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The Indolent Ant

One day there was a colony of Worker Carpenter Ants gathering resources for the upcoming winter
season, but there was this one ant that was very lazy and did nothing but to sit and lie around all day. All
of the other worker ants were always reminding him to help but he remained oblivious and would just
ignore them.
One day, the worker ant said “Hey worker ant help us carry this food, its too heavy for us 4. The lazy ant
replied “No i’d rather do nothing a nd just relax”. The other worker said “C’mon help us this morsel of
food is too heavy” the lazy ant said “i'm doing something much more important than gathering food”.
He walks away like he didn't even care. He continued this behavior of just lazying around till the end of
autumn. Until the day came that it was cold and the air was thin. The lazy ant said “i'm hungry i want to
eat” he goes to the chamber of food to look for something to appease his hunger but the ants won't let
him get in. The lazy ant said “Hey! Why won't you let me pass?” The other worker ants said “you didn't
even bother in helping us gather food during the past, why would we share you our reserve with you??”
the lazy ant boastfully said “well, if that's the case, i'm gonna go and get my own food! And marched his
way out of the colony. Meanwhile, as he searched and rummage for food through the forest, the air got
heavy and the snow started to fall. The ant started to get tired in scouring every nook and cranny of the
forest. He doesn't find anything as the ground and the leaves where covered with snow. The ant
hirriedly went back into the anthill but it was also now covered in snow! Feeling very tired, cold and
hungry he tried so hard and exerted all his last energy to push himself into nest but failed. Eventually, he
was covered with thick snow that lead him to his tragic death.

Never be Indolent like the ant be always hard working and always prepare for the future.

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