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Designation: D 257 – 99 An American National Standard

Standard Test Methods for

DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 257; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope D 150 Test Methods for AC Loss Characteristics and Per-

1.1 These test methods cover direct-current procedures for mittivity Dielectric Contant of Solid Electrical Insulation2
the determination of dc insulation resistance, volume resis- D 374 Test Methods for Thickness of Solid Electrical Insu-
tance, volume resistivity, surface resistance, and surface resis- lation2
tivity of electrical insulating materials, or the corresponding D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing3
conductances and conductivities. D 1169 Test Method for Specific Resistance (Resistivity) of
1.2 These test methods are not suitable for use in measuring Electrical Insulating Liquids4
the electrical resistivity/conductivity of moderately conductive D 1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation2
materials. Use Test Method D 4496 to evaluate such materials. D 4496 Test Method for DC Resistance or Conductance of
1.3 The test methods and procedures appear in the follow- Moderately Conductive Materials5
ing sections: D 5032 Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humid-
Test Method or Procedure Section
ity by Means of Aqueous Glycerin Solutions5
Calculation 13 E 104 Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity
Choice of Apparatus and Test Method 7 by Means of Aqueous Solutions6
Cleaning Solid Specimens 10.1
Conditioning of Specimens 11
Effective Area of Guarded Electrode X2
3. Terminology
Electrode Systems 6 3.1 Definitions—The following definitions are taken from
Factors Affecting Insulation Resistance or Conductance X1
Terminology D 1711 and apply to the terms used in these test
Humidity Control 11.2 methods.
Liquid Specimens and Cells 9.4 3.1.1 conductance, insulation, n—the ratio of the total
Precision and Bias 15
Procedure for the Measurement of Resist- 12
volume and surface current between two electrodes (on or in a
ance or Conductance specimen) to the dc voltage applied to the two electrodes.
Referenced Documents 2 Discussion—Insulation conductance is the recipro-
Report 14
Sampling 8
cal of insulation resistance.
Significance and Use 5 3.1.2 conductance, surface, n—the ratio of the current
Specimen Mounting 10 between two electrodes (on the surface of a specimen) to the dc
Summary of Test Methods 4
Terminology 3 voltage applied to the electrodes.
Test Specimens for Insulation, Volume, and Surface 9 Discussion—(Some volume conductance is un-
Resistance or Conductance Determination avoidably included in the actual measurement.) Surface con-
Typical Measurement Methods X3
ductance is the reciprocal of surface resistance.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.3 conductance, volume, n—the ratio of the current in the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the volume of a specimen between two electrodes (on or in the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- specimen) to the dc voltage applied to the two electrodes.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Discussion—Volume conductance is the reciprocal
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For a specific of volume resistance.
hazard statement, see 6.1.8. 3.1.4 conductivity, surface, n—the surface conductance
multiplied by that ratio of specimen surface dimensions (dis-
2. Referenced Documents tance between electrodes divided by the width of electrodes
2.1 ASTM Standards: defining the current path) which transforms the measured

1 2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-9 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.01.
Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and are the direct responsibility of Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.
Subcommittee D09.12 on Electrical Tests. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.03.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1999. Published November 1999. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.
published as D 257 – 25 T. Last previous edition D 257 – 93 (1998). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.03.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 257
conductance to that obtained if the electrodes had formed the or conductance may be measured separately. The resistivity or
opposite sides of a square. conductivity can then be calculated when the required speci- Discussion—Surface conductivity is expressed in men and electrode dimensions are known.
siemens. It is popularly expressed as siemens/square (the size
of the square is immaterial). Surface conductivity is the 5. Significance and Use
reciprocal of surface resistivity. 5.1 Insulating materials are used to isolate components of an
3.1.5 conductivity, volume, n—the volume conductance electrical system from each other and from ground, as well as
multiplied by that ratio of specimen volume dimensions to provide mechanical support for the components. For this
(distance between electrodes divided by the cross-sectional purpose, it is generally desirable to have the insulation resis-
area of the electrodes) which transforms the measured conduc- tance as high as possible, consistent with acceptable mechani-
tance to that conductance obtained if the electrodes had formed cal, chemical, and heat-resisting properties. Since insulation
the opposite sides of a unit cube. resistance or conductance combines both volume and surface Discussion—Volume conductivity is usually ex- resistance or conductance, its measured value is most useful
pressed in siemens/centimetre or in siemens/metre and is the when the test specimen and electrodes have the same form as
reciprocal of volume resistivity. is required in actual use. Surface resistance or conductance
3.1.6 moderately conductive, adj—describes a solid mate- changes rapidly with humidity, while volume resistance or
rial having a volume resistivity between 1 and 10 000 000 conductance changes slowly although the final change may
V-cm. eventually be greater.
3.1.7 resistance, insulation, (Ri), n—the ratio of the dc 5.2 Resistivity or conductivity may be used to predict,
voltage applied to two electrodes (on or in a specimen) to the indirectly, the low-frequency dielectric breakdown and dissi-
total volume and surface current between them. pation factor properties of some materials. Resistivity or Discussion—Insulation resistance is the reciprocal contivity is often used as an indirect measure of moisture
of insulation conductance. content, degree of cure, mechanical continuity, and deteriora-
3.1.8 resistance, surface, (Rs), n—the ratio of the dc voltage tion of various types. The usefulness of these indirect measure-
applied to two electrodes (on the surface of a specimen) to the ments is dependent on the degree of correlation established by
current between them. supporting theoretical or experimental investigations. A de- Discussion—(Some volume resistance is unavoid- crease of surface resistance may result either in an increase of
ably included in the actual measurement.) Surface resistance is the dielectric breakdown voltage because the electric field
the reciprocal of surface conductance. intensity is reduced, or a decrease of the dielectric breakdown
3.1.9 resistance, volume, (Rv), n—the ratio of the dc voltage voltage because the area under stress is increased.
applied to two electrodes (on or in a specimen) to the current 5.3 All the dielectric resistances or conductances depend on
in the volume of the specimen between the electrodes. the length of time of electrification and on the value of applied Discussion—Volume resistance is the reciprocal of voltage (in addition to the usual environmental variables).
volume conductance. These must be known to make the measured value of resistance
3.1.10 resistivity, surface, (rs), n—the surface resistance or conductance meaningful.
multiplied by that ratio of specimen surface dimensions (width 5.4 Volume resistivity or conductivity can be used as an aid
of electrodes defining the current path divided by the distance in designing an insulator for a specific application. The change
between electrodes) which transforms the measured resistance of resistivity or conductivity with temperature and humidity
to that obtained if the electrodes had formed the opposite sides may be great (1, 2, 3, 4),7 and must be known when designing
of a square. for operating conditions. Volume resistivity or conductivity Discussion—Surface resistivity is expressed in determinations are often used in checking the uniformity of an
ohms. It is popularly expressed also as ohms/square (the size of insulating material, either with regard to processing or to detect
the square is immaterial). Surface resistivity is the reciprocal of conductive impurities that affect the quality of the material and
surface conductivity. that may not be readily detectable by other methods.
3.1.11 resistivity, volume, (rv), n—the volume resistance 5.5 Volume resistivities above 1021 V·cm (1019 V·m), ob-
multiplied by that ratio of specimen volume dimensions tained on specimens under usual laboratory conditions, are of
(cross-sectional area of the specimen between the electrodes doubtful validity, considering the limitations of commonly
divided by the distance between electrodes) which transforms used measuring equipment.
the measured resistance to that resistance obtained if the 5.6 Surface resistance or conductance cannot be measured
electrodes had formed the opposite sides of a unit cube. accurately, only approximated, because some degree of volume Discussion—Volume resistivity is usually ex- resistance or conductance is always involved in the measure-
pressed in ohm-centimetres (preferred) or in ohm-metres. ment. The measured value is also affected by the surface
Volume resistivity is the reciprocal of volume conductivity. contamination. Surface contamination, and its rate of accumu-
lation, is affected by many factors including electrostatic
4. Summary of Test Methods
charging and interfacial tension. These, in turn, may affect the
4.1 The resistance or conductance of a material specimen or
of a capacitor is determined from a measurement of current or
of voltage drop under specified conditions. By using the 7
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references appended to
appropriate electrode systems, surface and volume resistance these test methods.

D 257
surface resistivity. Surface resistivity or conductivity can be
considered to be related to material properties when contami-
nation is involved but is not a material property in the usual
6. Electrode Systems
6.1 The electrodes for insulating materials should be of a
material that is readily applied, allows intimate contact with the
specimen surface, and introduces no appreciable error because
of electrode resistance or contamination of the specimen (5).
The electrode material should be corrosion-resistant under the
conditions of test. For tests of fabricated specimens such as
feed-through bushings, cables, etc., the electrodes employed
are a part of the specimen or its mounting. Measurements of
insulation resistance or conductance, then, include the contami-
nating effects of electrode or mounting materials and are
generally related to the performance of the specimen in actual
6.1.1 Binding-Post and Taper-Pin Electrodes, Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2, provide a means of applying voltage to rigid insulating
materials to permit an evaluation of their resistive or conduc-
tive properties. These electrodes simulate to some degree the
actual conditions of use, such as binding posts on instrument
panels and terminal strips. In the case of laminated insulating
materials having high-resin-content surfaces, somewhat lower
insulation resistance values may be obtained with taper-pin
than with binding posts, due to more intimate contact with the
body of the insulating material. Resistance or conductance
values obtained are highly influenced by the individual contact
between each pin and the dielectric material, the surface FIG. 2 Taper-Pin Electrodes
roughness of the pins, and the smoothness of the hole in the
dielectric material. Reproducibility of results on different
specimens is difficult to obtain.
6.1.2 Metal Bars in the arrangement of Fig. 3 were prima-
rily devised to evaluate the insulation resistance or conduc-
tance of flexible tapes and thin, solid specimens as a fairly
simple and convenient means of electrical quality control. This
arrangement is somewhat more satisfactory for obtaining
approximate values of surface resistance or conductance when
the width of the insulating material is much greater than its
6.1.3 Silver Paint, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6, is available
commercially with a high conductivity, either air-drying or
low-temperature-baking varieties, which are sufficiently po-

FIG. 3 Strip Electrodes for Tapes and Flat, Solid Specimens

rous to permit diffusion of moisture through them and thereby

allow the test specimen to be conditioned after the application
of the electrodes. This is a particularly useful feature in
studying resistance-humidity effects, as well as change with
temperature. However, before conductive paint is used as an
electrode material, it should be established that the solvent in
FIG. 1 Binding-Post Electrodes for Flat, Solid Specimens the paint does not attack the material so as to change its

D 257
surface of the specimen. Clamp-on masks also may be used if
the electrode paint is sprayed on.
6.1.4 Sprayed Metal, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6, may be used
if satisfactory adhesion to the test specimen can be obtained.
Thin sprayed electrodes may have certain advantages in that
they are ready for use as soon as applied. They may be
sufficiently porous to allow the specimen to be conditioned, but
this should be verified. Narrow strips of masking tape or
clamp-on masks must be used to produce a gap between the
guarded and the guard electrodes. The tape shall be such as not
to contaminate the gap surface.
6.1.5 Evaporated Metal may be used under the same con-
ditions given in 6.1.4.
6.1.6 Metal Foil, Fig. 4, may be applied to specimen
surfaces as electrodes. The usual thickness of metal foil used
for resistance or conductance studies of dielectrics ranges from
6 to 80 µm. Lead or tin foil is in most common use, and is
usually attached to the test specimen by a minimum quantity of
petrolatum, silicone grease, oil, or other suitable material, as an
adhesive. Such electrodes shall be applied under a smoothing
pressure sufficient to eliminate all wrinkles, and to work excess
adhesive toward the edge of the foil where it can be wiped off
with a cleansing tissue. One very effective method is to use a
hard narrow roller (10 to 15 mm wide), and to roll outward on
Volume Resistivity g |Ls 2t Surface Resistivity the surface until no visible imprint can be made on the foil with
FIG. 4 Flat Specimen for Measuring Volume and Surface the roller. This technique can be used satisfactorily only on
Resistances or Conductances
specimens that have very flat surfaces. With care, the adhesive
film can be reduced to 2.5 µm. As this film is in series with the
specimen, it will always cause the measured resistance to be
too high. This error may become excessive for the lower-
resistivity specimens of thickness less than 250 µm. Also the
hard roller can force sharp particles into or through thin films
(50 µm). Foil electrodes are not porous and will not allow the
test specimen to condition after the electrodes have been
applied. The adhesive may lose its effectiveness at elevated
temperatures necessitating the use of flat metal back-up plates
under pressure. It is possible, with the aid of a suitable cutting
device, to cut a proper width strip from one electrode to form
a guarded and guard electrode. Such a three-terminal specimen
normally cannot be used for surface resistance or conductance
measurements because of the grease remaining on the gap
surface. It may be very difficult to clean the entire gap surface
without disturbing the adjacent edges of the electrode.
6.1.7 Colloidal Graphite, Fig. 4, dispersed in water or other
suitable vehicle, may be brushed on nonporous, sheet insulat-
ing materials to form an air-drying electrode. Masking tapes or
clamp-on masks may be used (6.1.4). This electrode material is
recommended only if all of the following conditions are met:
D0 5 (D1 + D2)/2 L > 4t g |La 2t Volume Resistivity g |Ls 2t Surface Resistivity
FIG. 5 Tubular Specimen for Measuring Volume and Surface The material to be tested must accept a graphite
Resistances or Conductances coating that will not flake before testing, The material being tested must not absorb water
electrical properties. Reasonably smooth edges of guard elec- readily, and
trodes may be obtained with a fine-bristle brush. However, for Conditioning must be in a dry atmosphere (Proce-
circular electrodes, sharper edges can be obtained by the use of dure B, Methods D 618), and measurements made in this same
a ruling compass and silver paint for drawing the outline circles atmosphere.
of the electrodes and filling in the enclosed areas by brush. A 6.1.8 Mercury or other liquid metal electrodes give satisfac-
narrow strip of masking tape may be used, provided the tory results. Mercury is not recommended for continuous use
pressure-sensitive adhesive used does not contaminate the or at elevated temperatures due to toxic effects. (Warning—

D 257

FIG. 6 Conducting-Paint Electrodes

Mercury metal vapor poisoning has long been recognized as a

hazard in industry. The maximum exposure limits are set by the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.8
The concentration of mercury vapor over spills from broken
thermometers, barometers, or other instruments using mercury
can easily exceed these exposure limits. Mercury, being a
liquid and quite heavy, will disintegrate into small droplets and
seep into cracks and crevices in the floor. The use of a
commercially available emergency spill kit is recommended
whenever a spill occurs. The increased area of exposure adds
significantly to the mercury vapor concentration in air. Mer-
cury vapor concentration is easily monitored using commer-
cially available sniffers. Spot checks should be made periodi-
cally around operations where mercury is exposed to the
atmosphere. Thorough checks should be made after spills.) The
metal forming the upper electrodes should be confined by
stainless steel rings, each of which should have its lower rim
reduced to a sharp edge by beveling on the side away from the
liquid metal. Fig. 7A and Fig. 7B show two electrode arrange-
6.1.9 Flat Metal Plates, Fig. 4, (preferably guarded) may be
used for testing flexible and compressible materials, both at
room temperature and at elevated temperatures. They may be NOTE 1—Warning: See 6.1.8
circular or rectangular (for tapes). To ensure intimate contact FIG. 7 Mercury Electrodes for Flat, Solid Specimens
with the specimen, considerable pressure is usually required.
Pressures of 140 to 700 kPa have been found satisfactory (see tested is either added to the cell between fixed electrodes or the
material specifications). electrodes are forced into the material to a predetermined A variation of flat metal plate electrode systems is electrode spacing. Because the configuration of the electrodes
found in certain cell designs used to measure greases or filling in these cells is such that the effective electrode area and the
compounds. Such cells are preassembled and the material to be distance between them is difficult to measure, each cell
constant, K, (equivalent to the A/t factor from Table 1) can be
derived from the following equation:
American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists, 6500 Glen-
way Ave., Building D-7, Cincinnati, OH, 45211. K 5 3.6 p C 5 11.3 C (1)

D 257
three-terminal system (two electrodes plus guard), consider
how the electrical connections are made between the test
instrument and the test sample. If the test specimen is at some
distance from the test instrument, or the test specimen is tested
under humid conditions, or if a relatively high (1010 to 1015
ohms) specimen resistance is expected, spurious resistance
paths can easily exist between the test instrument and test
specimen. A guard circuit is necessary to minimize interference
from these spurious paths (see also X1.9).
7.2.1 With Guard Electrode—Use coaxial cable, with the
core lead to the guarded electrode and the shield to the guard
electrode, to make adequate guarded connections between the
test equipment and test specimen. Coaxial cable (again with the
shield tied back to the guard) for the unguarded lead is not
mandatory here (or in 7.2.2), although its use provides some
reduction in background noise (see also Fig. 8).
7.2.2 Without Guard Electrode—Use coaxial cable, with the
core lead to one electrode and the shield terminated about 1 cm
from the end of the core lead (see also Fig. 9).
7.3 Direct Measurements—The current through a specimen
at a fixed voltage may be measured using any equipment that
has the required sensitivity and accuracy (610 % is usually
NOTE 1—Warning: See 6.1.8 adequate). Current-measuring devices available include elec-
FIG. 7 Mercury Cell for Thin Sheet Material (continued) trometers, d-c amplifiers with indicating meters, and galva-
nometers. Typical methods and circuits are given in Appendix
X3. When the measuring device scale is calibrated to read
where: ohms directly no calculations are required.
K has units of centimetres, and
C has units of picofarads and is the capacitance of the electrode system with 7.4 Comparison Methods—A Wheatstone-bridge circuit
air as the dielectric. See Test Methods D 150 for methods of measurement may be used to compare the resistance of the specimen with
for C.
that of a standard resistor (see Appendix X3).
6.1.10 Conducting Rubber has been used as electrode ma-
7.5 Precision and Bias Considerations:
terial, as in Fig. 4, and has the advantage that it can quickly and
easily be applied and removed from the specimen. As the 7.5.1 General—As a guide in the choice of apparatus, the
electrodes are applied only during the time of measurement, pertinent considerations are summarized in Table 2, but it is not
they do not interfere with the conditioning of the specimen. implied that the examples enumerated are the only ones
The conductive-rubber material must be backed by proper applicable. This table is not intended to indicate the limits of
plates and be soft enough so that effective contact with the sensitivity and error of the various methods per se, but rather
specimen is obtained when a reasonable pressure is applied. is intended to indicate limits that are distinctly possible with
modern apparatus. In any case, such limits can be achieved or
NOTE 1—There is evidence that values of conductivity obtained using exceeded only through careful selection and combination of the
conductive-rubber electrodes are always smaller (20 to 70 %) than values
apparatus employed. It must be emphasized, however, that the
obtained with tinfoil electrodes (6). When only order-of-magnitude
accuracies are required, and these contact errors can be neglected, a errors considered are those of instrumentation only. Errors such
properly designed set of conductive-rubber electrodes can provide a rapid as those discussed in Appendix X1 are an entirely different
means for making conductivity and resistivity determinations. matter. In this latter connection, the last column of Table 2 lists
6.1.11 Water is widely employed as one electrode in testing the resistance that is shunted by the insulation resistance
insulation on wires and cables. Both ends of the specimen must between the guarded electrode and the guard system for the
be out of the water and of such length that leakage along the various methods. In general, the lower such resistance, the less
insulation is negligible. Guard rings may be necessary at each probability of error from undue shunting.
end. It may be desirable to add a small amount of sodium NOTE 2—No matter what measurement method is employed, the
chloride to the water to ensure high conductivity. Measure- highest precisions are achieved only with careful evaluation of all sources
ments may be performed at temperatures up to about 100°C. of error. It is possible either to set up any of these methods from the
component parts, or to acquire a completely integrated apparatus. In
7. Choice of Apparatus and Test Method general, the methods using high-sensitivity galvanometers require a more
permanent installation than those using indicating meters or recorders. The
7.1 Power Supply—A source of very steady direct voltage is
methods using indicating devices such as voltmeters, galvanometers, d-c
required (see X1.7.3). Batteries or other stable direct voltage amplifiers, and electrometers require the minimum of manual adjustment
supplies may be used. and are easy to read but the operator is required to make the reading at a
7.2 Guard Circuit—Whether measuring resistance of an particular time. The Wheatstone bridge (Fig. X1.4) and the potentiometer
insulating material with two electrodes (no guard) or with a method (Fig. X1.2 (b)) require the undivided attention of the operator in

D 257
TABLE 1 Calculation of Resistivity or ConductivityA
Type of Electrodes or Specimen Volume Resistivity, V-cm Volume Conductivity, S/cm
A t
rv 5 gv 5
t Rv A Gv
Circular (Fig. 4) p~D1 1 g! 2
A 5 4
Rectangular A 5 (a + g) (b + g)
Square A 5 (a + g) 2
Tubes (Fig. 5) A 5 pD0(L + g)
Cables 2pLRv
rv 5
gv 5

Surface Resistivity, V (per square) Surface Conductivity, S (per square)

P g
p s 5 g Rs gs 5
P Gs
Circular (Fig. 4) P 5 pD0
Rectangular P 5 2(a + b + 2g)
Square P 5 4(a + g)
Tubes (Figs. 5 and 6) P 5 2p D 2
A 5 the effective area of the measuring electrode for the particular arrangement employed,
P 5 the effective perimeter of the guarded electrode for the particular arrangement employed,
Rv 5 measured volume resistance in ohms,
Gv 5 measured volume conductance in siemens,
Rs 5 measured surface resistance in ohms,
Gs 5 measured surface conductance in siemens,
t 5 average thickness of the specimen,
D0, D1, D2, g, L 5 dimensions indicated in Figs. 4 and 6 (see Appendix X2 for correction to g),
a, b, 5 lengths of the sides of rectangular electrodes, and
ln 5 natural logarithm.
All dimensions are in centimetres.

keeping a balance, but allow the setting at a particular time to be read at

7.5.2 Direct Measurements: Galvanometer-Voltmeter—The maximum percent-
age error in the measurement of resistance by the
galvanometer-voltmeter method is the sum of the percentage
errors of galvanometer indication, galvanometer readability,
and voltmeter indication. As an example: a galvanometer
having a sensitivity of 500 pA/scale division will be deflected
25 divisions with 500 V applied to a resistance of 40 GV
(conductance of 25 pS). If the deflection can be read to the
nearest 0.5 division, and the calibration error (including Ayrton
Shunt error) is 62 % of the observed value, the resultant
galvanometer error will not exceed 64 %. If the voltmeter has
an error of 62 % of full scale, this resistance can be measured
with a maximum error of 66 % when the voltmeter reads full
scale, and 610 % when it reads one-third full scale. The
desirability of readings near full scale are readily apparent. Voltmeter-Ammeter—The maximum percentage er-
ror in the computed value is the sum of the percentage errors
in the voltages, Vx and Vs, and the resistance, Rs. The errors in
Vs and Rs are generally dependent more on the characteristics
of the apparatus used than on the particular method. The most
significant factors that determine the errors in Vs are indicator
errors, amplifier zero drift, and amplifier gain stability. With
modern, well-designed amplifiers or electrometers, gain stabil- FIG. 8 Connections to Guarded Electrode for Volume and Surface
Resistivity Measurements (Volume Resistance hook-up shown)
ity is usually not a matter of concern. With existing techniques,
the zero drift of direct voltage amplifiers or electrometers
cannot be eliminated but it can be made slow enough to be relatively insignificant for these measurements. The zero drift

D 257
could be measured with a maximum error of 651⁄2 %. Voltage Rate-of-Change—The accuracy of the mea-
surement is directly proportional to the accuracy of the
measurement of applied voltage and time rate of change of the
electrometer reading. The length of time that the electrometer
switch is open and the scale used should be such that the time
can be measured accurately and a full-scale reading obtained.
Under these conditions, the accuracy will be comparable with
that of the other methods of measuring current. Comparison Bridge—When the detector has ad-
equate sensitivity, the maximum percentage error in the com-
puter resistance is the sum of the percentage errors in the arms,
A, B, and N. With a detector sensitivity of 1 mV/scale division,
500 V applied to the bridge, and RN 5 1 GV, a resistance of
1000 TV will produce a detector deflection of one scale
division. Assuming negligible errors in RA and RB, with RN 5 1
GV known to within 62 % and with the bridge balanced to one
detector-scale division, a resistance of 100 TV can be mea-
sured with a maximum error of 66 %.
8. Sampling
8.1 Refer to applicable materials specifications for sam-
pling instructions.
FIG. 9 Connections to Unguarded Electrodes for Unguarded
9. Test Specimens
Surface Measurements
9.1 Insulation Resistance or Conductance Determination:
is virtually nonexistent for carefully designed converter-type 9.1.1 The measurement is of greatest value when the speci-
amplifiers. Consequently, the null method of Fig. X1.2 (b) is men has the form, electrodes, and mounting required in actual
theoretically less subject to error than those methods employ- use. Bushings, cables, and capacitors are typical examples for
ing an indicating instrument, provided, however, that the which the test electrodes are a part of the specimen and its
potentiometer voltage is accurately known. The error in Rs is to normal mounting means.
some extent dependent on the amplifier sensitivity. For mea- 9.1.2 For solid materials, the test specimen may be of any
surement of a given current, the higher the amplifier sensitivity, practical form. The specimen forms most commonly used are
the greater likelihood that lower valued, highly precise wire- flat plates, tapes, rods, and tubes. The electrode arrangements
wound standard resistors can be used. Such amplifiers can be of Fig. 2 may be used for flat plates, rods, or rigid tubes whose
obtained. Standard resistances of 100 GV known to 62 %, are inner diameter is about 20 mm or more. The electrode
available. If 10-mV input to the amplifier or electrometer gives arrangement of Fig. 3 may be used for strips of sheet material
full-scale deflection with an error not greater than 2 % of full or for flexible tape. For rigid strip specimens the metal support
scale, with 500 V applied, a resistance of 5000 TV can be may not be required. The electrode arrangements of Fig. 6 may
measured with a maximum error of 6 % when the voltmeter be used for flat plates, rods, or tubes. Comparison of materials
reads full scale, and 10 % when it reads 1⁄3 scale. when using different electrode arrangements is frequently Comparison-Galvanometer—The maximum per- inconclusive and should be avoided.
centage error in the computed resistance or conductance is 9.2 Volume Resistance or Conductance Determination:
given by the sum of the percentage errors in Rs, the galvanom- 9.2.1 The test specimen may have any practical form that
eter deflections or amplifier readings, and the assumption that allows the use of a third electrode, when necessary, to guard
the current sensitivities are independent of the deflections. The against error from surface effects. Test specimens may be in the
latter assumption is correct to well within 62 % over the useful form of flat plates, tapes, or tubes. Fig. 4 and Fig. 7 illustrate
range (above 1⁄10 full-scale deflection) of a good, modern the application and arrangement of electrodes for plate or sheet
galvanometer (probably 1⁄3 scale deflection for a dc current specimens. Fig. 5 is a diametral cross section of three elec-
amplifier). The error in Rs depends on the type of resistor used, trodes applied to a tubular specimen, in which electrode No. 1
but resistances of 1 MV with a limit of error as low as 0.1 % is the guarded electrode, electrode No. 2 is a guard electrode
are available. With a galvanometer or d-c current amplifier consisting of a ring at each end of electrode No. 1, and
having a sensitivity of 10 nA for full-scale deflection, 500 V electrode No. 3 is the unguarded electrode (7, 8). For materials
applied to a resistance of 5 TV will produce a 1 % deflection. that have negligible surface leakage, the guard rings may be
At this voltage, with the preceding noted standard resistor, and omitted. Convenient and generally suitable dimensions appli-
with Fs 5 105, ds would be about half of full-scale deflection, cable to Fig. 4 in the case of test specimens that are 3 mm in
with a readability error not more than 61 %. If dx is approxi- thickness are as follows: D3 5 100 mm, D2 5 88 mm, and
mately 1⁄4 of full-scale deflection, the readability error would D1 5 76 mm, or alternatively, D3 5 50 mm, D2 5 38 mm, and
not exceed 64 %, and a resistance of the order of 200 GV D1 5 25 mm. For a given sensitivity, the larger specimen

D 257
TABLE 2 Apparatus and Conditions for Use
Ohms Shunted by
Reference Maximum Ohms Maximum Ohms Insulation Resistance
Type of
Method Detectable Measurable to from Guard to
Section Figure at 500 V 66 % at 500 V Guarded
Voltmeter-ammeter (galvanometer) X3.1 X1 1012 1011 deflection 10 to 105
Comparison (galvanometer) X3.4 X3 1012 1011 deflection 10 to 105
Voltmeter-ammeter (dc amplifica- X3.2 X2(a) deflection 102 to 109
tion, electrometer) (Position 1) 1015 1013
X2(a) deflection 102 to 103
(Position 2) 1015 1013 deflection 103 to 1011
X2(b) 1017 1015 null 0 (effective)
X2(b) 1017 1015
Comparison (Wheatstone bridge) X3.5 X4 1015 1014 null 105 to 106
Voltage rate-of-change X3.3 X5 ;100 MV·F deflection unguarded
Megohmmeter (typical) commercial instruments 1015 1014 direct-reading 104 to 1010

allows more accurate measurements on materials of higher of the ends of the guarded electrode become negligible, and
resistivity. careful spacing of the guard electrodes is not required. Thus,
9.2.2 Measure the average thickness of the specimens in the gap between electrodes No. 1 and No. 2 may be several
accordance with one of the methods in Test Methods D 374 centimetres to permit sufficient surface resistance between
pertaining to the material being tested. The actual points of these electrodes when water is used as electrode No. 1. In this
measurement shall be uniformly distributed over the area to be case, no correction is made for the gap width.
covered by the measuring electrodes. 9.3 Surface Resistance or Conductance Determination:
9.2.3 It is not necessary that the electrodes have the circular 9.3.1 The test specimen may be of any practical form
symmetry shown in Fig. 4 although this is generally conve- consistent with the particular objective, such as flat plates,
nient. The guarded electrode (No. 1) may be circular, square, or tapes, or tubes.
rectangular, allowing ready computation of the guarded elec- 9.3.2 The arrangements of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 were devised for
trode area for volume resistivity or conductivity determination those cases where the volume resistance is known to be high
when such is desired. The diameter of a circular electrode, the relative to that of the surface (2). However, the combination of
side of a square, or the shortest side of a rectangular electrode, molded and machined surfaces makes the result obtained
should be at least four times the specimen thickness. The gap generally inconclusive for rigid strip specimens. The arrange-
width should be great enough so that the surface leakage ment of Fig. 3 is somewhat more satisfactory when applied to
between electrodes No. 1 and No. 2 does not cause an error in specimens for which the width is much greater than the
the measurement (this is particularly important for high-input- thickness, the cut edge effect thus tending to become relatively
impedance instruments, such as electrometers). If the gap is small. Hence, this arrangement is more suitable for testing thin
made equal to twice the specimen thickness, as suggested in specimens such as tape, than for testing relatively thicker
9.3.3, so that the specimen can be used also for surface specimens. The arrangements of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 should never
resistance or conductance determinations, the effective area of be used for surface resistance or conductance determinations
electrode No. 1 can be taken, usually with sufficient accuracy, without due considerations of the limitations noted previously.
as extending to the center of the gap. If, under special 9.3.3 The three electrode arrangements of Fig. 4, Fig. 6 and
conditions, it becomes desirable to determine a more accurate Fig. 7 may be used for purposes of material comparison. The
value for the effective area of electrode No. 1, the correction resistance or conductance of the surface gap between elec-
for the gap width can be obtained from Appendix X2. Elec- trodes No. 1 and No. 2 is determined directly by using
trode No. 3 may have any shape provided that it extends at all electrode No. 1 as the guarded electrode, electrode No. 3 as the
points beyond the inner edge of electrode No. 2 by at least guard electrode, and electrode No. 2 as the unguarded electrode
twice the specimen thickness. (7, 8). The resistance or conductance so determined is actually
9.2.4 For tubular specimens, electrode No. 1 should encircle the resultant of the surface resistance or conductance between
the outside of the specimen and its axial length should be at electrodes No. 1 and No. 2 in parallel with some volume
least four times the specimen wall thickness. Considerations resistance or conductance between the same two electrodes.
regarding the gap width are the same as those given in 9.2.3. For this arrangement the surface gap width, g, should be
Electrode No. 2 consists of an encircling electrode at each end approximately twice the specimen thickness, t, except for thin
of the tube, the two parts being electrically connected by specimens, where g may be much greater than twice the
external means. The axial length of each of these parts should material thickness.
be at least twice the wall thickness of the specimen. Electrode 9.3.4 Special techniques and electrode dimensions may be
No. 3 must cover the inside surface of the specimen for an axial required for very thin specimens having such a low volume
length extending beyond the outside gap edges by at least twice resistivity that the resultant low resistance between the guarded
the wall thickness. The tubular specimen (Fig. 5) may take the electrode and the guard system would cause excessive error.
form of an insulated wire or cable. If the length of electrode is 9.4 Liquid Insulation Resistance—The sampling of liquid
more than 100 times the thickness of the insulation, the effects insulating materials, the test cells employed, and the methods

D 257
of cleaning the cells shall be in accordance with Test Method 12.3.2 When the electrode arrangement of Fig. 3 is used, P
D 1169. is taken as the perimeter of the cross section of the specimen.
For thin specimens, such as tapes, this perimeter effectively
10. Specimen Mounting reduces to twice the specimen width.
10.1 In mounting the specimens for measurements, it is 12.3.3 When the electrode arrangements of Fig. 6 are used
important that there shall be no conductive paths between the (and the volume resistance is known to be high compared to the
electrodes or between the measuring electrodes and ground that surface resistance), P is taken to be the length of the electrodes
will have a significant effect on the reading of the measuring or circumference of the cylinder.
instrument (9). Insulating surfaces should not be handled with
13. Calculation
bare fingers (acetate rayon gloves are recommended). For
referee tests of volume resistivity or conductivity, the surfaces 13.1 Calculate the volume resistivity, rv, and the volume
should be cleaned with a suitable solvent before conditioning. conductivity, gv, using the equations in Table 1.
When surface resistance is to be measured, the surfaces should 13.2 Calculate the surface resistivity, rs, and the surface
be cleaned or not cleaned as specified or agreed upon. conductivity, gs, using the equations in Table 1.
14. Report
11. Conditioning
14.1 Report the following information:
11.1 The specimens shall be conditioned in accordance with
14.1.1 A description and identification of the material
Practice D 618.
(name, grade, color, manufacturer, etc.),
11.2 Circulating-air environmental chambers or the methods
14.1.2 Shape and dimensions of the test specimen,
described in Practices E 104 or D 5032 may be used for
14.1.3 Type and dimensions of electrodes,
controlling the relative humidity.
14.1.4 Conditioning of the specimen (cleaning, predrying,
12. Procedure hours at humidity and temperature, etc.),
12.1 Insulation Resistance or Conductance—Properly 14.1.5 Test conditions (specimen temperature, relative hu-
mount the specimen in the test chamber. If the test chamber and midity, etc., at time of measurement),
the conditioning chamber are the same (recommended proce- 14.1.6 Method of measurement (see Appendix X3),
dure), the specimens should be mounted before the condition- 14.1.7 Applied voltage,
ing is started. Make the measurement with a suitable device 14.1.8 Time of electrification of measurement,
having the required sensitivity and accuracy (see Appendix ). 14.1.9 Measured values of the appropriate resistances in
Unless otherwise specified, the time of electrification shall be ohms or conductances in siemens,
60 s and the applied direct voltage shall be 500 6 5 V. 14.1.10 Computed values when required, of volume resis-
12.2 Volume Resistivity or Conductivity—Measure the di- tivity in ohm-centimetres, volume conductivity in siemens per
mensions of the electrodes and width of guard gap, g. Make the centimetre, surface resistivity in ohms (per square), or surface
measurement with a suitable device having the required conductivity in siemens (per square), and
sensitivity and accuracy. Unless otherwise specified, the time 14.1.11 Statement as to whether the reported values are
of electrification shall be 60 s, and the applied direct voltage “apparent” or “steady-state.”
shall be 500 6 5 V. 15. Precision and Bias
12.3 Surface Resistance or Conductance: 15.1 Precision and bias are inherently affected by the choice
12.3.1 Measure the electrode dimensions and the distance of method, apparatus, and specimen. For analysis and details
between the electrodes, g. Measure the surface resistance or see Sections 7 and 9, and particularly 7.5.1-
conductance between electrodes No. 1 and 2 with a suitable
device having the required sensitivity and accuracy. Unless 16. Keywords
otherwise specified, the time of electrification shall be 60 s, and 16.1 DC resistance; insulation resistance; surface resistance;
the applied direct voltage shall be 500 6 5 V. surface resistivity; volume resistance; volume resistivity

D 257

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Inherent Variation in Materials—Because of the NOTE X1.1—The resistance of an electrical insulating material may be
variability of the resistance of a given specimen under similar affected by the time of temperature exposure. Therefore, equivalent
test conditions and the nonuniformity of the same material temperature conditioning periods are essential for comparative measure-
from specimen to specimen, determinations are usually not
NOTE X1.2—If the insulating material shows signs of deterioration after
reproducible to closer than 10 % and often are even more conditioning at elevated temperatures, this information must be included
widely divergent (a range of values from 10 to 1 may be with the test data.
obtained under apparently identical conditions).
X1.3 Temperature and Humidity—The insulation resis-
X1.2 Temperature—The resistance of electrical insulating tance of solid dielectric materials decreases both with increas-
materials is known to change with temperature, and the ing temperature as described in X1.2 and with increasing
variation often can be represented by a function of the form: humidity (1, 2, 3, 4). Volume resistance is particularly sensitive
(18) to temperature changes, while surface resistance changes
widely and very rapidly with humidity changes (2, 3). In both
R 5 Bem/T (X1.1)
cases the change is exponential. For some materials a change
where: from 25 to 100°C may change insulation resistance or conduc-
R 5 resistance (or resistivity) of an insulating material or tance by a factor of 100 000, often due to the combined effects
system, of temperature and moisture content change; the effect of
B 5 proportionality constant, temperature change alone is usually much smaller. A change
m 5 activation constant, and from 25 to 90 % relative humidity may change insulation
T 5 absolute temperature in kelvin (K). resistance or conductance by as much as a factor of 1 000 000
This equation is a simplified form of the Arrhenius equation or more. Insulation resistance or conductance is a function of
relating the activation energy of a chemical reaction to the both the volume and surface resistance or conductance of the
absolute temperature; and the Boltzmann principle, a general specimen, and surface resistance changes almost instanta-
law dealing with the statistical distribution of energy among neously with change of relative humidity. It is, therefore,
large numbers of minute particles subject to thermal agitation. absolutely essential to maintain both temperature and relative
The activation constant, m, has a value that is characteristic of humidity within close limits during the conditioning period and
a particular energy absorption process. Several such processes to make the insulation resistance or conductance measurements
may exist within the material, each with a different effective in the specified conditioning environment. Another point not to
temperature range, so that several values of m would be needed be overlooked is that at relative humidities above 90 %, surface
to fully characterize the material. These values of m can be condensation may result from inadvertant fluctuations in hu-
determined experimentally by plotting the natural logarithm of midity or temperature produced by the conditioning system.
resistance against the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. This problem can be avoided by the use of equivalent absolute
The desired values of m are obtained from such a plot by humidity at a slightly higher temperature, as equilibrium
measuring the slopes of the straight-line sections of the plot. moisture content remains nearly the same for a small tempera-
This derives from (Eq X1.1), for it follows that by taking the ture change. In determining the effect of humidity on volume
natural logarithm of both sides: resistance or conductance, extended periods of conditioning
1 are required, since the absorption of water into the body of the
1n R 5 ln B 1 m T (X1.2) dielectric is a relatively slow process (10). Some specimens
The change in resistance (or resistivity) corresponding to a require months to come to equilibrium. When such long
change in absolute temperature from T1 to T2, based on Eq periods of conditioning are prohibitive, use of thinner speci-
X1.1, and expressed in logarithmic form, is: mens or comparative measurements near equilibrium may be
reasonable alternatives, but the details must be included in the
S1 1
ln ~R2/R1! 5 m T 2 T 5 m T T
2 1 1 2
(X1.3) test report.

These equations are valid over a temperature range only if X1.4 Time of Electrification—Measurement of a dielectric
the material does not undergo a transition within this tempera- material is not fundamentally different from that of a conductor
ture range. Extrapolations are seldom safe since transitions are except that an additional parameter, time of electrification, (and
seldom obvious or predictable. As a corollary, deviation of a in some cases the voltage gradient) is involved. The relation-
plot of the logarithm of R against 1/T from a straight line is ship between the applied voltage and the current is involved in
evidence that a transition is occurring. Furthermore, in making both cases. For dielectric materials, the standard resistance
comparisons between materials, it is essential that measure- placed in series with the unknown resistance must have a
ments be made over the entire range of interest for all relatively low value, so that essentially full voltage will be
materials. applied across the unknown resistance. When a potential

D 257
difference is applied to a specimen, the current through it X1.6 Contour of Specimen:
generally decreases asymptotically toward a limiting value
X1.6.1 The measured value of the insulation resistance or
which may be less than 0.01 of the current observed at the end
conductance of a specimen results from the composite effect of
of 1 min (9, 11). This decrease of current with time is due to
its volume and surface resistances or conductances. Since the
dielectric absorption (interfacial polarization, volume charge,
relative values of the components vary from material to
etc.) and the sweep of mobile ions to the electrodes. In general,
material, comparison of different materials by the use of the
the relation of current and time is of the form I(t) 5 At −m, after
electrode systems of Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 is generally
the initial charge is completed and until the true leakage current
inconclusive. There is no assurance that, if material A has a
becomes a significant factor (12, 13). In this relation A is a
higher insulation resistance than material B as measured by the
constant, numerically the current at unit time, and m usually,
use of one of these electrode systems, it will also have a higher
but not always, has a value between 0 and 1. Depending upon
the characteristics of the specimen material, the time required resistance than B in the application for which it is intended.
for the current to decrease to within 1 % of this minimum value X1.6.2 It is possible to devise specimen and electrode
may be from a few seconds to many hours. Thus, in order to configurations suitable for the separate evaluation of the
ensure that measurements on a given material will be compa- volume resistance or conductance and the approximate surface
rable, it is necessary to specify the time of electrification. The resistance or conductance of the same specimen. In general,
conventional arbitrary time of electrification has been 1 min. this requires at least three electrodes so arranged that one may
For some materials, misleading conclusions may be drawn select electrode pairs for which the resistance or conductance
from the test results obtained at this arbitrary time. A measured is primarily that of either a volume current path or a
resistance-time or conductance-time curve should be obtained surface current path, not both (7).
under the conditions of test for a given material as a basis for
selection of a suitable time of electrification, which must be X1.7 Deficiencies in the Measuring Circuit:
specified in the test method for that material, or such curves X1.7.1 The insulation resistance of many solid dielectric
should be used for comparative purposes. Occasionally, a specimens is extremely high at standard laboratory conditions,
material will be found for which the current increases with approaching or exceeding the maximum measurable limits
time. In this case either the time curves must be used or a given in Table 2. Unless extreme care is taken with the
special study undertaken, and arbitrary decisions made as to insulation of the measuring circuit, the values obtained are
the time of electrification. more a measure of apparatus limitations than of the material
itself. Thus errors in the measurement of the specimen may
X1.5 Magnitude of Voltage: arise from undue shunting of the specimen, reference resistors,
X1.5.1 Both volume and surface resistance or conductance or the current-measuring device, by leakage resistances or
of a specimen may be voltage-sensitive (4). In that case, it is conductances of unknown, and possibly variable, magnitude.
necessary that the same voltage gradient be used if measure- X1.7.2 Electrolytic, contact, or thermal emf’s may exist in
ments on similar specimens are to be comparable. Also, the the measuring circuit itself; or spurious emf’s may be caused
applied voltage should be within at least 5 % of the specified by leakage from external sources. Thermal emf’s are normally
voltage. This is a separate requirement from that given in insignificant except in the low resistance circuit of a galva-
X1.7.3, which discusses voltage regulation and stability where nometer and shunt. When thermal emf’s are present, random
appreciable specimen capacitance is involved. drifts in the galvanometer zero occur. Slow drifts due to air
X1.5.2 Commonly specified test voltages to be applied to currents may be troublesome. Electrolytic emf’s are usually
the complete specimen are 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, associated with moist specimens and dissimilar metals, but
10 000 and 15 000 V. Of these, the most frequently used are emf’s of 20 mV or more can be obtained in the guard circuit of
100 and 500 V. The higher voltages are used either to study the a high-resistance detector when pieces of the same metal are in
voltage-resistance or voltage-conductance characteristics of contact with moist specimens. If a voltage is applied between
materials (to make tests at or near the operating voltage the guard and the guarded electrodes a polarization emf may
gradients), or to increase the sensitivity of measurement. remain after the voltage is removed. True contact emf’s can be
X1.5.3 Specimen resistance or conductance of some mate- detected only with an electrometer and are not a source of
rials may, depending upon the moisture content, be affected by error. The term “spurious emf’’ is sometimes applied to
the polarity of the applied voltage. This effect, caused by electrolytic emf’s. To ensure the absence of spurious emf’s of
electrolysis or ionic migration, or both, particularly in the whatever origin, the deflection of the detecting device should
presence of nonuniform fields, may be particularly noticeable be observed before the application of voltage to the specimen
in insulation configurations such as those found in cables and after the voltage has been removed. If the two deflections
where the test-voltage gradient is greater at the inner conductor are the same, or nearly the same, a correction can be made to
than at the outer surface. Where electrolysis or ionic migration the measured resistance or conductance, provided the correc-
does exist in specimens, the electrical resistance will be lower tion is small. If the deflections differ widely, or approach the
when the smaller test electrode is made negative with respect deflection of the measurement, it will be necessary to find and
to the larger. In such cases, the polarity of the applied voltage eliminate the source of the spurious emf (5). Capacitance
shall be specified according to the requirements of the speci- changes in the connecting shielded cables can cause serious
men under test. difficulties.

D 257
X1.7.3 Where appreciable specimen capacitance is in- times any previous charging time. The specimen electrodes
volved, both the regulation and transient stability of the applied should be connected together until the measurement is to be
voltage should be such that resistance or conductance measure- made to prevent any build-up of charge from the surroundings.
ments can be made to prescribed accuracy. Short-time tran- X1.9 Guarding:
sients, as well as relatively long-time drifts in the applied
voltage may cause spurious capacitive charge and discharge X1.9.1 Guarding depends on interposing, in all critical
currents which can significantly affect the accuracy of mea- insulated paths, guard conductors which intercept all stray
surement. In the case of current-measuring methods particu- currents that might otherwise cause errors. The guard conduc-
larly, this can be a serious problem. The current in the tors are connected together, constituting the guard system and
measuring instrument due to a voltage transient is I0 5 CxdV/ forming, with the measuring terminals, a three-terminal net-
dt. The amplitude and rate of pointer excursions depend upon work. When suitable connections are made, stray currents from
the following factors: spurious external voltages are shunted away from the measur-
ing circuit by the guard system.
X1.7.3.1 The capacitance of the specimen,
X1.9.2 Proper use of the guard system for the methods
X1.7.3.2 The magnitude of the current being measured, involving current measurement is illustrated in Figs. X1.1-
X1.7.3.3 The magnitude and duration of the incoming X1.3, inclusive, where the guard system is shown connected to
voltage transient, and its rate of change, the junction of the voltage source and current-measuring
X1.7.3.4 The ability of the stabilizing circuit used to pro- instrument or standard resistor. In Fig. X1.4 for the
vide a constant voltage with incoming transients of various Wheatstone-bridge method, the guard system is shown con-
characteristics, and nected to the junction of the two lower-valued-resistance arms.
X1.7.3.5 The time-constant of the complete test circuit as In all cases, to be effective, guarding must be complete, and
compared to the period and damping of the current-measuring must include any controls operated by the observer in making
instrument. the measurement. The guard system is generally maintained at
X1.7.4 Changes of range of a current-measuring instrument a potential close to that of the guarded terminal, but insulated
may introduce a current transient. When Rm [Lt ] Rx and Cm[Lt from it. This is because, among other things, the resistance of
]Cx, the equation of this transient is many insulating materials is voltage-dependent. Otherwise, the
direct resistances or conductances of a three-terminal network
I 5 ~V0 / Rx!@I 2 e2t/RmCx# (X1.4)
are independent of the electrode potentials. It is usual to ground
where: the guard system and hence one side of the voltage source and
V0 5 applied voltage, current-measuring device. This places both terminals of the
Rx 5 apparent resistance of the specimen, specimen above ground. Sometimes, one terminal of the
Rm 5 effective input resistance of the measuring instru- specimen is permanently grounded. The current-measuring
ment, device usually is then connected to this terminal, requiring that
Cx 5 capacitance of the specimen at 1000 Hz, the voltage source be well insulated from ground.
Cm 5 input capacitance of the measuring instrument, and X1.9.3 Errors in current measurements may result from the
t 5 time after Rm is switched into the circuit. fact that the current-measuring device is shunted by the
For not more than 5 % error due to this transient, resistance or conductance between the guarded terminal and
RmCx # t/3 (X1.5) the guard system. This resistance should be at least 10 to 100
times the input resistance of the current measuring device. In
Microammeters employing feedback are usually free of this some bridge techniques, the guard and measuring terminals are
source of error as the actual input resistance is divided, brought to nearly the same potentials, but a standard resistor in
effectively, by the amount of feedback, usually at least by 1000. the bridge is shunted between the unguarded terminal and the
guard system. This resistance should be at least 1000 times that
X1.8 Residual Charge—In X1.4 it was pointed out that the of the reference resistor.
current continues for a long time after the application of a
potential difference to the electrodes. Conversely, current will
continue for a long time after the electrodes of a charged
specimen are connected together. It should be established that
the test specimen is completely discharged before attempting
the first measurement, a repeat measurement, a measurement of
volume resistance following a measurement of surface resis-
tance, or a measurement with reversed voltage (9). The time of
discharge before making a measurement should be at least four FIG. X1.1 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Using a Galvanometer

D 257

FIG. X1.2 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Using DC Amplification

FIG. X1.3 Comparison Method Using a Galvanometer

FIG. X1.4 Comparison Method Using a Wheatstone Bridge


X2.1 General—Calculation of volume resistivity from the X2.2 Fringing:

measured volume resistance involves the quantity A, the X2.2.1 If the specimen material is homogeneous and isotro-
effective area of the guarded electrode. Depending on the pic, fringing effectively extends the guarded electrode edge by
material properties and the electrode configuration, A differs an amount (14, 19):
from the actual area of the guarded electrode for either, or both,
of the following reasons. ~g/2! 2 d (X2.1)

X2.1.1 Fringing of the lines of current in the region of the where:

electrode edges may effectively increase the electrode dimen- d 5 t$~2/p! ln cosh @~p/4!~g/t!#%, (X2.2)
and g and t are the dimensions indicated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 6.
X2.1.2 If plane electrodes are not parallel, or if tubular The correction may also be written
electrodes are not coaxial, the current density in the specimen
g@1 2 ~2d/g!# 5 Bg (X2.3)
will not be uniform, and an error may result. This error is
usually small and may be ignored. where B is the fraction of the gap width to be added to the

D 257
diameter of circular electrodes or to the dimensions of rectan- 0.5 0.81 2.5 0.34
gular or cylindrical electrodes. 0.6 0.77 3.0 0.29
0.8 0.71
X2.2.2 Laminated materials, however, are somewhat aniso-
tropic after volume absorption of moisture. Volume resistivity NOTE X2.1—The symbol “ln” designates logarithm to the base
parallel to the laminations is then lower than that in the e 5 2.718. ... When g is approximately equal to 2t, d is determined with
perpendicular direction, and the fringing effect is increased. sufficient approximation by the equation:
With such moist laminates, d approaches zero, and the guarded d 5 0.586t (X2.4)
electrode effectively extends to the center of the gap between NOTE X2.2—For tests on thin films when t << g, or when a guard
guarded and unguarded electrodes (14). electrode is not used and one electrode extends beyond the other by a
X2.2.3 The fraction of the gap width g to be added to the distance which is large compared with t, 0.883t should be added to the
diameter of circular electrodes or to the electrode dimensions diameter of circular electrodes or to the dimensions of rectangular
of rectangular or cylindrical electrodes, B, as determined by the electrodes.
preceding equation for d, is as follows: NOTE X2.3—During the transition between complete dryness and
g/t B g/t B
subsequent relatively uniform volume distribution of moisture, a laminate
0.1 0.96 1.0 0.64 is neither homogeneous nor isotropic. Volume resistivity is of questionable
0.2 0.92 1.2 0.59 significance during this transition and accurate equations are neither
0.3 0.88 1.5 0.51 possible nor justified, calculations within an order of magnitude being
0.4 0.85 2.0 0.41 more than sufficient.


X3.1 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Using a Galvanometer: electrometer are connected to the voltage source and the
X3.1.1 A dc voltmeter and a galvanometer with a suitable specimen as illustrated in Fig. X1.2. The applied voltage is
shunt are connected to the voltage source and to the test measured by a dc voltmeter having the same characteristics as
specimen as shown in Fig. X1.1. The applied voltage is prescribed in X3.1.1. The current is measured in terms of the
measured by a dc voltmeter, having a range and accuracy that voltage drop across a standard resistance, Rs.
will give minimum error in voltage indication. In no case shall X3.2.2 In the circuit shown in Fig. X1.2(a) the specimen
a voltmeter be used that has an error greater than 62 % of full current, Ix, produces across the standard resistance, Rs, a
scale, nor a range such that the deflection is less than one third voltage drop which is amplified by the dc amplifier, and read
of full scale (for a pivot-type instrument). The current is on an indicating meter or galvanometer. The net gain of the
measured by a galvanometer having a high current sensitivity amplifier usually is stabilized by means of a feedback resis-
(a scale length of 0.5 m is assumed, as shorter scale lengths will tance, Rf, from the output of the amplifier. The indicating meter
lead to proportionately higher errors) and provided with a can be calibrated to read directly in terms of the feedback
precision Ayrton universal shunt for so adjusting its deflection voltage,Vf, which is determined from the known value of the
that the readability error does not, in general, exceed 62 % of resistance of Rf, and the feedback current passing through it.
the observed value. The galvanometer should be calibrated to When the amplifier has sufficient intrinsic gain, the feedback
within 62 %. Current can be read directly if the galvanometer voltage, Vs, differs from the voltage, IxRs, by a negligible
is provided with an additional suitable fixed shunt. amount. As shown in Fig. X1.2(a) the return lead from the
X3.1.2 The unknown resistance, Rx, or conductance, Gx, is voltage source, Vx, can be connected to either end of the
calculated as follows: feedback resistor, Rf. With the connection made to the junction
Rx 5 1/Gx 5 Vx/Ix 5 Vx/KdF (X3.1) of Rs andRf (switch in dotted position l), the entire resistance of
Rs is placed in the measuring circuit and any alternating
where: voltage appearing across the specimen resistance is amplified
K 5 galvanometer sensitivity, in amperes per scale divi-
only as much as the direct voltage Ix Rs , across Rs. With the
connection made to the other end of Rf (switch position 2), the
d 5 deflection in scale divisions,
F 5 ratio of the total current, Ix, to the galvanometer apparent resistance placed in the measuring circuit is Rs times
current, and the ratio of the degenerated gain to the intrinsic gain of the
Vx 5 applied voltage. amplifier; any alternating voltage appearing across the speci-
men resistance is then amplified by the intrinsic amplifier gain.
X3.2 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Using DC Amplification X3.2.3 In the circuit shown in Fig. X1.2(b), the specimen
or Electrometer: current, Ix, produces a voltage drop across the standard
X3.2.1 The voltmeter-ammeter method can be extended to resistance, Rs which may or may not be balanced out by
measure higher resistances by using dc amplification or an adjustment of an opposing voltage, Vs, from a calibrated
electrometer to increase the sensitivity of the current measuring potentiometer. If no opposing voltage is used, the voltage drop
device (6, 15, 16). Generally, but not necessarily, this is across the standard resistance, Rs, is amplified by the dc
achieved only with some sacrifice in precision, depending on amplifier or electrometer and read on an indicating meter or
the apparatus used. The dc voltmeter and the dc amplifier or galvanometer. This produces a voltage drop between the

D 257
measuring electrode and the guard electrode which may cause s usually specified). Alternatively, the voltage, DV, appearing
an error in the current measurement unless the resistance on the electrometer in a time, Dt, can be used. Since this gives
between the measuring electrode and the guard electrode is at an average of the rate-of-change of voltage during Dt, the time
least 10 to 100 times that of Rs. If an opposing voltage, Vs, is Dt should be centered at the specified electrification time (time
used, the dc amplifier or electrometer serves only as a very since closing S2).
sensitive, high-resistance null detector. The return lead from X3.3.2 If the input resistance of the electrometer is greater
the voltage source, Vx, is connected as shown, to include the than the apparent specimen resistance and the input capaci-
potentiometer in the measuring circuit. When connections are tance is 0.01 or less of that of the specimen, the apparent
made in this manner, no resistance is placed in the measuring resistance at the time at which dV/dt or DV/Dt is determined is
circuit at balance and thus no voltage drop appears between the
Rx 5 V0/Ix 5 V0dt/C0dVm or, V0Dt/C0DVm (X3.3)
measuring electrode and the guard electrode. However, a
steeply increasing fraction of Rs is included in the measuring depending on whether or not a recorder is used. When the
circuit, as the potentiometer is moved off balance. Any electrometer input resistance or capacitance cannot be ignored
alternating voltage appearing across the specimen resistance is or when Vmis more than a small fraction of V0 the complete
amplified by the net amplifier gain. The amplifier may be either equation should be used.
a direct voltage amplifier or an alternating voltage amplifier Rs 5 $V0 @~Rx 1 Rm!/Rm#Vm% / ~C0 1 Cm!dVm/dt (X3.4)
provided with input and output converters. Induced alternating
voltages across the specimen often are sufficiently troublesome where:
that a resistance-capacitance filter preceding the amplifier is C0 5 capacitance of Cx at 1000 Hz,
required. The input resistance of this filter should be at least Rm 5 input resistance of the electrometer,
100 times greater than the effect resistance that is placed in the Cm 5 input capacitance of the electrometer,
measurement circuit by resistance Rs. V0 5 applied voltage, and
X3.2.4 The resistance Rx, or the conductance,G x, is calcu- Vm 5 electrometer reading 5 voltage decrease on Cx.
lated as follows:
X3.4 Comparison Method Using a Galvanometer or DC
Rx 5 1/Gx 5 Vx/Ix 5 ~Vx/Vs!Rs (X3.2)
Amplifier (1):
where: X3.4.1 A standard resistance, Rs, and a galvanometer or dc
Vx 5 applied voltage, amplifier are connected to the voltage source and to the test
Ix 5 specimen current, specimen as shown in Fig. X3.1 . The galvanometer and its
Rs 5 standard resistance, and associated Ayrton shunt is the same as described in X3.1.1. An
Vs 5 voltage drop across Rs, indicated by the amplifier amplifier of equivalent direct current sensitivity with an
output meter, the electrometer or the calibrated appropriate indicator may be used in place of the galvanometer.
potentiometer. It is convenient, but not necessary, and not desirable if batteries
X3.3 Voltage Rate-of-Change Method: are used as the voltage source (unless a high-input resistance
voltmeter is used), to connect a voltmeter across the source for
X3.3.1 If the specimen capacitance is relatively large, or a continuous check of its voltage. The switch is provided for
capacitors are to be measured, the apparent resistant, Rx, can be shorting the unknown resistance in the process of measure-
determined from the charging voltage, V0, the specimen ment. Sometimes provision is made to short either the un-
capacitance value, C0 (capacitance of Cx at 1000 Hz), and the known or standard resistance but not both at the same time.
rate-of-change of voltage, dV/dt, using the circuit of Fig. X3.1
(17). To make a measurement the specimen is charged by X3.4.2 In general, it is preferable to leave the standard
closing S2, with the electrometer shorting switch S1 closed. resistance in the circuit at all times to prevent damage to the
When S1 is subsequently opened, the voltage across the current measuring instrument in case of specimen failure. With
specimen will fall because the leakage and absorption currents the shunt set to the least sensitive position and with the switch
must then be supplied by the capacitance C0 rather than by V0. open, the voltage is applied. The Ayrton shunt is then adjusted
The drop in voltage across the specimen will be shown by the to give as near maximum scale reading as possible. At the end
electrometer. If a recorder is connected to the output of the of the electrification time the deflection, dx, and the shunt ratio,
electrometer, the rate of change of voltage, dV/dt, can be read Fx, are noted. The shunt is then set to the least sensitive
from the recorder trace at any desired time after S2 is closed (60 position and the switch is closed to short the unknown
resistance. Again the shunt is adjusted to give as near maxi-
mum scale reading as possible and the galvanometer or meter
deflection, ds, and the shunt ratio, Fs, are noted. It is assumed
that the current sensitivities of the galvanometer or amplifier
are equal for nearly equal deflections dxand ds.
X3.4.3 The unknown resistance, Rx, or conductance, Gx, is
calculated as follows:
R 5 1/Gx 5 Rs@~dsFs / dxFx! – 1# (X3.5)

FIG. X3.1 Voltage Rate-of-Change Method

D 257

Fxand Fs 5 ratios of the total current to the galvanometer indicating meter of Fig. X1.2(a) can be replaced by a recording
or dc amplifier with Rx in the circuit, and milliammeter or millivoltmeter as appropriate for the amplifier
shorted, respectively. used. The recorder may be either the deflection type or the
X3.4.4 In case Rs is shorted when Rx is in the circuit or the null-balance type, the latter usually having a smaller error.
ratio of Fs to Fx is greater than 100, the value of Rx or Gx is Null-balance-type recorders also can be employed to perform
computed as follows: the function of automatically adjusting the potentiometer
Rx 5 1/Gx 5 R ~dsFs/dxFx! (X3.6)
shown in Fig. X1.2(b) and thereby indicating and recording the
quantity under measurement. The characteristics of amplifier,
X3.5 Comparison Methods Using a Wheatstone Bridge (2): recorder balancing mechanism, and potentiometer can be made
X3.5.1 The test specimen is connected into one arm of a such as to constitute a well integrated, stable, electromechani-
Wheatstone bridge as shown in Fig. X1.4. The three known cal, feedback system of high sensitivity and low error. Such
arms shall be of as high resistance as practicable, limited by the systems also can be arranged with the potentiometer fed from
errors inherent in such resistors. Usually, the lowest resistance, the same source of stable voltage as the specimen, thereby
RA, is used for convenient balance adjustment, with either RBor eliminating the voltmeter error, and allowing a sensitivity and
RNbeing changed in decade steps. The detector shall be a dc precision comparable with those of the Wheatstone-Bridge
amplifier, with an input resistance high compared to any of Method (X3.5).
these arms.
X3.5.2 The unknown resistance, Rx, or conductance, Gx, is X3.7 Direct-Reading Instruments—There are available,
calculated as follows: and in general use, instruments that indicate resistance directly,
Rx 5 1/Gx 5 RBRN / RA (X3.7) by a determination of the ratio of voltage and current in bridge
methods or related modes. Some units incorporate various
where RA, RB, and RN are as shown in Fig. X1.4. When arm
advanced features and refinements such as digital readout.
A is a rheostat, its dial can be calibrated to read directly in
Most direct reading instruments are self-contained, portable,
megohms after multiplying by the factor RBRN which for
and comprise a stable dc power supply with multi-test voltage
convenience can be varied in decade steps.
capability, a null detector or an indicator, and all relevant
X3.6 Recordings—It is possible to record continuously auxiliaries. Measurement accuracies vary somewhat with type
against time the values of the unknown resistance or the of equipment and range of resistances covered; for the more
corresponding value of current at a known voltage. Generally, elaborate instruments accuracies are comparable to those
this is accomplished by an adaptation of the voltmeter-ammeter obtained with the voltmeter-ammeter method using a galva-
method, using dc amplification (X3.2). The zero drift of direct nometer (X3.1). The direct-reading instruments do not neces-
coupled dc amplifiers, while slow enough for the measure- sarily supplant any of the other typical measurement methods
ments of X3.2, may be too fast for continuous recording. This described in this Appendix, but do offer simplicity and conve-
problem can be resolved by periodic checks of the zero, or by nience for both routine and investigative resistance measure-
using an ac amplifier with input and output converter. The ments.


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(4) Herou, R., and LaCoste, R., “Sur La Mésure Des Resistivities et Engineering, Vol 66, July 1947, pp. 698–703.
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(5) Thompson, B. H., and Mathes, K. N., “Electrolytic Corrosion— Physics, Vol 10, 1942.
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(6) Scott, A. H., “Anomalous Conductance Behavior in Polymers,” Report (14) Lauritzen, J. I., “The Effective Area of a Guarded Electrode,” Annual
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D 257
(16) Dorcas, D. S., and Scott, R. N., “Instrumentation for Measuring the Impregnated Paper as Insulation for HV-DC Cables,” IEEE Transac-
D-C Conductivity of Very High Resistivity Materials,” Review of tions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol PAS-86, No. 3, March
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(17) Endicott, H. S., “Insulation Resistance, Absorption, and Their Mea- (19) Endicott, H. S., “Guard-Gap Correction for Guarded-Electrode Mea-
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