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BTVTED Program

Preliminary Examination
Name: Casimiro, Joshua G. Score: ______________
Co- researcher’s Name: Sanchez, Julien Marie F.
Course:BTVTED FSM- 3 Date: _____________ __

1. Present a research topic or a researchable problem in your field of interest. Write an

appropriate title for it, a
short background of the study and specific objectives.

A. Researchable Problem/Title (10 points)

Acceptability and Marketability of Banana Starch Powder as

Thickening agent

B. Background of the Study (20 points)

Green banana (Musa paradisiacal sp.) is consumed by all categories of people around the
world. It is chiefly produced in tropical and subtropical areas. Around one fifth (⅕ ) of the
entire green banana produced is dissipated and the rejected ones are usually disposed. These
terrible post- harvest losses drive to study the processing and application of bananas with the
vision to exploit this crop. Banana starch powder can be obtained from the raw bananas. The
production of banana flour and starch from unripe bananas has been reported and banana flour
includes a high total starch (73.4%). Comparison of characteristics between banana flour starch
were reportedly by few authors. The banana starch powder has possessed thickening and cooking
characteristics nearly similar to corn starch and rice starch. Few authors reported that banana
starch contribute to low solubility and limited swelling power. However the native starch has a
lack of certain desirable properties for industrial applications. Therefore banana starch powder
can be modified to suit for industrial applications. Hence the study aimed to produce banana
starch flour as a thickening agent that may be used for industrial and local application. Starch-
based thickening agents are polysaccharides. Large molecular weight carbohydrates which
interact and form gels or thickened dispersions when in contact with water. Amy-lose and
Amylopectin are two major polysaccharides in starches that are responsible for thickening foods.
C. Specific Objectives (20 points)
The main objective of this study is to test and evaluate the acceptability and marketability of
Banana Starch Powder as Thickening agent.
This study aims to accomplish the following specific objectives:
1. To evaluate the level of acceptability and marketability of the acceptability
Banana Starch Powder as Thickening Agent, in terms of;
a. Palatability
b. Taste
c. Aroma
d. Appearance and
e. Affordability
2. To generate a Thickening Agent using Banana Starch Powder that is appropriate for ilocano
3. To describe what are the processes involved in making the Thickening agent using Banana
Starch Powder.
4. To identify further improvements to develop a Thickening Agent using Banana Starch

Prepared by: RONIE G. TORRES, Ph.D.

Checked/Reviewed by: MARYGRACE C. BURAGA, MAIE

Subject Mentor Program Chair, BTTE/BTVTED

Noted/Approved by: GRACE D. LADIA, DME

Dean, College of EducationISUA-TVT-PTQ-001

Effectivity: August 1, 2018


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