ogram et a/. (1988). In cases where DNA is to be

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Table 1. Quality and quantity of’D N A extracted from enoironmental samples by various methods

Sample Method of DNA numbers DNA DNA size
Method Substrate size extract ion * per g yield (max. kb) Reference

1 Water > I litre Direct cell lysis/ethanol precipitation or CsCl lob? 1 ng > 25 Sommerville et al. (1989)
2 Soil 50 g Cell lysis after dispersion and PVPP 106 ND > 50 Holben et ul. (1988)
treatment/CsCl centrifugation
3 Soil 100 g Direct cell lysis/ethanol precipitation or CsCl 10’ 350 yg ND Steffan er al. (1988)
Cell lysis after dispersion and PVPP treat- 10” 40pg ND
ment/CsCl centrifugation/hydroxyapatite
chromatography/ethanol precipitation
Sed i men t 100 g Direct cell lysis/ethanol precipitation or CsCl lo9 1.9 mg ND
Cell lysis after dispersion and PVPP treat- 10” 3oyg ND
ment/CsCl centrifugation/hydroxyapatite
chromatography/ethanol precipitation
4 Sediment 100 g Direct cell lysis incorporating glass beads/ 10’ 2.6 mg 20 Ogram et a/. ( 1 988)
DNA precipitation/CsCl centrifugation/
hydroxyapatite chromatography:
ethanol precipitation
~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~

ND. Not determined.

* Direct methods refer to the purification of DNA without prior removal of cells from soil or sediments, whereas indirect methods require cell
dispersion before lysis is performed. Methods differ within the lysis procedure (see appropriate references). All methods produce DNA of sufficient
quality to allow restriction by endonucleases and subsequent hybridization to probes. PVPP, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone.
t Cells per ml.

extracted directly from soil, the addition of polyvinyl- qualitative, where assessment is judged on a presence or
polypyrrolidone (PVPP) in the extraction procedure absence basis (Ford & Olsen, 1988).
removes the humic compounds and results in significant- The development of a genetic marker system that
ly higher yields and improved quality of D N A (Holben el distinguishes the released micro-organism from the
ul., 1988; Steffan et ul., 1988). The performance and natural population is the focal point of many monitoring
efficiency of these recovery methods is shown in Table 1 . strategies. Marker genes can be divided into three
groups : ( u ) short but unique oligonucleotide sequence
signatures or markers; ( h )genetic systems that provide a
Detection of specific micro-organisms in the selective characteristic such as resistance to an antibiotic
environment or metabolism of an unusual chemical, or provide a non-
selective characteristic in the form of a unique biomarker
The need to detect GMMOs in the environment has such as a distinct cell wall protein; (c) chromogenic
created an impetus for the development of detection markers which provide a colour change in the bacterial
methods employing molecular biological techniques. colonies or cells. In many cases the genetically engin-
Such techniques have great potential for the study of eered trait itself may be used. Each marker may be
microbial ecology in general. located on a plasmid which is introduced into the release
A simple way to facilitate identification of a particular host. However, extrachromosomal marker systems are
micro-organism is to provide it with one or more genetic inherently unstable due to the tendency of many
markers that are unlikely to be widely distributed in the plasmids to segregate at cell division during growth
natural environment. Depending on the type of marker following release into the environment (Morgan e f al.,
employed, a GMMO may be tracked phenotypically, 1989; Pickup c’t ul., 1990). In addition, it may not be good
relying on the expression of the marker gene, and/or practice to use plasmid systems which have the potential
genotypically, where the organism is identified by the to disseminate recombinant D N A efficiently to micro-
presence of that gene by methods that do not rely on its bial populations. It is preferable to insert the marker
expression (Jain et al., 1988). In general, detection system into the chromosome of the organism, where its
methods can be classified as either quantitative, which stability may be increased, with the further advantage
permit the direct enumeration of the GMMO, or that chromosomally located genes are intrinsically less

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Molecular methods for the detection of bacteria 1013

Specific activity
of C230'
Fig. 1. Thermoregulation of xylE by the temperature-
28 "C
I .c ----------
b 7 40 sensitive repressor cI857 and the A promoter P,.

37 "C
lssssa *Activity of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C230) [ m u
(mg protein)-'] from the xyIE gene in ( a ) E. coli
ED8654(pLV 1013) and (6) Pseudomonas putidu
5000 'OoO
PRS2000(pLV 1013 ) at 28 "C (repressed) and at 37 "C

likely than those on plasmids to be rapidly disseminated cell to survive. Locating a marker system on the
in the environment by genetic transfer. However, chromosome may reduce the maintenance budget and
marker gene expression will tend to be reduced in controlling the expression of the gene(s) will remove any
comparison to plasmid-encoded systems, as a result of disadvantages from over-expression. Such a system has
reduction in gene copy number. been developed for .uylE, where the marker gene is
Colorimetric marker systems contain one or more expressed from bacteriophage ApLor pRpromoters under
genes whose presence in a bacterial cell may be detected the control of the temperature sensitive A repressor cI857
by an ability to produce a colour change in a substrate. (Winstanley et al., 1989). Any potential metabolic
Isolation of bacteria on media supplemented with burden imposed on the cell through overexpression is
substrates that are capable of being transformed into controlled by incubation temperature. Bacteria contain-
coloured products has been used successfully to distin- ing this marker system can be isolated on solid medium
guish bacteria carrying .yYE (catechol 2,3-dioxygenase; with the xylEgene repressed. Expression of xylE, and the
Winstanley et ul., 1989) or lac Y Z (/3-galactosidase; subsequent identification of target organisms, requires
Drahos et al., 1986) markers from indigenous bacteria. only that the temperature be raised above 37°C for 1 h
A n alternative which may have potential as a bacterial followed by the application of the substrate, catechol, in
marker uses the GUS (b-glucuronidase gene from E. coli) the form of an aerosol (Fig. 1). xylE+ cells are identified
system, which produces a fluorogenic product that can be by immediate formation of the intense yellow colour of 2-
detected at very low levels (Jefferson, 1989). A further hydroxymuconic semialdehyde (Fig. 2). This type of
system that uses visual identification is the 1u.u operon system has the advantage that it does not require
cassette from Vihrio jscheri, in which the bacteria are selective media, which have been shown to reduce the
identified by their ability to bioluminesce (Shaw & efficiency by which organisms are recovered from the
Kado, 1986). The lus pathway encodes both the two environment (Roszak & Colwell, 1987). Furthermore,
subunits of bacterial luciferase (lu.uAB) and the multi- the presence of cells carrying the .uylEmarker system can
subunit component of a fatty acid reductase (IuxCDE). be confirmed directly from lake water by assaying for
The l u s operon has been introduced into a range of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase. Its activity is a direct indica-
bacteria, transforming them to a detectable biolumines- tion of the presence of intact viable cells since catechol
cent phenotype (for example, Shaw & Kado, 1986; 2,3-dioxygenase is inactivated in the presence of oxygen
Stewart, 1990). In effect, only IusAB need be introduced, once released from cells (Morgan et al., 1989).
as the substrate (long-chain aldehydes) can be supplied in
a chemical form and is readily diffusible across the cell
membrane. Bioluminescence has been used to monitor OH OH
the spread of black rot-causing organisms in plants using
autophotography (Shaw & Kado, 1986). Rattray et ul.
(1990) were able to detect the presence of bioluminescent
recombinant E. coli in soil using luminometry. However
the applicability of the lus system to long-term monitor-
ingof GMMOs in the environment has not been assessed
beyond an 8 h sampling period (Rattray et ul., 1990).
It is possible that introduction of new genetic material Catechol (colourless) 2-H ydroxymuconic
into a G M M O will reduce its viability in the environ- semialdehyde
ment. Maintenance of the marker system may impose a (yellow)
metabolic burden on the cell. Furthermore, the continual Fig. 2 . Conversion of catechol to its coloured product by catechol 2,3-
expression of the marker may reduce the ability of the dioxygenase.

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1014 R. W . Pickup

The expression and stability of recombinant plasmids expression of the marker gene but allow the organism to
containing xylE varies depending on the host strain and be monitored genotypically.
on the promoter system in operation (Winstanley et al.,
1989). Plasmids containing 13. pR-xylE-c1857 were main-
tained more stably in Pseudomonas putida and Pseudo- Detection of marker genes using nucleic acid
monas aeruginosa than those constructs containing 13. pL- probes
xylE-cI857. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus maintained iZ pL-
xylE-cI857 constructs more stably than 13. p R , although Methodologies involving the detection of target nucleic
stability was low when compared with the other acid sequences have been reviewed extensively (Hames
recombinant constructs. Plasmids containing the unre- & Higgins, 1985; Hazen & Jiminez, 1988; Sayler &
gulated 13. pL-xylE system were less stably maintained Layton, 1990). Many applications of nucleic acid
than those carrying the temperature-regulated system. hybridization using environmental samples have in-
The expression of xylE from both 13. p L and 13. p R was volved probing immobilized DNA sequences fixed to
tightly regulated by cI857 in Klebsiella, Serratia and E . nitrocellulose or nylon membranes. This approach has
coli but not in Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter, where the advantage that different types of nucleic acids of
uninduced levels were higher. This was probably due to varying purity, including those extracted from total
endogenous species-specific promoter regions fortu- bacteria in a community, can be examined, and that
itously present in the constructs. Comparative studies multiple samples can be processed simultaneously
between 1p,-xylE-c1857 and 3, p~-Xy&CI857 showed (Sayler & Layton, 1990). Nucleic acid probes can be
that there was a tenfold increase in catechol 2,3- labelled either radioactively using 2P-nucleotides or
dioxygenase activity when the ApRsystem was operative, non-isotopically (for instance Hames & Higgins, 1985;
except for A . calcoaceticus, where the regulation of 13. p L Chen et al., 1989). Nucleic acid probes to detect marker
was ineffective and ApR produced only a sixfold increase genes can be designed to detect a particular genotype or
in catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity. High levels of to detect unique sequences inserted into the genome of
catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity occurred in all hosts the target organism (such as a transposon or an
containing the 1 pL-xylE system. This indicates the oligonucleotide sequence). The probe itself can be
effectiveness of the 13. promoters in Gram-negative double-stranded, comprising either total genomic DNA
bacteria. However, species-specific effects are observed, (Hodgson & Roberts, 1983) or specific sequences of
including differences in thermoregulation of the two genomic or plasmid origin (see Sayler & Layton, 1990).
promoters, differences in plasmid stability depending on Similarly, oligonucleotide probes constructed in vitro
the promoter, and species-specific differences in the have been used successfully to detect specific 16s RNA
regulation or stability of the marker systems. This sequences (Amman et al., 19900, b).
information suggests that if transfer of recombinant If suitable probes are available it is possible to use
DNA occurs in the environment, the gene(s) carried may hybridization to detect the presence of specific nucleic
not be expressed in a predictable manner. It will be acid sequences ranging from oligonucleotides to func-
important therefore to treat each candidate release tional recombinant genes. This is not only possible in
organism as an individual case and to assess the bacteria following culture but also directly from environ-
expression, stability and regulation of transfer of mental samples, using several available strategies
released recombinant DNA to potential recipients in (Hazen & Jiminez, 1988; Sayler & Layton, 1990). Colony
model systems prior to release. Furthermore, it seems hybridization (Hanahan & Meselson, 1980), in which
unlikely that the expression of any one marker-gene- bacterial colonies grown on, or transferred to, a filter are
promoter combination could be used as a universal probed for a particular sequence, has been successfully
indicator for detection and measurement of microbial used to detect a range of organisms carrying specific
activity in all bacterial species. traits (see Sayler & Layton, 1990). Examples of the types
The above methods share one common strategy in that of populations monitored by colony hybridization in-
they require viable cells for the monitoring procedure. It clude toluene-degrading bacteria (Sayler et al., 1985;
is possible that some organisms chosen for release may Jain et al., 1987), polychlorinated-biphenyl-degrading
enter the NCBV state once they encounter environmen- bacteria (Pettigrew & Sayler, 1986) and mercury-
tal conditions, thus rendering viable cell isolation resistant bacteria (Barkay et al., 1985; Diels & Mergeay,
techniques inoperative. In addition, the expression of the 1990). Frederickson et al. (1988) combined DNA
marker gene may not occur efficiently outside the hybridization with the MPN method, which permitted
laboratory due to reduced gene expression or interfer- the detection of Rhizobium spp. and Pseudomonas putida
ence with the detection system. It is therefore essential that had been genetically marked with Tn.5 at approxi-
that techniques are available that do not rely directly on mately 10’ cells per g of soil. The efficiency of several

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Molecular methods for the detection of bacteria 1015

Table 2. Limits of various detection systems and methods (adaptedfrom Pickup & Saunders 1990)

Cells Indigenous
Method per ml or per g background Target Medium Reference
~~ ~ ~~

Viable non-selective plating 103 106 xylE Lakewater Morgan et al. (1989)
Viable selective plating 10' 106 RP4-Tol Lakewater Pickup et al. (1990)
Bioassay 103 106 xylE Lakewater Morgan et al. (1989)
ELISA 103 106 xylE Lakewater Morgan et al. (1989)
Luminometry 103 ND lux Soil Rattray et al. (1990)
DNA hybridization 103 1 06 xylE Lakewater Morgan et al. (1 989)
Solution hybridization 102-103 ND 2,4,5-T Soil Steffan & Atlas (1990)
DNA hybridization MPN 10'- 102 ND Tn5 Soil Fredrickson et al. (1988)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 102 (100 g) 10' ' 2,4,5-T Soil Steffan & Atlas (1988)
Fluorescent anti bodies 2 x 10' ND Flavobacterium Soil Mason & Burns (1990)
Fluorescent oligonucleotides 3 x 105 1 08 16s RNA Mixed suspension Amman et al. (19906)

ND, Not determined.

gene probe methods was assessed in freshwater micro- detected (Steffan & Atlas, 1990). This approach is
cosms whilst monitoring the survival of a strain of usually an order of magnitude more sensitive than
Pseudomonas cepacia that was capable of degrading 4- previous methods (Table 2). Solution hybridization has
chlorobiphenyl (Steffan et al., 1989). Although the also been used to examine genetic diversity in environ-
methods (which included selective plating/DNA hybri- mental samples (Sayler & Layton, 1990).
dization, non-selective plating/DNA hybridization, Another approach to detection is to use the polymerase
MPN/DNA hybridization and community DNA extrac- chain reaction (PCR) to increase the relative concentra-
tion/dot blot DNA hybridization) varied in sensitivity tion of target following extraction of total DNA from an
and reliability, it was possible to monitor the organism environmental sample. The target nucleic acid sequences
over an 8 week period. The authors concluded that non- are extracted with total DNA from the sample. PCR can
selective plating combined with DNA hybridization was then be used to amplify DNA molecules present at
the least sensitive method, failing to detect either of the essentially undetectable levels to quantities that permit
target organisms when the total microbial population detection of an identifying sequence from which the
was three orders of magnitude higher than the target presence of the target organism may be inferred. Steffan
population (Steffan et al., 1989). Results from methods & Atlas (1988) showed that they could detect as little as
requiring growth were variable but showed the general 0.3 pg of target DNA, which was equivalent to 100 target
decline of the target organism during the course of the organisms, in 100 g of soil against a background of 10'
experiment. All the gene probe methods were able to non-target micro-organisms (Table 2). Additionally,
detect the presence of the target organisms after 8 weeks PCR may be combined with solution hybridization and
(Steffan et al., 1989). However, it was difficult to high specific activity probes, incorporating the advan-
conclude which method was the most sensitive, empha- tages of each method and permitting very sensitive
sizing the requirement for multiple methodological detection of target organisms that are present in
approaches for monitoring GMMOs in the environment. extremely low numbers (Steffan & Atlas, 1990). One of
Total DNA extraction and subsequent probing for a the limitations of such methods is that they can be used to
particular trait can be used to monitor that characteristic detect particular genetic trait (or marker sequence) but
on a presence or absence basis. The problem is, however, not to determine whether the trait was in its original host
that such samples often do not contain enough of either at the time of sampling or had been transferred to other
the target micro-organism or its nucleic acid to make members of the microbial population.
detection possible. This might be circumvented in a A further refinement of methods involving probe
number of ways using methods designed to increase the technology (including PCR) would be to use ribosomal
detection sensitivity. One approach is to use high specific RNA (rRNA) as the target sequence, as it is naturally
activity probes in dot blot procedures to detect sub- amplified in the cell and contains sequences that may be
picogram levels of DNA (Holben et al., 1988; Sommer- specific for the target organism. Oligonucleotide probes
ville et al., 1988).However, this approach is limited when based on RNA or on rRNA genes have been developed
the target DNA comprises a very small fraction of the that are kingdom-, genus-, species- or strain-specific (see
total. Solution hybridization is another strategy that Pace et al., 1986). 16s RNA probes are available that can
permits large amounts of total DNA to be screened, and distinguish between eubacteria, archaeobacteria and the
between 100 and 1000 cells per g of sample can be eukaryotes using dot-blots, or at a single-cell level using

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1016 R. W . Pickup

microautoradiography (Giovannoni et al., 1988). Using putida ; Morgan et al., 1989) in the presence of indigenous
16s rRNA-specific oligonucleotide probes in combina- bacteria. Experience with bacteria of different species
tion with PCR, Giovannoni et al. (1990) investigated the marked with xyIE indicated that the detection limit was
genetic diversity of the microbial flora in the Sargasso around lo3 cells per ml of lake water using ELISA
Sea. PCR was used to amplify cloned libraries of techniques and polyclonal antisera specific for catechol
eubacterial 16s rRNA. Analysis revealed that the 2,3-dioxygenase (Table 2).
microbial population comprised a wide diversity of Immuno-epifluorescence microscopy can be used to
distantly related bacteria. In addition, Giovannoni et al. enumerate GMMOs and other environmentally signifi-
(1 990) identified a novel group of oligotrophic bacteria cant bacteria in natural samples (see above). Monoclonal
not previously detected due to their lack of culturability. antibodies raised against Flavobacterium P25, originally
The value of culture-independent detection techniques isolated from soil and classified as a potential release
was further emphasized by Ward et al. (1990), who candidate, were effective in detecting this strain even
analysed 16s rRNA sequences from a hot-spring when the organism encountered starvation conditions ;
community to reveal a wider diversity of organisms than and cell densities as low as 20 bacteria per g soil could be
would be expected from culture techniques. detected by immunofluorescence microscopy (Mason &
Fluorochromes can also be attached to oligonucleotide Burns, 1990). Fluorescent monoclonal anti bodies
probes for the identification of specific bacteria (Gio- specific for the 01 antigen of Vibrio cholerae have been
vannoni et al., 1988; Amman et al., 1990a). Probes used in conjunction with fluorescence microscopy,
specific to 16s RNA that have been coupled to providing a more sensitive procedure for assessing water
fluorochromes have permitted the identification of single quality than standard culture methods (Brayton &
cells of Fibrobacter succinogenes and Methanosarcina Colwell, 1987; Brayton et al., 1987). The specificity of
acetivorans in mixed ruminant populations (Amman et fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibodies has been
al., 1990a). This labelling method has potential in flow exploited to detect micro-organisms such as E. coli,
cytometric applications due to its specificity (Amman et Legionella pneumophila and spores of Bacillus anthracis by
al., 1990b). Using flow cytometry, Amman et al. (1990 b) flow cytometry (Phillips & Martin, 1988). Two different
were able to detect Desulfbvibrio gigas in mixed cultures serotypes of Nitrosomonas spp. were enumerated in
when the target cells comprised no more than 3% of the activated sludge from sewage plants using immuno-
total suspension. Fluorescence detection involves fixing fluorescence and nucleic acid staining (Volsch et al.,
the probe into the target cell in a similar way to 1990). Flow cytometry coupled with the use of phyloge-
traditional microscopic staining procedures. The signal netic fluorescent oligonucleotide probes (Amman et af.,
can be further increased by applying multiple fluorescent 1990a, b) may also have enormous potential in detecting
oligonucleotide probes. The invasive nature of labelling specific micro-organisms from environmental samples.
with such probes precludes isolating viable cells but will Organisms that are present in low numbers are often
allow enumeration. However, it is likely that the difficult to enumerate. The level of sensitivity for many
specificity of oligonucleotide probes should allow of the methods available may not be sufficient for
changes in specific microbial populations in the environ- detecting low numbers of introduced recombinant
ment, from kingdom through genera to species, to be organisms in the environment. Selective enrichment
monitored (Amman et al., 1990b). techniques included as an integral part of any monitoring
strategy would increase the proportion of viable target
organisms within the total population. One such method
Immunological detection has been developed using a monoclonal antibody raised
against a strain-specific domain of the flagellin subunits
The use of either polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies of flagella from a model recombinant pseudomonad
offers a potentially sensitive and specific means of (Saunders et al., 1990; Morgan et al., 1991). The surface
identifying environmentally important bacteria. Antibo- of polystyrene magnetic beads (10 pm) was coated with
dies of either type can be used to identify specific marker the monoclonal antibody. By mixing the coated beads
gene products or even intact micro-organisms that with lakewater samples containing the target recombin-
express an appropriate antigen. There is now increasing ant Pseudomonas putida, bead-cell complexes were
interest in producing monoclonal antibodies and poly- formed that could be recovered by attraction towards a
clonal antisera against ecologically important micro- strong magnet. When re-isolated by standard culture
organisms, particularly pathogens. Enzyme-linked im- methods, approximately 20% of the initial target
munosorbent assay (ELISA) has been used for the population was recovered. This technique represents an
detection of specific strains (e.g. Rhizobium; Martensson initial step in the recovery and detection of specific
et al., 1984) and recombinant bacteria (Pseudomonas micro-organisms and it is intended that it would be

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followed by other direct or viable detection techniques BARKAY, T., Fou~s,D. L. & OLSEN,B. H. (1985). Preparation of a
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