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1. Religion and globalization may appear to be closely linked.

Religion, on the other hand, has a

much longer history than the latter. Although the precise date when humans first became
religious is uncertain. The earliest evidence of religious thought is based on the ritual treatment
of the dead. Most animals display only a casual interest in the dead of their own species. Ritual
burial thus represents a significant change in human behavior. Ritual burials represent an
awareness of life and death and a possible belief in the afterlife. Also, the use of symbolism in
religion is a universal established phenomenon. It is common for religious practices to involve
the creation of images and symbols to represent supernatural beings and ideas. Because
supernatural beings violate the principles of the natural world, there will always be difficulty in
communicating and sharing supernatural concepts with others. This problem can be overcome
by anchoring these supernatural beings in material form through representational art. When
translated into material form, supernatural concepts become easier to communicate and
2. I was born into a Christian. My parents always take me to church with them regularly as a child
and taught me in the religion themselves. When I became an adult, I chose to remain with the
Church. The older I get, the happier I am with that decision. So if I was given a chance to change
my religion, I would choose Born Again Christian. It is because it has the same beliefs and values
with Catholic religion. I have also interests in their religious concepts.
3. I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian family and both of my parents were called to Christian
service. As a result, we had a lot more training in the home than most Christian children. It
taught me so much about having good character and how to live a fulfilled life. It’s been the
greatest influence in my life and I would never change that.
4. Yes, I believe that even now, there are some people who believe in only one religion. Although
there is nothing wrong with believing in multiple religions as long as you are fulfilling your own
desires and responsibilities. You can believe in more than one if their core beliefs are not in
conflict. If they are, it would be difficult to rationalise the conflict. However, if that doesn't
bother you, you can hold as many as you want. Believing in one religion, like Christianity or
Islam, forces you believe lots of mutually contradictory notions at the same time. Believing
multiple religions is just an extension of that concept.

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