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A. The Nature of Skimming Technique

Reading is a necessary skill to understand English for learners. If reading comprehension

fails, then students need to improve their comprehension. In addition, the reason for teaching

reading to students is because it is the basic language in English.

There are many methods/techniques in learning that we can choose as

methods/techniques for reading skills, one of which is the skimming technique. Skimming is a

predictive strategy used to provide readers with an understanding of a topic and the purpose of

the text, the organization of the text, the point of view or the author's point of view (Brown,

2004, p.213)

Skimming is useful for finding ideas quickly in a reading. Thus, the skimming technique

is useful as a tool to help students extract from the text keys the words that enable them to

deduce the essence of the meaning of the text, which allows them to interpret the text more

quickly and advance in the reading process.

B. The principle of Skimming Technique

The principles of learning Skimming Technique to improve reading skills are:

▪ Read a text quickly and only to get the gist and main idea.

▪ Skimming does not require reading the entire text

▪ With skimming technique it will be easier to take the core or main idea in a text or a


C. The Procedure in English Language Teaching Through The

Skimming Technique.

Pre-reading :

• Provide pictures related to the topic. For example. the topic is about movies and movies,

the teacher brings pictures of students' favorite movie stars. So brainstorm and start

them with the topic to be discussed.

• Ask for their arguments or comments on the topic. So every student can comment on

the brainstormed topic. In meant correlate the student schema with the topic of the

text to be presented in the Kahoot application.

While-reading :

• Conduct brief awareness-raising sessions by asking students how they go about making

decisions based on schedules, short articles, eg schedule of their favorite movies on TV

(time, day). Focusing on whether they read each it also makes students aware of the

purpose of reading and their text characteristics or the type of text they will read, e.g.
schedule included in functional text and its purpose is to know the schedule of TV


• Remind them that this process is the same as their mother tongue and not

requires them to understand every word perfectly. This is done to make students

familiar with the process they usually do in their first language.Share questions within

the Kahoot app and ask students to understand question. It is intended that students

know and understanding of information.

• Make a special point asking students to complete the exercise by first reading the

question and then using a scanning or skimming technique for the appropriate answer.


• Expand the activity by bringing a number of texts, namely short articles (monologues)

text) and functional texts about travel, entertainment, hobbies, or the like

activity and ask students to complete the given task e.g. Find activities to spend their

holidays as their hobbies. Again, ask students to do some exercises with the scanning or

skimming technique and not read every word. It is intended that students understand

and know the procedures for scanning or skimming techniques well. With this, they will

know the advantages of the technique. Practically, they used to scan text when they

wanted to identify specific information.

D. The Advantage And Disadvantage Skimming Technique

• The Advantages

✓ Will make students aware of the benefits of the information

✓ available in both authentic and inauthentic reading materials because of this technique too
prepare students to become independent readers.

✓ This will make students aware of the reading strategies used to find the stated and

information that is not stated in a specific text because this technique does not only focus

on ask students to take reading tests but also focus on equipping students

with the techniques used in different texts.

• The Disadvantages

✓ It will take time if the teacher does not allocate time properly.

✓ Especially if the students have a lot of reading problems and the teacher does it

do not prepare solutions, the teacher will need time to think of various solutions.

✓ Maybe it will make the teacher need to prepare students to face

possibility of occurrence of many types of questions.

E. Four researches
There are 4 studies, namely :


Skimming is useful for finding ideas quickly in a reading. Thus, the skimming technique

is useful as a tool to help students extract from the text keys the words that enable them to

deduce the essence of the meaning of the text, which allows them to interpret the text more

quickly and advance in the reading process.


By reading fast students can process the vocabulary they want to write


From the skimming technique, it can increase students' vocabulary and can facilitate

students' speech


To clarify pronunciation with skimming techniques can improve students' pronunciation in


F. Conclusion

Reading is an important activity in life where a person can update knowledge or not read

only as a source of information and fun activities but also as a means of consolidation and

expand one's knowledge of the language. Reading skills are developed in society with a sense of

literacy, enriching vocabulary. According to Patten and Jain (Patten and Jain,2008, p.113-114),

reading comprehend the content of the subject that students read and in indrayani (2014) has

stated that reading comprehension as the process to get precise understanding of the writer's

message trough simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning by collaborating reader's

background knowledge and interaction and involvement.


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