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Special Order / Weapon Forging Items

To get these items, you need to successfully finish a Kamui attack against a boss enemy.

Item Boss Enemy (Chapter)

Broken Sword Samurai boss (Ch. 1)
Hoe Goblin's Gauntlet Moritoshi (Ch. 1)
Nue's Claw Nue (Ch. 1)
Steel Gauntlet Moritoshi (Ch. 1)
Sleeve of a large armor Semi-Boss Samurai (Ch. 1)
Feather of Yatagarasu Yatagarasu (Ch. 2)
Jeweled Sword of Gold Yatagarasu (Ch. 2)
Piece of Divine Stone Possessed Shrine (Ch. 2)
Ornamental Club Possessed Shrine (Ch. 2)
Claw of Raiju Raiju (Ch. 3)
Crystal Ball Kuyo (Ch. 3)
Giant Evil Bone Kuyo's Monster (Ch. 3)
Cursed Gauntlet Moritoshi (Ch. 3)

Item Name Necessary Parts ATK / DEF

Sword of Nue's Claw Broken Sword / Nue's Claw 35 ATK
Blade of the Nue's Claw / Hoe Goblin's Gauntlet 74 ATK
No Shield Sleeve of a large armor / Feather of Yatagarasu 53 DEF
The Crimson Sword Broken Sword / Feather of Yatagarasu 50 ATK
Heaven's Chain Sleeve of a large armor / Piece of Divine Stone 90 DEF
Ogre's Iron Club Steel Gauntlet / Piece of Divine Stone 80 ATK
Demonbane Ornamental Club / Crystal Ball / Cursed Gauntlet 111 ATK
Floating Cloud Giant Evil Bone / Nue's Claw / Claw of Raiju 122 ATK
Lightning Sword Jeweled Sword of Gold / Claw of Raiju / Claw of Raiju 75 ATK

Yoshitsune Benkei

Double Swords (Yoshitsune)

Unsigned Sword (ATK 9)

Location: Default weapon, The Gojo Bridge (Search the dead bodies)

Iron Sword (ATK 13)

Location: Buy from the shop in Chapter 1 (300g), Mt.Kurama (Go up the waterfall that is
before the section where you fight the Heishi Master)

Fox Fire (ATK 15) + Fire

Location: Myogyoji Temple (Get on to the roofs and enter the small hole which leads to
the attic)

Celebrated Iron Sword (ATK 16)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 (400g)

Steel Sword (ATK 22)
Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 (800g)

Celebrated Steel Sword (ATK 27)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 (1000g)

Crescent Moon (ATK 31)

Location: Rokuhara Palace (Take the path off the water that is visible after the second

Sword of Nue's Claw (ATK 35) + Lightning

Location: Special Order

Jeweled Sword (ATK 36)

Location: Buy from shop is Chapter 2 (1400g)

Water Serpent Sword (ATK 38) + Ice

Location: Yoshitsune's Trial (At the 3 stones that drop, jump to the right)

The Crimson Sword (ATK 50) + Fire

Location: Special Order

Sword of Light (ATK 50)

Location: You automatically equip it after Shukenten gives it to you

Rock Slicer (ATK 51)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (1800g)

Helm Cleaver (ATK 57)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2100g)

Samonji's Sword (ATK 55) + Poison

Location: Myogyoji Temple (In Chapter 3, jump to the right of the two bookcases

Ogre Slayer (ATK 63)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2500g)

Doji Slayer (ATK 70)

Location: Rokuhara Palace (In Chapter 3, jump on top of the chest to get on to the rafters.
Get the weapon from the chest)

Lightning Sword (ATK 75) + Lightning

Location: Special Order

Lion's Blaze (ATK 83) + Fire

Location: Beat the Chapter 3 Spirit World

The Gale (ATK 100)

Location: Complete the list in Continuous Mode, and the blacksmith will give you this

Clubs (Benkei)

Benkei's Club (ATK 26)

Location: Default weapon

Hexagonal Club (ATK 34)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 (450g)

Giant Maul (ATK 48)

Location: Myogyoji Temple (Open the box in the Inner Sanctum)

Grand Hexagonal Club (ATK 50)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (900g), Mt.Kurama (Topple the tree and cross
the makeshift bridge)

Steel-Crushing Maul (ATK 58)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (1200g)

Iron Crusher (ATK 67)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 2 (1500g)

Ceremonial Club (ATK 68) + Lightning

Location: Benkei's Trial

Dragon Serpent Club (ATK 75) + Poison

Location: Myogyoji Temple (In Chapter 3, it is in the chest right in front of you when you
gain back control of Benkei)

Iron Club of the Gods (ATK 77)

Location: You automatically equip it after Shukenten gives it to you

Grand Iron Crusher (ATK 78)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2000g)

Crimson Lotus Club (ATK 79) + Fire

Location: Myogyoji Temple (In Chapter 3, enter the storage structure and the weapon is
found inside a box next to the column near the back wall)

Ogre's Iron Club (ATK 80) + Ice

Location: Special Order

Wolf Fang Club (ATK 88)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2300g)

Grand Wolf Fang Club (ATK 99)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2700g)

Demonbane (ATK 111) + Ice

Location: Special Order

Ultimate Club (ATK 115)

Location: Rokuhara Palace (In Chapter 3, break down the bamboo fences with Benkei and
open the chest for the weapon)

Fauchards (Benkei)

Iron Fauchard (ATK 48)

Location: Given by the merchant

Steel Spear (ATK 58)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (750g)

Blade of Pointed Flame (ATK 64) + Fire

Location: Gojo (In Chapter 1, bring Benkei and break down the cell door)

Mighty Steel Spear (ATK 69)
Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (1100g)

Serpent Pike (ATK 67) + Poison

Location: Rokuhara Palace

Blade of the Thunderbolt (ATK 74) + Lightning

Location: Special Order

Sickled Spear (ATK 76)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 2 (1350g)

Mighty Sickled Spear (ATK 81)

Location: Benkei's Trial

Moon-Shaped Cross Spear (ATK 86)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2000g)

Heavy Bladed Fauchard (ATK 98)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2100g)

Houten Pike (ATK 101)

Location: Mt.Kurama (In Chapter 3, cross the toppled tree and open the box that
Yoshitsune couldn't open)
Mighty Heavy Fauchard (ATK 110)
Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2600g)

Floating Cloud (ATK 122) + Lightning

Location: Special Order

Blue Crescent Moon (ATK 124) + Ice

Location: Rokuhara Palace (In Chapter 3, go outside into the palace garden and move the
stone statue with Benkei to find the weapon)

Red Crescent Moon (ATK 130) + Fire

Location: Beat the Chapter 2 Spirit World

Boulder Piercer (ATK 150)

Location: Complete the list in Continuous Mode, and the blacksmith will give you this

Light Armor (Yoshitsune)

Young Grass (DEF 10)

Location: Default armor for Yoshitsune

Thin Metal (DEF 18)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (250g)

Red Leather (DEF 24) + Fire 30

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (430g)

Moon Shadow (DEF 30)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 2 (1100g)

Black Steel (DEF 38)

Location: Yoshitsune's Trial (In the beginning, jump across the platforms to the right)

Rolling Thunder (DEF 49) + Lightning 75
Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2100g)

No Shield (DEF 53) + Ice 50

Location: Special Order

Eight Dragon (DEF 61) + Fire 50 + Ice 50 + Lightning 50 + Poison 50

Location: Rokuhara Palace (In Chapter 3, jump on top of the bookcase to the ceiling. Get
the weapon from a chest)

Heavy Armor (Benkei)

Crimson Armor (DEF 21)

Location: Default armor for Benkei

Blue Threat (DEF 32)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (390g)

White Tiger (DEF 44) + Fire 30

Location: Myogyoji Temple (Break down the temple storage door with Benkei and get the
weapon in a chest)

Little Cherry Blossom (DEF 56)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 1 or 2 (950g)

Black Purity (DEF 69)

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 2 (1600g)

Purple Light (DEF 85) + Poison 50

Location: Buy from shop in Chapter 3 (2500g)

Heaven's Chain (DEF 90) +Ice 30 + Lightning 50

Location: Special Order

Black Lacquered Armor (DEF 105) + Ice 75 + Poison 30

Location: Rokuhara Palace (In Chapter 3, smash the lattice using Benkei and then grab
the armor from the chest inside)


Chapter 1

No. Description Image

You start in Tamayoribito's Cabin. As you leave the

cabin, notice that your controller will begin to vibrate.
Find the nearby chest and open it to reveal the Essence
of Amahagane inside.

At the other end of the cabin is a doorway that leads to

2 the cabin's backyard. Do some searching near the well
and you'll uncover another Essence of Amahagane.

You'll have to fight off more samurai near this pool of
3 water before you can locate the Essence of Amahagane
that's hidden nearby.

There are three more Essences of Amahagane to find in

4 the area. One is atop the waterfall, near the area where
you located the Iron Sword.

The second is located atop one of the platforms near the

mid-level savepoint.

The third Essence of Amahagane is located at the very

6 beginning of the level, near the building where your
journey began.

Leave the stable and run around the back side of the
7 building to find another chest and an Essence of

Just left of the save point is a small shrine which, upon

inspection, gives you another Essence of Amahagane.

Just beyond the bridge, a small path leads down the

9 hillside to the water's edge. Locate the nearby Essence
of Amahagane.

By striking the air directly above the temple doorway,

you'll uncover an Essence of Amahagane.

Fight off the samurai that attack you in the courtyard,

11 and also look out for the Essence of Amahagane that's
located in the far-left corner.

Inside, you'll find a save point and an Essence of

Amahagane nearby.

At the far corner of the rooftop you'll feel vibrations that
13 hint an Essence of Amahagane. Strike the air to reveal

Clear the way to the end of the hall where you'll find a
14 Miracle Pill within a jar, along with an Essence of

Also in this room, you'll find an Essence of Amahagane

(it's in front of the table with the severed animal head).

Inside the building, you'll find a Potion of Warding,

16 Essence of Amahagane, and White Tiger armor for

When you've returned to the bell building, strike the bell

17 with a strong attack to ring it and knock out an Essence
of Amahagane.

Though it may go on forever, they will stop coming,

18 letting you get the Essence of Amahagane near the

You can run down the bank on the other side of the
19 bridge as well, where you'll find a Potion of Protection
and an Essence of Amahagane.

Almost immediately as you enter the cave, you'll feel

the vibration of an Essence of Amahagane.

Just beyond a third fire hazard, you'll feel the vibration

of another Essence of Amahagane.

This hidden path will take you across a few stepping

22 stones where you'll feel the vibration of an Essence of

At the far end of the bridge, turn right into the corner
and strike the air to reveal an Essence of Amahagane.

Benkei can move the monument with a strike, revealing

an Essence of Amahagane.

Chapter 2

Description Image

As you reach the first corner, you'll see that you can
25 inspect the snowy trees—do so to reveal an Essence of

Just around the next corner is a chest in an alcove. Open

it to reveal a second Essence of Amahagane.

Return to the main set of platforms and jump left to the

27 next. Strike the air to reveal an Essence of Amahagane,
then continue onto solid ground ahead.

You'll also find an Essence of Amahagane by striking the

air near the chest.

There's also an Essence of Amahagane nearby that you

can conjure by striking the air (to the right).

However, there is an Essence of Amahagane to be found

by striking the air directly above the middle platform.

You can also uncover an Essence of Amahagane by

striking the air near the chest.

You can uncover an Essence of Amahagane by jumping
32 and attacking with your special attack near the chests in
the back of the cave.

Chapter 3

Description Image

Return to Mt. Kurama. Almost immediately, you should

feel the vibration of an Essence of Amahagane.

On the ledges to the left (you'll need to jump) you'll find

a Potion of Warding and an Essence of Amahagane.

Continue jumping to the top of the cliff to find another

Essence of Amahagane to the right.

Drop back down to the path and continue following it

towards the vibration of an Essence of Amahagane.

There's also an Essence of Amahagane which can only

be reached by jumping and slicing the air.

You can jump over the trees that are in your way in
order to reach the Essence of Amahagane.

Run up the path to the cabin and you'll find a chest with
39 the Heavy Bladed Fauchard. You can also find a chest in
the far-right corner with an Essence of Amahagane.

Locate the Essence of Amahagane in the lower-right

corner (strike the air to reveal it).

There's another Essence of Amahagane that you can
uncover by slicing the air (jump to reveal it).

You'll also find an Essence of Amahagane atop a busted


As you reach the bell building (now destroyed), jump

43 onto the lower rooftop of the adjacent building and find
an Essence of Amahagane on the balcony.

There's a second Essence of Amahagane on the next

balcony just around the corner (still on the rooftop).

Enter the attic to find a Talisman of Protection, a

45 Talisman of Resurrection and an Essence of Amahgane
that's floating in mid-air.

Also be sure to find the Essence of Amahagane that's

near the shrine before you leave the area.

You'll uncover an Essence of Amahagane just by

jumping on the bookshelf.

There's a second one to be uncovered by slicing the air

above the shelf.

You can jump over the shelves to find Samonji's Sword

and an Essence of Amahagane.

Uncover the Essence of Amahagane with a sword swipe

near the head of the dead body.

There's an Essence of Amahagane you can reveal by
striking the air in the lower-left corner.

There's an Essence of Amahagane to uncover to the

left, along with a Miracle Pill in the nearby chest.

You can find an Essence of Amahagane by striking the

53 air in the clearing to the right before heading into the

On your way, be sure to strike the air between the

falling rocks to uncover an Essence of Amahagane.

Strike the air at the back of the cave to reveal an

Essence of Amahagane.

Quickly slay the archer and the other samurai, then

56 strike the air near the archer to reveal an Essence of

There's another Essence of Amahagane to uncover by

striking the area in the center of the bridge.

At the far end of the bridge, turn right and strike the air
to reveal an Essence of Amahagane.

Strike the air near the altar to reveal an Essence of


To the right, there's a large piece of furniture you can

60 use as a foothold to reach the rafters. In the center of
the rafters is an Essence of Amahagane.

Use the large rack in the corner of the room as a
61 foothold to reach the upper rafters. You'll find a pot with
a Talisman of Protection and an Essence of Amahagane.

A small pack of samurai will appear to fight you—take

62 'em out, then strike the nearby air to find an Essence of

You'll find a pot with 500 gold and an Essence of

63 Amahagane (it's hanging between the rafters, so you'll
need to jump and attack to reveal it).


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