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Research Method

 Research design

This research is regarded as qualitative research by applying a case study. As a research

method, the case study is used in many situations to contribute to our knowledge of the
individual, group, organizational, social, political, and related phenomena. The case study has
been a common research method in psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology,
social work, business, education, nursing, and community planning [3]. According to Creswell
(2012), “the case study explores a bounded system or case over time through detailed, in-depth
data collection involving multiple sources of information-rich in context”.
The case study has worked well for studying innovative programs and practice in education
for program evaluation and policy informing [4]. Therefore, the case study method will be
chosen to examine one teacher's approach to working with students. This study aims to explore
pre-service teachers experience during the implementation of virtual internship program in the
era of covid-19 pandemic.

 Research Instrument

This research is regarded as qualitative research by applying a case study. As a research

method, the case study is used in many situations to contribute to our knowledge of the
individual, group, organizational, social, political, and related phenomena. The case study has
been a common research method in psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology,
social work, business, education, nursing, and community planning [3]. According to Creswell
(2012), “the case study explores a bounded system or case over time through detailed, in-depth
data collection involving multiple sources of information-rich in context”.
The case study has worked well for studying innovative programs and practice in education
for program evaluation and policy informing [4]. Therefore, the case study method will be
chosen to examine one teacher's approach to working with students. This study aims to explore
pre-service teachers experience during the implementation of virtual internship program in the
era of covid-19 pandemic.
 Data Collection

This research is regarded as qualitative research by applying a case study. As a research

method, the case study is used in many situations to contribute to our knowledge of the
individual, group, organizational, social, political, and related phenomena. The case study has
been a common research method in psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology,
social work, business, education, nursing, and community planning [3]. According to Creswell
(2012), “the case study explores a bounded system or case over time through detailed, in-depth
data collection involving multiple sources of information-rich in context”.
The case study has worked well for studying innovative programs and practice in education
for program evaluation and policy informing [4]. Therefore, the case study method will be
chosen to examine one teacher's approach to working with students. This study aims to explore
pre-service teachers experience during the implementation of virtual internship program in the
era of covid-19 pandemic.

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