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Natural resources differ from place to place, among them are natural stones used primarily
for building structures, it is seen that most of the percentage of quarries are scattering
casually and in an amorphous or deliberate way without considering environmental factors or
sustainable growth guidelines. The stone quarries majorly the exhausted ones are turning
into a risk to the living beings and the nature, they triggered earth’s natural profile to be
warped,while protecting the environment and the economic and the social growth, create a
strategy that object to reorient the left out stone quarries and look a way to profit from them
and edify the regional communities about such quarries.

The utmost suitable tactic to deal with such abandoned and uninhabited mining pits is
through sustainable revitalization. Feasible and supple strategies were initiated across many
other nations that intended to transform quarries into a unique location owned publicly or
privately. And main aim to redevelop the area and turn the area in to eco-friendly, and
adventure tourist center for the travelers around the country this redevelopment is mainly
focused on using the abandoned land and using the sustainable material that can merge
with the environment without causing any damage to the environment.topographic qualities
of a Quarried landscape, and the character of the surrounding community which is more
benefit for development. .The potential use of such mines integrates sites that can be utilized
for training and exploring purposes, amusing activities,recreational purposes, the object of
the research is to stir and back the processes of renewal of the regions affected by
excavating and digging sites by altering them into an appropriate new supportable and
sustainable land exploitation.

In this study, the aim is to create a habitable and adventurous environment for the travelers
and explorers who like to explore places and learn new traditions. This study is focused to
create amusable, recreational and exploring environment while considering the utilization of
abandoned stone quarries


The project also aims to liven the regional economy through tourist attraction in a variety
topographic area and attempting to encourage comparable projects in abandoned areas,
inclination of integrating sustainable and eco-friendly conducts in the region must be
respected and imitated.

Objectives and Scope and Limitations

The main objective of this proposal is to design an eco-friendly, and adventure tourist center
in an abandoned quarry.

● Provide a recreational and eco-friendly environment for the tourist center through
varieties of facilities and functions.
● Reprioritize the usage of the abandoned site based on the needs of the site
● To create an opportunity for the local people as well as for the tourist to get the
essence and nature of the context, keeping alive the nature of the context.
● Respond to climatic and energy consumption issues raised by present day
through eco-sensitive design.In addition, there are various objectives related to achieving
proper functioning built forms, that can be achieved through literature reviews and research.
Thus, the objectives are to,
-Study about the materials and technology regarding the sustainability in design
-Study about energy efficient design
-Study about passive solar architecture
-Study about low cost sustainable building materials
-Study about spatial organization and the real need of tourist programs.


The project also aims to liven the regional economy through tourist attraction in a variety
topographic area and attempting to encourage comparable projects in abandoned areas,
inclination of integrating sustainable and eco-friendly conducts in the region must be
respected and imitated.
The goal of my research is to encourage the rehabilitation of land disturbed by quarrying by
making the areas suitable for new sustainable land uses. I will examine cases that
successfully transformed resource-depleted quarries into commercial and residential
communities, and will discuss how further to improve future redevelopment of quarries with
greater consideration to environmental impact and biodiversity.By encouraging the
rehabilitation of land disturbed by quarrying, society can remedy the negative effects of
anthropogenic industrial activity. The redevelopment of quarries can both benefit humans
and lessen the environmental impact of quarrying without removing quarrying as a global
and regional industry.topographic qualities of a Quarried landscape, and the character of the
surrounding community,The proposal sees what has been abandoned not as waste, but as
an opportunity to redefine the tourist center in order to create livable and engaging spaces.

● Economic benefits: quarry remediation and redevelopment can be a base for

economic development and increase the available jobs and taxes base of the
● Environmental benefits: encouraging and supporting the reuse of quarries can help
protect public health by cleaning –up the contaminated sites and avoiding their
negative impacts.
● Social benefits: Revitalization of urban cores, resolve many socio economic
problems associated with living in neighboring environments.


A quarry is an area from which resources such as marble, limestone, sand and granite are
extracted for industrial use. Once depleted of their desired resources, quarries are frequently
abandoned. The majority of quarries are located fairly close to urban environments due to
the expense of transporting raw materials into the city for industrial use in buildings and
roads. As a result, inhabitants of neighborhoods near quarries are subjected to air pollution
from dust, noise pollution from trucks and machinery, and the destruction of what may have
once been a beautiful landscape. Not only do quarries often negatively impact those who live
nearby, but they often leave residual negative impacts on the environment. Runoff of
chemical pollutants into bodies of water, loss of natural habitats, farmland, and vegetation,
and natural resource exhaustion are among the most harmful environmental impacts.
.While quarrying can be a negative industry for society and for the environment, the
necessity of quarrying is undeniable. In order for human civilization to continue as it has
since the industrial revolution, we need the retrieval of resources from quarries in order to
create our homes’ foundations, transportation structures with cement, concrete, asphalt, and
crushed stone, and other industrial uses such as abrasives, binders, additives, and roofing.
Millions of people worldwide are employed by quarrying practices, and therefore a removal
of the quarrying industry would result in the loss of jobs for countless families. Therefore, in
order to remedy the negative effects of quarrying, we must use the resource depleted
spaces for other practices once the quarries cease being operational. The potential
transformation of quarry sites into a variety of sustainable uses would not only remedy the
negative effects of quarrying, but could create sites of greater social, environmental benefits.

Description of the research work

Quarry spaces become the location of various architectonic scenarios, and, according to the
typology of the excavation and its main features, they incorporate a wide range of structures
and uses. Quarries have been transformed into large parks, green gardens, natural areas of
considerable environmental value, resort, tourism buildings, infrastructures, shopping malls,
cemeteries, and many other leisure areas.Eco-tourism is one such activities which provide a
solution by creating awareness and concern for the environment among both the tourist and
local people of the region.Also, the local skills could be developed and explored. The
traditional and indigenous knowledge, along with scientific development can be
explored.ecotourism can induce a variety of both positive and negative environmental,
cultural and socioeconomic impacts at a destination. Operating in its ideal form (according to
some), ecotourism provides the tourist with a quality nature experience, generates funds and
support for conservation efforts, has minimal environmental impact and provides
socioeconomic benefits to local host communities.

The hub includes family cottages,single and double cottages,pent cottages,recreational

parks, recreational facilities,open-air theatre, cafeteria, food courts, water spots, meditation
area, pub, parks, bridges.Today, we are leaving our historically wasteful and turbulent
manufacturing economy in favour of a seemingly more stable and mainstream digitally
driven era. With this, we are seeing the massive areas of disrupted land that once stood to
represent the height of innovation and success appearing as abandoned wastelands all over
the world. With the quest to redevelop these areas lies the opportunity to re-imagine the
definition of public space and green infrastructure.

My research points to the realization that a post-excavation plan should be implemented for
each quarry, both old and new. Society cannot cease quarrying without surrendering
materials necessary for a vast number of our industrial processes, but if we just abandon
quarries when they are no longer operational, we are wasting land, polluting neighboring
cities, and allowing for the deterioration of natural habitats

The after-use of quarries is important because it increases public acceptance of quarrying

and shows that former quarry sites are not merely degraded areas, but can give value added
to the land and can even act as a catalyst for the development of a region, like that of Quarry
Falls. Land rehabilitation is an essential part of quarrying and aims at making disturbed
areas suitable for new sustainable land uses, and is it disappointing that such practices are
not the norm.Rehabilitation of quarries can yield so many positive social, economic, and
environmental that it only makes sense that they should be reintroduced into society after
their resources are depleted.
It is important to transform these unused and abandoned places to something with
architectural and environmental value.

List of Case studies

● Case Study: Brownstone Park

● Case Study: Groundscraper Hotel, china
● Case Study: Quarry Falls-recreational park,california
● Case study:Eden Project, Cornwall

List of references/literature studies for thesis research work

● Clemente, A. S., Werner, C. C., Máguas, C. C., Cabral, M. S., Martins-Loução, M. A., &
Correia, O. O. (2004). Restoration of a Limestone Quarry: Effect of Soil Amendments on the
Establishment of Native Mediterranean Sclerophyllous Shrubs. Restoration Ecology, 12(1),
● Damigos, D. and Kaliampakos, D. (2003). Assessing the benefits of reclaiming urban quarries:
a CVM analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning, 64: 249-258.
● Jim, C. Y. (2001). Ecological and Landscape Rehabilitation of a Quarry Site in Hong Kong.
Restoration Ecology, 9(1), 85.
● Kaliampakos D., 1996a. Rehabilitation of abandoned quarry sites: how an expensive activity
can be transformed into a beneficial business.
● Carmona, M., & Freeman, J. (2005). The Groundscraper: Exploring the Contemporary
Reinterpretation. Journal Of Urban Design, 10(3), 309-330.

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