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Homosexual and lesbian relationships have always suffered numerous discriminations.

Most people, especially the elderly, put a lot of pressure on gays and lesbians, there are even
young people who are homophobic. From my point of view we live in a period of time in which
the normal thing would be to be open-minded, to be free (which in fact we are but people like
homosexuals and lesbians cannot always feel that freedom), not to judge people Because we are
in love with a person of the same sex and accept each other with everything that really makes us
be ourselves. Today, homosexuals and lesbians suffer all kinds of discrimination; they are not
hired on the job even if they meet all the conditions for the mere fact of being gay or lesbian,
children in schools or adolescents in high school suffer all kinds of abuse, teasing, simply for
having other sexual tastes, that from my point of view lesbian and homosexual relationships are
just as normal as heterosexual relationships, because you are gay or lesbian you cannot buy a
flat, one thing, you cannot adopt children, or directly if you are lesbian or inseminated, which I
think it's outrageous. There are even parents who prohibit their children from meeting with
adolescents who prefer people of the same sex, telling them that they do not have to talk to those
people because they are gypsies, they are bad people, and from my point of view this education
that those parents offer their children is far from being a good education, it is closer to a
communist mentality and to indoctrination.

Today's people are very bad and they are incapable because this is the way in which I see
people who are not able to accept homosexuals and lesbians, these people cannot be asked for
more because they themselves they cannot demonstrate more. The family, traditional, seems to
me one of the greatest nonsense heard in recent years. For a family “traditional”? For those
perfect traditional fathers and mothers to abandon their children a few months after giving birth?
Or for those ideal parents to mistreat their children and mother? Can this be called family
“traditional”? I would call all this a family that is sad, that saddens; It is very sad to see all these
things happen in the 21st century. There are homosexuals and lesbians, for example in Spain,
who would do whatever it takes to become parents someday, they fight making all kinds of effort
so that they can adopt a child or lesbians to inseminate them and sincerely deserve it, they even
come to be just as good a parent as those real straight guys. Considering the cartoon, I can say
that both gay and lesbian relationships do not need a “fork” to build a stable relationship based
on trust and love; you can have a “fork” and not know what it is like to be really happy.


Some examples to reduce the incidence of prejudice and discrimination against non-
heterosexual people are the following: promotion of the inclusion of the topic of sexual
orientation and gender identity in legal instruments for the protection of human rights;
development of a national and intersectoral program aimed at combating discrimination based on
sexual orientation and gender identity and promoting citizenship of the gay and lesbian
population, creating and strengthening monitoring mechanisms for the best implementation of
public policies; inclusion of sexuality education in schools, based on scientific evidence,
inclusive in terms of cultural and sexual diversity, and within the framework of human rights,
which addresses the issue of sexual orientation and gender identity; creation of programs to
combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

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