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The Hoops, Hopes, and Hypes of Human

Microbiome Research
Elisabeth M. Bik
Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases & Geographic Medicine, Stanford University

Recent developments in sequencing methods and bioinformatics analysis tools have greatly enabled the
culture-independent analysis of complex microbial communities associated with environmental samples,
plants, and animals. This has led to a spectacular increase in the number of studies on both membership and
functionalities of these hitherto invisible worlds, in particular those of the human microbiome. The wide
variety in available microbiome tools and platforms can be overwhelming, and making sound conclusions
from scientific research can be challenging. Here, I will review 1) the methodological and analytic hoops a
good microbiome study has to jump through, including DNA extraction and choice of bioinformatics tools,
2) the hopes this field has generated for diseases such as autism and inflammatory bowel diseases, and 3)
some of the hypes that it has created, e.g., by confusing correlation and causation, and the recent pseudosci-
entific commercialization of microbiome research.

on the amplification of a marker gene, usually the gene
Our bodies are home to complex communities of mi- encoding for the structural RNA of the small ribosomal
crobes that live on our skin, in our mouths, and in our subunit, called the 16S rRNA gene. This gene is present
guts. These microbial consortia consist of many differ- in all living organisms, and consists of a unique mosaic
ent bacterial, archaeal, and fungal species, collectively structure including both conserved regions that can be
called the human microbiome or microbiota, and are the used as the targets of broad-range primers, as well as
most dense in the colon [1]. An often-used but now ob- variable regions that can be used for sequence-based
solete statement claimed that the human body contains strain typing. Since its first use of a marker gene to in-
10 times more microbial cells than human cells. How- vestigate bacterial and archaeal phylogeny [7], it has be-
ever, a recent paper has revisited these calculations and come the gene of choice for the analysis of microbial
it is now estimated that the number of bacteria associated communities [8-10], with currently over 1.4 million bac-
with a human body is about the same as human body terial and 53,000 archaeal sequences available [11]. Am-
cells, i.e. 40 trillion [2]. Microbial communities are not plification of the 16S rRNA gene and the rapid
exclusively found in humans, however. Almost every development of high-throughput sequencing platforms
plant or animal studied so far has been found to live in have allowed microbiologists to analyze complex micro-
close association with microbes. In addition, microbial bial communities without the need to culture them. How-
communities are found in a wide range of environmental ever, this approach is limited by the lack of phylogenetic
niches as well, including soil, seawater, glacier ice, and resolution, especially with short read lengths, and distinct
walls and floors of homes [3-6]. bacterial species or strains often contain nearly identical
Spectacular advances in amplification and sequenc- 16S rRNA gene sequences [12]. In addition to sequenc-
ing technologies accomplished in the past 20 years have ing of marker genes to identify the members of a micro-
led to large amounts of new studies of these microbial bial community, it became technically possible to
communities [1]. Many microbial ecology studies rely sequence all genomic DNA within a single sample

*To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Elisabeth M. Bik, Veterans Hospital Palo Alto, Room B4-175, 3801 Miranda Av-
enue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, Phone number: +1 650 493 5000, extension 63163, Email:

†Abbreviations: ASD, Autism spectrum disorders; CDI, Clostridium difficile infections; FMT, fecal microbiome transplantation; HMP,
Human Microbiome Project; IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; rRNA, ribosomal RNA.

Keywords: microbiome, microbiota, microbial ecology, DNA extraction, sequencing

Copyright © 2016 363

364 Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research

(“metagenomics”), thus allowing to determine the genetic A wide variety of diseases have now been found as-
capacities within a community and to better identify dif- sociated with changes in the human microbiome, in par-
ferences between closely related microbial strains [13]. ticular that of the gut. Many of these associations might be
Finally, functional community profiling by transcrip- correlations, not causations, with cause and effect often
tomics, proteomics, and metabolomics is providing us hard to distinguish. However, the ever increasing amount
with novel insights into the genes that are being expressed of microbiota studies is creating excitement among the
under certain circumstances in a variety of sample types general public with overly optimistic expectations that
[13]. knowledge of the human-associated microbiome will
After many decades of being dependent on culturing solve nearly all medical problems. Unfortunately, some
techniques to study pathogenic bacteria and viruses, mi- of this over-enthusiastic interpretation of data has been
crobiology could shift towards the study of yet unexplored found in scientific papers as well, and it is not always easy
microbial diversity and functionality, allowing novel in- to separate the wheat from the chaff.
sights into a hitherto hidden world [14]. Among the many Here, I will review some of the challenges that a good
new environments to explore were the microbial popula- microbiome study will need to overcome, some of the new
tions found in the human mouth [15-18], distal gut [19- insights and expectations that this field has generated, as
21], and skin [22]. It was revealed that human-associated well some examples where microbiome research or the
microbial communities varied primarily between anatom- popular press has potentially over-interpreted or exagger-
ical sites, but also per individual and over time [23]. Soon ated findings.
after these first exploratory studies, two large-scale se-
quence-based human microbiome projects were launched
in 2008 to study these consortia in more depth. The Euro- HOOPS TO JUMP THROUGH
pean MetaHit consortium focused on the metagenomic As with any other research study, a microbiome study
analysis of stool samples from 124 subjects with various is most likely to succeed when it is based on a carefully
health conditions, while the United States-based Human planned study design and smart choices of methods and
Microbiome Project (HMP†) analyzed multiple body sits analysis tools. Each choice with respect to extraction, am-
from 242 healthy adults [24,25]. Together, these projects plification, sequencing, and ecological analysis can have
greatly enhanced our knowledge of the constituents, func- a profound effect on the outcome of the study, and this is
tionalities, and boundaries of variation within the human particularly important when comparing new results to pre-
microbiome. vious studies. With so many research groups starting to
The combined genomes of the microbes living in the apply microbiome methods to their own field, and the ever
human gut can be viewed as a functional expansion of our increasing new bioinformatics tools becoming available, it
own genome, because they add to the variety of enzymes might be difficult and overwhelming to select the best op-
that the human genome does not encode, e.g., for the tions and parameters. This section will list some of these
breakdown of complex polysaccharides. Functions of the choices, with a focus on 16S rRNA gene amplification and
human intestinal microbiome include the extraction of en- metagenomics studies (Figure 1). Because this field is so
ergy from food, fermentation of fiber and production of rapidly evolving, the list of choices and parameters is not
short-chain fatty acids, structuring anatomical features of meant to be comprehensive, but rather a guide to make a
the distal gut, modulation of the immune system, vitamin new microbiome researcher aware of the range of options
synthesis, and occupying niches to prevent pathogens that are available.
from colonizing [21,24,26,27]. Bidirectional communica-
Study Design
tion routes between the gastrointestinal tract and the cen-
tral nervous system have led to the postulation of a A good microbiome study starts with estimating a
“brain-gut-axis” mediated by the gut microbiome [28]. useful number of study groups, subjects, and specimens.
Within the same individual, the human gut micro- The type of sample or novelty of the study object will de-
biome is relatively stable over time, but responds rapidly termine how many samples and experimental groups
to changes in food, gastrointestinal illness, or travel should be included. A low number of samples might be
[29,30]. To further explore the influence of geography, sufficient in the case of a new sample type, such as the in-
diet, and culture on our gut commensals, recent micro- digenous microbial community of a host species or body
biome studies have analyzed fecal specimens from non- site that has not previously been analyzed. In those situa-
Western human subjects living in traditional communities tions, any new information about the microbes associated
in Africa and South-America [31-34]. A huge influence with those yet unexplored specimen types will offer new
of lifestyle and diet on the human gut microbiome was re- insights. In the early days of microbiome research, when
vealed, with hunter-gatherers, traditional agriculturalists, many specimen types were yet unexplored, publications
and urban-industrial populations all displaying very dif- included relatively low numbers of samples. For example,
ferent microbiomes with decreasing amounts of bacterial a 2005 paper from our laboratory on the distal gut micro-
diversity. biome analyzed six distal gut sites from three healthy hu-
mans [19]. In contrast, the HMP project published in 2012
Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research 365

Figure 1. General overview of the workflow for 16S rRNA gene-based and metagenomic analysis of mi-
crobial communities, showing the most important steps and considerations for each stage of the

involved 4,788 specimens from 242 adults sampled at 15 veal underlying patterns of geography or health vs. dis-
to 18 different body sites [24]. Clearly, the publication re- eases states. The number of samples per group often can-
quirements of studies involving human samples have been not be determined a priori and depends on how clearly
raised tremendously. On the other hand, it could currently two different populations differ.
still be very useful to perform a study on the microbiome
Sampling and Storage
of a handful of samples or individuals from a host species
or health condition never before analyzed. Given the large Before the start of the study, microbiome researchers
variation of individuals found in most animal and plant should incorporate in their study design how samples will
species, it would always be wise to include more than one be collected, by whom and where, and how samples will
individual and sample type. be transported to the lab and stored. Collection of samples
Given that the human microbiome in health has been close to the laboratory where the samples will be stored
extensively studied as of now, and given the high amount and analyzed ensures short time intervals between collec-
of inter-individual variation, most analyses of the human tion and freezing. However, human subjects often are
microbiome will require large numbers of samples to re- more comfortable if they can self-collect, and self-sam-
366 Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research

pling can be simple and as effective as sampling by a reported the presence of low amounts of contaminant
physician [35]. Collection at home brings challenges in DNA in sample collection materials such as paper points
terms of transport to the laboratory, which can be hindered used for the collection of oral samples [42], DNA extrac-
by distance, outside temperature, and transport regula- tion buffers or columns [43,44], or PCR reagents [45], a
tions. For example, microbial communities from fecal problem that is much harder to avoid. The concern for
samples stored for three days at room temperature differ contamination becomes increasingly important when ex-
significantly from fresh samples or those stored at -80°C tracting or amplifying low-yield clinical samples, such as
or at 4°C [36]. The optimal choice of sampling must find blood, where the signal-to-noise ratio is low. In an elegant
the best balance between all of these considerations. For study, Salter et al. showed that most DNA extraction
most applications and sample types, immediate freezing reagents contain non-negligible amounts of contaminat-
and storage at -80°C is optimal to preserve the microbial ing DNA that could progressively be more detected in
composition within the sample [36]. samples with a low amount of microbial biomass [46]. An
increasing number of studies attempt to detect microbial
DNA Extraction
DNA in near-sterile environments such as amniotic fluid
A third consideration of a microbiome study is the or blood from healthy individuals. Without the inclusion
quality of the nucleic acids extracted from the specimens. of carefully selected extraction and amplification controls,
A wide range of DNA extraction kits are available on the the interpretation of the results of such studies becomes
market, combining premade buffers, materials, and pro- very difficult.
tocols for the disruption of cellular membranes, denatura-
tion of proteins, and purification of nucleic acids thus DNA Amplification Primers and Parameters
ensuring reproducibility and reliability. Many of these Although metagenomics studies are on the rise, many
commercial methods contain similar components such as microbiome analyses still rely on the amplification of the
guanidine-based chaotropic salts and silica-adsorption 16S rRNA gene, by using PCR primers that fit on con-
spin-columns, but kits might vary in the composition of served regions of this mosaic gene, and sequencing on the
the buffers and enzymes used for cell lysis and whether interposed variable regions. The choice of primer pairs
mechanical lysis steps such as bead-beating are incorpo- and thus of the variable regions to be amplified and ana-
rated or not. The QIAamp (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and lyzed is partly dictated by the read length of the selected
PowerSoil (MO BIO Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA) DNA sequencing platform (also see discussion below). For ex-
extraction kits are currently among the most popular ample, nearly the entire length of the 1.5 kb 16S rRNA
choices for microbiome analysis applications. Depending gene can be analyzed by paired-end 800-nt reads obtained
on the type of specimen to be extracted, the choice of nu- with classical Sanger sequencing, while the shorter read
cleic acid extraction kit might have a considerable effect length of newer high-throughput sequencing platforms is
on both the yield as well as the bacterial ratios in the pu- better suitable for amplification of only one to three vari-
rified sample [37-40]. able regions. Amplification of the V4 variable region in
As long as all samples within a single study are combination with Illumina sequencing is currently a pop-
processed with the same nucleic acid extraction technique, ular and solid choice.
the choice of extraction method should not be too much Despite the presence of multiple conserved regions
cause of concern. However, problems might arise when within the 16S rRNA gene and a multiple published “uni-
results obtained with different types of extraction proce- versal” PCR primer sequences, no primer combination
dures are compared to each other, because the observed will be perfect. Most primers need to contain degenera-
variation in bacterial communities might be driven by the cies in order to amplify a wide range of bacterial taxa, and
DNA extraction method, not by a true underlying differ- no matter which primer pairs or ambiguities are chosen,
ence. However, particular sample types, e.g. containing the amplification ratios of the different bacterial groups
hard-to-remove inhibitors, might benefit from an in-house present in the original sample will be biased [47,48]. In
developed specific extraction protocol. addition to this bias in taxonomic coverage, the choice of
the variable region will influence how well certain bacte-
rial taxa can be distinguished from each other [47,48].
An important point to address is the possible intro- The PCR cycle number is worth some consideration
duction of contaminating DNA during sample preparation. too. Cycle numbers that are too high will lead to increased
Contamination might occur during several stages of the risk of chimera formation, and older datasets contain many
sample processing by cross-contamination from adjacent chimeras [49]. Depending on the expected amount of tar-
samples, the operator, or the presence of amplicon get DNA in the sample, keeping the cycle number below
residues in the laboratory. Important measures to reduce 30 is recommended [49].
these types of contamination are the use of biosafety cab-
inets, gloves, filter tips, and separate areas for DNA ex-
traction and PCR [41]. In addition, several studies have
Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research 367

Sequencing Technology tools and parameters in metagenomics analysis are even

DNA sequencing has undergone dramatic changes in more overwhelming and less standardized than with
the past decade. A wide variety of established and recently marker gene data. Metagenomic analysis involves a large
developed high-throughput technologies is currently avail- number of specific steps, such as contig assembly, taxo-
able, and choice of the appropriate sequence platform nomic and functional assignment, pathway reconstruction,
needs to take into account read length, read yield, error and genome assembly, and specialized laboratories might
rate, number of samples, and cost. The first microbiome use in-house developed algorithms and pipelines that are
studies were based on Sanger sequencing, which yields not easy to implement for other researchers. Some com-
long and high-quality reads that were very valuable in pre- monly used metagenomic analysis tools include
cise phylogenetic and taxonomic assignments [10]. How- MetaPhlAn2 [60] and HUMAnN [61], both developed by
ever, this methodology was cumbersome and costly, the Huttenhower laboratory.
limiting its use to analyze complex microbial communi- Finally, there is a whole range of tools developed for
ties. data not based on DNA sequencing, such as transcrip-
The development of high-throughput sequencing plat- tomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, that provide meas-
forms has quickly revolutionized the study of microbial ures for the functional activity with a microbial
communities, both for amplicon based sequencing as well community [13]. In contrast to DNA-based studies, which
as for metagenomic analysis [50,51]. The first technique can only detect the potential for biochemical pathways,
that became commonly used was 454 pyrosequencing, but such studies provide new insights into the genes that are
its usefulness for taxonomic purposes is hindered by its actively being expressed and the community proteins and
high error rate of ~1 percent, and support for this platform other compounds that are synthesized under specific cir-
has stopped in 2013. Illumina-based sequencing platforms cumstances [13].
provide much lower error rates and higher read numbers
than pyrosequencing, and have proven to be extremely ef-
fective and successful for high-throughput microbial com- HOPES FOR THE BEST
munity analysis. Even newer sequencing technologies The novel world that opened up for scientists after the
have entered the microbial ecology field and are rapidly first human microbiome studies were published has of-
winning terrain, such as the Ion Torrent, PacBio, and the fered many new insights in the members and functions of
MinIon sequence platforms [50,52,53]; it is still unclear our indigenous communities, as well as hopes that this
which of these will become the most popular. Each tech- new scientific knowledge could be applied for diagnostics
nology generates a different balance between output, read tests or ways to modulate our microbiota to cure diseases.
length, and error rate, making it hard to compare datasets Indeed, the human microbiome field has generated sev-
generated with multiple platforms [47,54]. eral success stories and hopes for future treatment options,
some of which are highlighted here.
The newer sequencing platforms generate millions of Effect of Diet
reads which are impossible to process and analyze without Not surprisingly, the composition of the gut micro-
the use of bioinformatics tools. Several packages are avail- biome is in part determined by what we eat. As noted
able for both marker as well as shotgun reads. above, although the human gut microbiome is relatively
For the processing and analysis of amplified 16S stable over time within the same individual, it will respond
rRNA gene reads, the current most commonly used pack- quickly to dietary changes [29,30]. Studies on non-West-
ages are mothur [55] and QIIME [56]. Each tool comes ern human stool samples have shown that the gut com-
with a wide range of options and parameters that are not munities from hunter-gatherers and traditional
always reported in published studies, making these agriculturalists contain many more bacterial species than
choices difficult to make for non-experienced users. Qual- those from urban dwellers. It has been proposed that the
ity of the alignment, distance calculation methods, se- different microbial consortia are a reflection of different
quence filtering and many other parameters all have amounts of fiber consumed by their hosts, and that the typ-
significant impacts on community structure outcomes, ical Western diet low in fiber and high in simple carbo-
suggesting that extreme caution must be taken when com- hydrates might be associated with a “loss” of microbial
paring results from different labs [57]. diversity [31-33]. This hypothesis has been strengthened
An even wider selection of bioinformatics tools for by animal experiments, in which mice fed a low fiber diet
the assembly and analysis of metagenomic shotgun reads for several generations showed a progressive loss of gut
are available. In general, better results are expected when microbiota diversity [62]. These new insights might help
short reads are first assembled into larger contigs, allow- evolve therapeutic strategies to increase the microbial di-
ing better taxonomic and functional assessments of the mi- versity in Western guts and possibly decrease metabolic
crobial communities. In some cases, nearly complete diseases such as obesity and diabetes, both of which are
genomes can be assembled [51,58,59]. The choices of associated with decreased diversity of the gut microbiome
368 Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research

[63,64]. Promising treatment options include the con- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
sumption of more fiber and less simple carbohydrates in Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) include both
our food, and the addition of probiotic supplements (food Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, the etiology of
items containing live organisms with a postulated positive which are still poorly understood. Several studies have re-
effect on our health) [65]. ported a decreased overall bacterial diversity of the intes-
tinal microbiota in IBD, as well as changes in the
Effect of Antibiotics abundance of specific bacterial groups [75,76]. However,
One of the most compelling findings of the micro- it remains unclear whether this dysbiosis is the cause of
biome field are the damaging effects of antibiotics on the the disease, or the result of the prolonged disease pathol-
human gut microbiome. Antibiotics used to treat an in- ogy or medications or dietary modifications that are com-
fection elsewhere in the body can also generate “collat- monly found in IBD patients. Although IBD are unlikely
eral damage” on the distal gut communities, despite any caused by a single microbial pathogen, and are more likely
lack of noticeable side effects by the patient. In volunteer to be triggered by a complex combination of genetics, mi-
studies, a single course of antibiotics rapidly changes and crobiota disturbances, and immune defects, restoring the
decreases the number of bacterial species in stool com- microbial diversity of the gut has been proposed as an in-
munities, often followed by incomplete recovery even teresting new therapy. Despite variable success rates so
after several months [66,67]. The mouth microbiome how- far (30 to 60 percent in a series of trials reviewed in [77]),
ever, is much more resilient to these changes, possibly be- both probiotic supplements as well as FMT are currently
cause of the pharmacokinetics of antibiotics [67]. These being considered to treat IBD [75].
results, together with those from animal experiments, have
led to the hypothesis that multiple perturbations by an-
tibiotic use early in life might lead to adult gut microbio- Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are another family
tas that contain fewer bacterial species than those of of conditions where the expectations with regards to mi-
subjects who have never had antibiotics [68]. The preva- crobiome research are high, although actual treatment op-
lent use of antibiotics in children and the putative result- tions have been lacking so far. Autistic children have more
ing decreased microbial diversity might be related to the gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and diar-
increased prevalence of diseases such as obesity and dia- rhea than healthy controls [78]. Recent studies on the stool
betes [68]. These associations could lead to new treatment microbiota of ASD patients have reported conflicting find-
or prevention options for these morbidities, e.g., by the ings with respect to stool samples from healthy controls
use of probiotics after antibiotic use, as well as reduced with different studies reporting distinct increased or de-
use of antibiotics for the treatment of non-life-threatening creased microbial groups [28,79]. In addition, altered gut
infections or in the food industry [68]. microbial communities in ASD children might be related
to the behavioral problems found in these patients, which
Clostridium difficile Infections and Stool Transplants are often accompanied by strong food preferences for e.g.
Related to new insights in the effects of antibiotics on starchy, processed foods [78]. The diets of ASD patients
the human gut microbiome are the success stories of treat- therefore might lack certain nutrients which could be cor-
ing Clostridium difficile infections (CDI). Treatment of related to changes in their gut microbial communities [78].
patients with antibiotics is the main risk factor for CDI, Although the relationship between the gut microbiome
which is characterized by diarrhea and fever [69]. C. dif- and disease is still unclear, prebiotics, probiotics, and
ficile is a spore-forming and toxin-producing bacterium FMT are gaining popularity as therapy options in ASD
that is present in low numbers in the gut microbiota of [79].
about 10 percent of the healthy population, where it causes
Pregnancy and Birth
no apparent problems [70]. However, antibiotic use –
which kills off many other bacterial species in the gut – The birth of every child marks the beginning of a new
can lead to a disturbance of this balance and to a higher symbiosis between microbes and human. Microbial ecol-
relative abundance of this bacterium [71]. Cases of CDI ogy research has greatly improved our knowledge on how
are difficult to treat, and recurrent infections often occur. babies are colonized [80,81], and the important roles of
The burden of CDI is very high, with almost half a million mode of delivery and feeding [82-84]. Babies born by ce-
cases and 30,000 deaths per year in the United States [72]. sarean section or fed with sterile formula might follow a
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), in which a stool perturbed path of microbial colonization [85]. This has led
sample from a healthy donor is transplanted into the in- to recent practices where newborns delivered by cesarean
testinal tract of a recipient, has proven to be very success- section are “seeded” with the vaginal microbiome of their
ful in CDI cases, with cure rates over 85 percent and very mother [86]. In addition to the effect of delivery mode or
few complications [73,74]. The high success rate of FMT feeding practices, the presence of pets or siblings in their
for CDI has created high expectations for the application household and the composition of their family’s gut mi-
of this technique to other gastrointestinal diseases. crobiomes all play significant roles on the development of
Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research 369

a child’s microbiome [87]. Interestingly, growing up with IBD have been on various medications and might have ex-
dogs or farm animals decreases a child’s risk to develop cluded certain food components, and people with anorexia
asthma [88], which fits into the “hygiene hypothesis” nervosa have decreased caloric intake than healthy con-
which proposes that exposure to many microbes early in trols; these confounding factors could have caused the re-
live is needed to properly educate the immune system and ported changes in microbial communities. Similarly, it has
make it more tolerant to environmental antigens [89]. been reported that rugby players have a different, more di-
Microbiome research has provided new insights in the verse, microbiome than age-matched controls [96]. This
complex processes preceding birth as well. Vaginal mi- was interpreted both by the authors as well as by the pop-
crobiomes cluster into several community types [90], in ular press as proof that exercise has a beneficial impact on
which Lactobacillus-dominated microbiotas are associ- the gut microbiome diversity. However, several other con-
ated with health, while another, more diverse community founding factors, such as different diets for these athletes
type with fewer lactic acid bacteria is associated with bac- or more contact with soil, could have caused the micro-
terial vaginosis and poorer pregnancy outcomes [91,92]. bial changes as well. In these examples, and many other
Modulation of the vaginal microbiome by probiotics or studies, correlations of a certain health condition to
other therapeutics is currently being investigated as treat- changes in the microbiome should not be interpreted as
ment options for bacterial vaginosis [93]. causal relationships without further evidence to support
those claims.
HYPES TO BUST Animals are not Humans
It is clear that studies on the human-associated mi- Without doubt, animal models such as germ-free
crobial communities have generated large amounts of new (GF) mice, born and raised in sterile laboratory environ-
data and interesting findings, but many of the high expec- ments, have proven invaluable for microbiome research.
tations expressed around the launch of the HMP and They have shown the importance of intestinal microor-
Metahit studies have not yet come true. We cannot clearly ganisms for development of a correctly structured gut lin-
define a healthy microbiome yet; there is too much varia- ing, immune system, and important roles in gut-brain
tion between the gut microbiomes of people living on dif- signaling [97]. Colonization of GF animals with simple
ferent diets or in different populations all around the communities of specific microorganisms or human-de-
world. In addition, microbiome research has brought us rived microbiota have brought new insights on how bac-
better understanding but yet no clear cause or cure for terial strains co-exist and communicate with each other
complex gastrointestinal or other disorders such as IBD, [98,99], and spectacular images of the spatial organiza-
autism, or multiple sclerosis. Not withstanding this rela- tion of the murine gut microbiota [100]. However, results
tive lack of therapeutic or diagnostic applications, many obtained in mouse or other animal models have to be in-
scientists in non-microbiology medical fields such as neu- terpreted with caution. Mice and humans are quite differ-
rology, psychology, and dermatology have started to in- ent with respect to body sizes, diet, gut anatomy and
corporate and execute microbiome studies to their own functions [101]. Findings from a mouse model therefore
specialties in the hopes to find cures for hard-to-treat or di- are not necessarily applicable to humans. In addition, sev-
agnose diseases. eral animal models of human digestive tract diseases such
Disturbingly, the recent large amounts of microbiome as colitis, obesity, or diabetes are only superficially related
articles by popular science media and general news outlets to their human counterparts. Although the symptoms of
have generated feelings of exaggerated excitement among these animal model diseases might ostensibly resemble
the public which is led to believe that the microbiome is the human equivalent, their origin or development is quite
connected to all human organs and diseases. Many of different. Some of these models have underlying genetic
these proposed connections are interesting hypotheses mutations not corresponding to human genes, while in oth-
some of which might turn out to be correct, but most of ers the disease is artificially induced with chemical treat-
these hypes are not, or only poorly, founded by scientific ment. Any findings of altered microbial communities or
findings. This section will review some causes and con- effects of treatments must be viewed in this light, and
cerning effects of these hypes. might not simply transfer to human physiology [101].
Correlation is not Causation Microbial Detection is not the Same as a Microbiome
Altered microbiomes have been reported in a wide Another area where experimental findings could eas-
variety of health conditions, including IBD [75,76], autism ily be over-interpreted is the analysis of microbial com-
[28,79], and anorexia nervosa [94,95]. However, correla- munities found at anatomical sites that are traditionally
tion does not mean causation. It can often not be deter- thought to be sterile or near-sterile in health, such as
mined whether differences in the microbiome are causing blood, amniotic fluid, placenta, or urine. Infections of
the disease, or if they are caused by the disease. For ex- these specimen types are often associated with detectable
ample, many people with gastrointestinal diseases such as bacterial counts, either by culture or by amplification of a
370 Bik: The hoops, hopes, and hypes of human microbiome research

marker gene, [102-104]. However, stories about “rich” mi- manufacturing processes, amount of microorganisms,
crobiomes in these types of samples in health without clin- quality control, and proven success [111]. In addition,
ical evidence of infection or any other underlying disease there has been a recent surge of pseudoscientific websites
are harder to accept, especially if they are not accompa- run by self-proclaimed “microbiome experts”, often with-
nied by adequate numbers of thoughtfully planned ex- out professional education or scientific background, who
traction controls. These reports on the presence of promote overpriced probiotic or fiber-rich food items or
microorganisms in previously believed to be sterile sites wellness books and videos. Some of these also cater to pa-
might be correct, but could also represent detection of cir- tients suffering from chronic conditions, raising several
culating non-viable lysed microbial cell remnants or tran- ethical and legal concerns [111].
sient bacteremia, e.g., after dental flossing [105].
Alternatively, as discussed above, some of these commu-
nities might reflect contaminants introduced during spec-
imen sampling, DNA extraction, or amplification [46]. No The invisible world that opened up to microbiologists
matter what scenario, interpreting these low-abundance after the introduction of culture-independent microbial
and possibly transient microorganisms as evidence for a community analysis and high-throughput sequencing tools
microbiome appears farfetched. A true microbiome is has offered novel insights into the members and functions
more than a random selection of detectable microbes; it of our bodies’ indigenous communities, as well as hopes
refers to the combined microorganisms adapted to live that this new scientific knowledge can be applied for di-
within a particular environment. agnostics tests or ways to modulate our microbiota and
However, there are several examples of studies on cure diseases. So far we have learned that the microbiome
low-yield specimen types that carefully considered con- is an important and intricate part of our physiology which
tamination or the presence of transient microbial DNA. appears to be disturbed in a wide range of disease condi-
Most of these provided additional proof of the presence tions. Our gut microbiota fares best on a diet rich in veg-
and viability of these microorganisms, such as traditional etables and fiber, and can possibly be enhanced with
cultivation, adenosine triphosphate and propidium probiotics and fermented foods. In some instances, mi-
monoazide PCR assays, or microscopy with fluorescent crobiome studies have led to treatment options, e.g. FMT
probes to estimate viable microbial populations [106– in CDI, while there is still much to learn for many others
108]. Without such controls, reports on rich microbiomes conditions.
at unlikely anatomical sites need to be interpreted with The hopes generated around 2010 when the first
caution. HMP and MetaHit papers were published are reminiscent
of the excitement expressed when the first draft of the
Microbes are Unlikely to Determine our Partner human genome was released in 2001. The sequencing of
the human genome was viewed as a huge step in the ad-
Recent claims in the popular media have stated that vancement of clinical medicine [112], generating high ex-
our microbes can determine our behavior, including pectations for the treatment of diseases with a genetic
choosing a partner. Statements like these are often based origin and novel insights into basic human physiology.
on extreme extrapolations of scientific findings. For ex- However, the authors recognized that the human genome
ample, there are several examples from the animal world project was not more than another step in the continuing
in which particular microbes can modify behavior or in- research of human genetics, and only the start of many
fluence mate choice, as reviewed in [109]. A study in hu- new projects, noting “(T)he more we learn about the
mans showed that the composition of the oral microbiome human genome, the more there is to explore.” [112]. Sim-
can be shaped by kissing [110], but there is no scientific ilarly, the datasets generated on the human microbiome
evidence yet that microbes determine with whom we kiss. are only the start of our understanding which microbes we
are host to, the functions of these consortia, and how small
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