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Abiotic stress management in Vegetable Crops VSC606

PhD. Hort 1st year 2nd Sem

I. Write True or False. (10x 0.5 =5)

1. Physiological drought is due to water deficit
2. Compartmentalisation of salt inside cell occur in the vacuole.
3. Major site of ROS production in the cell is Mitochondria.
4. Compatible osmolyte help in maintaining plant water balance.
5. Chilling resistant vegetable like cauliflower has more saturated fatty acid in
their membrane.
6. Heat shock protein can refold misfolded protein.
7. Glutathione (GSH) scavenges ROS enzymatically.
8. Lettuce is highly tolerant to salt.
9. Tomato is a shallow rooted vegetable
10. Tomato is tolerant to excess water in the soil.

II. Match the following (5x0.5=2.5)

1. Drought Stress a SOS pathway

2. Flooding b High root to shoot ratio
3. Cold Stress c Pneumatophores
4. Heat Stress d Unsaturated fatty acid in membrane
5. Salinity Stress e Saturated fatty acid in membrane

III. Give abbreviation of (5x0.5=2.5)

1. SOS 2. P5CS 3.ROS 4.LEA 5.SOD

IV. Write short answer on any five of the following. (5x2=10)

1. What is osmotic adjustment?
2. What are HSP? What is its role in abiotic stress tolerance?
3. What is Oxidative stress?
4. Write the role of grafting in management of abiotic stress.
5. Name two enzymatic and non enzymatic ROS scavenging pathway
6. Name four Physiological disorders of vegetable crops caused by abiotic stress.
7. Write the leaf adaptive features against abiotic stress.

V. Write long answer on any two. (2x5=10)

1. Explain the drought resistance mechanism in plants. Name few drought
tolerant varieties of vegetable.
2. Explain the salt tolerant mechanism in plant. Name a few salt tolerant
varieties of vegetable.
3. Describe the Management practices for enhancing vegetable production
under abiotic stress.

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