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1. One who sacrifices his life for a cause = (martyr)

2. A person interested in reading books and nothing else = (bookworm)

3. A person who brings goods illegally into the country = (smuggler)

4. Yearly celebration of a date or an event = (anniversary)

5. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence = (imperialism)

6. The murder of the king is called a = (regicide)

7. Allowance paid by a husband to his wife on legal separation is = (alimony)

8. A tank in which fish are kept is called an = (aquarium)

9. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things is called = (blasphemy)

10. A person who studies the formation of the earth = (geologist)

Regicide - ivRnZ¨v

Alimony - fiY‡cvlY

Blasphemy - ag©wb›`v

1. The people in a theatre or cinema = (audience).

2. A man who operates on sick people = (surgeon).

3. A book containing summarized information on all branches of knowledge = (encyclopaedia).

4. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance = (telescope).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

5. A hater of learning and knowledge = (misologist).

6. A person who looks at the dark side of everything = (pessimist).

7. Animals who eat flesh of another animal = (carnivorous).

8. Animals that can live on land and water = (amphibians).

9. One who eats everything = (omnivorous).

10. A woman having several husbands at the same time = (polyandry).

11. The state of complete continence on the part of a woman = (virginity).

12. A person who hates women = (misogamist).

13. Destruction of urban baby in mother's womb = (feticide).

14. A sleeping room for many persons = (dormitory).

15. One who murders one's mother = (matricide)

1. Elimination of a racial group by killing = (genocide).

2. Habit of secretly listening to private conversation = (condign).

3. A large scale departure of people from a territory = (exodus).

4. Cessation of arms before a formal treaty is signed during war = (armistice).

5. A disease that spreads by means of germs carried in atmosphere = (infections).

6. Killing of human beings = (homicide).

7. Killing of one's own brother = (fratricide).

8. Rainfall at irregular intervals or occasionally = (sporadic).

9. A speech delivered without preparation = (extempore).

10. Something that becomes outdated = (obsolete).

11. A speech made by someone for the first time = (maiden speech).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

12. A physician who specializes in diseases of skin = (dermatologist).

13. To kill someone for political reasons = (assassination).

14. A person who is fond of sensuous enjoyment = (hedonist).

15. A diseases that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time = (epidemic).

Exodus – `jMZfv‡e cÖ¯’vb

Armistice – hy×weiwZ

Fratricide – åvZ„NvZK

Extempore – Dcw¯’ZgZ

Assassination - ¸ßnZ¨v

Hedonist – Avb›`ev`x

1. A religious discourse = (sermon).

2. A place that provides refuge = (asylum).

3. A large dark grey cloud that brings rain or snow = (nimbus).

4. One who has a compulsive desire to steal = (kleptomaniac).

5. Official misconduct = (malfeasance).

6. A person does not believe in the existence of God = (atheist).

7. One who abstains from taking wine = (teetotaler).

8. Policemen riding on motorcycles as guards of VIP = (outriders).

9. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things =


10. A place for sick people who need long periods for recovery = (sanatorium)

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

Sermon – a©gvc‡`k

Nimbus – ev`j‡gN

Kleptomaniac - Pzwii evwZKMÖ¯Í †jvK

Teetotaler – g`¨cvb nB‡Z weiæc e¨w³

Sanatorium - ¯^v¯’¨ wbevm

1. A person who eats too much = (glutton).

2. Likely to break apart easily = (brittle).

3. Government by one person = (dictatorship).

4. A general pardon granted by the government to political offenders = (amnesty).

5. A person who is out to destroy government = (anarchist).

6. Perceptible to the ear = (audible).

7. A government that is carried on through officers = (bureaucracy).

8. Something that occurs at irregular intervals in time or occasionally = (sporadic).

9. People working in the same department or office = (colleagues).

10. Animals that eat flesh = (carnivorous).

Dictatorship – GKbvqKZšÍ&i

Amnesty - ivRÿgv

Anarchist - ‣bivR¨ev`x

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

Sporadic - wewÿß

1. One who feels at home in every country = (cosmopolitian).

2. A statement that is absolutely clear = (unequivocal).

3. The murder of a human being = (homicide).

4. Incapable of being explained = (inexplicable).

5. Handwriting that cannot be read = (illegible).

6. A problem which cannot be solved easily = (a hard nut to crack).

7. A cock and bull story = (an unbelievable gossip).

8. The gift of the gab means = (fluency of speech).

9. A fool's paradise = (false hopes).

10. A man of spirit is = (a very courageous man).

11. A person very hard to please = (fastidious).

12. A funny imitation of poem = (parody).

Cosmopolitian – wek¦Rbxb & &

Unequivocal - ¯ú÷

Inexplicable – Ae³e¨

Illegible - AcvV¨

Fastidious - LyuZLyu‡Z


Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

1. Person who looks at the dark side of everything = (pessimist).

2. Person who looks at the bright sight of everything = (optimist).

3. Person who abstains from all alcoholic drinks = (teetotaller).

4. One who conceals his identity as a writer under an assumed pen-name = (pseudonym).

5. Stage of growth between boyhood and youth = (adolescence).

6. An organ of body cut off by surgery = (amputation).

7. One who eats everything = (omnivorous).

8. Animals that eats flesh of other animals = (carnivores).

9. Animals that can live on land and water = (amphibians).

10. Residing in a country of which one is not yet a full-fledged citizen = (alien).

Teetotaller – g`¨cvb nB‡Z weiZ

Pseudonym - QÙbvg

Adolescence - •K‡kvi

Amputation - A½‡”&Q`

Alien - ewnivMZ

Amphibians - DfPi

1. Child without parents = (orphan).

2. Easy to shape in desired form = (malleable).

3. Easy to carry over long distance = (portable).

4. An object through which light passes and one can see through = (transparent).

5. An object through which light passes and one cannot see across clearly = (translucent).
Prepared By – Tanvir Polash
6. That which can be drunk = (potable).

7. That which can be eaten = (edible).

8. That which can be easily digested = (palatable).

9. Belonging to one's ancestors = (ancestral).

10. A truce or cessation from arms before a formal treaty is signed = (armistice).

Portable – enb‡hvM¨

Translucent - Av‡jv Avm‡Z cv‡i Ggb

Potable - cvb‡hvM¨

Palatable - my¯^v`y

Ancestral - eskvbyµwgK

Armistice - mvgwqK hy×weiwZ

1. A state of complete continence = (celibacy).

2. Deserving blame for an offence or crime = (culpable).

3. A state of perfect balance = (equilibrium).

4. That which lasts forever or is never-ending = (eternal).

5. A speech without any previous preparation = (extempore).

6. Illicit partner of a married man or woman = (paramour).

7. Beyond all powers of destruction of time = (imperishable).

8. Lasting only for a very short time = (transient).

9. Which can bd destroyed quickly = (perishable).

10. State of complete continence on the part of a woman = (virginity).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash
11. A person who is very fond of sensuous enjoyment = (hedonist).

12. A person with refined taste in food and wine = (epicure).

13. The large scale departure of people = (exodus).

14. Diseases that spreads by contact = (contagious).

15. Disease that spreads by means of germs carried in the atmosphere = (infectious).

16. Diseases that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time= (epidemic).

Continence – AvZ¥mshg

Celibacy - †K․gvh©

Equilibrium - mgcwigvY

Extempore - Ecw¯’ZgZ

Paramour - A‣ea cÖYqYx

Hedonist - Avb›`ev`x `vk©wbK

Epicure - my¯^v`y cvb‡fvR‡b Avm³ e¨w³

Exodus - `jMZfv‡e cÖ¯’vb

1. In a state of apparent inactivity but capable of being easily called into action = (dormant).

2. To pass winter in a dormant state or a period of inactivity in which some living organisms
pass the winter (like frogs) = (hibernation).

3. One who hates mankind = (misanthrope).

4. To sail round the world = (circumnavigate).

5. Using ambiguous words to conceal the truth = (equivocal).

6. One who can be easily duped or fooled by any swindler = (gullible).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

7. Uniform in structure or composition throughout = (homogeneous).

8. Free from external incitement or self-generation or happening without external cause=


9. Organism that grows feeds and is sheltered on or in a different organisms while contributing
nothing to the survival of its host = (parasite).

10. Person who loves mankind = (philanthropist).

11. To root out an evil = (eradicate).

12. The state of being married = (matrimony).

13. Practice of having only one wife or husband at a time = (monogamy).

14. Dramatic scene in which a person speaks by himself = (monologue).

Hibernation – kxZhvcbZv

Circumnavigated - Rjc‡_ cÖ`wÿY Kiv

Parasite - ciRxex

Matrimony - weevn/cÖYq

Monogamy - GKweevn

Monologue - ¯^vMZ:Dw³

1. Short speech or poem given at the end of a play or book = (epilogue).

2. Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play = (prologue).

3. Account of a person's life written by another = (biography).

4. Unfit for human consumption =( inedible).

5. Person who is hard to please = (dissenter).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

6. Person who believes in God = (theist)

7. Person who does not believe in the existence of God = (atheist).

8. Person leading a life of strict self -discipline = (ascetic).

9. Things belonging to ancient times = (antiques).

10. Person more like a woman than a man = (effeminate).

11. Honourably discharged from service = (emeritus).

12. Person of strong conviction or prejudice, especially in matters of religion = (bigot).

13. Incapable of being corrected = (incorrigible).

14. One who is pretend to be what he is not = (hypocrite).

15. One who is all powerful = (omnipotent).

Epilogue – cwi‡kl

Prologue - cÖ¯Ívebv/m~G

Inedible - ALv`¨

Dissenter - Amš‘ó

Effeminate - †g‡qwj

Emeritus - m¤§vb I Dcvwamn AemicÖvß

1. Composed of elements highly diverse in diseases of skin = (heterogeneity).

2. A physician who specializes in diseases of skin = (dermatologist).

3. A physician/surgeon dealing with diseases of the female reproductive system = (gynecologist).

4. A physician who specializes in heart diseases = (cardiologist).

5. Specialist in bone or skeleton disorders = (orthopaedician).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash
6. Specialist of eye diseases = (opthalmologist).

7. One who murders his own mother = (matricide).

8. Act of murdering one's father = (patricide).

9. Killing of one's brother or sister = (fratricide).

10. Words differing in meaning from another word with same sound = (homonym).

11. Words having more or less same meaning = (synonyms).

12. Words more or less opposite in meaning = (antonyms).

13. Specialist of diseases of infants = (pediatrician).

14. Murder of an infant or a new-born baby = (infanticide).

15. Very pleasing to eat = (toothsome).

Homonym – GKB aŸwbwewkó wKbÍy wfbœv_©K kã

Toothsome - my¯^v`y

1. Act of ending one's life = (suicide).

2. Systematic extermination of a race or community = (genocide).

3. A child born after the death of its father = (posthumous).

4. Marrying one person while still legally married to another = (bigamy).

5. Study of the origin and history of words = (etymology).

6. Woman having many husbands at the same time = (polyandry).

7. Plurality of wives = (polygyny).

8. A hater of woman = (misogynist).

9. A sleeping room for a number of people = (dormitory).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

10. The day of Last Judgment or end of the world = (doomsday).

11. To surround on all sides = (envelope).

12. A person who believes in going out naked = (nudist).

13. Something very ancient = (antedilurian).

14. Woman whose husband has died and who has not remarried = (widow).

15. Man whose wife has died and who has not remarried = (widower).

Genocide – MbnZ¨v

Posthumous - g„Zy¨i cieZx©

Bigamy - `yB cZ¥x MÖnY

Rtymology - e¨vKiY

Dormitory - ‡h․_ kqbvjq

Doomsday - †kl wePv‡ii w`b

Widower - wecZ¡xK

#Part_14 (Last part)

1. Medicine used to calm or pacify = (tranquillizer).

2. Murder of a king = (regicide).

3. Hater of learning and knowledge = (misologist).

4. The intentional destruction of a human fetus in the uterus (infant in womb) = (foeticide).

5. Account of a person's life written by himself = (autobiography).

6. Power of reading the thoughts or mind of others = (telepathy).

7. Killing of a human being = (homicide).

8. Something occurring at irregular intervals in time or occasionally = (sporadic).

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

9. Person who knows or can speak many languages = (polyglot).

10. Diseases prevalent in a particular locality = (endemic).

11. Direct vote of all the selectors of the state = (plebiscite).

12. A person who can use both hands with equal facility = (ambidexterous).

13. Medicine that loosens the bowels = (laxative).

14. Person who interested in antiquities = (antiquarian).

15. A speech made by a speaker for the first time in a particular gathering = (maiden speech).

Rregicide – ivRnZ¨v

Foeticide - åYnZ¨v

Sporadr - wewÿß

Polyglot - eûfvlvwe`

Plebiscite - MY‡fvU

Ambidexterous - me¨mvPx

Laxative - †iPK Jla

Prepared By – Tanvir Polash

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