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Spice up your kitchen

Playing with digital platform, MAGGI takes the
After triggering moms with #CookingSutra on Google search, we
chance to inspire and empower Vietnamese
drive them to our official website where they can find the full Cooking
moms, making homemade cooking more
Sutra. It's a set of recipes sexily created to spice up women's kitchens,
meaningful and enjoyable as it has become quite
inspiring them (and their partners) to enjoy cooking more than ever.
a routine and hardly feels like an experience that
they aspire to in life.

Women sometimes find cooking boring and
uninspiring because they lack of something fun
in the kitchen. Meanwhile, they are secretly
attracted to other stuff, SEX for example.

IDEA Also, we have the

#CookingSutra app which
Spice up your kitchen allows women to interact by
scanning any MAGGI’s OOH,

with #CookingSutra prints... showing food to find its

recipe in the Cooking Sutra.

MAGGI will not only spice up your meals but also

your cooking life. We are making homemade cooking HOW IT WORKS 3.
more inspiring and sexier than ever by treating it as Later, the online #CookingSutra
an activity which women would care - SEX. 1. comes to life in a form of a real
Join hands with Google so that every time moms book. MAGGI will give it to
Adding some fun, giving some tips, we can spice up search for any recipe, Google will suggest consumer as a unique promotion
their kitchens, literally and metaphorically. Who can #CookingSutra to them by one of its best-known gift, let them be inspired, snap
resist such enjoyable homemade cooking, huh? features “Did you mean: #CookingSutra” and talk about it.

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