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1. Watch films at night. I think there' s a lot of people in the world watching movies every day,
watching movies not only helps us relax after a tiring day of work but also help us learn a lot of
life lessons
2. Listen to music. Honestly, music is an integral part of my life and i think a lot of people are too.
Music helps us feel relaxed, released by the words and rhythms, it also drives our motivation.
3. Take a bath. I' m interested in soaking in hot tubs and singing songs in the bathroom. The bath
helps me feel washed away and stressed, with quiet moments alone


I want to learn technology courses. First, I need a modern computer. Second, I need to find out what
courses before registration. Third, I have to find some knowledge myself before i learn . Last, I have to
be serious about studying and concentrating on my studies to achieve my goals


My family has 5 members. The member i love most in my family and the most important person to me is
my mother. My mother is 51 years old and now she is a housewife, in the past my mother used to be a
soldier. In my eyes, she was the most beautiful woman. She was a very kind and caring person.
Sometimes she gets angry for no reason, but she is a mother who loves me very much. The second
person in my family I love so much is my niece. My niece is a year and a half year old and she is learning
to speak. She's very cute and mischievous. She has a chubby appearance and beady eyes looks lovely.
She's incredibly smart and agile. She's also a good kid. The last person I love and the person I most
cherish in my life after my mother. He was my dear father who had died. I have very few memories of
my father, most of what I know about him is due to the words from everyone around me. Most of my
relatives or neighbors said my father was a kind and simple man. He was very generous and calm. He
looks tall and healthy. It's true that my father was very handsome and in good form. I didn't have much
time with my dad, but he was very strict with me. My father was a soldier like my mother. They worked
in the same unit and then they got married. But the cancer that took everything, my life would have
been perfect if my father had been with me. My father always taught me, "Always be a kind and
responsible person." So I always try to be a person like my dad.


The earth is warming every day, we are facing many epidemics and natural disasters. We live on a planet
with many threats, all of which comes from ourselves. The reasons that most of us know but we still try
to ignore them and continue to impact the environment. The environment is becoming increasingly
polluted and the situation is deteriorating. But we can still change those negative things from today.
Start with the simplest things like throwing garbage in the right place, not littering indiscriminately, and
not wasting reusable items. No indiscriminate deforestation, no hunting of animals. Instead of using
plastic bags to store things when shopping, we can replace them with caton covers or fabric bag.We
should walk instead of using transportation. We should also plant more trees for fresh air. It is advisable
to prevent factories from releasing toxins into the environment and take strong measures to treat them.
Each of us should build good habits to protect the planet more beautiful and greener.

I think buying local food is better than buying non-local food. Firstly, local food is always cheaper. Local
food doesn't cost too much to transport, so it's always cheaper than non-local food. There are also food
imported from abroad that are very expensive because of biotechnology and modern planting
methods.Local food always feels more familiar. This is thing that local food can't do. The taste of home
or the food is too familiar to the locals. Local food is always clean and does not use preservatives.
Compared to non-local food, local food is always grown naturally such as vegetables, tubers, fruits
without the use of any chemicals, the transportation is also shorter than the shipping distance of non-
local food so there is no need for preservatives. Like farmers who sell vegetables, they always go to
harvest when they are fresh and immediately put them on the market to sell. Here's my choice, what
about you?


- My home: By 2050, I think my home will be incredibly modern and luxurious when it can have a
rooftop plane park, an automated garage that makes it easy to choose our car and automatically
wash our cars for us. We will not spend effort when we go home to think about what to eat
today, the refrigerator will rely on the available food to choose dishes, then there will be
automatic cooking equipment. We also do not have to choose the color gamut for the wall in
each room, smart devices will do it.
- Travel: Traveling will also be easier when there are automated shuttles without a driver. Instead
of renting a car as before, we can choose the car on the system ourselves and pay directly to the
supplier on the online web. Or we can also travel on an unmanned ship, which will automatically
take us anywhere with simple operations. Air travel will also be more convenient because there
are many airports, we will not have to travel long distances to get to the city with the airport.
- Entertaiment: Entertainment will become even more convenient when there is a TV that
automatically selects movie lists for us, they will rely on your personality and preferences to
choose the right movies, then by integrating the voice we can easily watch movies. Besides,
modern devices such as phones or speakers will automatically select a list of songs that suit your
mood that day. Gaming will also be great when the computer has a virtual super-reality mode,
which makes us feel like we are living in a game.

I would like to visit Santorini. It's a beautiful island like heaven that you have to go to once in your life.
One of the reasons I wanted to come to this place because it was so beautiful and poetic. The first thing
I want to do when I get here is walk around the streets of Santorini. The streets here are really unique,
with simple architecture but not boring. Houses with white main colors are arranged side by side
prominently against the blue sky that will make us extremely excited. The second thing I definitely can't
miss when I come here is watching the sunset. The beautiful sunset on the islands is not in dispute but in
Santorini brings a strangely passionate sunset. Sitting in the ruins of Santorini Castle to watch the sun set
over windmills gives you incredible caldera views. I'm definitely going to take some pictures with the
sunset at sea here. The third thing I'm going to do is go shopping in Fira. Fira is the busiest of the towns
in Santorini with cruise ships arriving here at the port and passengers taking gondola boats or tricking
them out of the water. This would be the ideal place to give yourself souvenirs. The last thing I'm going
to do is explore Megalohori. In the town of Megalohori, there is a private villa with its own swimming
pool. This town feels like a place where the locals live.I will have the opportunity to shop for local food
and wine. What about you, which country do you want to go to the most?

My favorite music singer is Thinh Suy, he is an indie singer in Vietnam. Currently indie music is quite
popular among young people and is on the rise. I like him because his music is very simple and honest
like who he is, his music has a bit of nostalgia and sometimes wit. Another reason that I really like his
music is that it is very strange and catchy, not easily duplicated or found in other artists. The lyrics and
melodies are easy to remember.His favorite song was "Listen to You," a country song that I liked from
the very first tunes. His music has helped me have a different perspective on life, since listening to his
music I see my life more colorful. In addition, listening to his music helps me feel relaxed after a tiring
day. Thank you for blowing a new breath into the Vietnamese music scene.

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