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School Reform and Gifted Education – Abstract Analysis

University of the People

ENGL 0101: English Composition I

Professor Kelly Patrick

October 4, 2021


“These are times of great dynamism and change throughout education, and many of the

forces influencing educators today will also have strong impact on gifted education.

Restructuring, school improvement, learning styles, thinking skills, "at risk," cooperative

learning, and other issues being discussed throughout education can contribute to

strengthening and improving gifted education. Equally important, gifted education can, and

should, also bring important issues and lessons to all educators, and make many "school

reform" and school improvement efforts more powerful. We need to be the strong voice that

reminds all educators of the importance of challenging and nurturing the best potentials of all

learners, so that minimum competencies will not become maximum competencies. Without

active dialogue and two-way communication between gifted education and other school change

and improvement efforts, both will suffer” (Treffinger, 1991, para.1).


1. What is the title of the text, and what is the text about?

The article “School Reform and Gifted Education – Opportunities and Issues” written by

Donald Treffinger (1991) refers to contributing factors within education improvement that can

also enhance gifted education as a tool to foster the best performance of potential students.

These factors include the changes directed to update learning mechanisms, school structure,

teaching techniques, etc. (Treffinger, 1991).

2. What is the author's view? How do I know?

Treffinger (1991) expresses that “we need to be the strong voice that reminds all

educators of the importance of challenging and nurturing the best potentials of all learners"

(para. 1), pondering how vital it is to fortify school reform efforts with actions to level up gifted

education as well. This statement reveals the author’s concern about encouraging those

students to reach their higher potential. Also, the author states the need to integrate gifted

education with other school reforms through enforcing dialogue (Treffinger, 1991).

3. What is the evidence presented by the author to support ideas?

The author explains that “restructuring, school improvement, learning styles, thinking

skills, at-risk cooperative learning, and other issues being discussed throughout education can

contribute to strengthening and improving gifted education” (Treffinger, 1991, para. 1). The

author does not present the findings of his research and the ideas seem like his opinion on the

topic. However, as I am only reading the abstract, I cannot know if there is any additional

supporting evidence to that information within the paper or whether it is only the mere opinion of

the author based on his knowledge and experience.

4. Is the evidence valid? How do I know?

The ideas express a cohesive thought on gifted education and school reforms. It is a

vastly debated discussion among many professionals throughout time, especially in the last

decades. For example, Mara Sapon-Shevin in James Borland’s book “Rethinking Gifted

Education” (2003) assures that “the removal of gifted children to provide them with an

‘appropriate’ education leaves untouched the nature and quality of the regular education

classroom” (p. 132), noting the necessity to integrate improvement efforts within both gifted and

general education.

5. Is the evidence relevant? How do I know?

The author’s statements are completely relevant within his dissertation on gifted

education and school reforms. At least the ideas expressed in the abstract support the author’s

strong point of view on how school change efforts must also consider and empower gifted


6. Have I heard/read anything similar or dissimilar? What was it?

I have not read that much about the topic before Treffinger’s abstract of his work.

However, I did research and noticed various opinions on how we should address school

reforms, both aligned and opposite to this author’s perspective, especially when it includes

gifted education. The author expressed his opinion and considerations on the topic with

professionalism, ethic, and originality.

7. Do I agree or disagree with the views expressed by the author? Why?

I do agree with the author’s point of view, firstly because I think that the school system

must nurture students’ maximum potential and encourage them to perform in the best way

possible during their academic path. Also, I support the necessity of unifying efforts to fix up and

enhance school infrastructure, teaching techniques, and learning objectives both in general

school and gifted education, leaving no one behind especially nowadays when education needs

even more active cooperation and communication.



Treffinger, D. J. (1991). School Reform and Gifted Education - Opportunities and Issues. Gifted

Child Quarterly, 35(1), 6–11.

Sapon-Sheving, M. (2003). Equity, Excellence, and School Reform: why is finding common

ground so hard? In J. H. Borland (Ed.), Rethinking Gifted Education (pp. 127-142).

Teachers College Press.




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