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Lagna Bhava

1st House

All about the body of the native, complexion, shape, stature etc. have to be delineated from the
first house.

If the lord of Ascendant is

• posited in 6, 8 or 12 from Ascendant, the native will not enjoy happiness.

• in enemy sign, defeated in planetary battle, debilitated, conjunct with malefics or
combust, the native will suffer sorrow and misery.
• in Vikaala Avastha i.e. retrograde or hemmed in between malefics (paapa madhya stithi),
sufferings from long-standing or incurable diseases will occur.

If lord of Ascendant is in quadrants/trines, auspicious results should be predicted. Similar

auspicious results will follow if lord of Ascendant is otherwise strong or in benefic classifications
like own house, exaltation, exalted navamsa, moola-trikona, kumkumamsa, kusumamsa,
parijatamsa, parvatamsa, simhasanamsa, conjunct with friendly planet or standing in friendly
house or is conjunct!aspected by benefic(s).

If the lord of Ascendant is conjunct with a planet and effects thereof :-

• Moon benefic - beautiful eyes, good eye sight, calm disposition and good habits are

Moon malefic -the native's eyes will not be good looking.

Mars - Courageous and valorous; sufferings from diseases arising due to

excess of heat; wounds; fever accompanied by thirst.

Mercury - Higher education; lustrous face; proficiency in drawing, painting, art

work done by hands, drama and grammar; success in various professions;
proficiency in mathematics and astronomy.

• Jupiter -Calm and unperturbed disposition; dignified looks; devotion;

persevering; renunciation; knowledge; religious-minded; right conduct.
• Venus - Fond of juicy and tasty dishes; taste for dressing-up nicely; music;
humour; interest in politics; proud of his profession; ability to teach others; fit to be
praised by King; liked by ladies; prefers service under King; fond of enjoyments; skillful.

• Saturn - Unpleasant facial looks; nervous before audiences; untidy; engaged

in professions considered inferior by majority; knowledge or learning in inferior trades;
incites others; servitude; sleeps more; sorrows and worries.

• Rahu - Ungrateful and untrustworthy; deceitful; does harm to his friends;

not dutiful to mother; agricultural pursuits.

• Ketu - Liking for life in secluded places; dealings in poisonous herbs and
drugs; trickery; beggary; renunciation; without a proper profession; adopting tactics in
business; seeks favours.

The effects concerning the first house should be predicted according to the nature of the lord of
the Ascendant, the planet(s) posited therein, planet(s) in conjunction with lord of the Ascendant
and aspects on the Ascendant as well as the lord of Ascendant. Benefic results will follow if
benefics are involved; malefic results, if malefics are involved.

The sign occupied by Moon, as also the sign occupied by Sun, should be treated as
equal to Ascendant and predictions made based on the strongest of the three.

When considering other houses in the horoscope, view that house as the Ascendant and make
predictions. Assuming you were looking at the 7th
house, the 6th from Asdt would become the 12th house from the 7th. If the lord of 7th is in 6th
from Asdt (i.e. 12th from the 7th), malefic results would follow concerning the 7th house-
pertaining to wife etc.

Finally, in addition to the above, find out where the Karaka Significatoris standing; treat that
house as the Ascendant for the time being, and predict concerning that significator.

For ready reference, the Karakas are listed hereunder:-

Sun Ascendant
Moon 4th house
Mars 3rd & 6th house
Mercury 1oth house
Jupiter 2, 5, 9 and 11th house
Venus 7th house
Saturn 8th and 12th house

Dhana Bhava
2nd House
The second house denotes the wealth of native, besides other significations.

The methodology adopted for delineation of effects concerning the first house have to be followed
here as well i.e. where the lord of this house is standing, and his strength, aspects to 2nd house,
planets posited in the 2nd, conjunctions with lord of 2nd and aspects to the lord of 2nd.

Wealth of a native has to be considered not only from the 2nd and its lord, but also from the
significator for wealth i.e. Jupiter. If the 2nd house and these planets possess positional and
other kinds of strength, highly beneficial effects will be realised; particularly, positional strength
sthana bala for lord of 2nd and Jupiter connotes higher education or deep learning.

The planets the lord of 2nd or Jupiter is conjunct with & its Effects :-

Sun - Knowledge of Vedanta philosophy, medicine, proficiency in examining precious

stones are indicated.
Moon Pious nature; knowledge of ltihasa History, and Purana Folklore, performance of
religious sacrifices, ability to speak well.
Mars Knowledge of Vaisheshika, a special branch of philosophy dealing with the
study of discriminating quality of all that the

Universe is made of· say Science, deceitful, valorous, uttering falsehood, stealing
habit, ability to argue logically,
crooked deals, plans large undertakings.

Mercury Sacrificial rites; chanting hymns; proficiency in work done by hands; business
knack; arbitration; semantic expert; one
Jupiter Proficiency in grammar; religious-minded; devotion; righteous means of earning;
leadership; pleases the King.
Venus Knowledge of medicine and cookery; knowledge of worldly affairs; knowledge of
music and literature.
Saturn Dull-headed; foolish; low-minded; wind disorders.
Rahu Courage; knowledge of worldly affairs.
Ketu Journeys over sea; knowledge of black-magic/treachery; use of hymns Mantra.

If lords of 6, 8 or 12 are connected with the 2nd house or its lord, eye sight will be affected. Moon
or Venus connected with the 2nd or lord thereof denotes protruding or bulging eyes; Sun -
blindness or poor eye-sight; The planets in connection with the 2nd or its lord, will indicate the
sort of eye-diseases or the condition of eye sight.

If lord of 2nd is devoid of strength, speech will be affected; even dumbness may result.

The 2nd house is also known as kutumba sthana family and if lord thereof is weak, the indication
pertains to wife. Full Moon in 2nd denotes very beautiful wife; Mars- crooked and adulterous
wife; Mercury- loose moral character on the part of native; Jupiter- dutiful wife; Venus- the
native will become lustful; Saturn -intimacy with low class women; Rahu/Ketu- same as for

If lord of 2nd is in the 2nd decanate in 6, 8 or 12th house from Ascendant, there will be breaks
in education.

If Rahu/Ketu is in the 2nd, the education received by the native will not be of much use in his
professional career.

The planet(s) standing in the 2nd or conjunct with lord of 2nd or significator indicates the nature
and quantum of wealth gained.

The number of planets in 2nd or in conjunction with lord of 2nd indicates the number of
wives/,marriages a native will have.
Bhrathru Bhava
3rd House

The third house indicates all about brothers/sisters. If lord of 3 or Mars, significator for
brothers and 3rd house, is posited in 6, 8 or 12 or conjunct malefic, the native will have
no brothers. Depending upon the severity of this yoga, the effect should be predicted. If
in quadrant or trine, exaltation or moola-trikona, there will be brothers/sisters. If lord of 3
or Mars is in quadrant/trine but conjunct malefic, there will be birth and death of
brothers. If the signs in which the planets are posited are feminine, sisters are indicated;
masculine signs indicate brothers. If a mixture, both brothers and sisters are likely.

11th indicates elder brothers/sisters; 3rd, younger brothers/sisters. If lord of 4th is connected
with the 3rd house, there will be gain of a house; size and type depending upon the significations
of the lord of 4th.

If Mars or Rahu is connected with 3rd, the native will be valorous. How much courage the native
has, has to be decided from the planets connected with the 3rd or its lord.
Mathru Bhava
4th House

All predictions pertaining to the mother of a native have to made with reference to
the 4th house and
its significator - Moon.

The 4th house also signifies relations, happiness enjoyable by the native,
native's seat/furniture, conveyance, community, availability or prospects of water-
supply in his household etc.

The 4th from Ascendant, from Sun and from Moon have to be looked into for all
these significations and the strongest of the three given preference. Lords of
these three signs, planets with whom they are conjunct, planets posited in or
aspecting these signs should also be taken into account before proceeding to
make any predictions.

Malefic lords and malefic aspects to the above signs indicate evil results,
benefics indicate benefic results. If lord of 4th and Moon are strong, and are
together occupying quadrant/trine, there will be prolonged happiness from
mother. If in 6, 8 or 12, enemy house, debilitation sign etc., evil results will follow;
if a mixture, the evil indication will be for a shorter duration.

The conjunction of lord of 4th and Moon in Ascendant, 4th or 1Oth, particularly
indicate highly benefic results; if Rahu/Ketu also joins them , the effects to be
realised from this yoga will be lost.

Natives with Moon and Jupiter standing together in a sign will acquire
conveyance in the major period of Moon or Jupiter.

Great happiness will result if benefic yogas occur in regard to or in the

Ascendant, 4th, 9th and 10th houses. If the yoga is occurring in the 1st
decanate, the yoga phala will accrue from his own house or land, 2nd decanate
-through relatives and friends; 3rd decanate -from or through mother or

The effects of planets in the 4th are as follows :-

Moon - Auspicious effects; happiness

• Mars makes the native appear over-aged or worn-out

Mercury taste for dressing-up nicely

Jupiter high status and broadmindedness

Venus inclines the native towards enjoying life generally

Saturn gives the native a mean mentality

When considering matters pertaining to conveyance, Venus should be taken to
indicate a horse and boat; Mercury - boat;
Jupiter- 4 wheeled vehicle; Saturn -elephant or camel; Moon -chariot.

Venus indicates longevity accompanied by happiness.

Putra Bhava
5th House

All predictions pertaining to children have to be made with reference to the 5th house and its
significator - Jupiter.

If the significator for children, Jupiter is in quadranVtrine, there will be growth of family.

If Jupiter or lord of 5th or both

stand in 6, 8 or 12, there will be loss of children

stand in debilitation, still worse results will occur.

in conjunction with lord of 9th denotes very auspicious results.

in conjunction with lord of 7th indicates that the native will be wielding authority.

in conjunction with Sun and Saturn, obstacles first and success later is indicated.

in conjunction with Sun and Jupiter - more sons.

in conjunction with Jupiter and weak Moon or feminine planets - girl issues.
o in conjunction with Mars or Ketu - loss of children in general.

o in conjunction with Mars also indicates sorrow due to loss of son.

o in conjunction with malefics, malefic results generally.

in conjunction with Venus - contentment.

Jupiter in 5th house indicates counselling ability while Mercury alone in the 5th house
indicates enthusiasm in learning/studies.

Shatru Bhava
6th House

All predictions pertaining to enemies/diseases have to be made with reference to the 6th house
and its significator - Mars.

Generally, malefics in the 6th house are good and benefics in the 6th denote malefic results.
Lord of 6th is otherwise called the Rogadipha,
Lord of Diseases.

Sun in 6th house indicates diseases on head.

Moon, Mars, Mercury in 6th house indicate diseases on throat.

Jupiter in 6th indicates heart disease.

Venus in 6th house denotes venereal diseases/disorders.

Saturn in 6th house indicates diseases on feet.

Rahu/Ketu in 6th house denote leprosy. If there is also a benefic along with Rahu/Ketu in
the 6th house, white leprosy would result.
Kalatra Bhava
7th House

From the Lord of the 7th, planets posited in the 7th and from the nature of the sign covered by
the 7th house masculine, feminine etc.,
the appearance, habits and qualities of wife have to be determined .
Malefics in the 7th house indicate the number of wives or marriages whilst the lord of 7th
indicates her death.

If Venus or lord of 7th is posited in dusthanas 6, 8 or 12, the native's wife will be sickly,
resulting in short life for her.

Lord of 7th is also the significator for journeys and children, besides wife.

Sun as lord of 7th or in 7th indicates adulterous tendency.

Full Moon.........................................handsome appearance.
Weak Moon......................................ugly appearance with bad nails
Mars..................................................adulterous tendency
Mercury.............................................of bad nature
Jupiter.............................................. .pious and virtuous
Venus .................................................very good looking and enjoyable disposition
Saturn. .............................................. .bad character
Rahu ...................................................questionable character

Venus or lord of 7th on benefic vargas classifications indicate a wealthy wife; in association
with benefics and well-placed i.e. in quadrant/trine, the native's wife will be very beautiful.;
conceive good sons; on malefic vargas or posited in 6, 8 or 12, malefic results.

If the 7th house is auspicious and the significator is without strength, the native may not
marry at all and remain a bachelor throughout life.

If Sun is conjunct with lord of 7th or the significator for the 7th, i.e. Venus, the native's wife
will be of deep red complexion, bilious, with a deep throat-ed voice, and of pleasing and
desirable characteristics. Full Moon in the place of Sun, indicates a very beautiful wife, likable,
temperamentally soft, having taste for ornaments and decoration, well dressed.

Generally, the characteristics of the wife will be dependent on the planet that is predominant
concerning the 7th house.
Ayur Bhava
8th House

From the Lord of the 8th, planets posited in the 8th etc. the longevity of the native has to be
determined .

If the lord of 8th or Saturn occupies dusthana 6, 8 or 12, short life is indicated.

If the lord of 8th or Saturn or both are united with lord of Ascendant, who happens to be a
benefic, OR lord of 8th/Saturn is standing in quadrant.trine of such lord of Ascendant, and
depending upon the strengths enjoyed by the planets in this Yoga, full span of life is indicated. If
the planets possess only moderate strength, madhya ayush is indicated (60 years).

If lords of Asdt and 8th are united or are strongly connected, death will occur due to upset of 3
humours, as understood in the Hindu Shastra, the cause for which has to be determined from the
planets involved.
If lord sol Asdt and 8th are in the trines or 11th from Saturn and Moon, long life would result.
Madhya Ayush would result if lords of Asdt and 8th are standing in places other than trines/11th
from Saturn/Moon.

If lords of asdt, 8th and 1Oth (who are NOT conjunct or otherwise associated with Saturn), are
standing in signs owned by benefics, long life would result. If these planets have kshetra bala
strength due to stay in exaltation, moo/a-trikona or own house, and happen to be benefics, the
native will breathe his last without any sufferings.

Time of Death is to be decided from the planets concerned on the basis of Sun - day time,
Moon - night etc. Place of death or the cremation ground is to be determined from the nature of
the planets and the signs occupied by them. The disease which precedes or causes death occurs
in the organ corresponding to the sign from Ascendant see Divisions of body among the 12
signs., which is occupied by a malefic or the strongest malefic. Primarily the planet in the 8th from
Moon/Asdt will indicate this. In this context :-

Sun indicates cause of death as high fever

Mars.......................................cancerous tumours or through instruments/implements
Mercury..................................throat diseases or poison
Jupiter................................... .indigestion or cough
Saturn. ................................... .windy diseases or rheumatism
Rahu/Ketu ...............................upset of the 3 humours

The major period running at birth has also to be given importance and considered in finding the
sort of death the native will meet. If in the horoscope,
Saturn and Rahu are strong, death by accident has to be considered. The sing/house occupied
by Saturn and Rahu, together with their significations, will indicate the sort of death the
native will meet with.
Bhagya Sthana
9th House

The honour enjoyed by a native is indicated by the 9th house, its lord, Jupiter, Venus
and Sun, or the strongest among these. On the strength of the strongest of these, will
depend the honour and respect enjoyed by the native. Depending on the same strength,
happiness from father and good luck of the native have to be sized-up.

If there is exchange of houses/signs between 9th and 1Oth lords, great luck and honour are

Effect of Planets standing in the 9th are as follows

Sun Rise of fame slowly but surely

Moon Knowledge and good deeds
Mars Elevated status in community
Mercury - Sharp intellect
Jupiter Learning
Venus Happiness in various directions
Saturn A go-between/messenger/ambassador
Rahu/Ketu Very mediocre luck

The happiness one enjoys and the respect one commands will be proportionate to the strength of
the planets concerned.

Saturn and Moon together in 9th denotes that the native would be in bad books of his Preceptor.

Jupiter in 9th indicates that the native will mature himself to a high status through his own efforts,
while Saturn in 9th denotes that the native will lose his status through his own doings. Venus in
9th with malefic connections will incline the native towards adultery; otherwise, benefics incline
the native to a charitable disposition. Benefics in 9th, weak due to debilitation or combustion,
drive the native to seek favours from others upto the point of begging in extreme cases. The
strongest planet in 9th, failing that, planets connected with 9th, should be looked into carefully
concerning a native attaining sidhi or salvation.

Jupiter is the significator for charities and religious sacrifices.

Jupiter and Mars together in 9th indicate reputation and charities by native. Strong malefic in the
9th indicate that the native will commit sins of a high order. Strong Sun in 9th indicates a
prosperous father.

Jupiter in 9th also indicates, depending upon his strength, one who will go to the
extent of cooking hos meals; in other words,

indicating one who is particular about neatness, cleanliness and quality of his food.

Mercury in 9th indicates one who ensures that his food and eatables are good.

Saturn in 9th indicates one who is careless in these matters and goes on eating
comparable to a horse.

A native having a Watery Planet Jala Graha in 9th aspected by a Land/Dry Planet Sthala Graha
will be establishing religious faiths, institutions, Order/Mutt for the good of the Public.

Note: On the authority oF SARWARTHA CHINTAMANI, Moon, Venus are Watery Planets;
Mercury and Jupiter are Water-resorters;
Sun, Mars and Saturn are Dry-Planets. Pisces-Cancer-Scorpio are 100% watery;
Aries-Leo-Sagittarius are half-watery;
Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn are quasi-watery signs; Gemini-Libra-Aquarius are non-
watery signs.
Karma Bhava
lOth House

The profession of a native has to be decided from the lOth house from Ascendant or
Moon, whichever is stronger.

Jupiter or Venus in 10th denotes an honourable profession; it also indicates that the native will
have a charitable disposition.

Tamasik Planets, Saturn and Rahu, give opposite results; particularly Saturn and Mars in 10th
house incline a native to be proud, adamant and resorting to trade tricks.
If lord of 1Oth is in the 9th connected with Saturn and Mercury, the native may prefer the life of
an ascetic; if they are on malefic classifications, the native may not make much headway in the
line; Only Saturn being connected with the lord of 10th in 9th indicates failure and return to
normal life. If these planets occupy movable classifications, there will be almost always travelling
and shifting from place to place as an ascetic; in fixed vargas, stationary life; in debilitation, the
native will be inclined to take up mean professions; generally, malefic classifications indicate that
the public will not like native's actions.

If lords of 10th and 9th are connected with each other, the native will be wielding administrative
authority. If there is exchange of signs between them or they both stand in the 9th or 10th, the
native will enjoy the confidence of Ruler and will be wielding greater administrative authority
comparable to that of a Minister. Depending upon their strength, the native will be shining in his
profession. Exalted classifications for the lords of 9th and 10th under above yoga, the native will
enjoy respect from a number of Kings. If the other planets in the horoscope also have exaltation
whilst lords of 9th and 1Oth are placed as described above, there will be gain of an Empire.

From the planets posited in the 1Oth, lord of 1Oth, their significations, Guna
Satwik/Rajasik/Tamasik, and the signs involved, decide the profession by which the native will
pull through during his life time. Weakness of planets involved in this connection indicate
breaks/failures professionally.

If Sun and Mars are strongly connected with the 10th by conjunction within 10th or aspect etc.,
the native will be wielding powers as the Commander of the Armed Force. If Saturn and Mars
are so placed, native's profession will be something in the midst of Armed Forces in War Zone.

If Pisces or Cancer happens to be the 1Oth with Venus and Jupiter together in there, the native
will attain Salvation. If Rahu/Ketu is in such 1Oth, the native will perform pilgrimages of the
highest order.
Labha Bhava
nth House

If the lord of 11th and the significator for gains Jupiter are benefic, well placed and/or
the native will gain happiness and income; if malefic and not so well placed, misery and
sorrow are indicated.

Sun in 11th denotes income from King/Government

Moon....................................... .mother and through agriculture
Mars........................................ .land, brother, courageous acts
Mercury................................... .business, trade
Jupiter. .................................... .writing, teaching, good deeds, etc.
Venus........................................honourable professions, ladies
Saturn......................................service under others
Rahu.........................................dealings/professions connected with
Ketu......................................... .begging
When more than one planet is standing in the 11th,
determine the effects with reference to the strongest among the lot.

If lord of Asdt and Rahu are connected with the 11th, standing in 11th or
associated with the lord of 11th,
gains through
theft/robbery are indicated.
If lord of 1Oth and Saturn. ..................................... .gains due to which
the native loses honour and self-respect.
If Mercury conjunct malefic.....................................gains through
unrighteous ways.
If lord of 1Oth and Rahu ......................................... .bondage and gains
If lord of Asdt has benefic association
or benefic Yogas.................................................the native will be
earning through own efforts, the gain
being proportionate
to the strength of the lord of Ascendant

The lord of 11th, the 11th house, and the significatorJupiter have all to be
considered for delineating the effects relating to the 11th house.

Lord of the 2nd from the Ascendant or the Moon-sign whichever is stronger,
standing in own house or 8th or 9th indicates increased wealth. Similarly, the
lord of 4th in the 9th indicates gain of conveyances, depending on the strength of
the planet, status of the horoscope, the type of conveyance depending on the
signs involved. Similarly, a strong lord of 5 in 9th indicates not only gain (or birth)
of children, but also gains and happiness through children. Likewise, a strong
lord of 10th in 9th indicates gain of kingdom; strong lord of 9th in 9th indicates
gain of worldly enjoyments and prosperity; strong Mercury in 9th indicates gains
through business/trade; Venus in 9th denotes gain of high class jewels; Moon
and Mars together in 9th denote gain of land.

Lord of Asdt and Mercury in 11th indicate advanced studies.

Lord of 10th standing in 11th on vargothamamsa or on pushkara or aspected by

both Mars and Moon indicate gains without much effort, like a brokeroron the

If, either the lord of Ascendant and/or strong Moon is hemmed in between
lords of 9th and 1Oth, gains without much effort is indicated.

Note : We are all aware of the Subha madhya stithi or paapamadhya stithi
(hemmed in between benefics!malefics).
In the book entitled Jataka Yogavali, the learned author, advocated that the stay
of a planet in-between a lord of a quadrant and lord of a trine, is good.

In the preceding sloka, the author says that the stay of lord of Asdt in
between lords of 9th and 10th confers
Aprayatna Dhana Labha, gains for which little effort is needed.
Vyaya Bhava
12th House

IfMoon and Mars ae together in rgw 12th house, expenses of the native will be in the
right directions.
Malefics in 12th denote wasteful expenses and losses.

The difference in the strength of lord of 11th and lord of 12th should be
considered in particular while making predictions concerning the labha and vyaya

The channels in which expenses are incurred by natives depend on planets

posited in the 12th, on the following lines :-

Moon in 12th denotes expenses on enjoyments

Sun and/or Mars........................ .King/Govt
Mercury..................................... .business
Jupiter. ....................................... .religion/charity
Saturn. ........................................ .gambling
Rahu ........................................... .losses by theft
Ketu ............................................ .expenses on poison

If the planets posited in the 12th and lord thereof are benefic, the native will go to
heaven after death; if malefic, to hell.

lfthe lord of 12th is in exaltation, moola-trikona, own house or in friendly house

aspected by the lord of Asdt the native
stands to enjoy in many ways, including good looking girls, costly food, clothes,
wealth, own house, own conveyances, high status and expenses on charity. If
lord of 9th or Jupiter aspects the lord of 12th, the expenses will be more on
charity and public good. Malefic aspects on lord of 12th indicate expenses in the
wrong directions and losses on gambling, losses by theft etc.

Predictions concerning each of the 12 houses in a horoscope have to be made

with references to the 12 houses counted from the house under consideration; in
other words, if the 2nd house is being looked at, consideration should be given
to the 12 houses reckoned from the 2nd; and likewise for all the other houses
as well. Thus, there are actually 144 houses in a horoscope,@ 12 per bhava.
Note : This method has been advocated in sloka 73 page 36 of Jataka

About the Author and Source

As usual, Kerala the state from Sage Parasara hailed has contributed one more great soul
in KKN. The translator after B Suryanaraha Rao, has been a great exponent and devotee
of Swami Sivananda. He donated the books to Sivananda ashram. Mr NN Krishna Rao,
though from Kerala, studied in Warangal and added the suffix Rao along with. VB
Choudry had translated a few of his works. His Brihat Parasara Hora was the I st work
done in English in 1959. R Santhanam did meet his son U K Iyer in 1984 and started his
works which are now the benchmark in some of the titles.

U K Iyer had published some of the books from time to time like his sister late Uma but
as the only surviving member of the family and a good software programmer as well, has
been generous enough to publish these works on the net for the benefit of all Jyotish
lovers. The language used in these texts is very modem and apt for the time and has made
the "desha, kala, paristhiti" rule well a lot better than later work of sri R Santhanam. A
cursory reading will surely keep you using it for future readings. This online resource is
available at:
(From a mail posted in AlA Yahoo group by the Astrologer GB Prashant Kumar)

... ooo-

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