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My Speech Topic Cultural traits or values of Igorots in some places of the Cordillera


My Speech Purpose To Inform

My Speech Title Cultural Values Of The Igorots

Cultural Values Of The Igorots

Greetings to each and everyone,welcome and thank you for coming in this event. Let me ask a few
questions first before I start my speech. Let me ask if you have been here in Sagada many times? How
about in any place here in the Cordillera? What values have you noticed or heard among the Igorots
while you were here? Well, if it's your first time in here, I am glad to share two cultural traits that we
apply here in our place,the "inayan and lawa".

Let's talk about the "inayan" first. “Inayan” means to hold back or to prevent an individual from doing
something unpleasant towards others or things, living and non-living. A deeper investigation of the word
in language culture indicates the word connotes “fear of a Supreme Deity called Kabunian (god) who
forewarns or dissuades one from doing anything harmful to others and things. So how will you apply
"inayan" in your life?Let me give you some examples about this on how we apply it. It is Inayan to
destroy or overuse and abuse any of God’s creation because others will also need the resources. It is
Inayan if we don’t listen to the advices of parents and elders because they know what is best for their
children. It is Inayan to curse because your curse might happen to the family instead. It is Inayan for
couples to fight in front of their children. The children might not show respect towards the parents. So,
that's how we apply "inayan".

How about "lawa"? "Lawa" in general means or saying“thats bad”. Practically "Inayan and Lawa" mean
the same though “lawa” has deeper inclinations into the traditions and ritual practices in Sagada.For
example,It is bad to bring home things from a burned house. So when a house burns down, the owners
are assured that recovered things will not be brought home by anybody since it’s believed that such acts
will bring the same tragedy to the house where the things are brought home. It is bad to tell lies, it is
bad to steal things that do not belong to you. That's how we apply "lawa". You can say "lawa sas ik-
ikan",if you ever encounter some of the situations I mentioned.

These two cultural traits came from the knowledge of the "a-amam-a" or the elders. These traits helped
us to have fear in doing bad habits and kept us from harm. “Lawa and inayan” embodies all virtues and
morals of tribal members –humility, truthfulness, fidelity, honesty, and commitment, among others.
Through these values, we have learned to be a good person and a good example to others also. I believe
that these traits can help you someday if you embody or apply it in your life. These values are what
make us a true Igorot. This is also a proof that even when christianity was not yet introduced at that
time, there were those who lived uprightly among the Igorot tribe, inspite of the many criticisms about
us. I hope you enjoyed listening and hoping that you have learned something about our cultural values.

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