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Eric Kim

Professor Chance

GAM 3A Game Design

November 2, 2021

Board game Version of a video game

Part One

1: Chosen Video Game

-Red Dead Redemption 2

-Rocket League

-Untitled Goose Game

Out of the 3 chosen games so far that I have tried out, I have chosen Red Dead Redemption 2,

The action-adventure western survival game to make this a board game idea of this recreation.

When I first tried it, I thought its western background would be fitting for the game’s aesthetics

for this ideal board game’s background and decorations.

2: Which Board game method?

-This board game method will be chosen as: Thematic Board game to fit the western background

for Red Dead Redemption video game. Red dead redemption was known to follow the thematic

western experience whether to deal with the wild west life, how people use weapons on

westerns, and how wild west buildings usually function, etc. Furthermore, this background
would be used for players to experience the 19th century wild west and get to know about what

happened in that time of the wild west primarily in Texas.

3: Player Expectations

Players would expect the wild west theme of the board game background and the functions on

how wild west life works on Texas back in the 19th century. Plus, they would expect for the wild

west common concept to know about what the sheriffs and the outlaws are capable of and what

to do to accomplish their objectives.

4: Scavenging game elements

To begin the board game idea, this board game ideal draft will consist of Grid movement in

which player will roll a single dice to move forward into a grid space by around the board game

map, but then another element called: dice rolling is entire played with one dice to keep the

players playing until there is one left with cash bounty. Player would roll a single dice to land a

blank space and sometimes a special space to gain cash and bounty, duel to steal bounty, get

arrested and eventually bail out, or claim western buildings. However, the worst element they

can imagine is player elimination. If they run out of cash, the player is eliminated. The game will

continue until a last player is alive.

5: Board Game Concept

This ideal board game based on red dead Redemption will be titled as: Red Dusk. The goal of

red dusk is to be the last player standing with money along with rolling the dices to move to the

spaces like duel, saloon, and a draw card except for the go to jail space. Players that landed on

the dual space will ensure to steal their cash bounty that called in the bet to the opponent and will
roll a single dice to determine which steals or keeps the bounty. Nevertheless, there are 2 core

mechanics that work in an ideal board game.

The first core mechanic will be used is dice rolling in red dusk board game. Usually, this core

mechanic is used for players to roll a single dice to proceed to the specific space. It is also used

to test their luck about what to expect for players to hope to land on a specific space like duel or

draw card spaces. But if the player lands on the jail space, the player is sent to the jail and has

three attempts to roll a 1 to bail out free. Furthermore, if the player fails to roll a 1 on all 3

attempts, they are either eliminated or have the option to bail out with a small cost of cash.

The second core mechanic to use for red dusk board game is the player elimination. Players

would try to eliminate players by winning the duels based on how many cash they have left.

Anyone who has no cash at all is eliminated and can no longer receive any turns. In other words,

when a draw card space is landed by a player, sometimes a card can give a fortune or a bad luck

that includes losing money or go to jail.

The only supporting mechanic they need is the Push your luck mechanic to know about the – and

+ spaces that was in the ideal board game. Players would start with 500 cash to roll the dice to

determine their fate about when will they earn or lose cash. If the player lands on the + space,

they earn 50 cash; However, the player on the - space loses 50 cash otherwise. This mechanic

also involves the dual spaces too if players bet their cash but limited to 150 cash to roll the dice

on which gets the highest roll for only one dice attempt. However, if the roll ends in the draw,

they earn no cash, and the cash the players have placed their bet was stashed to the vault.
Part 2

Board Game Prototype

Red dusk rules

 The Goal of the objective is to be the last player standing with the remaining cash while

avoiding the minus spaces which deduct your money.

 Only 2 to 4 players can play Red Dusk and they start off with 200 cash.

o The player with the highest roll on the starting turn gets the first turn while the

lowest gets the last turn. (e.g., 6,4,3,1)

 The player rolls a single dice to move their cowboy pawn to a designated space to

determine their fate that pushes their luck to the limits while taking turns on a clockwise

or counterclockwise rotation.

o + Space = Player receives 50 Cash

o – Space = Player loses 50 cash

o Dual Space = 2 Players duel with a single roll of dice to place their bets

o Saloon Space = A space that player flips a lucky coin to call out “Heads/Tails” for

a cash reward

o Mystery? space = Draw a mystery card from the top deck to determine their fate.

o Go to jail Space = Player is sent to a jail space, and they have 3 attempts to roll a

‘1’ to escape or bail out after 3 attempts were used or their player’s choice for the

cost of $100.

 If a player lands on a dual space, the player that landed on that space must chose the

random opponent to place their bets and roll a single dice from their single attempt to see

who has the highest roll.

o The player cannot go any higher than 150 cash to place their bets.

o When 2 players are playing, both players must duel for the highest roll.

o The winner gets their cash back while the loser loses the cash.

 If the player lands on a Go to jail card, the player is sent to the jail and has only 3

attempts to roll a ‘1’ to escape or they are eliminated or must bail out for 100 cash.

 The player’s cash cannot collect or win any higher than 400 to set the max limit for the

Red dusk Components

 Gameboard

 4 Cowboy Pawns

 3 cactuses

 1 dice

 1 lucky coin

 24 mystery cards

 1 saloon building

 100 $50 dollar bills

Setting up Red Dusk

 Cactus

o There should be a green ‘X’ to place the cactus to place in the background for the

board game

 Mystery Card deck

o The Mystery card label is there to place all 24 cards in the label; shuffling is


How to play Red Dusk

The players start on the start space as the map goes around the counterclockwise way as it

loops through until the last player lives. The players roll their single dice to advance and duel

against each other to push their luck into limits with cash involved. Their luck minigames

involve rolling a higher roll to steal their cash or to earn a free cash from saloon from flipping a
coin. But if the player runs out of cash or loses all of them, the player is eliminated, and they can

no longer play the game until the game is over. The only win condition for red dusk is to be the

last player standing with cash to end the game once their opponents is eliminated. They can

either win by eliminating the players in a dual or avoid rolling to the minus spaces to get lucky.

The Play testers

 Eric Kim (November 1, 2021, 5:39 PM/Eastvale, California)

Play testing Notes

When I played Red Dusk, I tested the game out by myself since I prefer to play alone

since the pandemic happened. I started off to play with 4 players to simulate the board game to

start off with 200 cash by placing 4 50-dollar bills for each side. In the beginning of the game, I

rolled the dice 4 times to simulate who gets the turn first and all I got was 3,5,2,1. Then I started

rolling the dice repetitively to simulate the 4-player red dusk gameplay, which it took forever.

Half of the time I got minus and plus spaces for the luck for losing and earning cash money. But

when I landed on a dual space as player 3, I simulated a dual for Player 3 vs player 1 for their

max bet which was 150. Player 3 had the highest roll, so player 1 was eliminated so I had to roll

the dice 3 times now. Fortunately, Player 2 landed on a saloon space, so I had to flip a coin after

I called out Tails, the coin landed on a tails side, and player 2 receives a bonus cash. The most

unfortunate part was I landed on a go to jail space as player 3 so I had to roll 3 times, but no luck

for player 3 so I have not enough money to bail player 3 out and he was automatically

eliminated. After couple of rolls, both players 2 and 4 only had 100 cash left, so when player 4

landed on dual space, it was up to both players to bet it all for the final roll. After their final rolls,

Player 2 rolled a 5 and player 4 rolled a 2. So that’s player 4 eliminated and that’s it. Red dusk
was more of a monopoly spoof but with much shorter spaces with a mix of Mario party video

game. I should modify the rules of red dusk to make it better to see if that made a change.
Red Dusk Modifiers

 Risk it all! = The player has the option to bet all their money to redeem their cash back

and steal opponent’s $50

 Imprisoned = There is no way to bail, either 3 attempts to roll a 1 or automatic


 Duel of the fittest = This mod is only for 3 or 4 players; If there are 2 players remaining,

the players must roll the highest roll to win the game instead of taking back the cash.

Red Dusk modified notes

I tested again but with all 3 modifiers listed above to simulate the 4-player match again.

The gameplay was similarly long like last time I simulated with no modifications. But

eventually, When I landed on a go to jail space again as player 1, The imprisoned modifier is in

effect, so I only have 3 rolls or player 1 is gone. While they take turns, I rolled 3 times to get a 1,

but I had no luck still and player 1 is out of the game. Player 2 has landed on the dual space next

and chosen to dual player 4 for the risk of stealing his 50 cash to bet it all. Unfortunately, player

2 rolled lower than player 4 which was 3 to 4. So, player 2 was now eliminated. Then after I

landed on another dual space as player 4 and it was the final roll for the 2 remaining players. It

was time they start dueling for the win instead of money for both player 4 and 3. I rolled the last

2 attempts to simulate their last dual, and then player 3 had 5, and player 4 had 4. And under the

Duel of the fittest modifier protocols, Player 4 is eliminated, and player 3 has won the modified

game. The game had turned out to be shorter than last time, but it was rather testing everyone’s

luck to limits like a casino event. It could’ve been better if there was more spaces to add and a

different types of special spaces to add also.

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