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The role of 3D wall motion tracking

in heart failure
Yiu-fai Cheung
Abstract | Heart failure is a major health problem in developed countries and a growing one in developing
countries. Cardiac remodeling in heart failure affects myocardial mechanics, which requires comprehensive
evaluation in three dimensions. The novel technique of 3D wall motion tracking applies speckle tracking
technology to full volume, 3D echocardiographic datasets. Quantification of conventional and novel left
ventricular (LV) parameters including volumes, ejection fraction, global and regional 3D strain, endocardial
area strain, twist, and dyssynchrony, and identification of the site of latest mechanical activation are
feasible on the basis of a single acquisition of a full-volume dataset. Clinical applications of 3D wall motion
tracking include the assessment of global and regional LV performance in ischemic and nonischemic heart
diseases, evaluation of mechanics in cardiomyopathies and congenital heart disease, potential selection of
patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy and prediction of their response, and detection of subclinical
cardiac dysfunction in diseases with likelihood of progression to heart failure. Technological advances with
improvement in spatial and temporal resolution of this novel imaging modality are expected. Although 3D wall
motion tracking is still in its infancy, this method has begun to provide new insights into LV mechanics and has
already found clinical applications. Future developments in 3D assessment of right ventricular and myocardial
layer-specific mechanics are awaited.
Cheung, Y.-F. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 9, 644–657 (2012); published online 4 September 2012; doi:10.1038/nrcardio.2012.128

Heart failure is a major health problem in developed ejection fraction, and Doppler assessment of hemo-
countries and a growing one in developing countries.1 dynamics. The need for geometric assumptions in
The prevalence of heart failure is ~1.8% in the USA, 2 the quantification of global ventricular ejection frac-
~1.9% in Europe,3,4 and ~1.0% in the UK.1 Although tion, the largely qualitative assessment of regional myo­
data for developing countries are limited, the preva- cardial wall motion and thickening, and the sensitivity of
lence of heart failure in India has been estimated to be conven­tional para­meters to loading conditions are, none-
0.1–0.4%,5 and 0.9% in China.6 In developed countries, theless, well-­recognized.11,12 These conventional indices
the most-important risk factors for heart failure are of cardiac function, in essence, reflect indirect changes
coronary artery disease and hypertension.2 In develop- consequential to myocardial shortening and lengthening
ing countries, heart failure is mainly nonischemic in throughout the cardiac cycle.
etiology; causes include hypertension, rheumatic heart In the past decade, technological advances have enabled
disease, and cardiomyopathies related to infectious the direct assessment of myocardial defor­mation for
agents such as HIV.7 Furthermore, almost 90% of chil- evaluating global and regional myocardial function.13–15
dren with congeni­tal heart disease now have the prospect Myocardial deformation analysis has evolved from the
of surviving to adulthood.8 Therefore, the prevalence of 1D tissue Doppler technique16,17 to 2D speckle track-
heart failure in the growing population of adults with ing echocardiography.18–20 Cardiac motion is, however,
congenita­l heart disease is expected to rise.9 3D in nature. Therefore, comprehensive evaluation of
Assessment of cardiac function is an integral part cardiac function in patients with heart failure would
of the management of heart failure. Given its non­ ideally involve an echocardiographic method that allows
invasive nature and wide availability, echocardio­graphy quantita­tive 3D assessment of global and regional myo-
is the most-useful imaging modality for evaluating cardial function. An important advance of the past
heart failure and its response to treatment.10 Conven­ 5 years is the development of 3D wall motion track-
Division of Pediatric
tional echo­cardiographic assessment is based on 2D ing,21,22 which involves the application of speckle tracking
Cardiology, Department
of Pediatrics and and M‑mode quantification of ventricular volumes and technology to 3D echocardiographic datasets.
Adolescent Medicine, In this Review, the relevance of cardiac mechanics
Queen Mary Hospital,
The University of in heart failure, the basics of myocardial deformation in
Competing interests
Hong Kong,
The author declares an association with the following three dimensions, and the evolution of myocardial defor-
102 Pokfulam Road,
Hong Kong, China. company: Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation. See the mation analysis are described. The principles of 3D wall article online for full details of the relationship. motion tracking, the assessment of global and regional

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myocardial deformation of the left ventricle by this novel Key points

imaging modality, and its clinical applications are then
■■ Remodeling of the cardiomyocyte and noncardiomyocyte components of the
discussed. Finally, the current limitations and future
myocardium in heart failure influences cardiac mechanics
developments of 3D wall motion tracking are addressed. ■■ Comprehensive evaluation of cardiac mechanics requires a 3D imaging approach
■■ Novel 3D wall motion tracking allows the assessment of left ventricular volumes,
Cardiac mechanics in heart failure global and regional myocardial deformation, twist mechanics, and mechanical
Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the heart affect dyssynchrony with a single full volume image acquisition
its function and can impair the processes of filling or ■■ Wall motion tracking in three dimensions shows promise for the assessment
ejection, leading to heart failure. Advances in our under- of myocardial function, the detection of subclinical cardiac dysfunction, and the
selection of patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy
standing of the molecular and cellular processes and
■■ 3D wall motion tracking could also improve our understanding of the mechanics
pathophysiological mechanisms that contribute to the involved in cardiomyopathies and congenital heart disease
development of clinical heart failure have been reviewed ■■ Optimization of spatial and temporal resolution of 3D myocardial deformation
elsewhere.23–25 The focus of this section will, therefore, be analysis is expected with advances in 3D echocardiographic technology
on cardiac mechanics, which are altered by remodeling of
the cardiomyocyte and noncardiomyocyte components
of the heart. 3D myocardial deformation
Hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes is a prominent feature The architectural design of the heart,46,47 a topic beyond
in cardiac remodeling, occurring with either contractile the scope of this Review, is key to our understanding
dysfunction and enlargement of cardiac chambers (sys- of the complex, yet coordinated, process of 3D cardiac
tolic heart failure)23,25,26 or preserved contractile func- deformation. During cardiac systole, the ventricular
tion with increased chamber thickness (heart failure myo­cardium shortens in the longitudinal and circum-
with preserved ejection fraction).27,28 Acute, substantial ferential dimensions, thickens in the radial dimension,
loss of cardiomyocytes in myocardial infarction alters and twists along the long axis of the left ventricle. Three
ventricular load and renders the ventricle more spheri- perpendi­cular axes, longitudinal, circumferential, and
cal.23 Progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, albeit at a low radial, repre­sent the geometric coordinates of the left
level, through apoptosis,29–31 necrosis,32–34 and possi- ventricle. The magnitude of myocardial deformation
bly autophagy,35,36 is also believed to contribute to the along these perpendicular dimensions is quantified by
remodeling process and contractile dysfunction in heart strain, defined as the percentage change in the length of
failure. Changes in extracellular matrix related to fibro- myocardial segment relative to the unstressed, original
sis37,38 and activation of matrix metalloproteinases39,40 length at end-diastole. Negative strain represents short-
are implicated in the dilation of ventricular chambers. ening in the longitudinal and circumferential dimensions
Pathological remodeling with fibrosis and ventricu- and thinning in the radial dimension, whereas positive
lar dilation is further promoted by disruption of coro- strain describes longitudinal and circumferential myo-
nary angiogenesis, which contributes to the transition cardial lengthening and radial myocardial thickening.
from adaptive cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure.41 In The speed of myocardial deformation is quantified by
failing cardiomyocytes, impaired excitation–contraction the strain rate. In addition to the three ‘normal strain’
coupling occurs with reduced Ca2+ transient amplitude compo­nents along the three perpendicular axes, six ‘shear
and raised diastolic Ca2+ concentration, which contri­ strain’ compo­nents exist, which are related to forces that
bute to systolic and diastolic dysfunction, respectively.42 act parallel to the surface of myocardial planes and slide
Furthermore, metabolic remodeling that occurs in failing the myocardial layers over one another (Figure 1).45,48,49 The
cardiomyocytes results in alteration of substrate utiliza- normal strain components are frequently referred to as
tion, progressive loss of ATP and impairment of cardiac ‘principal strains’. In most studies of myocardial defor-
contractile reserve.43 mation, the focus has been on the assessment of one
The mechanical consequences of these pathophysio­ or more components of normal strain using 1D or 2D
logical, cellular processes include changes in 3D geo­ e­chocardiographic imaging modalities.
metry of the cardiac chambers, ventricular wall thickness, Twist mechanics of the left ventricle (Figure 2) are
dynamic contractile function of the cardiomyocytes, and related to the helical arrangement of myocardial fibers,
passive elastic properties of the myocardium, all of which which is important for equal redistribution of stress and
can affect myocardial deformation.44 Depending on the strain in the heart.50 The myocardial fibers change from
nature and severity of the underlying processes, regional a right-handed helix in the subendocardium to a left-
or global myocardial deformation can be impaired, and handed helix in the subepicardium.51 During iso­volumic
alteration of myocardial deformation in terms of the contraction, an initial global anticlockwise rotation of
magnitude, rate, and timing can also vary. Myocardial the heart occurs, as viewed from the cardiac apex. 52
deformation or strain analysis can reveal changes in During ventricular ejection, the apex continues its anti-
cardiac mechanics and facilitate the early detection, clockwise rotation whereas the base rotates in a clock-
serial assessment, and management of heart failure. wise direction. In the isovolumic relaxation phase, the
Indeed, the role of myocardial deformation analysis in apex recoils rapidly with clockwise rotation to generate a
the diagnosis, understanding of pathophysiology, moni- steep decay of ventricular pressure and an active suction
toring of therapeutic interventions, and prognostication force.53–55 Untwisting of the left ventricle is completed in
of heart failure is increasingly recognized.13–15,45 early diastole.


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a b y constitute stable patterns or ‘fingerprints’ that allow

tracking from frame to frame. The 2D speckle tracking
algorithm employs template matching to search for the
x new location of speckle patterns in successive frames
z and provides spatial displacement for direct quantifi-
FXY cation of myocardial strain and angular rotation in a
FYX largely angle-independent manner. The strain rate and
rotational velocities can then be derived from the linear
FZX and rotational displacement, respectively, of the speckle
FZY patterns divided by the time interval between successive
frames. Using 2D speckle tracking, global and regional
LV longitudinal deformation can be determined from
the apical plane, circumferential and radial deforma-
tion from the short-axis planes, and twist mechanics
Figure 1 | Myocardial deformation in three dimensions. a | Three perpendicular based on differences in rotation of the apical and basal
axes—longitudinal, circumferential, and radial—represent the geometric
short-axis planes.
coordinates of the left ventricle. The three components of ‘normal strain’, often
referred to as ‘principal strains’, are related to forces that act along these Notwithstanding the advantages of 2D speckle tracking
perpendicular dimensions. b | The six ‘shear strain’ components are related to over tissue Doppler imaging, shortcomings inherent to
forces (F) that act parallel to the surfaces of the ‘cube’ of left ventricular its 2D nature include the failure to track speckles moving
myocardium. The x, y, and z axes define the 3D Cartesian coordinate system and out of the 2D planes owing to cardiac motion (out-of-
represent, in terms of geometric coordinates of the left ventricle, circumferential, plane motion), inability to monitor shear strain, use of
longitudinal, and radial directions, respectively. foreshortened views that can affect the accuracy of longi-
tudinal deformation assessment, and the need to perform
Several parameters have been used to quantify left basal and apical acquisitions separately for assessment
ventricular (LV) twist mechanics—rotation, twist (twist of twist mechanics. To address these limitations and
angle), and torsion (twist gradient).15,56–58 Rotation refers provide a more-comprehensive evaluation of mechanics
to the angular rotation of the myocardium in the short- from the 3D perspective, novel 3D wall motion tracking
axis planes, as viewed from the cardiac apex, around technology has been developed and introduced over the
the LV longitudinal axis and is expressed in degrees past 3 years into the clinical arena.21,22,60,61
or radians. By convention, anticlockwise rotation is
assigned a positive value whereas clockwise rotation 3D wall motion tracking
is given a negative value. Twist is defined as the absolute 3D wall motion tracking is the application of speckle
apex-to-base difference in rotation and is also expressed pattern matching technology to 3D echocardiographic
in degrees or radians. Normalization of twist by LV datasets. Early work on tissue-mimicking phantoms
length gives torsion in degrees or radians per cm. This and simulated data provided the theoretical basis for
normalization enables comparison of maximal twist this technique.62–65 In the past 2 decades, the develop-
between left ventricles of different sizes.59 ment of matrix array transducers, which contain arrays
of piezoelectric elements capable of scanning pyramidal
Evolution of deformation analysis volumes, and new-generation ultrasound scanners with
Tissue Doppler imaging is used to determine regional real-time full volume capabilities have paved the way for
myocardial tissue velocities in one dimension, on the basis translation of 3D wall motion tracking technology into
of which regional strain and strain rate are derived.16,17 clinical use. With the introduction of techniques such as
Measurement of tissue velocities in multiple regions in gated capture over several cardiac cycles66 and multiple
the LV short-axis planes enables assessment of LV tor- line acquisition for each transmitted pulse67 to optimize
sional deformation.56 However, this technique has major frame rate, a 3D full volume frame rate of 20–30 volumes
limitations that include angle dependency, noisy signals per second can be achieved.
leading to poor quality Doppler-derived strain and strain Whereas 2D speckle tracking involves template match-
rate curves, assessment confined to myocardial segments ing over successive frames of 2D images,18–20,68 3D wall
that move along the direction of the ultrasound beam, motion tracking involves tracking of volumetric box
and confounding of interpretation by tethering of non- templates in the 3D dataset (Figure 3).22,69 Motion estima-
contractile scar tissue to adjacent contractile myocardium tion points, located in proximity to the endocardial and
and cardiac translational movements.14,15,58 epicardial boundary surfaces, are centered in the cubic
2D speckle tracking echocardiography overcomes template volumes. The motion vector in three dimen-
some of the limitations of 1D tissue Doppler imaging, sions for each of the motion estimation points between
and has emerged as a largely angle-independent modality successive volume frames is detected by the 3D template-
for analysis of myocardial deformation.18–20 Speckles that matching algorithm, which searches the most-similar
appear in grayscale images are natural acoustic markers point in the next volume. Frame-by-frame integration of
generated from the reflection, interference, and scatter- the interpolated motion vectors enables points of interest
ing of ultrasound beams in myocardial tissue. Clusters within the myocardium to be tracked, and thus deriva-
of speckles (kernels) within a defined region of interest tion of various deformation parameters throughout the

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entire cardiac cycle. The computation becomes more a b

complex and, theoretically, more time consuming as 3D
template matching increases the template size and the
search volume. With a matching algorithm specifically
designed for 3D speckle tracking, a processing time of
≤0.5 s per volume is possible.22 An estimated processing
time within 10–15 s for analysis of one cardiac cycle in a
patient with a heart rate of 60 bpm, therefore, becomes
practical for clinical use.
Notwithstanding the lower frame rate and more-
complex processing of 3D wall motion tracking than
the 2D technique, this novel imaging modality confers
several potential advantages over 2D speckle tracking.
First, the capability to track speckles irrespective of
their directions in three dimensions. Second, avoidance c d
of errors caused by heart-rate variability with separate
acquisitions. Third, efficient single acquisition with
simultaneous assessment of global and regional myo-
cardial mechanics and, fourth, assessment of truly 3D
global and regional strain (Figure 4).
Analysis of LV 3D wall motion requires the acquisition
of a full-volume dataset from the cardiac apex. Capturing
four subvolumes over four consecutive cardiac cycles is
preferred to a single-cycle acquisition. Care should be
taken to include the entire LV cavity during acquisi-
tion using a wide sector. The full volume mode, with
inclusion of four cardiac subvolumes of 90° × 22.5°,
enables the acquisition of a large sector of 90° × 90° to
cater for dilated left ventricles in the setting of heart Figure 2 | Twist mechanics of the left ventricle. a | Isovolumic contraction. An initial,
failure. On the basis of the 3D dataset, five 2D cross- global anticlockwise rotation of the heart occurs. b | Ventricular ejection. The apex
sectional planes can be generated for tracing the endo- continues its anticlockwise rotation, whereas the base rotates in a clockwise
direction. c | Angular rotation of basal and apical myocardial planes as viewed from
cardium and epicardium—an apical four-chamber
the cardiac apex is assessed for calculation of left ventricular twist (twist angle).
plane, an orthogonal two-chamber plane, and three d | Ventricular twist and torsion (twist gradient). Twist is defined as the absolute
short-axis planes (near the apex, mid-level, and the base apex-to-base difference in rotation. Normalization of twist by the ventricular length
of the left ventricle). Although the LV endo­c ardium gives torsion. The dotted line represents the left ventricular central axis, the solid
and epicardium can be traced automatically by the 3D lines show the relative angular rotation of the cardiac base and apex.
wall motion tracking software, verification and manual
adjustment should be performed where necessary on
the basis of the 2D cross-sectional planes. The soft- reported superior accuracy and reproducibility for the
ware further automatically divides the left ventricle 3D technique. 61 Compared with the 2D method, 3D
into 16 segments, as defined by the American Society of speckle tracking had a better correlation with CMR
Echocardiography,70 or 17 segments as proposed by the parameters (intraclass correlation coefficient (r) = 0.87–
AHA,71 for the assessment of magnitude and timing of 0.92 versus 0.72–0.88), smaller biases (1–16 ml versus
regional myocardial deformation. 10–30 ml), narrower limits of agreement (SD = 28–37 ml
versus 36–51 ml), and lower interobserver (11–14% versus
Assessment of LV mechanics 16–17%) and intraobserver (12–13% versus 12–16%)
Ventricular and atrial volumes variability.61 In another study, 3D speckle tracking echo-
Whereas direct quantification of ventricular volume cardiography was found to have excellent accuracy for
by 3D echocardiography relies on a semi-automated quantifying LV ejection fraction (r = 0.91) compared with
algorithm that detects cavity–endocardial wall inter- CMR, although the LV volumes were under­estimated
face, 72 3D wall motion tracking involves tracking of with larger biases (13–34 ml).74 The reported r values of
speckle templates at the endocardial border throughout 0.85–0.99, for measurement of LV volumes and ejection
the cardiac cycle. 61,73 The LV end-diastolic and end- fraction based on consecutive recordings performed
systolic volumes are derived from counting the voxels within 1 h, suggest good test–retest reliabi­lity for 3D
(‘bricks’ of pixels in the 3D volume dataset) within the speckle tracking.73 Kleijn et al. confirmed the reproduci­
endocardial surface, and the ejection fraction is calcu- bility of this 3D technique in LV volume quantifi­cation,
lated accordingly. Nesser et al. compared 3D speckle and demonstrated comparability of the results with
tracking echocardiography with the 2D method, using those obtained using the 3D direct volumetric method.75
cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) as a reference, These findings indicate the interchangeability of the two
for the quantifi­cation of LV volumes in humans, and methods in clinical practice.


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a Starting frame Next frame are unavailable. Nonetheless, a good correlation with 2D
tagged CMR for global circumferential strain, albeit with
a mean difference of 10% between CMR-derived and 3D
speckle tracking-derived values, has been reported in
healthy humans.74
As global longitudinal, circumferential, and radial
systolic strain and regional strain of the 16 LV segments
can be analyzed with one acquisition using 3D wall
motion tracking, the time required for data acquisition
and strain analysis can be shortened to one-third of that
required for 2D speckle tracking echocardiography.78,79
b Starting volume Next volume Low intraobserver and interobserver variability, with
r values of 0.79–0.87 for longitudinal strain, 0.81–0.82
for circumferential strain, and 0.77–0.91 for radial strain
measurements, has been reported for this method.78,79
Normal (reference) strain values based on 3D speckle
tracking are limited. In a group of 46 healthy volunteers
aged 29 ± 7 years, Saito et al. reported an average global
longitudinal systolic strain of –17.0% ± 5.5%, circum-
ferential strain of –31.6% ± 8.0%, and radial strain of
34.4% ± 11.4%.79 Comparisons of global79 and regional60,78
strain data between 3D and 2D speckle tracking have,
Figure 3 | Comparison between 2D speckle tracking and 3D wall motion
nonetheless, yielded discordant results. The discrepancy
tracking. a | 2D speckle tracking with template matching of speckle patterns has been attributed to the use of different algorithms in
over successive frames of 2D gray-scale images. Clusters of speckles strain calculation, and because the novel 3D technique
represent natural acoustic markers generated from the reflection, interference, takes into account the complex 3D cardiac motion and
and scattering of ultrasound beams in myocardial tissue. They form stable the twisting and longitudinal shortenin­g of the left
patterns within a defined region of interest (white square) for tracking. The 2D v­entricle during systole.60,79
speckle tracking algorithm searches for the new location of the region of
interest (blue square) from one frame to the next frame (red arrow) of 2D images.
Endocardial area strain
b | 3D wall motion tracking involves tracking of volumetric box templates (white
cube) in the full-volume echocardiographic dataset over successive volumes.
An innovative feature of 3D wall motion tracking is
Motion estimation points are centered in the cubic template volumes. The 3D the ability to monitor regional changes in endocardial
template matching algorithm detects the motion vector (red arrow) of these surface area (area tracking) throughout the cardiac cycle.
points and tracks the volume of interest (blue cube) from the starting volume During ventricular contraction, the endocardial surface
frame to the next. area decreases as a result of myocardial shortening in
the longitudinal and circumferential dimensions and
myocardial thickening in the radial dimension. Area
Strong evidence exists for an association between left strain refers to the percentage change in the endo­cardial
atrial enlargement and adverse cardiovascular outcomes surface area during the cardiac cycle relative to the end-
in patients with heart failure.76,77 Although a software diastolic endocardial area (Figure 5). This measure
package dedicated to 3D wall motion tracking of the can be regarded as a composite parameter that inte-
left atrium is currently not available, Kleijn et al. traced grates the regional consequences of deformation in the
the left atrial endocardial border with exclusion of the longitudinal, circumferential, and radial dimensions.80,81
appendage and pulmonary veins and obtained minimum Endocardial surface area tracking has been validated
and maximal left atrial volumes comparable to those against measurements obtained from sonomicrometry
obtained by direct 3D volumetric quantification.75 crystals implanted on the LV endocardium in anesthe-
tized sheep.80 In this animal study, area strain correlated
Global and regional deformation strongly with the sonomicrometry-derived area change
3D speckle tracking-derived strain has been validated ratio (r = 0.87) and with longitudinal (r = 0.73) and
against sonomicrometry in anesthetized sheep.69 Good circum­ferential (r = 0.79) strain derived from the same
correlations with sonomicrometric data have been found 3D speckle tracking dataset. The area strain, however,
for segmental longitudinal (r = 0.89), circumferential showed greater changes compared with individual strain
(r = 0.90), and radial (r = 0.84) strain components at components during pharmacological stress and acute
baseline, during pharmacological stress, and with induc- myocardial ischemia induced by coronary occlusion.
tion of myocardial ischemia by coronary artery occlu- As the endocardium is more sensitive to ischemia than
sion. The technique could, therefore, be useful clinically the epicardium,82 incorporation of area strain measure-
for the detection of altered regional myocardial func- ments during stress echocardiography could increase the
tion during stress testing. Notably, however, validation sensitivity of detecting myocardial ischemia. Kleijn et al.
of this technique for derivation of 3D strain in humans reported a global LV area strain of –43.1% ± 2.1% among
is not feasible, as noninvasive gold-standard methods 56 healthy adults. 83 They further showed excellent

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a C3 A B b



C7 80%
EDV 116.93 ml 0 ms
ESV 46.52 ml 293 ms
EF 60.22%
1.05* MV 163.58 g est. LV MASS

L – L0
3D strain = × 100%

Longitudinal strain Circumferential strain Radial strain
Time: 148 msec Time: 791 msec Time: 49 msec
10 5
90 Max1
5 3.38 0 2.77 80 82.34 Max2
0 [ms] –5 [ms] Min1
–5 –10 60 Auto
–10 –15 50

–15 –20
–20 –25
–25 –30
–30 –35 [ms]
–35 –35.55 –40 –40.36 –10
–40 –45 –20

Figure 4 | Measurements of left ventricular strain using 3D wall motion tracking. a | Analysis of 3D strain. On the basis of
the full-volume 3D dataset acquired from the cardiac apex, five 2D cross-sectional planes are generated for tracing the
endocardial and epicardial surfaces: (A) apical four-chamber, (B) apical two-chamber, (C3) apical short axis, (C5) mid short-
axis, and (C7) basal short-axis. b | True 3D strain is calculated from tracking of speckle templates in three dimensions.
Lo represents the unstressed, original length at end-diastole, L is the length of myocardial segment during the cardiac cycle
along the 3D vector. c | Simultaneous analysis of global (white curve) and regional (colored curves) longitudinal,
circumferential, and radial systolic strain of the 16 left ventricular segments in a healthy young adult. The respective
systolic strain values are measured from the y‑axis. The time to trough regional longitudinal and circumferential strain and
peak regional radial strain can be measured from the x‑axis for calculation of indices of left ventricular dyssynchrony.

intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility for among individuals, and out-of-plane speckle motion
both global and regional area strain measurements in constitute the main sources of errors in twist measure-
patients with various heart diseases. Low variability for ment by these methods. 3D wall motion tracking, by con-
intraobserver and interobserver measurements of global trast, enables simultaneous determination of rotation of
area strain (~6% and ~10%, respectively) has also been all the 16 LV segments. The average magnitude of rota-
reported in other studies.81,84 tion of the six basal (septal, inferior, posterior, lateral,
anterior, and anteroseptal) and four apical (septal, infe-
LV twist mechanics rior, lateral, and anterior) segments can be calculated.
Assessment by tissue Doppler imaging 56 and 2D speckle LV twist is derived from systolic rotation of the apical
tracking echocardiography 57,58 of LV twist mechanics relative to the basal segments (Figure 6). Division of LV
is feasible. Nonetheless, the need to acquire apical and twist by the distance between apical and basal segments
basal short-axis cine loops from different cardiac cycles, yields torsion to adjust for differences in LV dimensions
the varying localization of the apical and basal planes among individuals.59


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End–diastole End–systole 40% abnormalities and global ventri­cular ejection fraction.

Third, by utilizing different strain (longi­tudinal, circum­
ferential, and radial, 3D, and area strain) and twist
parameters to assess ventricular dyssynchrony.
Several 3D wall motion tracking-based parameters
have been used to quantify LV mechanical dyssynchrony
in the 16 LV segments. These measures include, standard
deviation of time to peak regional systolic strain,84,91–93
standard deviation of time to minimum endocardial
surface area,81,84,94 maximal opposing wall delay in time
to peak radial strain,91,92 and area tracking-based strain
dyssynchrony index.95–97 The last of these indices involves
calculation of the mean absolute differences between
peak area strain and end-systolic area strain, and has
been regarded as an index of circumferential and longi­
tudinal mechanical dyssynchrony and residual endo-
myocardial function.95 Additionally, a rotation disper­sion
index to quantify rotational heterogeneity on the basis
Aed – Aes
Aed Area strain = × 100% Aes of the standard deviation of time to peak r­otation has
been described.98

Activation imaging
Imaging of cardiac activation could facilitate the defini­
Figure 5 | Area tracking of endocardial surface and calculation of peak area strain. tion of ventricular dyssynchrony, identification of the site
The changes in endocardial surface area of the 16 regional segments are tracked of latest mechanical activation,91 assessment of myo­cardial
throughout the cardiac cycle. During ventricular contraction, the endocardial scarring, and understanding of mechanisms and manage-
surface area decreases as a result of myocardial shortening in the longitudinal ment of cardiac arrhythmias.99,100 Given the close tempo-
and circumferential dimensions and myocardial thickening in the radial dimension. ral relationship between electrical activation and regional
Area strain, the percentage change in endocardial surface relative to the end-
wall motion,101 an activation imaging techno­logy based
diastolic surface area, is regarded as a composite parameter that integrates the
regional consequences of deformation in the longitudinal, circumferential, and on 3D wall motion tracking has been newly developed.102
radial dimensions. Peak area strain is calculated as percentage change in the This new technology defines the onset of myo­cardial
end-systolic endocardial surface area relative to the end-diastolic endocardial area. segmen­tal deformation and displays the time delay in
Abbreviations: Aed, endocardial surface area at end-diastole; Aes, endocardial various color codes. Further validation of this technolog­y
surface area at end-systole. and assessment of its reproducibility are required.

In vitro validation studies using pig hearts mounted Clinical applications in heart failure
on rotary motors have suggested accurate tracking of Assessing global LV performance
LV rotation by 3D wall motion tracking.85,86 Although Global LV myocardial performance can be assessed by
it overestimates rotation magnitude, the 3D technique systolic strain parameters (longitudinal, circumferential,
showed smaller biases compared with 2D speckle track- radial, 3D, and area strain). Global area strain has been
ing echocardiography.86 Limited data from 39 healthy shown to be a sensitive parameter for detection of even
young adults showed a smaller degree of peak LV twist subtle LV systolic dysfunction. Wen et al. investigated
derived from the 3D method than from 2D tracking a cohort of healthy individuals and patients with either
(10.2 ± 7.6° versus 13.4 ± 8.2°).87 Intrinsic methodological stage A, B, C, or D heart failure (ACC/AHA classifi­
differences between the two techniques probably account cation). They showed a progressive decrease in all the
for the observed differences. 3D speckle tracking global strain parameters and in 2D
echocardiography-derived LV ejection fraction from
LV dyssynchrony healthy adults to patients with progressive stages of heart
The role of echocardiographic evaluation of dyssynchro- failure, with stage D being associated with the lowest
nous myocardial contraction in the selection of patients values.103 However, only global area strain was found
for, and predicting response to, cardiac resynchro­nization to differentiate patients with stage A heart failure from
therapy (CRT) has been extensively explored. LV mecha­ healthy individuals. A cut-off area strain value of –29%
nical dyssynchrony has been assessed using tissue Doppler resulted in a high level of agreement with measure-
imaging,88 2D speckle tracking echo­cardiography,89 and ments of ejection fraction for detection of reduced LV
3D volumetric technique.90 Although the gold-standard function (ejection fraction cut-off 50%).103 Global area
method of assessment has yet to be defined, 3D wall strain has also been demonstrated to correlate better
motion tracking could offer potential advantages over with 3D echocardiography-derived LV ejection fraction
other modalities. First, by enabling simultaneous evalu- and indexed LV output than with global longitudinal,
ation of 3D motion in all the 16 LV segments. Second, circumferential, and radial strain. 104 The strength of
through concomitant assessment of regional wall motion global area strain as an index of global LV performance

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a b 14.0
Twist Max1
13.0 Time: 293 ms Max2
12.58 Min1
12.0 Min2

0.0 [ms]


Figure 6 | Assessment of left ventricular twist by 3D wall motion tracking. a | Color-coded 3D left ventricular display of the
base-to-apex increase in the magnitude of twist. b | Time–twist curve showing left ventricular twist (arrow) derived from
average rotation of the four apical segments relative to the cardiac base.

in patients with heart failure could be related to its and radial strain and displacement and circumferential
com­posite reflection of longitudinal, circumferential, strain were significantly reduced.60 Kleijn et al. compared
and radial myocardial deformation80,81 and the greater segmental area strain measurements with visual assess-
suscepti­bility of the endocardium than the epicardium ment of segmental wall motion abnormalities by experi-
to ischemic injury.82 enced echocardiographers in patients with ischemic or
Load dependency of 3D wall motion tracking para­ nonischemic cardiac conditions.83 Segmental area strain
meters has been explored in patients with chronic renal was significantly lower in akinetic and hypokinetic seg-
failure undergoing hemodialysis.105 Whereas LV end- ments compared with normokinetic segments. Global
diastolic volume and ejection fraction were signifi­ area strain correlated with the average wall motion score
cantly reduced after dialysis, global LV radial strain, of all segments analyzed. Agreement between the two
longitudinal strain, rotation, and twist remained similar assessment methods was found in 94% of normokinetic,
to baseline values. Nonetheless, earlier studies demon- 55% of hypokinetic, and 91% of akinetic segments, using
strated the load dependency of strain106 and twist 107 as cut-off segmental area strain values of –32% and –24%
assessed by either tissue Doppler imaging or 2D speckle for hypokinetic and akinetic segments, respectively.83
tracking echocardiography. The lower agreement for hypokinetic segments was
In the assessment of global LV performance, 3D track- attributed by Kleijn et al. to greater subjectivity involved
ing strain parameters might be less dependent on loading in visual classification of hypokinesia.83 In patients with
conditions than on LV ejection fraction, although further a history of myocardial infarction, all the 3D speckle
studies are needed to confirm this preliminary obser­ tracking strain parameters (longitudinal, circum­ferential,
vation.105 Of all the strain parameters, global area strain radial, 3D, and area strain) have been found to differ
seems to be the most promising for the early detection between transmural and nontransmural necrotic seg-
of subtle LV dysfunction. ments as identified by delayed contrast-enhanced CMR
imaging.108 Global longitudinal, circumferential, and
Quantifying regional function area strain measurements correlated best with global
Assessment of regional myocardial function is important scar extent. Furthermore, 3D speckle tracking-derived
in the assessment of ischemic and nonischemic heart dis- longitudinal and area strain values, but not 2D speckle
eases. Maffessanti et al. reported the first utilization of tracking parameters, were found to be impaired early,
3D speckle tracking echocardiography for the assessment even in segments with limited (<25%) necrosis.108 Taken
of regional wall motion in a cohort comprising healthy together, these studies suggest that 3D segmental myo-
individuals and patients with ischemic heart disease, cardial deformation analysis is feasible and potentially
dilated cardiomyopathy, or valvular heart disease.60 In LV useful in the clinical setting for quantitative assessment
segments with abnormal wall motion, as defined by inde- of regional wall motion abnormalities and extent of
pendent review of CMR images, segmental, longitudinal, m­yocardial scarring.


© 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a Patient A Patient B ▶ Figure 7 | Identification of the site of latest mechanical

Apex Apex 40% activation and monitoring of response to CRT by 3D wall
motion tracking. a | Examples of color-coded 3D left
ventricular displays and bull’s-eye plots from two patients
undergoing CRT. The site of latest mechanical activation
(arrow) was the mid-posterior segment in patient A and
mid-lateral segment in patient B. b | Examples of color-
Inf Lat Inf Lat coded 3D left ventricular displays and time-strain curves in
a patient before and the day after CRT, demonstrating
acute improvement in left ventricular synchrony. Reprinted
from Am. J. Cardiol. 105 (2), Tanaka, H. et al. Usefulness of
three-dimensional speckle tracking strain to quantify
dyssynchrony and the site of latest mechanical activation.
Base Base 235–242 © 2010, with permission from Elsevier.
Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; Ant-sept, anterior-septum; CRT,
Ant-sept Ant-sept cardiac resynchronization therapy; ECG, electrocardiogram;
Inf, inferior; Lat, lateral; Post, posterior; Sept, septal.
Sept Ant Sept Ant
methods were used, tempered initial enthusiasm. At
6 months after implantation of CRT devices, predic-
tion of the clinical composite score response by the 12
parameters varied widely (sensitivity 6–74%, specifi­
Inf Lat Inf Lat city 35–91%), and for the prediction of LV end-systolic
volume response (≥15% reduction; sensitivity 9–77%,
specificity 31–93%). On the other hand, a meta-analysis
Post Post –40%
published in February 2012 suggested that assessment
b Pre CRT Day after CRT of LV dyssynchrony by 3D echocardiography could
Apex Apex 40%
add value to current selection criteria for prediction of
response to CRT.113 The prospective Speckle Tracking
and Resynchronization (STAR) study 114 provides
further evidence of the utility of myocardial deformation
assessment in multiple dimensions for the prediction of
Sept Post Sept Post response and long-term outcomes after CRT.
In patients with heart failure, LV ejection fraction
≤35%, and a QRS duration ≥120 ms who were referred
for CRT, Tanaka et al. successfully quantified the magni­
tude of LV dyssynchrony using two 3D speckle track-
ing parameters—maximal opposing wall delay in time
Base Base
to peak radial strain, and standard deviation of time to
–40% peak radial strain in 16 segments.91 Additionally, on the
basis of time to peak segmental radial strain, they identi-
35.1 34.30
31.2 31.5 fied the most-common sites of latest mechanical activa-
27.2 28.0
24.5 tion as the mid posterior, basal posterior, mid lateral, and
19.5 21.0 basal lateral segments, and documented improvements
Radial strain

15.6 14.0 in 3D mechanical dyssynchrony in patients who under-
11.7 10.5
7.8 7.0 went CRT (Figure 7). Identification of the site of latest
3.9 3.5
0.0 0.0
mechanical activation would probably be facilitated by
–3.9 –3.5 novel color-coded activation imaging technology,102 and
–7.8 –7.0
–11.7 –10.5 could help to guide the positioning of the LV pacing lead.
–15.6 –14.0 –13.83 Tatsumi et al. demonstrated LV dyssynchrony (increased
–19.5 –18.47 area strain dyssynchrony index) in patients with heart
ECG ECG failure and short QRS duration compared with healthy
control individuals.95
Cardiac resynchronization The results of a small cohort study (n = 14) by the same
Cardiac resynchronization is an established treatment investigators suggested that the area strain dyssynchrony
for patients with advanced heart failure.109–111 Interest index might be a better predictor of response to CRT than
has developed in the use of echocardiography to select conventional dyssynchrony parameters, such as inter-
patients with heart failure for, and predict their response ventricular mechanical delay, tissue Doppler analysis
to, CRT. Nonetheless, the results of the multicenter of longitudinal dyssynchrony, and 2D speckle analysis of
Predictors of Response to CRT (PROSPECT) trial,112 radial dyssynchrony.96 This preliminary finding, however,
in which 12 parameters of LV dyssynchrony based on requires confirmation in controlled studies with a larger
conventional echocardiographic and tissue Doppler patient population. Tatsumi et al. used the longitudinal,

652  |  NOVEMBER 2012  |  VOLUME 9

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circumferential, and radial strain dys­synchrony index strain is greatest in the mid region and smallest at the
(mean absolute differences between peak strain and apical region. However, these regional differences were
end-systolic strain in 16 segments) to predict long-term not found by Duan et al. in patients with nonischemic
outcomes after CRT over a 4‑year period.97 They found dilated cardiomyopathy.116 In another study, a novel
that combining the three types of strain dys­synchrony association between LV dyssynchrony and rotational
index enabled more-accurate prediction of the combined hetero­geneity in patients with idiopathic dilated cardio-
end point of death or hospitalization owing to worsening myopathy was demonstrated. 98 LV dyssynchrony and
heart failure than the use of each indivi­dual index alone. rotational dispersion indices were found to be greater,
One advantage of 3D speckle tracking over the 3D volu- whereas twist and torsion were smaller, in patients with
metric method90 for the identi­fication of dys­synchrony is wide QRS complexes than in those with narrow QRS
direct assessment and quanti­fication of active myo­cardial complexes. Furthermore, LV torsion was inversely
deformation in individual LV segments. Intuitively, related to LV dyssynchrony and rotational dispersion
segments with substantially reduced deformation indices. Improvement of LV dyssynchrony after CRT in
would contribute little to global LV function despite patients with wide QRS complexes was associated with
synchronizing the timing of contraction. Therefore, reduction in rotation dispersion index and increase in
3D speckle tracking-derived time-strain curves of the LV twist.98
16 LV segments, which provide infor­mation on both 3D speckle tracking echocardiography has also pro-
the timing and the magnitude of peak strain, could vided insights into LV twist and untwist mechanics in
improve prediction of response to CRT. the setting of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.117 Patients
3D wall motion tracking has also contributed to our with this condition were found to have increased LV
understanding of LV mechanics in patients undergoing twist owing to greater apical rotation, which was more
right ventricular pacing. Thebault et al. documented an marked in those with obstructed LV outflow, compared
acute increase in all strain parameters and improvement with healthy control individuals. Despite enhanced LV
of dyssynchrony (standard deviation of time to peak contraction, the onset of untwist was delayed, comple-
strain) with switching of right ventricular to biventricu- tion of untwist during early diastole was limited, and the
lar pacing mode in patients undergoing optimization of untwisting velocity was lower in patients with hyper­
an implanted cardiac resynchronization device.84 They trophic cardiomyopathy than in the control group.117
expressed the results in terms of a global LV performance These findings enhance our understanding of impaired
index that provided composite information on both the relaxation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
severity of LV dyssynchrony and magnitude of global Baccouche et al. used 3D speckle tracking echo­
systolic strain. Tanaka et al. found that the pattern of dys- cardiography to differentiate between amyloidosis and
synchronous mechanical activation was similar between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, both of which cause LV
patients undergoing right ventricular pacing and those hypertrophy.118 Whereas the base-to-apex decrease in
with left bundle branch block.92 Sites of latest mechanical radial strain was preserved in patients with hyper­trophic
activation were most commonly the posterior or lateral cardiomyopathy, the pattern was reversed in those with
segments in both groups. In addition, the investigators amyloidosis. The pattern of changes in base-to-apex
found that LV ejection response and survival free from strain was found to have a diagnostic sensitivity of 83%
transplantation or mechanical support after CRT was using CMR as the reference standard.118 The utility of
similar between the two groups. Taken together, these 3D speckle tracking in diagnostic imaging and follow-
findings support the use of CRT in patients with heart up of basal hypercontractility and apical dyskinesia in
failure undergoing right ventricular pacing. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy has been described in a
In another study in which 3D speckle tracking echo- 79-year-old woman admitted with acute coronary syn-
cardiography was used, Tanaka et al. showed that patients drome.119 The 3D technique might enable early recog­
with reduced LV ejection fraction who were undergoing nition of the characteristic wall motion abnormalities
right ventri­cular pacing had greater dyssynchrony and and serial monitoring of their recovery.
lower strain in all three dimensions than patients with
preserved ejection fraction who were undergoing right Congenital heart disease
ventricular pacing or healthy individuals.93 On the whole, To date, only one study of 3D wall motion tracking for
studies to date suggest a promising role for 3D speckle the assessment of ventricular function in patients with
tracking in the quantification of LV dyssynchrony; selec- congenital heart disease has been published. Li et al.
tion of patients for, and prediction of their response to, examined global LV performance in 30 patients who had
CRT; and guidance of positioning of LV pacing leads. undergone repair of tetralogy of Fallot by simultaneously
measuring global LV area strain and standard deviation of
Cardiac mechanics in the cardiomyopathies time to peak area strain in 16 segments as a percentage
In patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, of RR interval.81 The global performance plot of the two
both 2D speckle tracking 115 and 3D wall motion track- parameters identified 87% of patients as having impaired
ing have revealed a significant reduction in longitu- LV performance. This composite assessment can be per-
dinal, circum­ferential, and radial strain.116 In healthy formed conveniently with a single acquisition, which is
indivi­duals, longitudinal and circumferential strain not possible with 2D imaging modalities, and could be
increases from the base to cardiac apex, whereas radial useful for serial tracking of LV performance.


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Other potential applications validated. Although capturing of four subvolumes over

Myocardial deformation analysis has been used to define four consecu­tive cardiac cycles is preferable to a single-
subclinical cardiac dysfunction and to improve our under- cycle acquisition to improve resolution, stitch artifacts
standing of its progression to overt heart failure.13,45,120 In become inevitable in uncooperative patients and in those
patients with untreated hypertension and normal LV with cardiac arrhythmias.
ejection fraction, 3D speckle tracking echo­cardiography Manufacturer-dependent proprietary algorithms are
has been shown to identify early LV functional changes currently used for analysis of 3D speckle tracking para­
characterized by reduced global longitudinal, radial, and meters. Intertechnique agreement has been shown to
area strain.121 Global area strain, in particular, was inde- be suboptimal, both for images acquired from different
pendently associated with mean blood pressure and LV machines and images acquired from the same machine
mass index. Differential myocardial deformation among using different software.132 When appraising the literature
various types of LV adaptive response in hypertension on 3D speckle tracking, discordance in measurements
have also been demonstrated.122 In obese children aged between manufacturers should be taken into account.
13.3 ± 2.7 years, 3D speckle tracking-­derived LV longitu­ 3D wall motion tracking is in its infancy. However,
dinal and circumferential strain, as well as twist and the results of validation, feasibility, and clinical studies
torsion were found to be reduced.123 published to date suggest a role for this new, noninva-
With the additional information provided by the third sive technology in the assessment and manage­ment
dimension, 3D wall motion tracking could improve of patients with heart failure. The European Association of
detection of subclinical cardiac dysfunction in condi- Echocardiography/American Society of Echocardiography
tions such as chemotherapy-induced cardio­toxicity,124,125 document on 3D echo­c ardiography, published in
diabetes mellitus,126 and renal insufficiency.127 Superiority January 2012, acknowledges the great potential for
of 3D over 2D speckle tracking in this regard, however, future clinical application of 3D strain measurements.133
has not yet been demonstrated. The results of several Additional studies are undoubtedly required to assess
studies suggest associations between 2D speckle track- whether 3D speckle tracking is superior to the 2D method,
ing strain parameters and clinical outcomes in patients and to define the value of 3D speckle tracking in a wide
with acute128,129 or chronic130 heart failure. Further studies variety of clinical scenarios.15
to define the role of 3D speckle tracking para­meters
in predicting outcome of patients with heart failure Future developments
are warranted. Assessment of right ventricular function is important
Adoption of myocardial deformation parameters as in patients with pulmonary hypertension,134 after repair
end points in clinical trials of patients with heart failure of tetralogy of Fallot in both children and adults,135,136
could be advantageous given the semiautomatic quantifi­ and in patients with a systemic right ventricle. 136 The
cation, multidimensional assessment of myocardial complex geometry of the right ventricle, however, renders
mechanics, and comprehensive evaluation of global and assessment by 2D echocardiographic imaging difficult.
regional deformation.131 For 3D speckle tracking echo­ Although not designed for right ventricular deformation
cardiography, however, the lack of standardization of raw analysis, the 3D wall motion tracking algorithm has been
data format and tracking algorithms among manufac­ applied in vitro to 3D volume datasets acquired from pig
turers currently constitutes a formidable obstacle to its hearts with incorporation of the entire right ventricle.137
use in clinical trials. Further research in this area is warranted.
Layer-specific myocardial deformation analysis
Current limitations for assessing lack of transmural homogeneity by 2D
The accuracy of 3D wall motion tracking largely depends speckle tracking echocardiography was introduced in
on image quality. Feasibility of 3D speckle tracking echo- 2010.138 Significant reductions in transmural gradients
cardiography has been reported to vary from 75% to 100%, of LV circum­ferential strain and twist have been found
with failures attributed to either suboptimal image quality or in patients with heart failure.139 Assessment of 3D sub­
limited acoustic window.60,61,73,75,78,79,83,84,87,91,92,97,98,103–105,108,117 endocardial deformation and transmural gradients
The relatively low spatial resolution of 3D wall motion of myocardial deformation and twist could provide
tracking can affect the delineation of endocardial and additional insights into LV mechanics in ischemic and
epicardial surfaces and, in turn, the accuracy of track- nonischemi­c heart diseases.
ing. Nonetheless, with the rapid evolution of ultrasound
technolog­y, improvement in spatial resolution is to Conclusions
be expected. Comprehensive assessment of cardiac function is inte-
The temporal resolution of 20–30 volumes per second is gral to the management of patients with heart failure.
another limitation of current 3D technology. At its present Recognition of the need to evaluate myocardial perfor-
level, the temporal resolution of the 3D technique renders mance beyond the 2D approach and measurement of LV
analysis of rapid cardiac events during the isovolumic ejection fraction has led to the development of 3D wall
contraction and relaxation phases difficult. In addition, motion tracking. This new technology capitalizes on the
3D speckle tracking-derived rates of systolic and dia- vast amount of information contained within the 3D full
stolic deformation and velocities of twisting and untwist- volume dataset and the angle-independence of speckle
ing are yet to be included in the analysis software and tracking technology. Assessments of 3D volumes, regional

654  |  NOVEMBER 2012  |  VOLUME 9

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myocardial and endocardial surface defor­mation, and Review criteria

twist mechanics by this technique have been validated and
References cited in this article were selected by
shown to be reproducible. Novel 3D deformation para­
searching the PubMed database for publications in
meters have provided new insights into the LV mechanics
English with no date limits. The search terms included
of patients with ischemic and nonischemic heart diseases. “heart failure”, “cardiac function”, “cardiac dysfunction”,
Although the technology is in its infancy, it has begun to “cardiac mechanics” “ventricular function”, “three-
have a role in the clinical assessment of global and regional dimensional wall motional tracking”, “three-dimensional
myocardial function in heart failure and its manage- speckle tracking”, “deformation imaging”, and “strain
ment, in particular by CRT. Improvements in the spatial imaging”. The reference lists of key papers were
and temporal resolution of 3D wall motion tracking are also searched for additional publications. Meeting
expected with the rapid advance in 3D echocardiographic abstracts reporting on the latest developments and
technology. Future developments in the 3D assessment of clinical applications of the technology most relevant
right ventricular and myocardial layer-specific mechanics to this Review and published since April 2011 were
also considered.
are awaited.

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