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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .............................................................................................i.

List of Figures ................................................................................................... ii.
Introduction ........................................................................................1.

Project Methodology ..........................................................................1.

Gather and Review Background Information ..............................................1.
Land Cover Classification ...........................................................................9.
Aerial Photo Interpretation ..........................................................................9.
Field Evaluation ........................................................................................10.
MLCCS Modifiers......................................................................................10.
Natural Community Quality Assessment...................................................13.

Land Cover Classification Results .............................................................15.

Natural Resource Inventory Results ................................................21.

Recommendations ...........................................................................38.
Conceptual Greenways/Open Space Corridors ........................................38.
Recommended Additional Rare Plant Surveys .........................................40.
Sites to Consider for Proactive Management/Protection...........................44.
Other Potential Uses for the MLCCS/NRI Information ..............................46.

Appendix A Plant Community Survey Data: Site Descriptions and Species Lists
Appendix B Land Cover Summary Tables
Appendix C Abbreviated MLCCS User Manual
Appendix D Glossary of Technical Terms

List of Figures

Fig. 1 Hennepin County, Minnesota ...................................................................2.

Fig. 2 Vegetation at the time of European Settlement ........................................4.

Fig. 3 City of Maple Grove National

Wetlands Inventory...................................................................................5.

Fig. 4 City of Maple Grove Soils Map .................................................................6.

Fig. 5 County Biological Survey Sites.................................................................8.

Fig. 6 City of Maple Grove Level 1

Land Cover Classification.......................................................................18.

Fig. 7 City of Maple Grove Level 3 Land Cover Classification..........................19.

Fig. 8 Natural Areas .........................................................................................22.

Fig. 9 City of Maple Grove Conceptual

Greenway Corridor Alignment ................................................................39.

Fig. 10 Natural Areas with Potential

For Rare Species ...................................................................................42.

Fig. 11 Species List Identification Number……………………………………..…..43.

In 2003, Hennepin County Dept. of Environmental Services (HCDES) retained
Bonestroo Natural Resources to conduct land cover classification mapping and a
natural areas assessment within the City of Maple Grove, in Hennepin County,
Minnesota. Figure 1 on the following page shows the project location. The project was
conducted in cooperation with the City of Maple Grove, with funding assistance from
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

The purpose of the project was to classify land cover for the City of Maple Grove
(22,424 acres) and to assess the relative ecological quality of the City’s remaining
natural areas by performing on-the-ground vegetation surveys. Land cover mapping
was accomplished using the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS),
Version s5.4 developed by the MN DNR and its partners.

On-the-ground vegetation surveys were accomplished using a system adapted from

classification and qualitative assessment methods developed by the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Program. Field work for this
inventory was conducted August- December 2004 and January- April 2005.

Project Methodology
Gather and Review Background Information
To provide a more detailed understanding of the study area, available information on
natural resource features was gathered and reviewed by ecologists from Bonestroo
Natural Resources. This data included presettlement vegetation, Minnesota DNR
biological survey information for Hennepin County, wetland and water resource
information, and the Hennepin County soil survey. These data layers are described in
detail in the following text:

Vegetation at the Time of Settlement

According to the original land survey notes (compiled in Minnesota between 1853 and
1856), the presettlement vegetation of what is now north-central Hennepin County was
comprised primarily of maple-basswood forest (referred to as “Big Woods”), with small
inclusions of wet prairie and lakes. Occasional tamarack bogs were also recorded.
Oak openings and barrens (oak savanna and oak woodland-brushland and prairie
were more common in eastern Hennepin County.

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September 2005
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September 2005
From the original land survey notes, it is apparent that the City of Maple Grove was
dominated mostly by Big Woods, with drier oak-aspen land to the northeast and oak
openings in the eastern portions of the city. There is also a small portion of dry prairie
to the southeastern portion of the city. Figure 2 shows the vegetation of the area
around the time of Euro American settlement.

National Wetlands Inventory

The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) is a national assessment of wetland
resources, conducted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service between 1988
and 1992 within the state of Minnesota. The NWI survey was based strictly on aerial
photography reconnaissance and interpretation, and is therefore less accurate than
the field-verified survey information collected for this project. However, the NWI
coverage is useful in giving an estimate of the extent (i.e. approximate geographic
location) and type (i.e. system, hydrologic regime, and predominant vegetation types)
of wetlands within the city. Figure 3 shows the NWI for Maple Grove.

Hennepin County Soil Survey

Figure 4 shows the soils for Maple Grove. A digital version of the Soil Survey of
Hennepin County was used to assess the historic and current soil types that occur
within the city. The soils of north-central Hennepin County are predominantly fine
textured silt loams and clay loams, which tend to support mesic native plant
communities in the uplands (such as mesic oak forest, maple basswood forest, and
mesic prairie).

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September 2005
These soils are also well-suited for agricultural crops such as corn and soybeans, as
well as pasture lands. In addition, poorly drained landscape depressions occur
frequently in this portion of northeastern Hennepin County, and tend to support
hydrophytic vegetation (i.e., wetland plants such as sedges, grasses, rushes, and
wetland herbs) and organic soil accumulation.

According to the soil survey, the predominant upland soil types within the City of
Maple Grove include Hamel overwash/Hamel complex, and morainic Lester and
Angus loams. Common hydric soils within the city include: Cordova loam, Houghton
loam and Muskego loam. During the land cover classification process, the soil survey
is very useful in determining if land cover types occur on hydric (i.e., poorly drained or
wet) or non-hydric (i.e., well-drained or upland) soils, especially when classifying
cropland and herbaceous vegetation types.

Minnesota County Biological Survey

In 1998, the Minnesota County Biological Survey (MCBS) conducted a comprehensive
inventory of remaining high quality natural communities and rare plant and animal
species within Hennepin, Carver, and Scott Counties (MCBS, 1998). Although much
of the remnant natural vegetation within the City of Maple Grove was reviewed through
aerial photography and cursory ground surveys during that inventory, a small subset of
these remnants was of high enough quality to be surveyed in detail and included in the
county biological survey. Other remnants were either too degraded or too small in size
to be considered of high enough quality for inclusion in the survey. Within the City of
Maple Grove, six natural community polygons were recorded by the county biological
survey. This includes:

• Six Maple-Basswood Forests (Big Woods) (Sections 20, 21, 28, 29, 32, and 33)

The MCBS survey of Maple Grove lists six rare animal occurrences including: Arcadian
Flycatcher Empidonax virescens, Trumpeter Swan Cygnus buccinator, Henslow’s Sparrow
Ammodramus henslowii, Blanding’s Turtle Emydidea blandingii, Pugnose Shiner Notropis
anogenus, and Bald Eagle Haliaetus leucocephalus.

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September 2005
Land Cover Classification
MLCCS Background
The MLCCS methodology, Version 5.4 was used to classify land cover within Maple
Grove. A brief explanation of the method and its application to this project is provided
below. The complete MLCCS methodology is provided as an Appendix to this report,
or can be viewed/downloaded on the MN DNR web site at the following address: .

MLCCS provides a five-level hierarchical system of land cover codes to describe

natural and cultural land cover types. Natural land cover types include areas such as
forests, prairies, wetlands, shrublands, and other similar areas. Cultural land cover
types are areas that can be thought of as developed or substantially impacted by
humans. These typically include paved (impervious) areas, agricultural fields,
pastures and frequently manipulated grasslands, quarries, and others.

Progression through each of the five levels of the system represents an increased
level of detail in land cover classification. In this framework, Level 1 is the least
detailed and Level 5 is the most detailed. For the purposes of this project, all land
cover within the city was classified to the greatest level of detail practical (Level 4 and
Level 5 in most cases).

Aerial Photo Interpretation/Remote Sensing

In 2004, ecologists from Bonestroo Natural Resources began remote interpretation
and preliminary delineation of cover type boundaries, using electronic copies of 2000
black and white DOQs and 2003 full color FSA aerials. 1994 MN DNR 1:15,840 scale,
color infrared aerial photographs were also used as an aid to remotely sense
vegetation type and natural community structure. The preliminary linework was
provided to HCDES staff in a digital format.

HCDES staff then plotted 2003 true-color low altitude aerial photographs for each
section (square mile) of land within the City of Maple Grove for use as base maps.
These were printed at a scale of 1”=200’. Available electronic data layers such as the
National Wetlands Inventory, the Hennepin County Soil Survey, geopolitical
boundaries, parcel boundaries, transportation information, DNR Natural Heritage
(MCBS) data, and Hennepin County Wetland Inventory information were also printed
on these plotted photos.

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September 2005
Field Evaluation
In January of 2004, field checking of land cover classifications began. During field
review of areas, the preliminary, 5-digit MLCCS code assigned to any particular
area/polygon was verified or modified, if necessary. In addition, other pertinent data
was recorded using MLCCS Modifiers and Field Check Levels (see below).

MLCCS Modifier Codes

Several ‘classes’ of MLCCS modifiers were assessed in the field while conducting the
land cover classification of Maple Grove. These modifiers were assessed based on
the methodology and definitions provided in the MLCCS training manual (Appendix B).
Once assessed, the modifier values were entered into the GIS database for each land
cover polygon.

Land Use Modifier

The M_2xx modifiers were developed to identify and describe land use. Seven
categories of land use modifiers are available through MLCCS, of which 4 were used
either wholly or partially in this inventory: 23x Transportation (roads and Railroads);
24x Open Space Use; 25x Pavement; and 26x, Farm modifiers.

Natural Community Quality Modifier (M_34x)

The M_34x modifier was developed as part of MLCCS methodology as a cursory
method to assess the general natural quality of natural community and semi-natural
land cover types. The natural plant community sites can be given a natural quality
ranking, based on the DNR's Natural Heritage's Element Occurrence Ranking
Guidelines* (EOR). This modifier has four general categories: High Quality Natural
Community (A), Good Quality Natural Community (B), Moderate Condition Natural
Community (C), and Poor Condition Natural Community (D). However, the
assessment method is based on general ecological variables, and is applied in the
same manner for all natural community types. The following is the description of the
M_34x modifier from the MLCCS training manual:

A = highest quality natural community, no disturbances and natural processes intact. Site
must be visited entirely or partially to accurately assess its natural quality at this level
(fld_level = 3 or 4).


City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 10
September 2005
B = good quality natural community. Has its natural processes intact, but shows signs of
past human impacts. Low levels of exotics. Site must be visited entirely or partially to
accurately assess its natural quality at this level (fld_level = 3 or 4).

C = moderate condition natural community with obvious past disturbance but is still clearly
recognizable as a native community. Not dominated by weedy species in any layer.
Minimally, the site must be visited from the edge to accurately assess its natural quality at
this level (fld_level = 2, 3 or 4).

D = poor condition of a natural community. Includes some natives, but is dominated by

non-natives and/or is widely disturbed and altered. Herbaceous communities may be
assessed with this ranking from a distance (fld_level = 1) if large masses of invasive
species are present and the entire community is visible.

Invasive Species Modifiers (M_4xx)

The M_4xx modifiers represent invasive plant species occurring within land cover
polygons. For the purpose of this project, the percent cover of each species of interest
was estimated (rather than simply providing a presence/absence value as specified in
the MLCCS training manual, see Appendix B). These species are important to track
due to their invasive nature and potential threats to native plant communities and
biological diversity of native habitats. The cover classes used to assess invasive
species aerial cover (i.e. as viewed from above) is a follows:

Cover Class/Estimated Percent Cover for Invasive Species

Cover Class Description
Unknown, or if field checked,
plants not observed
1 Observed, unknown quality
2 1 to 5% coverage
3 6 to 25% coverage
4 26 to 50 % coverage
5 51 to 75% coverage
6 76 to 100% coverage

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September 2005
The following is a list of invasive plant species and their associated modifier numbers
that were recorded for aerial coverage within land cover polygons within the City of
Maple Grove:

Modifier Number Common Name Scientific Name

M_402 Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria

M_406 Narrow-leaf Cattail Typha angustifolia
M_408 Common Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica
Reed Canary Grass Phalaris arundinacea

Tartarian Honeysuckle Lonicera [tatarica]

Garlic mustard Alliaria petiolata

Smooth Brome Bromus inermis

Spotted Knapweed Centaurea maculosa

Exotic Thistle Cirsium genus

Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila

Phragmites Phragmites australis

Grecian Foxglove Digitalis lanata

Amur Maple Acer ginnala

Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia

Absinthe Sage Artemisia absinthium

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September 2005
Field-check Level
A field-check level modifier was assigned to all polygons. The field-check level
indicates the degree to which an individual polygon was checked in the field during the
land cover assessment. Most polygons were visited at least partially (i.e. field check
levels 3, 4), while cultural areas (20xxx and 10xxx codes) were viewed from the edge
(field check level 2) or from a short distance (field check level 1). In rare cases, such
as interior wetlands that were not accessible or where property access was denied, a
site may have a field check level of 0 (not checked). The following is a list of field
check modifier values and their associated description:

Field Check Level Description

4 Visited Entirely
3 Visited Partially
2 Viewed From Edge
1 Viewed From a Distance
0 Not Checked

Natural Community Quality Assessment

During the field checking of natural community land cover types, the project ecologist
assessed the overall ecological quality of natural vegetation remnants using a
standardized method developed by the MN DNR Natural Heritage Program. For the
purposes of this project, certain minimum standard criteria that are part of this
qualitative ranking methodology were not used. A specific example would be the
minimum size (area) standard where the minimum threshold established by the DNR
for most natural communities would prevent inclusion of many smaller natural areas
that occur within the study area.

Search for Rare Plant Species

Where natural areas occur, particularly those of better quality, there is the potential for
the occurrence of rare species. Due to budget constraints, targeted rare plant
searches were not included in this survey, although Bonestroo ecologists remained
alert to the possible presence of rare plants, especially in high quality natural
communities. It is important to note that while no rare plant species were encountered
during the inventory, there are two past records for American Ginseng (Panax
quinquefolius) in the city, and there is a good likelihood that rare species are still
present especially in high quality sites.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 13
September 2005
The following are lists of potential rare plant species, by habitat type, that are thought
by plant ecologists at Bonestroo Natural Resources to have the potential to occur
within the City of Maple Grove’s moderate to good quality plant community remnants.
It is important to note that while this list is provided as a reference, it is not a
comprehensive list of rare species that have the potential to occur in the City of Maple

It is also worth noting that some rare/highly uncommon plants tend to be found in
specific types of transitional habitat that may appear to be disturbed. For instance, lily-
leaved twayblade orchid tends to be found in dry woodland edges that have been
recently colonized by brush, and which were formerly old fields dominated by non-
native, cool season pasture grasses. Those species that are rare but are capable of
colonizing select disturbed areas should also be taken into account when considering
whether an additional search is warranted on a property. We recommend that an
experienced plant ecologist be consulted when considering whether an additional
search is warranted in natural/semi-natural areas threatened by development.

Oak/Maple Basswood Forest:

Common Name Scientific Name Minnesota Status
Handsome sedge Carex formosa Endangered
Plantain-leaved sedge Carex plantaginea Endangered
Big tick-trefoil Desmodium cuspidatum Special Concern
Stemless tick-trefoil Desmodium nudiflorum Special Concern
Goldie’s fern Dryopteris goldiana Special Concern
One-flowered broomrape Orobanche uniflora Special Concern
Wild Panax Panax quinquefolia Special Concern
Snow trillium Trillium nivale Special Concern

Wet Meadow:
Common Name Scientific Name Minnesota Status
Marginated rush Juncus marginatus Special Concern
Small white lady’s slipper Cypripedium candidum Special Concern
Club-spur orchid Platanthera clavellata Endangered
Cross-leaved milkwort Polygala cruciata Endangered
Tall nut rush Scleria triglomerata Endangered
Lance leaved violet Viola lanceolata Threatened
Twisted yellow eyed grass Xyris torta Endangered

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 14
September 2005
Mixed Emergent Marsh:
Common Name Scientific Name Minnesota Status
Water willow Decodon verticillatus Special Concern
Walter’s barnyard grass Echinochloa walteri Tracked by DNR (Non-listed)

Cattail Marsh:
Common Name Scientific Name Minnesota Status
Water willow Decodon verticillatus Special Concern

Lowland Hardwood Forest:

Common Name Scientific Name Minnesota Status
Handsome sedge Carex formosa Endangered
Snow trillium Trillium nivale Special Concern


Land cover was classified to a minimum of Levels 4 and 5 for the entire City of Maple
Grove (22,424 acres). One hundred forty-one unique land cover codes were used to
describe 2,715 individual land cover polygons within the city. Polygon size ranged
from .02 acres (Altered/non-native saturated soils deciduous forest) to 578.5 acres
(mines with 0-10% impervious surface).

The most common land cover types within the city are codes in the 10,000 series
which include residential areas, farmsteads, commercial lands, and other land with
greater than four percent impervious surfaces (11,158 acres, 50% of total land cover.).
The other cultural land cover type, codes in the 20,000 series, consists of planted and
maintained vegetation types. This includes agricultural crops, hayfields, and pastures
and covers 3,374 acres in all, comprising 15% of the total land cover).

Of the natural and semi-natural (non-native species dominated) land cover types,
herbaceous vegetation types (codes in the 60000 series) were most prevalent with a
total of 3,706 acres (17%). This cover type series includes natural communities such
as wet meadows, cattail marshes, rich fens, mixed emergent marshes, prairies, as well
as non-native dominated cover types such as reed-canary grass dominated wetlands,
agricultural old-fields, and other fallow land.

Forest cover represents an important part of Maple Grove’s natural areas land cover,
comprising 2,067 acres (9%) of the city’s land cover. Native dominated/remnant forest

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 15
September 2005
cover types (codes in the 30000 series) within the city included native community
remnants such as maple-basswood forest, oak forest, lowland hardwood forest, and
floodplain forest. Non-native forest types within the city were predominantly disturbed
second growth forest types comprised of elm, box elder, ash, cottonwood, with
occasional basswood, maple, and oak.

Open water land cover types (90000’s) accounted for 1,740 acres (8%) of the land
cover in the city. Important lakes within the City of Maple Grove include Rice Lake,
Eagle Lake, Weaver Lake and Weaver Lake Knolls, and Fish Lake. In addition, there
are several smaller lakes, including one in Elm Creek Park Reserve (Mud Lake). Of
these, Rice Lake is the largest, at nearly 251 acres. All of these water bodies are
important resources for the city and should be afforded appropriate safeguards to
maintain or improve their quality.

Woodlands (codes in the 40,000 series) comprise just 264 acres (1%) of the city’s land
cover. Approximately 192 acres is degraded deciduous woodland dominated by elm,
box elder, ash, and cottonwood, or less commonly red cedar woodland and second
growth oak woodland/brushland. The remainder of the woodland is oak woodland with
varying amounts of brush encroachment.

Shrublands (50,000’s) comprised 99 acres (0.4%) of the land cover. The majority of
this cover type was associated with wetland systems and also commonly had
significant presence of nonnative species, such as reed canary grass.

The Chart on the following pages summarizes the Level One cover by percent of total
land cover. Figures 6 and 7 depict land cover for the City of Maple Grove at the most
general level (MLCCS Level 1) and Level 3 (moderate detail). In addition, a digital
version of the land cover data has been provided to the staff for the City of Maple
Grove, MN DNR, Metropolitan Council and Hennepin County Department of
Environmental Services in a format that can be used within a geographic information
system (GIS). Summaries for cover type data are also included as Appendix B at the
back of this report.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 16
September 2005
Spars e Vegetation
Herbaceo us Vegetatio n 0%

Open Water



Fores ts

Artificial Surface
P lanted, Maintained or
Cultivated Vegetatio n

MLCCS Level 1 land cover for Maple Grove, MN

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September 2005
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September 2005
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September 2005
Throughout the City of Maple Grove, 296 individual natural community remnants,
covering a total of 1,852.2 acres were identified (not including open water). Of these
278 were field checked and assessed for their ecological quality. These remnants
represent 26 distinct natural community types (11 forest types, 1 woodland type, 2
shrublands types, 11 herbaceous wetland types, and 1 upland grassland type), as well
as areas of open water (lakes and ponds). The following is a summary of each natural
community type, with general descriptions of the community and quality rankings
occurring within the City. A figure summarizing the location of natural areas identified
in the city can be found on the following page as Figure 8.

Oak Forests (All subtypes)

(MLCCS Code 32110, 32112/ 337.6 Total Acres)
Within Maple Grove, 62 oak forest remnants were documented totaling 337.6 acres.
The most common of these was oak forest of unspecified subtype (38 occurrences
totaling 169.1 acres). The only other oak forest documented in the City of Maple
Grove was mesic oak forest (24 occurrences totaling 168.5 acres). Oak forest
remnants ranged in size from 0.8 acres to 27.6 acres in size.

Northern red oaks (Quercus rubra), white oaks

(Quercus alba), or bur oaks (Quercus
macrocarpa) dominate mesic stands of oak
forest. These stands occur on sites that had
fewer severe fires before European settlement
than the sites on which dry mixed oak forest
occurs. These mesic stands most likely were
always forest, rather than woodland or
savanna. They have tall (> 20 meters),
straight, single-stemmed trees that lack
spreading lower branches. Commonly, mesic
fire-sensitive tree species are present with the
oaks in these stands, especially in the
understory. These species include basswood
(Tilia americana), green ash (Fraxinus
americana), bitternut hickory, big-toothed
Oak Forest at William O’Brien State
aspen (Populus grandidentata), and butternut. Park, Washington County, MN

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September 2005
The shrub layer in mesic stands is sparser than in dry stands and, correspondingly,
the forb layer is denser and more diverse and there are more graminoid species. Like
the drier stands, however, there is little oak regeneration, and most mesic oak forests
appear to be succeeding to maple-basswood forest. Heavy selective logging of the
oaks in mesic stands may accelerate this trend, producing young stands of maple-
basswood forest. The mesic stands often grade into drier stands of maple-basswood
forest, but differ from them by having a somewhat denser shrub layer and the herbs
woodrush (Luzula acuminata) and pointed-leaved tick-trefoil (Desmodium glutinosum)
in their understory.

Natural stands of mesic oak forest are rare in Minnesota. In much of Minnesota, drier
stands are more common, in part because relative to the mesic forests they occur on
sites with soils less suitable for cultivation.

Maple Basswood Forest (MLCCS Code 32150 / 624.7 Total Acres)

Eighty-two maple-basswood forest remnants were documented within the city. The
sizes of the maple-basswood remnants within
the city ranged from 0.9 acres to 57.1 acres in
size. Of these, five were ranked moderate to
high quality, thirty-six of moderate quality, thirty-
nine as low quality and two were not ranked due
to various reasons.

Maple-basswood forest is a mesic community of

the deciduous forest-woodland zone, especially
the portion from southeastern to west-central
Minnesota. It also occurs occasionally in the
conifer-hardwood forest zone and as isolated
stands in the prairie zone on sites well protected
from fire.

The tree canopy of Maple-basswood forests is

dominated mostly by basswoods (Tilia Maple-basswood forest in spring,
Chaska, MN
americana), sugar maples (Acer saccharum),
and (formerly) American elms (Ulmus americana). Other mesic trees, such as slippery
elms (Ulmus rubra), northern red oaks (Quercus ellipsoidalis), bur oaks (Quercus

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 23
September 2005
macrocarpa), white ashes (Fraxinus pennsylvanicum), and green ashes (Fraxinus
americanum) are sometimes dominant locally. The canopy is very dense, with tall,
straight, relatively narrow-crowned trees. The understory is multi-layered and patchy.
It is composed of saplings and seedlings of the canopy species (especially sugar
maple), along with American hornbeam, ironwood, bitternut hickory, pagoda dogwood,
and leatherwood.

Because the tree canopy permits so little light to reach the forest floor during the
summer, Maple-basswood forests have a suite of forb species that bloom, produce
seeds, and die back in May and early June before tree leaves are fully developed.
These species--the spring ephemerals and the winter annuals--include spring beauties
(Claytonia sp.), Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), trout-lilies (Erythronium
spp.), and cleavers (Galium aparine). Other herbs, such as the sedge Carex
pedunculata, bottlebrush grass (Hystrix patula), and bearded short-husk
(Brachyelytrum erectum), are commonly present in the ground-layer but usually not

Maple-basswood forest occurs only on protected sites, where catastrophic forest

crown fires were rare historically. Across most of its range, the community develops
most commonly on well-drained loamy soils that lack mottling or other evidence of
water-table levels within the tree-rooting zone. In north-central Minnesota, maple-
basswood forests develop on soils with fine-textured subsurface layers that slow the
downward movement of water and nutrients. Maple-basswood forest is a late-
successional community, tending to succeed mixed oak forest (and other forest types)
on mesic sites. It is self-perpetuating in the absence of catastrophic disturbance and
climate change because the dominant tree species readily reproduce by gap-phase
replacement. The very shade-tolerant sugar maple seedlings and saplings, especially,
may exist in a suppressed state in the understory for many years until the death of a
mature tree when one or a few grow rapidly into the canopy gap. Maple-basswood
forests often develop into old-growth forests, because catastrophic disturbances are
rare in the community and because the dominant tree species are long-lived (> 250
years). The trend in most stands of maple-basswood forest is toward greater
dominance by sugar maple.

Maple-basswood forest grades into oak forest where the frequency of fire increases in
the landscape. It grades into lowland hardwood forest in low areas where elms and
ashes become more abundant and where the water table is at least seasonally within

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 24
September 2005
the tree rooting zone. Conifers are absent or uncommon in most of the range of
maple-basswood forest, but grow with sugar maple, basswood, and other mesic
species in northeastern and southeastern Minnesota. The mixed stands in
northeastern Minnesota are classified as Northern Hardwood Forest. In southeastern
Minnesota they are classified as White-Pine Hardwood forest.

Undisturbed stands of maple-basswood forest are rare in Minnesota. The soils of

these forests were highly suitable for cultivation, and as a result much of these
presettlement communities had been cleared for cropland. Remaining stands have
often been grazed or selectively cut for lumber or fuel wood. Heavy grazing causes
compaction of the soils and the almost complete destruction of the understory,
resulting in even-aged woodlots with large mature trees in the canopy, little
reproduction, and few native shrubs and herbs. Selective logging of the less shade-
tolerant species (northern red oak, white oak, bitternut hickory, and walnut) has been
common since European settlement, and has hastened dominance by sugar maple
and basswood in many stands. The composition of the community has also been
altered throughout its range by Dutch elm disease, which has killed most of the mature
elm trees, and in many stands by the loss of interior ground layer species following
forest fragmentation. Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and Tartarian
honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) sometimes invade stands of maple-basswood forest,
but rarely attain the high densities they may have in oak forest. Maple-sugaring is one
human activity associated with maple-basswood forests that appears to have little
impact on the structure and composition of the community, as some of the best
remaining tracts of maple-basswood forest have long histories of maple sugar

Aspen Forest (MLCCS Code 32160, 32330 / 7 Total Acres)

Four Aspen Forest were documented within Maple Grove. The sizes of the aspen
forest remnants within the city ranged from 0.8 acres to 2.4 acres in size. Of these
three were ranked as low quality and one was not ranked for various reasons.

Aspen Forest occurs throughout the deciduous forest-woodland zone, with isolated
patches in the prairie zone. The community develops primarily on sites with wet,
poorly drained soils and high water tables, although the water table is usually not high
enough to affect the groundlayer composition of the community or to cause peat

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 25
September 2005
The tree canopy most often is dominated by quaking aspens. Paper birches, balsam
poplars, bur oaks, pin oaks, green ashes, or basswoods are minor canopy trees,
although they may be abundant in the understory as seedlings and saplings. On low,
poorly drained sites balsam poplars are sometimes more abundant than quaking
aspens in the tree canopy.

The understory of Aspen Forests tends to be brushy. American hazelnut is almost

always abundant in the understory. Other shrubs vary in presence and abundance
with soil moisture, which ranges from wet-mesic to dry. The groundlayer is composed
mostly of forest herbs and grasses capable of surviving in the shade under the dense
shrub layer. These species include wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis), Canada
mayflower (Maianthemum canadense), the sedge Carex pensylvanica, false melic
grass (Schizachne purpurascens), and mountain rice-grass (Oryzopsis asperifolia).

Aspen Forest is an early-successional community. With prolonged absence of fire or

other disturbances, Aspen Forests succeed to mid-successional forests composed of
the minor canopy tree species listed above. An analysis of land survey records
indicates that relatively pure stands of quaking aspen historically occurred on level
terrain rather than on rough topography, suggesting that these stands were maintained
by fire and windthrow. The aspen trees were present most commonly on somewhat
poorly drained mineral soils, especially drumlin fields and other landforms with heavy
soils, while paper birch, pin oak, and bur oak trees associated with the aspens were
probably present on local areas of better drained soils.

Plots of aspen trees from early public land survey records show that aspen also
occurred on areas of relict prairie soils within the deciduous forest-woodland zone.
These sites are now mainly forested, but the land survey records indicate that the
aspen trees previously were scattered widely enough on them to constitute woodland
rather than forest. This is consistent with the surveyors' written descriptions of these
sites, which state that they had relatively dense shrub layers dominated by American
hazelnut, and groundlayers dominated by prairie forbs and graminoids. Aspen forests
that occur on prairie soils and have prairie understories eventually may be recognized
as a subtype of Aspen Forest or as a phase of Aspen Woodland, following further
research and analysis of survey records. No sections of Aspen Forest are anticipated.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 26
September 2005
Lowland Hardwood Forest (MLCCS Code 32220 / 45.7 Total Acres)
Ten lowland hardwood forests were documented within the city. These ranged in size
from 0.5 acres to 13.9 acres. Five of these remnants were ranked as moderate quality
and four for low quality. One was not ranked for various reasons.

Lowland hardwood forest is a wet-mesic forest that is present throughout Minnesota.

It is transitional between the terrestrial and palustrine systems, occurring on sites with
seasonally high water tables (within the tree-rooting zone) but do not flood regularly
and have mineral rather than peat soils. In accordance with the poorly drained sites
on which the Lowland hardwood forests occur, species tolerant of periodic soil
saturation dominate the tree canopy. American elms and black ashes are common
canopy dominants, but most stands are mixed, with slippery elms, rock elms,
basswoods, bur oaks, hackberries, yellow birches, green ashes, black ashes, quaking
aspens, balsam poplars, and paper birches as important species. The tall-shrub layer
is usually discontinuous and is composed of a mixture of upland and lowland shrubs.
The ground layer is composed mostly of upland herbs that do not root to the water-

Lowland hardwood forest usually occurs in fire-protected areas, although even in

unprotected areas the community burns infrequently because the woody vegetation is
usually hydrated, especially in the spring. Lowland Hardwood Forest soils differ from
Hardwood Swamp Forest soils by being mineral rather than peaty and from the
mineral soils of other mesic upland forest types by being seasonally saturated (at
depths greater than 0.5 meters).

Lowland hardwood forest is often composed of late-successional species, but few

stands in Minnesota have old canopy trees, presumably because of wind throw and
infrequent episodes of killing floods. Lowland hardwood forest is topographically
transitional between upland forests and forested peatlands and is best developed on
flat terrain where such transition zones are broad (e.g., on river terraces above normal
flood levels, on loamy ground moraine, and on drumlin fields).

Floodplain Forests (MLCCS Code 32210, 32212 / 60.7 Total Acres)

Nine floodplain forests were documented within the city. Of these, one was ranked as
high quality, four for moderate quality, three for low quality and one was not ranked for
various reasons. These remnants ranged from 0.4 acres to 12.7 acres in size.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 27
September 2005
Floodplain forest is a seasonally wet forest community that occurs throughout
Minnesota on the active floodplains of major rivers and their tributary streams. The
canopy of the community is dominated by deciduous tree species tolerant of
inundation, abrasion, and other disturbances associated with flooding. The canopy is
variable in composition, either composed of a mixture of tree species or strongly
dominated by a single tree species.

The species composition of floodplain

forests varies both geographically and
in relation to such features as
substrate type or flood cycles. In
southern Minnesota, silver maples,
black willows, and cottonwoods are
common canopy dominants. They
occur either in nearly pure stands or in
mixed stands. Scattered individuals or
patches of river birch, American elm, Floodplain forest, Buffalo Co. WI (WI DNR)
slippery elm, green ash, and swamp
white oak are also common in stands in southern Minnesota.

The tree canopy cover is highly variable within floodplain forests. The canopy is
continuous in some stands while other stands have open areas caused by repeated
erosion, ice-scouring, and soil and debris deposition, all of which prevent the growth of
trees and shrubs.

In recent decades, Dutch elm disease has also caused significant canopy openings in
floodplain forests in which mature American elm trees were abundant in the canopy.
Areas beneath tree-canopy openings in the forests are either dominated by short-lived
herbaceous plants or, where erosion and disturbance from flooding tend to be
repeated and severe, remain unvegetated. The common herbaceous plants in these
open patches include those mentioned above in the floodplain forest class description.

Mixed Hardwood Swamp (MLCCS Code 32320/ 6.4 Total Acres)

One 6.4 acre mixed hardwood swamp was documented within the city and was ranked
as moderate quality

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 28
September 2005
Mixed Hardwood Swamp has a mixed canopy of hardwoods, including paper birches,
yellow birches, American elms, black ashes, red maples, quaking aspens, and green
ashes. Black ashes, although commonly present, never form more than 50% of the
canopy cover in the community. Tamarack or white pine is also occasionally co-
dominant canopy tree species. The tree canopy cover ranges from sparse to dense,
with the density of the shrub cover varying inversely with the density of the tree

Mixed Hardwood Swamp occurs most commonly on muck and shallow peat on lake
plains and floodplains. It is a long-lived community and has old-growth potential. Like
Black Ash Swamp, Mixed Hardwood Swamp varies considerably in its composition
across Minnesota. The descriptions below are for specific areas for which information

Mixed Hardwood Swamp is common in shallow wetlands, especially near upland

margins. On sites that are not too wet, Mixed Hardwood Swamp may succeed
minerotrophic Alder Swamp. Common canopy dominants in the region are tamaracks,
paper birches, red maples, yellow birches, and black ashes. Occasionally, white pines
form a patchy supercanopy above the hardwood canopy. Speckled alders and poison
sumacs are the most common shrubs. Other associated species are interrupted fern
(Osmunda claytoniana), mad-dog skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), marsh marigold
(Caltha palustris), the sedge Carex stipata, and mosses, including some sphagnum
hummocks. Mixed Hardwood Swamps on the Anoka Sandplain harbor two rare plant
species, halberd leaved tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium) and yellow bartonia
(Bartonia virginica). Mixed Hardwood Swamp is perhaps the most species-rich
community in east-central Minnesota.

Oak Woodland/Brushland (MLCCS Code 42120 / 23.5 Total Acres)
Eight occurrences of oak woodland/brushland were documented within the city. These
were generally low quality due to encroachment by brush, lack of appropriate levels of
grazing, the absence of periodic fires, and other factors. Oak woodlands observed
ranged in size from 1.1 to 7.4 acres in size.

Oak woodland-brushland occurs on dry to mesic sites throughout the deciduous

forest-woodland zone and locally in the prairie zone near the ecotone between the
prairie zone and the deciduous forest-woodland zone. Oak woodland is floristically

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 29
September 2005
and structurally intermediate between oak savanna and oak forest, with a patchy tree
canopy and an understory dominated by shrubs and tree saplings.
The principal species in the tree canopy are bur oak, northern pin oak, white oak, and
northern red oak. Aspens may form up to 70% of the tree canopy cover. The brush
layer ranges in density from sparse (with 10-30% cover), to an impenetrable thicket. It
is often especially dense in openings between clumps or groves of trees. Most of the
floristic diversity in the community exists in the brush layer, which most commonly is
composed of blackberries and raspberries (Rubus spp.), gooseberries (Ribes spp.),
dogwoods (Cornus spp.), cherries (Prunus spp.), hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), prickly
ashes (Zanthoxylum americanum), and sprouts of oak (Quercus spp.) and quaking
aspen. Prairie vegetation, if present, occurs only in small openings in the tree or shrub
canopy. Except in these scattered prairie openings, the herbaceous layer is sparse
and floristically poor. It is usually composed of woodland species capable of surviving
in the dense shade beneath the brush layer.

Oak woodland-brushland is a fire-maintained community. It is most common on rich

sites where trees and shrubs grow well but where recurrent fires prevent the formation
of true forest. Historically, Oak Woodland-Brushland was probably one of the most
extensive community types in Minnesota, comprising much of the vegetation described
as oak barrens, brushland, and thickets by the early surveyors. The fires that
maintained oak woodland-brushland usually started on nearby prairies. Following the
conversion of these prairies to agricultural land, oak woodland-brushland burned less
frequently and rapidly succeeded to oak forest. Oak woodland-brushland is defined
broadly enough here to include also communities in which the predominant cover is
oak brush or oak-aspen brush (that originated following fire or limited human
disturbance) instead of a well-developed tree canopy. There are four geographic
sections of oak woodland-brushland in Minnesota. These sections may be modified in
the future as more information becomes available.

In southeastern and central Minnesota, oak woodland-brushland is present on

southwest-facing slopes on the blufflands and on outwash terraces of the Mississippi
River and its tributaries. It generally occurs on more gentle slopes than bluff prairie or
on lower slopes below bluff prairies. Bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa) are common
canopy dominants and northern red oaks are common associates. Northern pin oaks,
basswoods, and black cherries may also occur in the canopy. White oaks (Quercus
alba) are rare and aspens (Populus tremuloides) are absent. Chokecherries are
common in the shrub layer, with shrub cover averaging 30-50%. On droughty sites

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 30
September 2005
with thin soils or steep slopes these woodlands may persist even in the absence of

In the Big Woods Section of Minnesota, oak woodlands are dominated by white oak
(Quercus alba) in areas with coarse-textured soils, such as on kames or eskers, or in
areas prone to occasional fires. Natural woodlands are now extremely rare in this
section because of logging, grazing, and fire suppression.

Mesic Oak Savanna (MLCCS Code 62130 / NO OCCURRENCES IN CITY)

No mesic oak savannas were found within the City of Maple Grove. Despite this, a
description is given below for reference because it would have likely occurred in the
region historically, especially in the eastern portions of the city.

The characteristic trees of mesic oak savanna are bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa)
and to a lesser extent northern pin oaks (Quercus ellipsoidalis). Northward, quaking
aspens were probably common in moister parts of mesic oak savannas. The stature
and spacing of the oaks in the community probably varied considerably, primarily with
differences in fire history, which were themselves related to differences in soils,
landforms, and climate. Grubs and small, gnarly, open-grown trees were probably
most common.

The distribution of trees

ranged from evenly spaced
to strongly clump. Shrub
cover, likewise, was
probably quite variable. The
shrub layer included
chokecherries (Prunus
Virginian), low June berries
(Amelanchier humilis),
gray-bark dogwoods
(Cornus foemina),
wolfberries (Symphoricarpos Oak savanna in Washington County, MN
occidentalis), and on lighter
soils, prairie willows (Salix humilis), New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus), and
American hazelnuts (Corylus americana). Leadplant (Amorpha canescens) was
always present. The herbaceous vegetation was dominated by species typical of

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 31
September 2005
mesic prairie, but herbs typical of oak woodland and oak forest were probably present
as well, especially beneath tree or shrub canopies.

Mesic oak savanna is rare throughout Minnesota. Historically, it occurred in the prairie
and deciduous forest-woodland zones. Mesic oak savanna occurred on dry-mesic to
mesic, gently undulating to moderately sloping sites. These sites were on glacial till or
outwash, with soil texture ranging from clay loam to sandy loam. Mesic Oak Savanna
generally occurred on sites where fire was frequent enough to prevent trees and
shrubs from forming closed canopies, thereby permitting heliophilous prairie herbs to
dominate the ground layer. However, fire frequencies were lower than in prairies on
similar topography and soils. Native grazing and browsing animals may also have
helped maintain the open character of mesic oak savanna. Within the deciduous
forest-woodland zone, where landscape character reduced fire frequency on a large
scale, mesic oak savanna often covered larger areas. With settlement and the
suppression of prairie fires, savannas in the deciduous forest-woodland zone that
escaped clearing and cultivation quickly succeeded to woodland unless heavily and
continuously grazed. No high quality examples are known to remain in Minnesota.

Willow Swamp (MLCCS Code 52430, 52520 / 11.5 Total Acres)
Three records of willow swamp were documented within Maple Grove. Of these, one
was assigned a moderate quality ranking and one was assessed as low quality while
the remaining one could not be adequately assessed from a distance/through aerial
photo interpretation. These communities ranged in size from 1.6 acres to 7.6 acres.

Willow swamp is a minerotrophic wetland with a canopy of medium to tall (>1m)

shrubs dominated by willows (especially pussy willow, slender willow, and Bebb's
willow) and red-osier dogwood. Other shrubs, such as speckled alder, bog birch,
poison sumac, and alder buckthorn, may be common in the tall shrub layer, although
speckled alder is never the most abundant species present. Herbaceous species
(especially graminoids) characteristic of wet meadow/fen communities are common in
the more open occurrences of the community. However, in willow swamps, unlike wet
meadow/fen communities, these graminoid-dominated patches are poorly separated
from clumps of shrubs. The most common herbs are tussock sedge (Carex stricta),
prairie sedge (Carex prairea), lake-bank sedge (Carex lacustris), broad-leaved cattail
(Typha latifolia), blue-joint (Calamagrostis canadensis), northern marsh fern
(Thelypteris palustris), and jewel-weed (Impatiens capensis).

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 32
September 2005
Willow swamps dominated by bog birch are closely related to the shrub subtype of rich
fen but have more minerotrophic indicator species [such as speckled alder (Alnus
rugosa), holly (Ilex verticillata), jewel-weed (Impatiens capensis), and horehound
(Lycopus uniflorus)] than are present in Rich Fens. Following fire in conifer swamps or
in the shrub subtype of rich fens there may be initially a dense cover of willows
(usually balsam willow and bog willow), but these stands are best classified as
successional stages of conifer swamp or rich fen rather than as willow swamp. The
dense groves of sand-bar willow or juvenile black willow that occur on sand bars along
rivers are not considered shrub swamp communities but instead river beach
communities, as they occur on mineral rather than peat or muck substrates.

Willow swamp occurs on seasonally flooded soils with <30% tree cover and >50%
cover by tall shrubs (not dwarf-shrubs), where <50% of the shrubs are alders and gaps
are dominated by emergent species >1m tall.

Herbaceous Wetlands
Cattail Marsh (MLCCS Codes 61510, 61610, 61710, 61810 / 566.6 Total Acres)
Eighty-one cattail marshes were documented within the City of Maple Grove. Two of
these remnants were given the qualitative rank of moderate to high, thirty-four as
moderated quality, thirty-one as low quality, and fourteen were not ranked for various
reasons. Cattail marshes within the city ranged in size from 0.4 to 49.4 acres.

For the purposes of this project and according to DNR standards, cattails marshes do
not include monotypic (i.e. single species) stands of cattail with very low species
diversity (not even at a D-rank). Wetlands within the City of Maple Grove that are
predominantly comprised of cattails (Typha spp.) and reed canary grass (Phalaris
arundinacea) were considered non-native dominated herbaceous wetlands (MLCCS
codes 61330, 61480, 61530, and 61630). Several large cattail/reed canary grass
monotypes were observed within the city, as well as hundreds of medium to small
agricultural basins containing this combination of invasive species.

Cattail marsh is an emergent marsh dominated by cattails (including Typha

angustifolia, T. latifolia, and their hybrids). It occurs most commonly along lake
margins and in shallow basins, although it is sometimes also present in river
backwaters. Lacustrine cattail marshes typically have a muck-bottom zone bordering
the shoreline, where cattails are rooted in the bottom substrate, and a floating mat

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 33
September 2005
zone, where the roots do not contact the bottom but instead the plants grow
suspended in a buoyant peaty mat. Associated species vary widely, but some of the
most common ones are sedges of the genus Carex (C. aquatilis, C. rostrata, and C.
lanuginosa), bulrushes (Scirpus americanus, S. acutus, and S. heterochaetus), and
broad-leaved herbs such as northern marsh fern (Thelypteris palustris), swamp
milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), jewel-weed (Impatiens capensis), broad-leaved
arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia), mad-dog skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), marsh
skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata), and blue vervain (Verbena hastata).

Mixed Emergent Marsh (MLCCS Code 61520, 61620 / 86.2 Total Acres)
Seventeen mixed emergent marshes were documented within the city, two of which
where assigned a moderate to high quality rank ten as moderate quality and five were
given a low quality rank. These range in size from 0.8 acres to 40.6 acres. Within all
mixed emergent marsh remnants in the study area, reed canary grass (Phalaris
arundinacea) is a common invasive species. This is especially true adjacent to
agricultural lands that are high in sediment and nutrient load as part of their runoff.

Mixed emergent marsh is a broad community type, encompassing all marshes

dominated by species other than cattails. Bulrushes are the most common dominants,
especially hard-stemmed bulrush (Scirpus acutus), river bulrush (Scirpus fluviatilis),
softstem bulrush (Scirpus validus), Scirpus americanus, and Scirpus heterochaetus.
Common reed grass (Phragmites australis), spike rushes (Eleocharis spp.), and (in
some river backwaters) prairie cord grass (Spartina pectinata) are less common

In general, mixed emergent marsh tends to occur on harder pond, lake, or river
bottoms than cattail marsh and is less likely to contain the forbs that grow on the
floating peat mats present in many cattail marshes. Broad-leaved arrowhead
(Sagittaria latifolia) and aquatic macrophytes are the most common non-graminoid
associates. Many mixed emergent marsh species are sensitive to fertilizer run-off and
other artificial disturbances, and disturbed mixed emergent marshes (especially in the
Prairie Zone) tend to convert to cattail marshes or become strongly dominated by reed
canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) or common reed grass (Phragmites australis),
species that increase in abundance with disturbance.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 34
September 2005
Upland Grasslands
Mesic Prairie (MLCCS Code 61110 / No Remnant Acres; One Planting, 3.2 acres)
No records of remnant mesic prairie were encountered within the city. However, there
was one documented area planted to native prairie plants that were assigned the
MLCCS code of mesic prairie.

It is important to note that

plantings of prairie species
(prairie restorations) such
as these are invariably less
species rich than native
prairie remnants, may only
mimic a small fraction of
the function of a remnant
prairie, and are often
fraught with exotic weed
species such as smooth
Hayden Prairie State Preserve, Howard County, Iowa shows an example
brome (Bromus inermis) of a mesic prairie similar to what may have historically occurred in the
and Kentucky blue grass study area. (photo: Paul Bockenstedt 1990)
(Poa pratensis) among
others. These prairie plantings are often dominated by a handful of native grasses,
including big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), and
Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans), with little blue stem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
seldomly used.

Mesic prairie is a dry-mesic to wet-mesic grassland that occurs mainly in the prairie
zone in southern and western Minnesota and sporadically in the deciduous forest-
woodland zone. Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), Indian grass (Sorghastrum
nutans), and prairie drop seed (Sporobolus heterolepis) are the major native species
on most sites, with little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and porcupine grass
(Stipa spartea) important on drier sites, and prairie cord grass (Spartina pectinata) and
to a lesser degree switch grass (Panicum virgatum) more common on wetter sites.

Forb species composition varies with site moisture, although some forb species occur
on almost all sites, moist or dry. Several low shrub or sub-shrub species are common
on Upland Prairie; the most characteristic is leadplant (Amorpha canescens). Taller

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 35
September 2005
brush and trees are absent or scattered, however brush or woodland areas may be
interspersed with prairie, usually in association with topographic and aquatic features
that provide protection from fire.

The most important cause of variation in species composition in prairie communities is

variation in soil moisture. The local soil moisture regime is determined by slope,
aspect, proximity to the water table, and soil texture. On a regional scale, variation in
species composition is primarily caused by climatic variation (i.e., the westward
decline in precipitation and northward decline in temperature in Minnesota).

Upland prairies occur on a range of landforms in the prairie zone, from nearly flat
glacial lake plains to steep morainic slopes. In the deciduous forest-woodland zone,
prairies occur on droughty, level outwash areas and steep south- and west-facing
slopes. The pre-European settlement distribution of prairie was related to the
interaction of local fire frequency with growth rates of woody species: where conditions
were favorable for rapid growth, more frequent fires were necessary to maintain prairie
over savanna, woodland, or forest. Fragmentation of upland prairie since European
settlement has reduced fire frequency throughout the prairie and deciduous forest-
woodland zones, and most prairie remnants have more brush and trees than were
present in the past. The introduced grass Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is
present at most sites; it is a function of the site's disturbance history.

Forbs are abundant (but usually subdominant to grasses) and have high local
diversity. Forb species-composition also varies locally with soil moisture. There is
greater regional variation among forbs than among grasses. Common forb species
include purple prairie-clover (Petalostemon purpureum), white prairie-clover (P.
candidum), ground-plum (Astragalus crassicarpus), prairie-turnip (Psoralea esculenta),
rough blazing-star (Liatris aspera), Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis), stiff
goldenrod (S. rigida), Missouri goldenrod (S. missouriensis), prairie thistle (Cirsium
flodmanii), smooth aster (Aster laevis), stiff sunflower (Helianthus rigidus), Maximilian
sunflower (H. maximiliani), smooth rattlesnake-root (Prenanthes racemosa), white
sage (Artemisia ludoviciana), wood lily (Lilium philadelphicum), white camas
(Zigadenus elegans), heart-leaved alexanders (Zizia aptera), prairie larkspur
(Delphinium virescens), downy phlox (Phlox pilosa), hoary puccoon (Lithospermum
canescens), tall cinquefoil (Potentilla arguta), alum-root (Heuchera richardsonii), wood-
betony (Pedicularis canadensis), northern bedstraw (Galium boreale), prairie bird-foot
violet (Viola pedatifida), oval-leaved milkweed (Asclepias ovalifolia), and showy

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 36
September 2005
milkweed (A. speciosa). Purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia) is common on
drier sites in the western part of the community's range. Leadplant, prairie rose, sand
cherry, wolfberry, and prairie willow are common low-shrub or sub-shrub species.
Fragrant false indigo is common on moister sites. Trees and taller brush often occur
along the margins of wetlands adjacent to mesic prairies.

The soils in mesic prairie are predominantly mollisols with thick, dark mineral surface
layers that have high base saturation. They range in texture and drainage from silty
and somewhat poorly drained to sandy and somewhat excessively drained, with
moderately well-drained to well-drained, loamy soils being most common. Mesic
prairie can grade into wet prairie on moister sites and into the hill and sand-gravel
subtypes of dry prairie on drier sites. Separation of mesic prairie from other prairie
types is based primarily on landform or substrate characteristics rather than on
species composition, as floristic boundaries between mesic prairie and other prairie
types are not well defined.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 37
September 2005
Conceptual Greenways/Open Space Corridors
For this report, a greenway is defined as “privately or publicly owned corridors of open
space which often follow natural land or water features and which are primarily
managed to protect and enhance natural resources”. However, greenways can and
often do incorporate active or passive recreational trails, active recreational spaces
(such as athletic fields or golf courses), and other public open spaces that may provide
rudimentary ecological functions and values.

As a part of this project, the staff at Hennepin County Environmental Services

developed a series of Conceptual Greenways/Corridors shown in the figure on the
following page. These corridors were developed with the following guiding elements,
listed in rough order of priority:

• High and Moderate quality natural areas

• Other unique and/or ecologically significant areas
• Semi-natural areas that occur immediately adjacent to natural areas
• Riparian areas including bodies of water and wetland complexes
• Natural corridors with natural/semi-natural areas (e.g. streams, drainage ways,
• Connect large publicly owned open spaces by means of a natural or semi-
natural vegetation corridor, whether these lands are publicly or privately owned.
• Areas that would serve as logical links between natural areas, particularly those
that have potential for restoration to native vegetation

The greenways/corridors shown in Figure 9 on the following page are based on the
above criteria and are indeed conceptual. It should also be noted that due to
urbanization that there are existing barriers that will need to be addressed to allow
connectivity, in some cases. The city is encouraged to form an Open Spaces
Committee that includes city staff, council members, parks and recreation
commissioners, planning commission members, citizens of Maple Grove and other
important stakeholders to undertake a more comprehensive process of defining and
locating potential greenways/corridors. Such a process will allow for public input and
technical guidance from experienced staff in the natural resources field, ensuring long-
term acceptance of a final product.

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September 2005
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 39
September 2005
During a greenway/corridor planning process, it is suggested that the city consider as
a minimum the following elements as part of more detailed process in
greenway/corridor planning within the city:
• Public ownership – where possible, connect large publicly owned open spaces
with natural or semi-natural vegetation within greenway corridors.
• Remnant natural areas – where high to moderate quality remnant natural areas
occur, make efforts to provide connectivity between these areas with the most
potential for hosting rare species and other natural communities.
• Incorporate semi-natural communities into the greenway system as corridors to
connect and/or buffer the highest quality remaining natural areas within the city.
• Restore/reconstruct natural areas in places where no natural or semi-natural
areas currently occur between areas suitable for joining with greenways (i.e.
high to moderate quality natural areas)
• Incorporate water resources, large permanent wetland systems and floodplains
within the corridor (directly or indirectly). Wetlands, lakes, and streams provide
beneficial wildlife habitat and are not likely to be developed
• Maple Grove has a significant public trails system in place. This can also
provide another alignment for a greenway corridor location, as opportunities for
recreation and pedestrian movement through the greenway system are
important. Co-aligning natural and recreation features should be done in a
manner that ensures no negative impacts to sensitive natural areas.

Within the City of Maple Grove, there are a number of opportunities to develop a viable
greenways system as the city grows over the next ten to twenty years.

As the city begins considering more comprehensive greenway/corridor planning, there

are several outside sources of funding/in-kind assistance that are available.

Recommended Additional Rare Plant Surveys:

While targeted rare plant surveys were not part of this inventory, several high quality
natural areas with the potential to host rare species were encountered and are shown
in figure 10.

It should also be pointed out that this project focuses primarily on plant communities.
Several rare animal populations were documented in the study area, by MN DNR staff
during the County Biological Survey of Hennepin County. For the purposes of future

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 40
September 2005
development review, it is highly recommended that city staff consult with appropriate
animal ecologists from the MN DNR or other agencies to identify strategies to avoid,
minimize, or mitigate potential impacts to key habitat for identified rare animal species.
This activity should also consider the potential for restoration of key habitat types for
rare animals that might be accomplished in a way that is mutually beneficial for both
the species of concern and the proposed development.

Figure 10 on the following page provides the geographic locations of select natural
community remnants that Bonestroo ecologists believe have the potential to support
rare species populations.

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September 2005
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September 2005
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September 2005
Sites to Consider for Proactive Management/Protection
There are a number of remnant natural areas within the city that are not known at the
time of this report to be actively managed and/or protected. Although permanent
protection/active management is not appealing to all landowners, we encourage the
city to work with appropriate partners such as Hennepin County, the MN DNR,
Minnesota Land Trust and others to work with owners of land that host important
natural areas to enable their sound management and/or protection. This is especially
important in a community such as Maple Grove, where much of the city is already
developed and many natural areas currently have multiple owners.

The DNR Website ( ) contains the

resource Land Protection Options, a Handbook for Minnesota Landowners. This is
one of many outstanding tools to help individual landowners better understand
different conservation options, and is also useful for city staff as a resource to help
positively engage interested property owners.

Another important resource for private landowners is the publication Beyond the
Suburbs: A Landowner’s Guide to Conservation Management. This resource can also
be found on the MN DNR website at:

Within the City of Maple Grove many high quality natural areas are currently protected
by their inclusion within various parks and park reserves, or as commonly held open
space within developments. Other sites for consideration for protection and/or
management include remnant forest habitats, which may be vulnerable to
fragmentation by development, forested areas which are a continuation of
communities within the park, and good to high quality wetlands, especially if they are
within a larger complex of natural areas. These sites may be especially vulnerable if
their immediate watershed is altered.

Development of relatively large stands of forest results in the loss of the function and
quality of maple-basswood forests. Once significantly damaged, these forests are
very difficult to restore and restoration would take 50-100 years or more to accomplish.
While many of the larger tracts are currently protected by the park, there are some
occurrences of maple-basswood forest outside the park which may be vulnerable, and
which provide important corridor connections. For these reasons, the highest quality

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 44
September 2005
and largest upland forest stands within the city should be considered as a high priority
for some type of protection and management.

Prioritization of natural community remnants for acquisition and/or protection should

also consider a site’s proximity and function within the city’s open space and greenway
corridor. Decisions regarding site acquisition should be prioritized based on site
quality, rarity of a vegetation type/community within the city, availability, development
pressure and land prices.

The highest quality natural communities within the city and particularly those within
proposed greenway/corridors should be the first considered for protection. However,
some semi-natural areas as well as agricultural lands may surround or offer potential
connection between existing high quality natural communities. By virtue of these
factors, it may warrant their protection. In such cases, the city may consider
acquisition and management with the active restoration/ reconstruction/management
of native plant assemblages so as to offer protection and connectivity between higher
quality resources within an open space or greenway system.

Sites that are protected and identified as good candidates for restoration/management
may be managed with assistance from various governmental agencies (e.g. MN DNR,
US Fish & Wildlife Service, Hennepin County, etc.), non-governmental organizations
(e.g. Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, various foundations, etc.), and potentially
with assistance of private citizens.

Exotic/Invasive Species information

One important consideration when managing natural areas is the presence and levels
of exotic species. Exotic invasive species can be problematic, as they typically spread
aggressively and often displace native species, resulting in a natural area with little
species diversity and significantly reduced wildlife and aesthetic/recreational value. In
addition, once invasive species become established it is typically very labor intensive
and expensive to remove them. Given this, early control is cost effective and helps to
preserve existing natural diversity.

The most frequently encountered exotic invasive species include reed canary grass,
which was present in varying degrees in almost every wetland; European buckthorn,
which was common in many forest areas, and giant reed grass, in a few wetlands. A
list of the species encountered and the number of sites where they were found is listed

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 45
September 2005
below. Note that the timing of the field work may cause some species to be under-
reported. Priority areas for exotic species management are those where the species
pose the greatest risk of spreading to higher quality natural areas, and those where
the populations are still small and a concerted effort at eradication now has good
potential for long-term success. For priority management areas, reference natural
communities in the ArcGIS shapefile with an exotic species cover value of 2 (1-5%) or
3 (6-25%).

Species encountered include:

• Purple loosestrife (6 locations)
• Narrow leaved cattail (18 locations)
• European Buckthorn (205 locations)
• Exotic honeysuckles (43 locations)
• Garlic mustard (4 locations)
• Reed Canary Grass (522 locations)
• Spotted Knapweed (14 locations)
• Exotic Thistles (3 locations)
• Siberian Elm (4 locations)
• Giant Reed Grass (17 locations)
• Grecian foxglove (2 locations)
• Amur Maple (4 locations)
• Black Locust (3 locations)
• Absinthe sage (2 locations)

Other Potential Uses for the MLCCS/NRI Information

Below are general concepts and recommendations for review and possible adoption
by the City of Maple Grove. These recommendations are suggested from a natural
community/site protection and management perspective. This holistic approach favors
management of the whole over management of a single species or site.

City Ordinances
City ordinances can be important tools for protecting natural resources. Ordinances
that provide for setbacks and buffers around sensitive natural areas identified in this
inventory are one example. Another example would be to limit removal of trees and
other vegetation on residential building lots, as well as allow for and encourage

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 46
September 2005
establishment of native trees, shrubs, grasses, and forbs in place of more conventional
lawns and landscaping.

Language should also be considered which prohibits purposeful planting of state-listed

agricultural “weeds”. In crafting ordinance language, the term “weeds” should be as
well defined as possible to prevent misinterpretation.

Existing ordinances in the city may already contain language that helps to provide
some degree of protection to the City’s natural resources. Additional language or
ordinances could be added where necessary. Importantly, it is worthwhile to
periodically revisit natural resource-related ordinances to review how well they fit in
with the concept of protecting landscape functionality and natural areas rather than
protecting a small part of the landscape such as individual trees.

Clustered housing and other design strategies that minimize the direct impact of
development on natural areas could also be encouraged through the City’s
ordinances. Whether low densities or clustered housing are used, buffers of native
vegetation should be created around sensitive natural areas and, if possible, both the
buffer and natural area should be designated for permanent conservation.

Land Use Zoning

Zoning can play an important role in the impact that development within the City has
on natural resources. To the extent possible, land uses should be compatible with
landscape type, native plant and animal communities, and other natural features.
An example might be providing appropriate housing density adjacent to areas with
significant natural communities.

Development Review
Sound management decisions are based on quality information. This concept is as
true in the management of natural resources as it is in the management of a city or
business. It is highly recommended that the information contained in this report be
used by the city during regular development reviews to avoid, minimize, or mitigate
potential damage to natural areas, particularly those of high quality and those that lie
within corridors/greenways.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 47
September 2005
Landowner Involvement
Many of the quality natural areas in the city are held in private ownership. In these
instances, the City (and conservation organizations) can work with willing landowners
and other stakeholders to create a conservation easement, as one option. This type of
arrangement is particularly advantageous where significant natural areas are located
on a parcel of private land and there is some concern for long-term protection.

The City, a variety of other public agencies, and private landowners are all involved in
making decisions that affect the quality of natural areas. The better understanding that
all of the participants in decision making have of the function of natural communities,
the better and more uniform the management of these areas will be. It is important for
all interested parties to be informed about their natural resources and how they can be
managed. Citizens could be made aware of the benefits of managing their property for
natural communities through public meetings and workshops and/or development and
circulation of literature such as pamphlets, newsletters, or brochures.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resouce Inventory 48
September 2005
Appendix A

Plant Community Survey Data

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005

Community: 2-3
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is a moderate to good quality maple-basswood forest. Canopy is composed of mixed age
& size class sugar maple, red oak, and green ash with dbh ranging from 10-24". Some
individuals are multi stemmed. Subcanopy/understory cover varies, and is dominated by
scattered pole-sized maple & ironwood. Shrub cover is patchy to sparse. Knee-high buckthorn
is locally common. Other species found include much prickly gooseberry as well as young
trees. Ground Cover includes a mix of native forbs, grasses, & sedges, as well as numerous
down logs& branches. Rolling terrain.

Community: 3-1
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Formerly grazed stand of oak forest on rolling terrain. Canopy includes scattered large open-
grown red & bur oaks, with nearly continuous cover by secondary growth red oak, white oak,
and black cherry. Understory tall shrub layer sparse. Low shrub layer cover is about 70% and
dominated by prickly gooseberry as well as Some young trees. Ground layer includes a variety
of natives, including white avens Pennsylvania sedge, and others.

Currently low to moderate quality. Site will likely improve with time, as the canopy matures.
Buckthorn control recommended before that species becomes well-established at the site.

Community: 3-3
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is a mesic oak forest . Canopy composed of a mix of oaks and sugar maple with dbh
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
ranging from 8-14 inches. Many canopy trees have multiple stems, suggesting that the site was
logged at some point. Overall, site is in moderate condition, w/ a range of age & size classes

Community: 3-4
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is a maple-basswood community along the flanks of the slopes above Rush Creek and in
and above the creek's floodplain. The community in the floodplain and adjacent terraces
contains more mature trees but overall canopy cover is more patchy. On-the flanks of the
slopes and along the hilltop, the community is younger, with most trees' dbh ranging from 4-8".
Ironwood and occasional boxelder dominate the understory. Shrub cover is sparse on the slopes, and nearly
continuous of prickly gooseberry on the low terraces. Logs and fallen branches form a tangled maze on the
ground. Ground layer species include characteristic natives such as zigzag goldenrod, wild leek, white avens
and a mix of native graminoids. Grass & sedge species encountered include Carex pennsylvanica, Virginia Rye,
Carex pedunculata , Carex blanda, and others. The overall structure and species composition suggests past
grazing. The site is overall of moderate quality. It will likely improve with time.

Community: 4-1
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Secondary growth maple-basswood forest on rolling terrain. Canopy is dominated by 4-6 inch
dbh sugar maple and red oaks with a few basswood, green ash, and elm. A few much larger
(18-25 inch dbh) sugar maple with open-grown form are also present. These suggest a grazing
history for the site. Understory and sub canopy layers are not clearly distinguished from the
young canopy. Shrub cover is patchy to sparse and composed of scattered clumps of prickly
gooseberry and European buckthorn. Ground cover is quite sparse at the lime of the inventory,
with Species characteristic of grazed areas, such as sweet cicely and avers, locally common.
Overall, a young forest with good potential to improve in time.

Some erosion from field runoff noted @ n end.

Community: 7-1
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: B - Good quality
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Field Check Level: Visited part of the site
Restoration Potential: High

Community Description:
Nice quality oak forest, with some wind damage to canopy. Canopy consists of larger diameter
(14-18”) red oak & occasional bur oak. Subcanopy and understory layers dominated by young
oaks and much sugar maple. Groundcover sparse during November survey. Young buckthorn
present in low levels in interior, more common at perimeter.

Community: 15-1
Community Type: Oak woodland-brushland
Qualitative Rank: D - Poor condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Fragment of secondary/ tertiary growth woodland. Canopy composed of scattered young small
to medium dbh pin oak with younger aspen, elm, and some boxelder forming the remainder of
the canopy. Shrub layer is patchy to thigh, dominated by sumac. prickly ash, raspberry, and
buckthorn are also present. Pasture grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass dominate the ground

Community: 15-2
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is an overall moderate quality oak forest on moderate to steeply rolling terrain. Canopy is
dominated by widely scattered semi-open grown oak (mostly Red & Pin, w/ some bur) over a
nearly continuous subcanopy, Subcanopy species are those typical of mesic forests, Shrub
flayer cover ranges from 50-75%, and is characterized by grazing increasers such as prickly
gooseberry as well as buckthorn. Ground cover at time of survey was sparse, Species noted
include primarily Pennsylvania sedge,

Structurally site appears to be of good quality, though the rank is reduced by the level of
buckthorn present. There is very good potential for improvement if buckthorn is controlled, &
with some supplemental seeding of native species into the ground layer.

Community: 16-1
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is a small stand of Maple Basswood forest on rolling terrain, on the west side of Rice
Lake. Grazed historically, as evidenced by the scattered, large, semi open grown sugar maple
in the canopy with secondary growth by forest-grown trees. Tall shrub & understory
dominated by young maple, as well as prickly gooseberry & occasional prickly ash &
buckthorn. Ground layer sparse at time of survey. Species noted include those characteristic of
MB F with a grazing history, though site doesn't appear dominated by weedy species.

Community: 17-1
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: D - Poor condition

Community Description:
Site is a small fragment of oak forest. Grazed historically. Canopy dominated by widely
scattered open grown Red oak, over a subcanopy/understory of red oak, sugar maple, &
basswood. Trails present.

Community: 17-2
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: D - Poor condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Quality rank reduced due to Rhamnus levels in understory. Site is a maple-basswood forest
around the perimeter of a wetland basin. Canopy is composed of full, open to semi-open grown
oaks and maple, over an understory dominated by additional sugar maple and ironwood.
European buckthorn is common in the shrub layer. Ground layer species noted include small
flowered crowfoot, white avens, and sun-loving sedge. Structure suggests past grazing.

Community: 17-3
Community Type: Maple-Basswood Forest
Qualitative Rank: D - Poor condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Young stand of Maple-Basswood Forest in a housing development. Canopy composed of 5-
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
8"dbh mixed oak (red and white), sugar maple, and green ash. Indistinct subcanopy and
understory with sugar maple and ironwood. Shrub layer patchy to sparse, with young maple
and prickly gooseberry. Ground layer cover is patchy. Species encountered include lady fern,
white avens, and white sedge.

Community: 17-4
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: D - Poor condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Stand of Forest at edge of housing development. Canopy consists of scattered large oak &
maple with a semi open grown form and numerous smaller trees. Buckthorn is locally common
in the understory & shrub layers. Numerous down logs criss-cross the site. Grazed historically.

Community: 17-5
Community Type: Mixed emergent marsh - seasonally flooded
Qualitative Rank: B - Good quality

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is a mix of mixed emergent marsh in interior, with a fringe of wet meadow. Meadow
portions are dominated by tussock sedge and bluejoint grass, with occasional thickets of red
osier dogwood. Marsh area is dominated by cattail and Lake sedge. Great water dock occurs
sporadically as does water plantain. Site is impounded by Rd on west side. Watershed mostly

Community: 20-1
Community Type: Cattail marsh - semipermanently flooded
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Viewed the site from edge

Community Description:
Site is a large wetland basin dominated by cattail; and a reed canary grass fringe. Inclusions of
mixed emergent marsh are also present, and these areas have the highest diversity of species.
A small patch of shrubs (willow) also present. These inclusions are generally too small to map

Community: 21-1

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Moderate quality Maple- Basswood forest on East facing slope. Open canopy is composed of
scattered large semi-open grown oak & maple, with dense secondary growth of smaller maple
and ironwood. Shrub layer cover is nearly continuous at D 2-D3, with much sugar maple &
some gooseberry. Buckthorn present sporadically. Ground layer species noted are primarily
grazing increasers, but additional species likely. Spp list limited by timing of survey. Site
appears to have been grazed historically.

Community: 21-2
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition
Additional Natural area / preserve

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Moderate quality Maple -Basswood forest. Canopy is dominated by characteristic species,
including Sugar maple, Red oak, Black cherry & bitternut hickory. Canopy is relatively even-
aged, with the exception of some larger, multi-stemmed individuals, a factor suggestive of past

Ground layer difficult to assess, but the absence of abundant grazing increasers is of note.

Trails present. Site is within a park/ preserve.

Community: 21-3
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is an "island" of maple forest. Canopy /subcanopy forma continuous layer, with the canopy
consisting of scattered large trees, and not clearly distinct from the subcanopy. Sub canopy &
understory are dominated by maple, w/ occasional hackberry & ironwood. Shrub layer very
open, w/ scattered young trees. Ground layer cover appears sparse, and is notable for the
apparent lack of abundant grazing increasers. Overall, site is good quality, majority is in a park/
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Reserve area.

Community: 21-4
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: B - Good quality

Field Check Level: Visited the entire site

Community Description:
Nice quality Maple- basswood forest on west facing, moderate slope. Canopy dominated by
large sugar maple a, occasional elm, w/ long straight trunks and narrow crowns. Sub canopy,
understory, & shrub layers present & maple-dominated. Other mesic hardwoods also present.
Numerous logs litter the ground. Scattered large, well-rotted Oak stumps indicate past selective
logging. Structurally very nice w/good representation of characteristic species. Growing
season check recommended to fully assess ground layer.

Community: 27-1
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Moderate quality forest on N to NE facing slopes above lake. Canopy cover 80% with sugar
maple, red oak, and basswood. Subcanopy and understory, 90-100%, with maple and much
ironwood. Shrub layer patchy to sparse. Species include Prickly gooseberry, prickly ash, young
trees, & European buckthorn.

Community: 27-2
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Stand of Mesic oak forest on s & w facing slopes. Canopy cover is patchy, and is formed of
large semi-open grown red and some white oak. Subcanopy/ understory layer cover is more
continuous, and dominated by 1-4" dbh mesic hardwoods including maple & basswood. Shrub cover sparse.
Visible ground layer includes typical species, such as sun- loving sedge. Moderate quality. Has likely been
grazed historically, based on 3 dimensional structure.

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Community: 27-3
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Mixed canopy dominated by sugar maple and some red oak; ranging in size from 10-22 inches
with most in the smaller range.. Subcanopy maple dominant with some ironwood. Box elder
occasional around perimeter. Shrub layer cover is sparse, with occasional gooseberry and
buckthorn. Some selective cutting evident. Site is relatively small, and is primarily the backyard of 6-8 lots.

Community: 28-1
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: B - Good quality
Additional Natural area / preserve

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Nice Quality Maple-Basswood forest on rolling, dissected terrain. Tall canopy of mature red
oak and sugar maple, over an open subcanopy / understory layer. Shrub layer is patchy, &
dominated by young mesic forest trees. Ground layer of dense leaf litter and much woody
debris in all size classes. Overall good quality; follow-up visit recommended to assess ground
layer, but site is notable for apparent absence of abundant grazing increasers.

Community: 28-2
Community Type: Maple-basswood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Maple-Basswood forest on steep hill. Interior of site has been converted to a picnic area, and
east edge of site is disturbed shrubland. West facing slope, above wetland basin, is a formerly
grazed forest, canopy is dominated by large (20"+) diameter sugar maple with an open grown
form, with secondary growth of maple and black cherry. Subcanopy with maple and ironwood,
as well as occasional red oak. Shrub/ tall shrub cover is nearly continuous, dominated by young trees-again,
mostly maple. Low/ moderate quality, past grazing has altered structure &
composition, but site will improve with time.

Community: 29-1
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Community Type: Oak forest mesic subtype
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Community Description:
Site is of moderate quality, with a mature, canopy strongly dominated by sugar maple.
Subcanopy layer is quite sparse with ~ 20% cover. Dominant species in Subcanopy is again
sugar maple, with an occasional ironwood. Shrub layer cover is patchy to sparse. Buckthorn
can be found especially at the perimeter of the site at & at the edges of clearings. Ground layer
species risible include zigzag goldenrod I silly wild rye. Lots of wildlife sign, including deer,
numerous small mammal tracks, hairy woodpecker, Pileated woodpecker sighted.

Recent tree inventory; at least portions of the site have been surveyed & staked

Community: 33-1
Community Type: Oak forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition

Field Check Level: Visited part of the site

Restoration Potential: Medium
Community Description:
Oak forest on level to north-facing slope. Canopy cover 80%, with red oak dominant, some
sugar maple & bur oak also present. Many individuals are multi-stemmed suggesting the site
was logged 30-40 years ago. Subcanopy & understory layers are sparse, and include
basswood, sugar maple, & other mesic species. Chokecherry occasionally present in the
shrub layer. Ground layer species are typical of oak to dry oak communities, including bracken
fern and Carex pensylvanica. Moderate quality, would benefit from Rx fire, & supplemental

Community: 35-1
Qualitative Rank: A - High quality
Additional Trail corridor

Field Check Level: Visited the entire site

Community Description:
This forest has a canopy dominated by red, bur, Pin, and white oak with other hardwood
trees less common. The subcanopy includes a mix of hardwood trees including ash, elm, sugar
maple, and others. The shrub layer is mostly comprised of native species that are characteristic
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
for the community type. Overall, this is a very nice quality forest and should continue to
receive active management form the City.

Community: 36-2
Community Type: Lowland hardwood forest
Qualitative Rank: C - Moderate condition
Additional Natural community disturbed by major cultural activity

Field Check Level: Visited the entire site

Community Description:
Continuous canopy with few large oaks and maples, but mostly dominated at canopy level by
young green ash and hackberry. Shrub layer generally absent with ground layer composed of small buckthorn
and sedge mats

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 2-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 32112 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf Brachyelytrum erectum Bearded shorthusk
Quercus alba White oak Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Osmorhiza claytonii Clayton's sweet cicely Oryzopsis racemosa Black-fruited rice
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Osmorhiza claytonii Clayton's sweet cicely Oryzopsis racemosa Black-fruited rice
Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag goldenrod Carex blanda Charming sedge
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash Allium tricoccum Wild leek Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush grass
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Lathyrus ochroleucus Pale vetchling Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
var. pennsylvanica Taraxacum officinale Common dandelion

Area 2-3 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 32150 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Geum canadense White avens Brachyelytrum erectum Bearded shorthusk
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Acer saccharum Sugar maple Ranunculus abortivus Kidney-leaved buttercup Carex pedunculata Long-stalked sedge
Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Ranunculus abortivus Kidney-leaved buttercup Carex pedunculata Long-stalked sedge
var. pennsylvanica Acer saccharum Sugar maple Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf

Quercus rubra Northern red oak

Acer saccharum Sugar maple

Area 3-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 3211 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Geum canadense White avens Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Phlox divaricata var. Blue phlox
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Phlox divaricata var. Blue phlox
Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf
Quercus alba White oak
Prunus serotina Black cherry

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 3-3 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 3211 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Acer saccharum Sugar maple Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Smilax ecirrata Erect carrion flower
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Smilax ecirrata Erect carrion flower
Galium aparine Cleavers
Ulmus americana American elm

Area 3-4 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry
Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash
var. pennsylvanica

Quercus rubra Northern red oak

Area 4-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Geum canadense White avens
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane

Ulmus americana American elm

Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash
var. pennsylvanica

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 15-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak woodland-brushland 42120 D - Poor condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus ellipsoidalis Northern pin oak Lonicera tatarica Tartarian honeysuckle Poa pratensis Kentucky bluegrass
Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn
Ulmus americana American elm Rhus glabra Smooth sumac
Populus tremuloides Quaking aspen Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash

Area 15-2 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 32112 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry

Area 16-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 32150 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple Galium aparine Cleavers
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Stellaria media Common chickweed
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash Stellaria media Common chickweed
Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane
Celtis occidentalis Hackberry Allium tricoccum Wild leek
Prunus serotina Black cherry Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag golde

Area 17-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 3211 D - Poor condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Quercus rubra Northern red oak
Juniperus virginiana var. Eastern red cedar
Quercus rubra Northern red oak virginiana
Acer saccharum Sugar maple

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 17-2 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 D - Poor condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids

Area 17-3 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

D - Poor condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple Athyrium filix-femina var. Lady fern Carex blanda Charming sedge
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Geum canadense White avens Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Geum canadense White avens Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Ranunculus abortivus Kidney-leaved buttercup Poa compressa Canada bluegrass
Quercus alba White oak
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash
var. pennsylvanica

Fraxinus americana White ash

Area 17-4 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres
Maple-basswood forest 3215 D - Poor condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry
Quercus alba White oak Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn
Quercus rubra Northern red oak

Area 17-5 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Mixed emergent marsh - seasonally flooded 6152 B - Good quality
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Rumex orbiculatus Great water dock Calamagrostis canadensis Bluejoint
Verbena hastata Blue vervain Typha latifolia Broad-leaved cattail
Solidago gigantea Giant goldenrod Typha angustifolia Narrow-leaved cattail
Alisma triviale Common water plantain Carex lacustris Lake sedge
City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Carex stricta Tussock sedge

Area 20-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Cattail marsh - semipermanently flooded 6161 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Eupatorium perfoliatum var. Common boneset Typha latifolia Broad-leaved cattail
Asclepias incarnata var. Swamp milkweed Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass
Rumex orbiculatus Great water dock Carex lacustris Lake sedge
Phalaris arundinacea Reed canary grass
Area 21-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres
Maple-basswood forest 3215 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Acer saccharum Sugar maple Osmorhiza claytonii Clayton's sweet cicely
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Geum canadense White avens
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Geum canadense White avens
Acer saccharum Sugar maple

Area 21-2 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple Athyrium filix-femina var. Lady fern
Ostrya virginiana Ironwood Geum canadense White avens
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Carya cordiformis Bitternut hickory Geum canadense White avens
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Cornus alternifolia Pagoda dogwood

Prunus serotina Black cherry

Carya cordiformis Bitternut hickory
Populus grandidentata Big-toothed aspen

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 21-3 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry
Quercus rubra Northern red oak

Area 21-4 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 B - Good quality
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple Allium tricoccum Wild leek Carex pedunculata Long-stalked sedge
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag goldenrod
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag goldenrod
var. pennsylvanica Uvularia grandiflora Large-flowered bellwort

Ulmus americana American elm

Quercus rubra Northern red oak

Area 27-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 3215 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn
Tilia americana Basswood Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash
Ostrya virginiana Ironwood

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 27-2 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 3211 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Acer saccharum Sugar maple Geum canadense White avens Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Lonicera tatarica Tartarian honeysuckle Aster ontarionis Ontario aster
Quercus alba White oak Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash Aster ontarionis Ontario aster

Area 28-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Maple-basswood forest 32150 B - Good quality
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Ostrya virginiana Ironwood
Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Acer saccharum Sugar maple
Tilia americana Basswood

Area 29-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 3211 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash
Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 33-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest 3211 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Osmorhiza claytonii Clayton's sweet cicely Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush grass
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Ostrya virginiana Ironwood Eupatorium rugosum White snakeroot Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Eupatorium rugosum White snakeroot Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge

Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak Acer saccharum Sugar maple

By-Community Species Lists

Area 35-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres
A - High quality
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Athyrium filix-femina var. Lady fern Carex pedunculata Long-stalked sedge
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Parthenocissus vitacea Virginia creeper Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf Carex albursina White bear sedge
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf Carex albursina White bear sedge
var. pennsylvanica Parthenocissus vitacea Virginia creeper Smilacina racemosa Common false Solomon's
Zanthoxylum americanum Prickly ash Pilea pumila Dwarf clearweed
Acer negundo Box elder Lonicera tatarica Tartarian honeysuckle
Circaea lutetiana var. Common enchanter's
Cornus alternifolia Pagoda dogwood
Celtis occidentalis Hackberry Geum canadense White avens
Sambucus racemosa Red-berried elder Geum canadense White avens
Prunus serotina Black cherry Acer rubrum Red maple Uvularia sessilifolia Pale bellwort
Ribes cynosbati Prickly gooseberry Pteridium aquilinum var. Bracken
Quercus alba White oak Cryptotaenia canadensis Honewort
Acer saccharum Sugar maple Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag goldenrod
Viola pubescens Yellow violet
Tilia americana Basswood
Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue cohosh
Populus tremuloides Quaking aspen Amphicarpaea bracteata Hog peanut
Quercus ellipsoidalis Northern pin oak Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted fern
Phryma leptostachya Lopseed
Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak Maianthemum canadense Canada mayflower
Acer rubrum Red maple

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

Area 36-1 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres

Oak forest mesic subtype 3211 A - High quality
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Tilia americana Basswood Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Eupatorium rugosum White snakeroot Carex pedunculata Long-stalked sedge
Quercus rubra Northern red oak Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag goldenrod Elymus canadensis Nodding wild rye
Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
City of Maple Grove: Natural Resources Inventory
By-Community Species Lists

By-Community Species Lists

Area 36-2 MLCCS Code Qualitative Acres
Lowland hardwood forest 32220 C - Moderate condition
Canopy Shrub Forbs Graminoids
Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia waterleaf Elymus villosus Downy wild rye
Carex pensylvanica var. Sun-loving sedge
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash
var. pennsylvanica

Celtis occidentalis Hackberry

Prunus serotina Black cherry

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Appendix B

Land Cover Summary Tables

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 1 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS Total # of
Code Description Acres Polygons
10000 Artificial surfaces and associated areas 11,158.4 473
20000 Planted or Cultivated Vegetation (greater than 96% vegetation cover) 3,373.8 905
30000 Forests 2,067.1 391
40000 Woodland 264.3 72
50000 Shrubland 99.1 26
60000 Herbaceous 3,706.1 659
70000 Nonvascular vegetation - 0
80000 Sparse vegetation 15.8 4
90000 Water 1,739.7 185
Totals: 22,424.3 2,715

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 3 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Artificial surfaces with coniferous tree cover
11100 9.2 2
Artificial surfaces with deciduous tree cover
11200 352.1 44
Artificial surfaces with mixed coniferous and deciduous tree cover
11300 176.9 8
Artificial surfaces with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs with sparse trees
12200 14.9 3
Artificial surfaces with perennial grasses with sparse trees
13100 6,268.0 201
Artificial surfaces with perennial grasses
13200 417.1 29
Buildings and/or pavement
14100 2,696.6 152
Exposed earth
14200 1,223.6 34

Subtotal: 11,158.4 473

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 3 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Planted, maintained or cultivated coniferous trees
21100 15.7 12
Planted, maintained or cultivated deciduous trees
21200 8.8 2
Planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous and deciduous trees
21300 18.6 8
Planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous-deciduous shrub/vine
22300 vegetation 1.7 1
Planted or maintained grasses with sparse tree cover
23100 1,047.5 356
Planted or maintained grasses
23200 601.8 221
Planted or maintained grasses and forbs
23300 2.7 1
Row cropland
24100 1,470.9 253
Close grown or solid seeded cropland
24200 206.1 51

Subtotal: 3,373.8 905

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 3 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Upland deciduous forest
32100 1,789.7 323
Temporaily flooded deciduous forest
32200 206.2 44
Saturated deciduous forest
32300 33.2 16
Seasonally flooded deciduous forest
32400 27.7 6
Upland mixed coniferous-deciduous forest
33100 10.3 2

Subtotal: 2,067.1 391

Upland deciduous woodland
42100 216.1 65
Temporarily flooded deciduous woodland
42200 0.8 1
Saturated deciduous woodland
42300 40.1 3
Seasonally flooded deciduous woodland
42400 3.4 2
Upland mixed coniferous-deciduous woodland
43100 3.8 1

Subtotal: 264.3 72

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 3 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Upland deciduous shrubland
52100 13.7 8
Temporaily flooded deciduous woodland
52200 22.1 5
Saturated deciduous shrubland
52300 3.7 1
Seasonally flooded deciduous shrubland
52400 55.2 10
Semipermanently flooded deciduous shrubland
52500 4.4 2

Subtotal: 99.1 26

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 3 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Tall grassland
61100 6.8 3
Medium-tall grassland
61200 584.7 118
Temporarily flooded graminoid vegetation
61300 60.8 7
Saturated graminoid vegetation
61400 380.7 78
Seasonally flooded emergent vegetation
61500 784.3 158
Semipermanently flooded emergent vegetation
61600 379.8 44
Intermittently exposed emergent vegetation
61700 40.2 7
Permanently flooded emergent vegetation
61800 18.8 2
Grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62100 845.8 116
Grassland with sparse conifer or mixed deciduous/coniferous trees
62200 126.9 10
Temporarily flooded grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62300 23.2 4
Saturated grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62400 311.3 83
Seasonally flooded grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62500 93.3 19
Standing water hydromorphic rooted vegetation
64100 49.4 10

Subtotal: 3,706.1 659

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 3 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Unconsolidated material (soil, sand, and ash)
83000 2.1 1
Temporarily flooded sand flats
83200 5.5 1
Seasonally/Temporarily flooded mud flats
83300 8.3 2

Subtotal: 15.8 4

Limnetic open water
92100 1,163.9 10
Palustrine open water
93300 575.8 175

Subtotal: 1,739.7 185

Totals: 22,424.3 2,715

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

11% to 25% impervious cover with coniferous trees

11120 1.4 1
26% to 50% impervious cover with coniferous trees
11130 7.8 1
4% to 10% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11210 6.2 2
Oak (forest or woodland) with 4-10% impervious cover
11211 7.7 2
11% to 25% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11220 63.9 10
Oak (forest or woodland) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11221 34.8 6
Maple-basswood (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11223 33.2 3
Boxelder-green ash (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11224 3.8 1
Other deciduous trees with 11- 25% impervious cover
11229 7.5 1
26% to 50% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11230 22.0 3
Oak (forest or woodland) with 26-50% impervious cover
11231 16.4 1
Maple-basswood (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11233 153.4 13
Other deciduous trees with 26-50% impervious cover
11239 2.0 1
Oak (forest or woodland) with 51-75% impervious cover
11241 1.2 1
Planted mixed coniferous/deciduous trees with 11-25% impervious cover
11324 8.7 1
Planted mixed coniferous/deciduous trees with 26-50% impervious cover
11334 168.2 7

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

4% to 10% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs and sparse
12210 trees 14.9 3
4% to 10% impervious cover with perennial grasses and sparse trees
13110 11.3 1
Short grasses and mixed trees with 4-10% impervious cover
13114 160.0 19
Long grasses and mixed trees with 4-10% impervious cover
13115 11.7 1
Short grasses and mixed trees with 11-25% impervious cover
13124 331.8 46
Long grasses and mixed trees with 11-25% impervious cover
13125 3.9 2
26% to 50% impervious cover with perennial grasses and sparse trees
13130 74.2 1
Short grasses and mixed trees with 26-50% impervious cover
13134 4,847.1 90
Long grasses and mixed trees with 26-50% impervious cover
13135 6.6 2
Short grasses and mixed trees with 51-75% impervious cover
13144 811.7 38
Long grasses and mixed trees with 51-75% impervious cover
13145 9.7 1
Short grasses with 4-10% impervious cover
13211 3.6 1
Non-native dominated long grasses with 4-10% impervious cover
13212 5.4 2
Short grasses with 11-25% impervious cover
13221 13.8 4
Non-native dominated long grasses with 11-25% impervious cover
13222 16.2 2
Short grasses with 26-50% impervious cover
13231 81.2 6

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Non-native dominated long grasses with 26-50% impervious cover

13232 32.5 5
Short grasses with 51-75% impervious cover
13241 260.2 8
Non-native dominated long grasses with 51-75% impervious cover
13242 4.3 1
Pavement with 76-90% impervious cover
14112 22.1 4
Buildings and pavement with 76-90% impervious cover
14113 594.2 43
Pavement with 91-100% impervious cover
14122 813.5 49
Buildings and pavement with 91-100% impervious cover
14123 1,266.7 56
Mines with 0-10% impervious cover
14211 843.2 2
Landfill with 0-10% impervious cover
14213 6.2 1
Other exposed/transitional land with 0-10% impervious cover
14214 87.3 5
11% to 25% impervious cover-exposed earth
14220 3.1 1
Other exposed/transitional land with 11-25% impervious cover
14224 121.3 5
26% to 50% impervious cover-exposed earth
14230 1.3 1
Other exposed/transitional land with 26-50% impervious cover.
14234 161.2 19
Planted, maintained or cultivated coniferous trees
21100 1.4 1
Upland soils with planted, maintained, or cultivated coniferous trees
21110 8.8 6

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Coniferous trees on upland soils

21114 5.5 5
Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated deciduous trees
21210 4.4 1
Deciduous trees on upland soils
21213 4.3 1
Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous/deciduous trees
21310 17.0 7
Hydric soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous/deciduous trees
21320 1.5 1
Hydric soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous-deciduous
22320 shrub/vine 1.7 1
Upland soils with planted or maintained grasses and sparse tree cover
23110 11.7 4
Short grasses with sparse tree cover on upland soils
23111 819.5 262
Long grasses with sparse tree cover on upland soils
23112 95.1 4
Short grasses with sparse tree cover on hydric soils
23121 115.6 84
Long grasses with sparse tree cover on hydric soils
23122 5.6 2
Planted or maintained grasses
23200 0.5 1
Upland soils with planted or maintained grasses
23210 10.5 2
Short grasses on upland soils
23211 465.9 139
Long grasses on upland soils
23212 59.1 19
Short grasses on hydric soils
23221 49.9 53

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Long grasses on hydric soils

23222 16.0 7
Short grasses and forbs on hydric soils
23321 2.7 1
Upland soils - cropland
24110 738.3 85
24112 76.8 11
24114 181.5 26
24118 36.0 3
Hydric soils - row cropland
24120 345.7 108
Corn on hydric soils
24122 12.7 7
Soybeans on hydric soils
24124 80.0 13
Upland soils - close grown cropland
24210 30.7 4
24216 43.4 10
24217 86.8 15
Hydric soils - close grown cropland
24220 29.3 10
Fallow hydric soils
24227 7.2 6
Hayfield on hydric soils
24228 8.7 6
Oak forest
32110 169.1 38

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Oak forest mesic subtype

32112 168.5 24
Maple-basswood forest
32150 624.7 82
Aspen forest
32160 3.2 2
Altered/non-native deciduous forest
32170 824.1 177
Floodplain forest
32210 58.3 8
Floodplain forest swamp white oak subtype
32212 2.4 1
Lowland hardwood forest
32220 45.7 10
Altered/non-native temporarily flooded deciduous forest
32240 99.7 25
Aspen forest - saturated soils
32330 3.8 2
Altered/non-native saturated soils deciduous forest
32340 29.4 14
Mixed hardwood swamp - seasonally flooded
32420 6.4 1
Altered/non-native seasonally flooded deciduous forest
32430 21.3 5
Upland mixed coniferous-deciduous forest
33100 3.7 1
Mixed pine-hardwood forest
33110 6.6 1
Oak woodland-brushland
42120 23.5 8
Altered/non-native deciduous woodland
42130 192.6 57

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Altered/non-native deciduous woodland - temporarily flooded

42210 0.8 1
Altered/non-native deciduous woodland - saturated
42310 40.1 3
Altered/non-native deciduous woodland - seasonally flooded
42410 3.4 2
Altered/non-native mixed woodland
43110 3.8 1
Altered/non-native dominated upland shrubland
52130 13.7 8
Altered/non-native dominated temporarily flooded shrubland
52220 22.1 5
Altered/non-native dominated saturated shrubland
52330 3.7 1
Willow swamp
52430 9.8 2
Altered/non-native dominated seasonally flooded shrubland
52440 45.4 8
Willow swamp - semipermanently flooded
52520 1.6 1
Altered/non-native dominated semipermanently flooded shrubland
52540 2.8 1
Mesic prairie
61110 3.2 1
Tall grass altered/non-native dominated grassland
61120 3.6 2
Medium-tall grass altered/non-native dominated grassland
61220 584.7 118
Temporarily flooded altered/non-native dominated grassland
61330 57.8 6
Cattail marsh - temporarily flooded
61340 3.1 1

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Saturated graminoid vegetation

61400 1.2 1
Saturated altered/non-native dominated graminoid vegetation
61480 379.5 77
Cattail marsh - seasonally flooded
61510 285.1 48
Mixed emergent marsh - seasonally flooded
61520 70.6 13
Seasonally flooded altered/non-native dominated emergent vegetation
61530 426.3 96
Wet meadow - seasonally flooded
61540 2.3 1
Cattail marsh - semipermanently flooded
61610 226.7 25
Mixed emergent marsh
61620 15.6 4
Semipermanently flooded altered/non-native dominated vegetation
61630 137.4 15
Cattail marsh - intermittently exposed
61710 32.9 5
Intermittently exposed altered/non-native dominated vegetation
61730 7.3 2
Cattail marsh - permanently flooded
61810 18.8 2
Grassland with sparse deciduous trees - altered/non-native dominated vegetation
62140 845.8 116
Grassland with sparse conifer or mixed deciduous/coniferous trees - altered/non-
62220 native dominated 126.9 10
Altered/non-native grassland with sparse deciduous trees - temporarily flooded
62310 23.2 4
Altered/non-native grassland with sparse deciduous trees - saturated soils
62410 311.3 83

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Level 5 Land Cover Summary
MLCCS # of
Code Description Total Acres Polygons

Altered/non-native grassland with sparse deciduous trees - seasonally flooded

62510 93.3 19
Water lily open marsh
64111 1.4 1
Northern water lily aquatic wetland
64113 48.0 9
Unconsolidated material (soil, sand, and ash)
83000 2.1 1
Lacustrine sand flats - bars
83211 5.5 1
Non-tidal mud flat seasonally / temporarily flooded
83310 5.7 1
Lake mud flats
83311 2.6 1
Limnetic open water
92100 1,163.9 10
Palustrine open water
93300 575.8 175

City of Maple Grove, MN – Land Cover Classification and Natural Resource Inventory
September 2005
Appendix C

Abbreviated MLCCS User Manual

The full manual is available online, at:

Minnesota Land Cover Classification System
User Manual

Version 5.4

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Central Region

The Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS) integrates classification of cultural
features, non-native vegetation, natural and semi-natural vegetation into a comprehensive land
cover classification system. This system is heavily based on two native vegetation classification

The US National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS). This standard was

developed in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and the nationwide state Natural
Heritage programs. It represents the first standardized classification of the terrestrial
ecological communities of the United States ever developed at a scale fine enough to be
used in making local, site-specific conservation decisions. The Federal Geographic Data
Committee endorsed it in 1997 as the standard approach to be used by all federal
agencies. A copy of this system may be obtained via the world wide web at

Minnesota's Native Vegetation: A Key to Natural Communities, version 1.5. This

standard was developed by the Minnesota DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame Research
Program (NHNRP), primarily based on vegetation data collected by the Minnesota
County Biological Survey (MCBS) and pre-existing literature on plant communities in
Minnesota and adjacent states. A copy of this key may be obtained by contacting DNR
Ecological Services, 500 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul , MN, 55155, or by calling 651-296-

Both of these standards have undergone revisions, shifting toward an ecological basis for
classifying natural communities. Revisions to the MLCCS will occur when the changes to the
NVCS and the Minnesota Key to Natural Communities become formalized, possible in 2004.

The MLCCS uses the natural community terminology developed by the NHNRP. These same
terms are used by the Minnesota County Biological Survey (MCBS) on maps of natural
communities in the state. However, the MLCCS designates land cover at a given point in time,
including areas that would not meet the minimal quality and/or size criteria used by MCBS.
Therefore, there will sometimes be differences between mapped polygons in MCBS data layers
and MLCCS data layers in the same place.

Comments and suggestions on the Cultural or Natural/Semi-Natural classifications will be

appreciated. Please address comments to:

Bart Richardson
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
1200 Warner Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55106
Phone: 651-772-615 email:

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Metro Region, along with other federal,
state, regional and local units of government, has developed a natural resource inventory
classification system to accurately map all land cover types. The system is unique in that it
categorizes urban and built-up areas strictly in land cover terms. For natural resources, the
system fully incorporates the Minnesota's Native Vegetation: A Key to Natural Communities,
version 1.5 developed by the Minnesota DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
(NHNRP), and the newly developed The US National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS)
developed in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and the nationwide state Natural
Heritage programs.

The overall objective of the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS) is to
standardize land cover identification and interpretation. The MLCCS was developed as a result
of unanswered questions regarding natural resource identification, protection and restoration
efforts in the seven-county metropolitan area.

Common questions are:

o Where are the natural resources that need protection in face of development?
o Where are the degraded natural sites that would benefit from restoration efforts?
o What is the degradation that has occurred?
o Where are sites adjacent to existing natural areas that could be restored to natural
o What should the restored community be?
o What is the imperviousness of the watershed?
o What are the actual vegetation cover types associated with various land use classes?

The MLCCS provides a standardized method to collect data that can be used to answer these
questions. The MLCCS is unique in that it emphasizes vegetation land cover instead of land use,
thus creating a land cover inventory especially useful for resource managers and planners.

The classification system is a five-level hierarchical design, permitting a gradation of refinement

relevant to any land cover mapping project. The very highest level, or the system level, is the
division between Natural/Semi-Natural cover types and Cultural cover types. Cover types in the
Natural/Semi-Natural system are composed of all naturally occurring types and are subdivided
into Forests, Woodlands, Shrublands, Herbaceous, Nonvascular, Sparse Vegetation and Water.
The Cultural classification system is composed of cover types influenced by humans, and are
subdivided into Areas with > 4% Artificial Surfaces and Cultural Vegetation.
The Natural/Semi-Natural classification system is a hybrid of the US National Vegetation
Classification System (NVCS) and Minnesota's Native Vegetation: A Key to Natural
Communities, version 1.5 developed by the Minnesota DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame
Research Program (NHNRP). The NVCS is used for the top three levels of the system,
identifying the physiognomic attributes of the vegetation. Thus, level one identifies the general
growth patterns (forest, woodland, shrubland, etc.); level two identifies plant types (deciduous,
coniferous, grasslands, forbs, etc.); and level three identifies the hydrology of the soil (upland,
seasonally flooded, saturated, etc.) or a refinement of plant type (tall grass, forbs, etc.). Levels
four and five identify the actual plant species composition and uses Minnesota's Native
Vegetation: A Key to Natural Communities community type definitions (e.g. floodplain forest,
rich fen sedge subtype, jack pine barrens, etc.).

The Cultural classification system is designed to identify the presence of artificial surfaces
(impervious surfaces) and vegetation patterns. Most other cultural classification systems, such
as the USGS's Anderson system, employ land use terminology: Urban, Commercial or
Residential. The MLCCS continues to use physiognomic attributes regardless of the area's land
use. Level one identifies where artificial surfaces are present (artificial surfaces vs. cultivated
land). Level two identifies the dominant vegetation (trees, shrubs, herbaceous). Level three
identifies the plant type (deciduous, coniferous, etc.). Level four identifies the percent of
imperviousness or upland versus hydric soils. Level five identifies the specific plant species in
the area.

For each polygon identified, modifiers may be added to further define the characteristics of the
site. Possible modifier codes include imperviousness, land use, vegetation disturbances or
management, natural quality, tree species, forestry (e.g., percent canopy and DBH) and water

Typical data needed to identify land cover using the MLCCS includes Minnesota County
Biological Surveys, County Soil Surveys, National Wetland Inventory, Color infrared aerial
photographs, digital orthophoto quadrangles and rare features data from the Natural Heritage
Information System (obtained by filling out a Data Request Form, available on the DNR's web
site, or obtained from the Section of Ecological Services, MN DNR). This base information is
usually sufficient to identify polygons to the third level of the MLCCS codes. Field inspection
by ecologists is usually required for modifier attributes and to identify natural community types
in the fourth and fifth levels of the MLCCS. Field inspection is also used to confirm and refine
polygon delineation.

The Classification System
Land Cover vs. Land Use

Information on land cover and land use is required in many aspects of land use planning and
policy development. It also is required for monitoring and/or modeling environmental change.
Many land use/cover classification systems and innumerable maps have been created, most of
which blur the difference between land use and land cover. With the escalating concern of land
conversion by population growth, there is an urgent need for better matching of land cover and
its use. With the rapid increase of available spatial data, along with wider use of remote sensing,
it is increasingly possible to map, evaluate and monitor land cover and land use over large areas.

The distinction between land cover and land use is fundamental. In previous classifications and
legends, the two have often been confused. They should strictly be defined as follows:

Land Cover is the observed physical cover, as seen from the ground or through remote sensing,
including the vegetation (natural or planted) and human constructions (buildings, roads, etc.) that
cover the earth's surface. Water, ice, bare rock, or sand surfaces count as land cover.

Land Use is based upon function, the purpose for which the land is being used. Thus, a land use
can be defined as a series of activities undertaken to produce one or more goods or services. A
given land use may take place on one or more than one piece of land, and several land uses may
occur on the same piece of land. Definition of land use in this way provides a basis for precise
and quantitative economic and environmental impact analysis, and permits precise distinctions
between land uses if required.

There are many classification systems in existence, yet few of them purely address land cover.
Existing land cover classification systems either revert to land use definitions in urban/built up
and agricultural areas, or simply do not interpret these areas.

The MLCCS identifies land cover in areas traditionally identified by land use (e.g., urban, built
up and agricultural areas) by identifying the structure of the vegetation present and including the
presence of human activities as it presents itself from above. Cultural Systems are areas where
the total vegetation cover is less than 96% because of direct human alteration (e.g., presence or
roads, buildings) or areas where the dominant vegetation has been maintained, planted or
cultivated (e.g., agricultural lands, parks, windbreaks). The MLCCS only identifies the types of
vegetation present. Buildings, roads and other manmade surfaces are all considered artificial
surfaces. These artificial surfaces are lumped together as impervious surfaces. Thus the
MLCCS may identify a typical residential area as: Short grasses and mixed trees with 26% to
50% impervious cover.

Native communities are included in the Cultural Systems, but an impervious component has been
added. These communities contain the species of natural communities, though due to the
presence of impervious surfaces, they may no longer function as such. Examples of this type of
cover are large-lot residential developments located in natural areas such as oak forests or
woodlands. While there is significant native and natural vegetation remaining, the presence of
the matrix of roads and buildings removes it from being considered a natural community. The
MLCCS may identify such a community as: Oak (forest or woodland) with 11% to 25%
impervious cover.

One of the major innovations of the MLCCS is the application of a pure land cover standard to
inventory all lands. The MLCCS recognizes that all lands, regardless of use, have some
ecological importance. Watershed management is one ecological application perfectly suited for
the MLCCS. Managing the interaction of human activities and the health of a watershed's
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is dependent, in part, on the knowledge of what the land
cover's vegetative and impervious components are. It does not matter to a lake if the impervious
surface is a residential roof or a road; the effects are the same. The goal of the MLCCS is to
provide a land cover classification system for standardized identification and interpretation by a
broad base of users.

Schematic Tables

System Overview

Super Terrestrial

System Cultural Natural / Semi-natural

Level 1 Artificial surfaces Cultural Forests Woodland Shrubland Herbaceous Nonvascular Sparse Open Water
with <96% Vegetation Vegetation
numerical 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000

Cultural Land Cover System


level 1 Artificial surfaces and associated areas (up to 96% vegetation cover) - Areas which have an artificial cover which is the result of human activities such as construction
(e.g.; buildings, pavement), extraction sites (e.g.; open mines, quarries, pits) and waste disposal sites. This class is determined by the presence of manmade impervious
surface. Pavement is an artificially covered surface for a thoroughfare. Surfaces may include concrete, asphalt, gravel, or brick materials.

level 2 Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Minimal Vegetation

level 3 Conifers Decid- Mixed Mixed Shrubs Grasses Grasses Gardens Buildings / Exposed earth
uous Con./Dec. shrubs w/trees w/trees Pavement

level 4 % imper- % imper- % imper- % imper- % imper- % imper- % impervious % impervious % impervious % impervious

vious vious vious vious vious vious

level 5 Genus or community types (Alliance) Genus | grass short | long prairie vege- flow- pave- build- mines, pits, etc.
grass table ers ment ings


level 1 Planted or Cultivated Vegetation (greater than 96% vegetation cover) - Cultivated is vegetation that is planted or treated with the intent on harvest, often on an annual
basis. Regular modification of cover is expected. Planted vegetation refers to sites where the natural vegetation has been removed or modified and replaced with different
types of vegetative cover resulting from anthropic activities. This vegetation is usually non-native and requires human activities to be maintained over the long term.
Nurseries, tree stands (e.g. tree farms or windbreaks), pastures and ball fields are included in this group. Restorations or replanting of natural communities are not considered
in this category because although they are planted, they are intended to mimic natural cover.

level 2 Trees Shrubs and vines Planted Herbaceous Cultivated Herbaceous

level 3 Conifers Decid- Mixed Conifers Decid- Mixed Grasses Grasses Grasses and Row Cropland Close Grown
uous Con./Dec. uous Con./Dec w/trees Forbs Cropland

level 4 Upland Soils | Hydric Soils Upland Soils | Hydric Soils Upland Soils | Hydric Soils

level 5 Genus or community types (Alliance) short grass | long grass Crop species

Natural / Semi-Natural Land Cover System


level 1 Forests - Trees with their crowns overlapping (generally forming 60 - 100% cover)

level 2 Coniferous forest Deciduous forest Mixed coniferous - deciduous forest

level 3 Soil Hydrology [ Upland | Saturated | Temporarily flooded | Seasonally flooded ]

level 4 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community types

level 5 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community subtypes


level 1 Woodland - Open stands of trees with crowns not usually touching (generally forming 25 - 60% cover). Canopy tree cover may be less than 25% in cases where it exceeds
shrub, dwarf-shrub, herb, and nonvascular cover, respectively.

level 2 Coniferous woodland Deciduous woodland Mixed coniferous - deciduous woodland

level 3 Soil Hydrology [ Upland Soils ]

level 4 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community types

level 5 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community subtypes


level 1 Shrubland - Shrubs generally greater than 0.5 m tall (dwarf-shrubland are low-growing shrubs usually under 0.5 m tall) with individuals or clumps overlapping to not
touching (generally forming more than 25% cover, trees generally less than 25% cover). Shrub cover may be less than 25% where it exceeds tree, herb, and nonvascular
cover, respectively. Vegetation dominated by woody vines is generally treated in this class.

level 2 Coniferous / Evergreen shrubland Deciduous shrubland

level 3 Soil Hydrology [ Upland | Saturated | Temporarily flooded | Seasonally flooded ]

level 4 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community types

level 5 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community subtypes


level 1 Herbaceous - Herbs (graminoids, forbs, and ferns) dominant (generally forming at least 25% cover; trees, shrubs, and dwarf-shrubs generally with less than 25% cover).
Herb cover may be less than 25% where it exceeds tree, shrub, dwarf-shrub, and nonvascular cover, respectively.

level 2 Grasslands or emergent vegetation Grasslands with sparse trees Perennial forb Hydromorphic rooted vegetation Annual grasslands or
(savannas) vegetation forb vegetation

level 3 Tall grass | Medium-tall grass | Temporarily Grassland with sparse deciduous trees Saturated | Semipermanently flooded | Seasonally flooded
flooded | Saturated | Seasonally flooded | | Grassland with sparse coniferous or Upland Intermittently exposed | Permanently
Semipermanently flooded | Intermittently mixed deciduous / coniferous trees flooded
exposed | Permanently flooded

level 4 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community types National Vegetation Classification System Alliances

level 5 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community subtypes National Vegetation Classification System Associations


level 1 Nonvascular - Nonvascular cover (bryophytes, non-crustose lichens, and algae) dominant (generally forming at least 25% cover). Nonvascular cover may be less than 25%
where it exceeds tree, shrub, dwarf-shrub, and herb cover, respectively.

level 2 Lichen

level 3 Lichen vegetation with sparse trees

level 4 MN DNR Natural Heritage=s community types


level 1 Sparse Vegetation - Abiotic substrate features dominant. Vegetation is scattered to nearly absent and generally restricted to areas of concentrated resources (total vegetation
cover is typically less than 25% and greater than 0%)

level 2 Consolidated Rock Boulder, Gravel, Cobble, or Talus Unconsolidated Material

level 3 Cliffs Level Bedrock Lowland Talus / Scree Cobble / Gravel Beaches Sand Flats Temporarily Seasonally /
and Shores Flooded Sand Temporarily
Flats Flooded Mud

level 4 National Vegetation Classification System Alliances

level 5 National Vegetation Classification System Associations


level 1 Open Water - This major cover type is to be used for open water with no emergent vegetation. Emergent vegetation in rivers, intermittent streams, lakes and wetlands are to
be classified under the Herbaceous Vegetation cover type.
Open water divisions and classifications are based on the National Wetlands Inventory Cowardin classifications.

level 2 River (Riverine) Lake ( Lacustrine) Wetland Open Water ( Palustrine)

level 3 Slow river Fast River Limnetic | Semipermanently flooded | Intermittently Intermittently exposed | Permanently flooded | Open
exposed | Permanently flooded | Littoral water

level 4 Floating Algae | Floating Vascular Vegetation (NWI classifications)

The Classification System
Land Cover Coding Schemes

The MLCCS is a typical hierarchical classification system. The organization of the numerical
and alphanumerical codes reflect this multi-level nested hierarchy.

Numerical codes
The numerical codes use a five digit number. The digits are organized left to right and each digit
represents a level of the classification system; the first digit represents level one, the second digit
represents level two, etc.

The five levels of the MLCCS are represented by a five digit number:

level one level two level three level four level five
first digit second digit third digit fourth digit fifth digit

30000 - Interpreted to the first level, thus represents Forests
32000 - Interpreted to the second level, thus represents Deciduous forest
32100 - Interpreted to the third level, thus represents Upland deciduous forest
32110 - Interpreted to the fourth level, thus represents Oak forest
32113 - Interpreted to the fifth level, thus represents Oak forest dry subtype

Alphanumerical codes
The alphanumerical codes use a unique combination of numbers and letters (characters) for each
level. The unique character clusters for each level are separated by periods.

level one level two level three level four level five
arabic two two three three
number lowercase uppercase characters characters
letters letters

3 Interpreted to the first level, thus represents Forests Interpreted to the second level, thus represents Deciduous
forest Interpreted to the third level, thus represents Upland deciduous
forest Interpreted to the fourth level, thus represents Oak forest Interpreted to the fifth level, thus represents Oak forest dry subtype
See "Definitions of the alphanumeric characters" insert link

Remote Sensing Coding Schemes

Remote sensing information is tracked with two attribute fields - img_code for the five digit land
cover code and img_type for the image used.

Numerical land cover codes interpreted from remote sensing

If a land cover code has been derived from remote sensing, then the five digit numerical code is
placed in the img_code field. This field should be populated whenever a land cover code has be
derived from remote sensing techniques, even if there is also a land cover code derived from
field inspection. A polygon may contain a land cover codes in the both the img_code field and
the fld_code field. As the remote sensing source may be dated, many times these codes will be
different. If the land cover code has only been derived from field inspection, then an img_code
is not necessary.

Remote sensing image type codes

The remote sensing source is tracked in the img_type field. This refers to the type and date of
the image used for remote sensing interpretation of the land cover code. Different remote
sensing sources can be reference for specific polygons, or the user can list all the remote sensing
sources used for the entire project. Format for the sources should be "Year (YYYY) Originator
and Type". For example, typical remote sensing sources:
2000 Met Council BW DOQ
2003 FSA Color DOQ
1994 DNR CIR

The information should be entered as a text string with a pipe "|" used to delimit the items. For
example, assuming all of the above sources were used for the project, the img_type field would
be populated with "2003 FSA Color DOQ | 2000 Met Council BW DOQ | 1994 DNR CIR". List
sources in chronological order, with the most current first.

Field Work Coding Schemes

Field work derived information is tracked with three attribute fields - fld_code for the five digit
land cover code, fld_date for the date of the field work, and fld_level for the level of which the
site was field visited.

Numerical land cover codes interpreted from field visits

If a land cover code has been derived from visiting the site in the field, then the five digit
numerical code is placed in the fld_code field. This field should be populated whenever a land
cover code has be derived from a field site visit, even if there is also a land cover code derived
from remote sensing interpretation. A polygon may contain a land cover codes in the both the
img_code field and the fld_code field. As the remote sensing source may be dated, many times
these codes will be different. If the land cover code has only been derived from field inspection,
then an img_code is not necessary.

Field date codes
The fld_date field tracks the date the site was visited. This can reflect either the exact day of the
visit or generalized to the month or year. The format for the information is an eight character
string representing "year month day" (yyyymmdd). Thus, July 16, 2004 would be entered as
20040716. Use "01" as a place holder to represent if the day or month has not been tracked.
Thus, 20040701 represents July, 2004 (not July 1, 2004), and 20040101 represents the year 2004
(not January 1, 2004). If field work was done on the first day of the month and one wants to
record a date of the field, use a date of "02" instead of "01". Thus, 20040702 represents field
work done on July 1, 2004 and/or July 2, 2004.

Field check levels

A site visit level code must be used for all polygons that have been field visited and have a
fld_code value. The numerical code represents the degree the site was visited. These codes can
be applied to all land cover types; artificial, cultural, natural or semi-natural. Natural
communities must be field checked to be given a natural quality ranking. The natural quality
ranking are based on the DNR's Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Ranking Guidelines (see
below "Natural Quality Modifiers" and appendix 2: Element Occurrence system). Valid field
check level codes are:

0 = site not visited

1 = viewed the site from a distance

Was not able to walk to the site, but was able to discern the dominant vegetation. Masses of invasive species may be visible,
and thus were recorded (buckthorn, reed canary grass, crown vetch, etc). Depending on the perceived quantity of invasive
species, a natural quality ranking of D may or may not be discernable.

2 = visited the edge of the site

Walked or drove to the edge of the site, and was able to inventory some invasive species and speculate on its natural quality.
Depending on the perceived quantity of invasive species, a natural quality ranking of C or D may or may not be discernable.

3 = visited part of the site

Walked into the site and was able to confidently inventory most invasive species present and assess its natural quality - A, B,
C or D. Wetlands that are inventoried from the edges in several places should be given this field check level.

4 = visited the entire site

Was able to inventory all invasive species present and assess the site's natural quality - A, B, C or D.

Modifier Coding Schemes

Modifiers are to be used to further define a site and are considered equal in weight to the initial
MLCCS code. In cases where a site has been field checked, appropriate modifiers should be
applied. Polygon attribute tables will accommodate modifiers from each grouping of modifier
codes. Definitions for many of the modifiers are included, however most modifiers are self
explanatory. Field inspections should be conducted when applying modifier codes. Modifiers
can be applied while doing the initial air photo interpretation, though caution should be used in
making modifier decisions only on air photo interpretation. With practice and experience, a
person may be able to gain confidence to apply modifiers from air photo interpretation only.

o Percentage of Impervious Cover. Enables one to give an exact percentage of

imperviousness to a polygon, thus improving stormwater run-off model results.
o Current Land Use. List of most common land uses. Permits the tracking of a polygon's
land use classification.
o Modifiers that identify the current vegetation management practices on a site.
o Modifiers that identify types of natural disturbances to the community.
o Modifiers that identify the natural quality of a site.
o Invasive species.
o Modifiers that identify the successional stage of a forest.
o Percentage of tree canopy cover.
o Average diameter of trees within a forest
o Water regime (NWI modifiers)
o Built water features
o Wetland features
o Stream features
o Spring features

Natural quality modifiers

The natural plant community sites can be given a natural quality ranking, based on the DNR's
Natural Heritage's Element Occurrence Ranking Guidelines* (EOR). As stated in the EOR

Element Occurrence (EO) Ranking Guidelines describe the manner in which occurrences
of specific Minnesota natural communities are ranked by ecologists. On a continuum of
“A” through “D,” and “A” rank indicates an excellent quality natural community, while
“D” indicates a poor quality natural community. To assess quality, ecologists primarily
consider the presence or absence of unnatural human-induced disturbances such as
logging, plowing, overgrazing and development.

These guidelines were written by Minnesota Natural Heritage Program ecologists based
primarily on field experience to date, and will be modified as more data are collected.
The authors have a great deal of field experience in some natural communities, and less
in others. The guidelines are designed to be used by experienced ecologists who have
some knowledge of the community across its entire range in the state.

Refer to the EOR Guidelines to evaluate the specific natural communities. Non-native, altered
and disturbed communities should only be given a non-native ranking (NN or NA). Valid codes
and general definitions modifier m_34X are:

A = highest quality natural community, no disturbances and natural processes intact. Site must be
visited entirely or partially to accurately assess its natural quality at this level (fld_level = 3 or 4).

B = good quality natural community. Has its natural processes intact, but shows signs of past human
impacts. Low levels of exotics. Site must be visited entirely or partially to accurately assess its natural
quality at this level (fld_level = 3 or 4).

C = moderate condition natural community with obvious past disturbance but is still clearly recognizable
as a native community. Not dominated by weedy species in any layer. Minimally, the site must be
visited from the edge to accurately assess its natural quality at this level (fld_level = 2, 3 or 4).

D = poor condition of a natural community. Includes some natives, but is dominated by non-natives
and/or is widely disturbed and altered. Herbaceous communities may be assessed with this ranking from
a distance (fld_level = 1) if large masses of invasive species are present and the entire community is

NA = Native species present in an altered / non-native plant community. This NA ranking can only be
used if the site is field checked from the edge or to a greater degree (fld_level 2, 3, or 4), thus
confirming the presence of native species within a non-native community.

NN = Altered / non-native plant community. These semi-natural communities do not qualify for natural
quality ranking. Using NN signifies the site has been field checked and confirms it is a semi-natural

Inventory Process
The standardized MLCCS inventory methodology


Printed materials:
DNR's Natural Heritage's Element Occurrence Ranking Guidelines
Soil Survey books
Field guide books (see Appendix 7)
Color Infrared Photos+ and a stereoscope
Color Aerial Photos
MLCCS Manual and MLCCS Dichotomous Field Key
Photos available from DNR Forestry:

Digital materials:
Minnesota County Biological Survey natural community polygons*
National Wetlands Inventory polygons*
Soil polygons*
Ecological Classification System*
Pre-settlement Vegetation data (Marschner map)*
Digital Orthophoto Quads (1 meter resolution or better)*
Color Infrared Photos (rectified)+
Color Aerial Photos - various counties or Farm Service Agency
MLCCS dichotomous key for the Palm
* Can be downloaded without charge from the DNR data deli:
Unrectified images available from DNR Forestry:


Create hardcopy base maps

Tile project site into print areas at a 1:3,000 or greater scale. Have the most current DOQs as the
base layer, with NWI and MCBS polygon outlines on top. Label the Cowardin class from the
NWI and the natural community from the MCBS.

Broadly delineate level 1 & 2

Divide the study area into broad physiognomic plant characteristic, as depicted in level 1 and
level 2. For example, delineate the boundaries between herbaceous, forest and shrub
communities. Artificial surfaces and planted communities can likewise be delineated at level 1
or level 2. These are obvious boundaries visible from aerial photos, and is typically done with
colored pencils on the printed 1:3,000 DOQs.

The Minimum Mapping Unit and levels 3, 4, & 5
Minimum Mapping Unit is 0.5 hectare for natural vegetation (1.23 acres) and 1 hectare for
cultural communities (2.47 acres). Consequently, all land cover types that meet this minimum
size must be delineated. The size of the minimum mapping unit (MMU) was selected to ensure
detailed and accurate data while balancing typical budget constraints. If the project budget
permits, a smaller MMU can be applied. This commonly occurs when delineating wetlands or
municipal parks. Adherence to the MMU is especially important when delineating level 4 & 5
natural communities. Also associated with the MMU is a recommended minimum polygon
width of 50 feet.

Sampling techniques and the dichotomous key

Standardized interpretation of the vegetation communities and ecological systems is the primary
goal of this manual. MLCCS data generation relies heavily on aerial photo interpretation
complemented by field work. The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Vegetation
Classification guidelines require that field data be collected "using standard and documented
sampling methods." To standardize the interpretation of natural communities, the use of the
dichotomous key is mandatory. The MLCCS key is a visual sampling of the dominant plant
species in the community, with the general ecology of the site taken into consideration. It is
imperative that field staff new to the MLCCS use the dichotomous key until they fully
understand how the MLCCS defines all plant communities in their project area. Failure to use
the MLCCS key will result in non-standard plant community interpretation, and will most likely
result in the data not being included in the regionwide DNR-endorsed GIS layer.

Also associated with the standardized data collection is the Field Check Form, on the final page
of the manual for easy duplication. This form helps further to standardize natural community

Modifiers to land cover codes

The modifier attribute fields have been set up to permit the application of multiple modifiers for
each polygon. The modifier fields are grouped around a common theme, from which the user
can choose one modifier code. The exception to this rule are the modifiers for invasive plant
species, in that each plant species is given its own unique attribute field. All invasive plant
species identified in natural/semi-natural field checked polygons must be recorded. The use of
natural community quality modifies are also strongly encouraged.

Interpretation and digitizing standards

Line Quality and Accuracy
Line error should be no more than 1/8" at a 1:3,000 scale. This represents approximately 30 feet
horizontal accuracy. This accuracy standard applies to both the interpretation of polygon
boundaries on the DOQs, and to digitizing these field-interpreted polygons into a GIS.

Interpretation / Label Quality and Accuracy

Land cover interpretation accuracy goal is 100% at level 1, 95% at level 3 and 90% at level 4/5.
Field checking all (or most) public property in the project site is strongly recommended. There
should be 100% accuracy between the labels on the field maps (paper) and the digitized versions.

Polygon Attribute Table standards
One problem typically encountered with land cover inventory projects in rapidly developing
areas is the quickly changing cover type of the landscape. To address this problem, specific
fields have been created that refer to the land cover interpretation source and date. For example,
field item "img_code" tracks the land cover code interpreted from aerial photos, while
"img_type" tracks the type and date of the image used. Thus, img_code = 32160 and img_type =
"1991 USGS BW DOQ | 1994 DNR CIR", refers to a polygon of aspen forest derived from 1991
USGS DOQs and 1994 color infrared aerial photographs. When this site is field checked, it
might be determined to be a different land cover type than was interpreted off the aerial photo.
To record this change, use the "fld_code" field to track the land cover type derived from field
inspection and "fld_date" tracks the date the field visit occurred. With values in both img_code
and fld_code, one can discern how the land cover has changed in relative short window of time.

The attribute field item C_NUM should be populated with the most current classification code
from the img_code and fld_code fields. The C_NUM field is the final land cover code for
MLCCS data, and is used for cartographic products and data analysis. Field item C_ALPHA is
the alphanumeric equivalent of C_NUM, and automatically populated when using the MLCCS
digitizing extension. This item will greatly facilitates sorting and analyzing the data for
horizontally common features, such as "saturated" (c_alpha = WB), "26-50% impervious"
(c_alpha = i50) or "altered / non-native communities" (c_alpha = nAT). See "Definitions of the
alphanumeric characters" for complete details.

Polygon Attribute Table format


AREA Area in square meters Automatically generated in GIS software. number

PERIMETER Perimeter of polygon in meters Automatically generated in GIS software. number

MLCCSPY3_# Internal Arc/Info polygon ID The degree the polygon was field checked, from the field number
check form.

MLCCSPY3_ID Arc/Info polygon ID The degree the polygon was field checked, from the field number
check form.

UNIQUE_ID Project defined polygon ID A unique number assigned to each polygon to help track 16 characters
it for field checking. The DNR assigns the numbers
based on the USGS DOQ quarter-quad number and a
print tiling scheme. Not mandatory.

C_NUM Final land cover code as 5 digit number This field will duplicate the most accurate land cover 5 digit
code for each polygon - either field visit (fld_code) or number
remote sensing (img_code). Mandatory

C_ALPHA Final land cover code in alphanumeric The alphanumeric code equivalent to C_NUM. 16 characters
format Automatically populated with MLCCS tools.

C_TEXT Final land cover code as a text description A text description of the land cover code. Automatically 125
populated with MLCCS tools. characters

FLD_CODE Land cover code derived from field work. The land cover code derived from field interpretation. 5 digit
Can be applied to any land cover type. Must be present if number
invasive species or natural quality modifiers are used.
FLD_DATE Date of field work (year-month-day with The date the polygon was field visited - enter in a 8 characters
no delimiters, e.g. 20043019) yyyymmdd format. Use 01 as a place holder if the day or
month was not tracked, e.g. 20040601 represents June,
2004, and 19990101 represents data from 1999.
Mandatory if FLD_CODE is populated.

FLD_LEVEL Field check level (from the Field Check The degree the polygon was field visited: 1 digit
Form in the manual) 0 = site not visited number
1 = viewed the site from a distance
2 = visited the edge of the site
3 = visited part of the site
4 = visited the entire site
See manual page for details. Mandatory if FLD_CODE is

IMG_CODE Land cover code derived from aerial The land cover code derived by remote sensing, typically 5 digit
photo or image interpretation using aerial photos or satellite images. Several images number
can be used in concert. Not mandatory if the land cover
of the site was initially interpreted from field work.

IMG_TYPE List of date and type of images, e.g. [2003 List the most current image first, descending in 250
FSA color DOQ | 2000 Met Council BW chronological order. Use "yyyy source and image type" characters
DOQ ] with a pipe "|" as delimiters. Standard entries:
2003 FSA color DOQ
2000 Met Council BW DOQ
1994 DNR CIR

M_0XX Modifiers for percent imperviousness, Valid values are 000 to 100 3 digit
000 = 0% to 100 = 100% number

M_2XX Modifiers for cultural land use Valid values are 210 to 276 3 digit

M_30X Modifiers for vegetation management Valid values are 301, 302, or as a list "301, 302" 16 characters

M_31X Modifiers for management type Valid values are 310 to 315, or as a list, e.g. "310, 311, 25 characters

M_32X Modifiers for natural community Valid values are 321 to 329, or as a list, e.g. "321, 323, 50 characters
disturbance types 326"

M_33X Old modifiers for the quality of the NO LONGER USED. 3 digit
natural community. NO LONGER USED. number

M_34X Modifiers for the quality of the natural Valid values are: 2 characters
community, based on DNR's Natural A = highest quality natural community
Heritage Element Occurrence Rank B = good quality natural community
(EOR). C = moderate condition natural community
D = poor condition of a natural community
NA = Native species present in an altered/non-native plant
NN = Altered / non-native plant community

FLD_LEVEL must be => 3 for a A or B ranking

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 for a C or D ranking
FLD_LEVEL must be => 1 for a NA or NN ranking

M_400 Overgrown Savanna Valid value is 400. FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 3 digit

M_401 Overgrown Woodland Valid value is 401. FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 3 digit

M_402 Purple Loosestrife Valid values are: 3 digit

0 = unknown, or if field checked, plants not observed number
1 = observed, unknown quantity
2 = 1 to 5% coverage
3 = 6 to 25% coverage
4 = 26 to 50% coverage
5 = 51 to 75% coverage
6 = 76 to 100% coverage

FLD_LEVEL must be => 1

M_403 Eurasian Watermilfoil Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_404 Curly-leaf Pondweed Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_405 Flowering Rush Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_406 Narrow-leaf Cattail Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_407 Crown Vetch Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 1

M_408 Common Buckthorn Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 1 number

M_409 Leafy Spurge Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 1 number

M_410 Tartarian Honey Suckle Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_411 Garlic Mustard Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_412 Reed Canary Grass Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 1 number

M_413 Smooth Brome Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_414 Spotted Knapweed Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_415 Exotic Thistle Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_416 Siberian elm Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_417 Phragmites Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

3 digit
M_418 Grecian Foxglove Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 number
FLD_LEVEL must be => 2

M_419 Amur Maple Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit
FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_420 Black locust Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_421 Absinthe sage - Artemisia absinthium Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_499 Other invasive species Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 digit

FLD_LEVEL must be => 2 number

M_5XX Modifiers for tree species 500 to 546 or as a list, e.g. "512, 524, 530" 50 characters

M_60X Modifiers for forest dynamics 601 to 604 3 digit


M_61X Modifiers for percentage of tree canopy, 610 to 616 3 digit

numerical range number

M_62X Modifiers for cover size (average 621 to 629 3 digit

diameter of trees) number

M_71X Modifiers for NWI regimes 710 to 716 3 digit


M_72X Modifiers for built water features 720 to 726 or as a list, e.g. "720, 723" 25 characters

M_73X Modifiers for wetland features 730 to 734 or as a list, e.g. "730, 733" 25 characters

M_74X Modifiers for stream features 740, 741 or as a list, "740, 741" 16 characters

M_75X Modifier for spring features 750 3 digit


NOTES Comment field 250


SOURCE Author of data (interpretation and Mandatory field - state "organization, ecologist, digitizer 100
digitizing) (if different)", e.g. "ACD, R. Biske" or "EOR, M Arikian, characters
J. Naber"

ACRES Polygon area calculated in acres Automatically populated with MLCCS tools 250

Modifier Codes

Modifiers are to be used to further define a site and are considered equal in weight to the initial
MLCCS code. In cases where a site has been field checked, appropriate modifiers should be
applied. Polygon attribute tables will accommodate modifiers from each grouping of modifier
codes. Definitions for many of the modifiers are included, however most modifiers are self
explanatory. Field inspections should be conducted when applying modifier codes. Modifiers
can be applied while doing the initial air photo interpretation, though caution should be used in
making modifier decisions only on air photo interpretation. With practice and experience, a
person may be able to gain confidence to apply modifiers from air photo interpretation only.

0XX Modifiers for Percent Imperviousness

The 000-100 codes are for percent impervious. All 101 codes may be used. Example,
if an area is calculated to be 37% impervious, then the correct modifier code would be
037. Average imperviousness may be estimated using the following averages
developed by lot size for the SCS TR-55 Model (Urban Hydrology for Small

000 - 0% impervious
012 - 12% impervious ( 2 acre lot)
020 - 20% impervious ( 1 acre lot)
025 - 25% impervious (2 acre lot)
030 - 30% impervious (1/3 acre lot)
038 - 38% impervious (1/4 acre lot)
065 - 65% impervious (1/8 acre lot)
072 - 72% impervious (Large buildings )
085 - 85% impervious (large buildings or pavement)
096 - 96% impervious
100 - 100% impervious

2XX Modifiers to identify Land Use

In the metro area land use data is usually readily available and will not be required to be
collected for land cover information. In areas where this information is not available,
the MLCCS may incorporate land use nomenclature. However, MLCCS polygons will
have been delineated by land cover, and thus a specific polygon may require several
applicable land use modifiers.

210 - Residential
211 - Low Density Residential (one dwelling unit per acre)
212 - Medium Density Residential (two to five dwelling units per acre)
213 - High Density Residential (greater than five dwelling units per acre)

220 - Commercial / Industrial

221 - Commercial
222 - Industrial
223 - City Center
224 - Institutional
225 - Corporate Park
226 - Recreational
227 - Utility
228 - Brownfield
229 - Other

230 - Transportation (Roads & Railroads)

231 - Roads
232 - Railroads
233 - Parking Lot
234 - Runway
235 - Marina / Barge Tie-ups
236 - Other

240 Open space use

241 - Parks (picnic grounds, ball fields, playgrounds)
242 - Golf Course
243 - Big Lawn
244 - Public Garden
245 - Cemetery
246 - Greenways
247 - Trail corridor
248 - Natural area / preserve

250 - Pavement
251 - Unimproved (Dirt)
252 - Gravel
253 - Bituminous
254 - Concrete
255 - Porous Pavement
256 - Brick / Cobblestone
257 - Other

260 - Farm buildings

261 - Farmstead
262 - Feeding Operation

270 - Agricultural field methods

271 - Straight row
272 - Crop residue
273 - Contoured
274 - Terraced
275 - Pasture
276 - Hayfield
3XX Modifiers to further define vegetation community

30X - Modifiers that reflect current vegetation management of a site

301 - Planted community
302 - Managed for wildlife

31X - Natural community with active vegetation management

310 - undefined vegetation management
311 - burned
312 - mowed
313 - chemical application
314 - brush cutting
315 - tree thinning

32X - Modifiers that reflect types of disturbances observed

321 - Natural community disturbed by wind
322 - Natural community disturbed by flood
323 - Natural community disturbed by fire
324 - Natural community disturbed by disease
325 - Recently clear-cut
326 - Natural community disturbed by non-native plants
327 - Natural community disturbed by major cultural activity
328 - Natural community disturbed by unknown factors
329 - Monocultural vegetation

34X - Modifiers for natural community quality ranking.

The natural plant community sites can be given a natural quality ranking, based on the
DNR's Natural Heritage's Element Occurrence Ranking Guidelines* (EOR). See
"Natural Community Modifiers" for a discussion of the Element Occurrence Ranking
Refer to the EOR Guidelines to evaluate the specific natural communities. Non-native,
altered and disturbed communities should only be given a non-native ranking (NN or
NA). Valid codes and general definitions modifier m_34X are:

A = highest quality natural community, no disturbances and natural processes intact. Site must
be visited entirely or partially to accurately assess its natural quality at this level (fld_level = 3
or 4).

B = good quality natural community. Has its natural processes intact, but shows signs of past
human impacts. Low levels of exotics. Site must be visited entirely or partially to accurately
assess its natural quality at this level (fld_level = 3 or 4).

C = moderate condition natural community with obvious past disturbance but is still clearly
recognizable as a native community. Not dominated by weedy species in any layer.
Minimally, the site must be visited from the edge to accurately assess its natural quality at this
level (fld_level = 2, 3 or 4).

D = poor condition of a natural community. Includes some natives, but is dominated by non-
natives and/or is widely disturbed and altered. Herbaceous communities may be assessed with
this ranking from a distance (fld_level = 1) if large masses of invasive species are present and
the entire community is visible.

NA = Native species present in an altered / non-native plant community. This NA ranking can
only be used if the site is field checked from the edge or to a greater degree (fld_level 2, 3, or
4), thus confirming the presence of native species within a non-native community.

NN = Altered / non-native plant community. These semi-natural communities do not qualify

for natural quality ranking. Using NN signifies the site has been field checked and confirms it
is a semi-natural community.

4XX Modifiers that reflect invasive species or vegetative encroachment.

These are to be used to identify non-native plants observed in significant numbers for
all natural or semi-natural areas. The polygon attribute table allows for selecting all
species that apply. The amount of invasive species present can be tracked using the
following codes in its corresponding polygon attribute field:
0 = unknown, or if field checked, plants not observed
1 = observed, unknown quantity
2 = 1 to 5% coverage
3 = 6 to 25% coverage
4 = 26 to 50% coverage
5 = 51 to 75% coverage
6 = 76 to 100% coverage

400 - Overgrown prairie/savanna

401 - Overgrown woodland
402 - Purple loosestrife
403 - Eurasian watermilfoil
404 - Curly-leaf pondweed
405 - Flowering rush
406 - Narrow-leaf cattail
407 - Crown vetch
408 – Common and glossy buckthorn
409 - Leafy spurge
410 - Tartarian honey suckle
411 - Garlic mustard
412 - Reed canary grass
413 - Smooth brome
414 - Spotted knapweed
415 - Exotic thistle
416 - Siberian elm
417 - Phragmites
418 - Grecian foxglove
419 - Amur maple
420 - Black locust
421 - Absinthe sage (Artemisia absinthium)
499 - Other

5XX Tree Species

500 - Coniferous trees
501 - Pines
502 - White Pine
503 - Red Pine
504 - Scotch Pine
505 - Ponderosa Pine
506 - Jack Pine
507 - Spruces
508 - White Spruce
509 - Black Spruce
510 - Norway Spruce
511 - Colorado Spruce
512 - Cedars
513 - White Cedar
514 - Red cedar
515 - Tamarack
516 - Pine / Spruce mix
517 - White Pine / Red cedar mix
518 - Deciduous Trees
519 - Planted Maples
520 - Sugar Maple
521 - Norway Maple
522 - Silver Maple
523 - Boxelder
524 - Oaks
525 - White Oak
526 - Red Oak
527 - Burr Oak
528 - Swamp White Oak
529 - Northern Pin Oak
530 - Ashes
531 - Green Ash
532 - White Ash
533 - Poplars
534 - Cottonwood
535 - Aspen
536 - Bigtooth Aspen
537 - Maple / Oak mix
538 - Maple / Ash mix
539 - Northern Hardwoods
540 - Mixed early successional hardwoods
541 - Mixed Coniferous - Deciduous Trees
542 - White Pine / Sugar Maple
543 - Pine / Spruce / Oak / Maple
544 - Pine / Oak
545 - Walnut
546 - Willow

6XX Forestry modifiers

60X - Forest Dynamics.

The following terminology was developed by John Kotar at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison through a cooperative agreement with the USDA Forest Service,
Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry.
601 - Stand initiation.
This follows major disturbances, such as catastrophic wind, fire or clear cutting. The
open space becomes filled with individuals that arrive by seed (e.g., paper birch, yellow
poplar, aspen, cherry), stump sprouts (e.g., oak after fire) and root sprouts (e.g., aspen
after clear cutting), or that were present as advance regeneration (e.g., sugar maple or
other shade-tolerant species after a tornado or logging removes the canopy). This
stage ends when the canopy becomes continuous and trees begin competing with each
other for light and canopy space.

602 - Stem exclusion.

During this stage, the canopy is dense enough to prevent new saplings from growing
into the canopy - there is no space available for new canopy trees. The canopy continues
to have only one dominant cohort, with a relatively smooth upper canopy surface.
Competition among trees is intense and density-dependent self-thinning is the major
cause of mortality. Crowns are small enough so that when one tree dies, the other trees
are able to fill the vacated space in the canopy by expanding their crowns. The duration
of this stage varies with species and geographic region. For example, in the Lake States
and the Northeast, this situation continues for 75-150 years in northern hardwoods and
red or white pine stands, but may last only 20 to 40 years in some aspen and jack pine

603 - Understory reinitiation

At this point, a stand undergoes demographic transition from one cohort to more than
one cohort. There may be a wave of high mortality as many trees reach old age at the
same time. The crowns of the trees are now large enough so that when one dies, the
surrounding trees cannot fill the gap. As a result, a new cohort of trees has space to
enter the canopy. The diameter distribution becomes a compound of the two cohorts -
an old unimodal peak in larger size classes and a new peak in the small size classes. If
the stand was originally composed of a pioneer species (e.g., paper birch, aspen or
yellow poplar), shade-tolerant trees such as sugar maple or beech may begin entering
the canopy. If there are more gaps in the canopy and more light on the forest floor,
some of the mid-tolerant trees, such as white ash, red maple, yellow birch and white
pine, also may enter the canopy. Mortality undergoes a transition from mostly
density-dependent self-thinning to mostly density independent mechanisms, such as
senescence, windthrow (due to weakened wood caused by heartrot) or disease. The
stand begins to take on "old growth" characteristics, with large rotten logs on the forest
floor, many tree sizes and an uneven canopy surface.

604 - Old, multi-aged community

At this point, demographic transition is complete; the forest has many age classes and
size classes of trees in the canopy. There may be few or no remnants left from the
original cohort. Mortality is continuous at a relatively low level, with death occurring
mainly in individuals or small groups of trees.

61X Percent tree canopy cover

610 - No tree cover
611 - 1% to 10% tree cover
612 - 11% to 20% tree cover
613 - 21% to 40% tree cover
614 - 41% to 60% tree cover
615 - 61% to 80% tree cover
616 - 81% to 100% tree cover

62X Cover size. Average diameter of trees

621 - not applicable to stand
622 - 0 to 0.9' Diameter Breast Height (DBH)
623 - 1 to 2.9' DBH
624 - 3 to 4.9' DBH
625 - 5 to 8.9' DBH
626 - 9 to 14.9' DBH
627 - 15 to 19.9' DBH
628 - 20 to 24.9' DBH
629 - 25+= DBH

7XX Water modifiers

71X - Water regime (NWI modifiers)

710 - Temporarily Flooded (A)
711 - Saturated (B)
712 - Seasonally Flooded (C)
713 - Semipermanently Flooded (F)
714 - Intermittently Exposed (G)
715 - Permanently Flooded (H)
716 - Artificially Flooded (K)
72X - Built features
720 - Beaver Pond (b)
721 - Partially Drained/Ditched (d)
722 - Farmed (f)
723 - Diked/Impounded (h)
724 - Artificial Substrate (r)
725 - Spoil (s)
726 - Excavated (x)

73X - Wetland features

730 - wetland(s) present
731 - water feature used for stormwater management
732 - water feature used for wildlife management
733 - reservoir
734 - livestock watering hole

74X - Stream features

740 - stream(s) present
741 - ditch present

75X - Spring feature

750 - groundwater seepage/springs present
Tables of MLCCS Codes

An integral part of the MLCCS is the use of modifier codes. Modifier codes are to be used to
further define a site and are considered equal in weight to the initial MLCCS code. In cases
where a site has been field checked, appropriate modifiers should be applied. See page B-26
for the modifier codes.

NOTE: The NVCS Evergreen classification has been changed to coniferous, thus moving
tamarack forests from the NVCS deciduous classification to a coniferous classification

Artificial surfaces and associated areas

10000 Artificial surfaces and associated areas 1.
11000 Artificial surfaces with trees as the dominant vegetation cover (25% to
96% vegetation cover)
11100 Artificial surfaces with coniferous trees
11110 4% to 10% impervious cover with coniferous trees
11111 Jack pine (forest or woodland) with 4-10% impervious cover
11112 White/red pine (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11113 Spruce-fir (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11114 Eastern red cedar (woodland) with 4-10% impervious cover
11115 Northern conifer (woodland) with 4-10% impervious cover
11116 Planted red pine with 4-10% impervious cover
11117 Planted white pine with 4-10% impervious cover
11118 Planted spruce/fir with 4-10% impervious cover
11119 Other planted conifers with 4-10% impervious cover
11120 11% to 25% impervious cover with coniferous trees
11121 Jack pine (forest or woodland) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11122 White/red pine (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11123 Spruce-fir (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11124 Eastern red cedar (woodland) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11125 Northern conifer (woodland) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11126 Planted red pine with 11- 25% impervious cover
11127 Planted white pine with 11- 25% impervious cover
11128 Planted spruce/fir with 11- 25% impervious cover
11129 Other planted conifers with 11- 25% impervious cover
11130 26% to 50% impervious cover with coniferous trees
11131 Jack pine (forest or woodland) with 26-50% impervious cover
11132 White/red pine (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11133 Spruce-fir (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11134 Eastern red cedar (woodland) with 26-50% impervious cover
11135 Northern conifer (woodland) with 26-50% impervious cover
11136 Planted red pine with 26-50% impervious cover
11137 Planted white pine with 26-50% impervious cover
11138 Planted spruce/fir with 26-50% impervious cover
11139 Other planted conifers with 26-50% impervious cover
11140 51% to 75% impervious cover with coniferous trees
11141 Jack pine (forest or woodland) with 51-75% impervious cover
11142 White/red pine (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11143 Spruce-fir (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11144 Eastern red cedar (woodland) with 51-75% impervious cover
11145 Northern conifer (woodland) with 51-75% impervious cover
11146 Planted red pine with 51-75% impervious cover
11147 Planted white pine with 51-75% impervious cover
11148 Planted spruce/fir with 51-75% impervious cover
11149 Other planted conifers with 51-75% impervious cover
11200 Artificial surfaces with deciduous tree cover
11210 4% to 10% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11211 Oak (forest or woodland) with 4-10% impervious cover
11212 Northern hardwood (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11213 Maple-basswood (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11214 Boxelder-green ash (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11215 Aspen-birch (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11216 Aspen (forest, woodland) with 4-10% impervious cover
11217 Planted ash with 4-10% impervious cover
11218 Planted oak with 4-10% impervious cover
11219 Other deciduous trees with 4-10% impervious cover
11220 11% to 25% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11221 Oak (forest or woodland) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11222 Northern hardwood (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11223 Maple-basswood (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11224 Boxelder-green ash (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11225 Aspen-birch (forest) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11226 Aspen (forest, woodland) with 11- 25% impervious cover
11227 Planted ash with 11- 25% impervious cover
11228 Planted oak with 11- 25% impervious cover
11229 Other deciduous trees with 11- 25% impervious cover
11230 26% to 50% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11231 Oak (forest or woodland) with 26-50% impervious cover
11232 Northern hardwood (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11233 Maple-basswood (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11234 Boxelder-green ash (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11235 Aspen-birch (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11236 Aspen (forest, woodland) with 26-50% impervious cover
11237 Planted ash with 26-50% impervious cover
11238 Planted oak with 26-50% impervious cover
11239 Other deciduous trees with 26-50% impervious cover
11240 51% to 75% impervious cover with deciduous trees
11241 Oak (forest or woodland) with 51-75% impervious cover
11242 Northern hardwood (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11243 Maple-basswood (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11244 Boxelder-green ash (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11245 Aspen-birch (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11246 Aspen (forest, woodland) with 51-75% impervious cover
11247 Planted ash with 51-75% impervious cover
11248 Planted oak with 51-75% impervious cover
11249 Other deciduous trees with 51-75% impervious cover
11300 Artificial surfaces with mixed coniferous and deciduous tree cover
11310 4% to 10% impervious cover with mixed coniferous/deciduous trees
11311 Mixed pine-hardwood (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11312 White pine-hardwood (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11313 Northern hardwood-conifer (forest) with 4-10% impervious cover
11314 Planted mixed coniferous/deciduous trees with 4-10% impervious
11320 11% to 25% impervious cover with mixed coniferous/deciduous trees
11321 Mixed pine-hardwood (forest) with 11-25% impervious cover
11322 White pine-hardwood (forest) with 11-25% impervious cover
11323 Northern hardwood-conifer (forest) with 11-25% impervious cover
11324 Planted mixed coniferous/deciduous trees with 11-25% impervious
11330 26% to 50% impervious cover with mixed coniferous/deciduous trees
11331 Mixed pine-hardwood (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11332 White pine-hardwood (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11333 Northern hardwood-conifer (forest) with 26-50% impervious cover
11334 Planted mixed coniferous/deciduous trees with 26-50% impervious
11340 51% to 75% impervious cover with mixed coniferous/deciduous trees
11341 Mixed pine-hardwood (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11342 White pine-hardwood (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11343 Northern hardwood-conifer (forest) with 51-75% impervious cover
11344 Planted mixed coniferous/deciduous trees with 51-75% impervious
12000 Artificial surfaces with coniferous and/or deciduous shrub dominant
vegetation (25% to 96% vegetation cover)
12100 Artificial surfaces with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
12110 4% to 10% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
12111 Short grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 4-10%
impervious cover
12112 Long grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 4-10%
impervious cover
12113 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs with 4-10% impervious
12120 11% to 25% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
12121 Short grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 11-
25% impervious cover
12122 Long grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 11-
25% impervious cover
12123 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 11-25% impervious cover
12130 26% to 50% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
12131 Short grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 26-
50% impervious cover
12132 Long grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 26-
50% impervious cover
12133 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 26-50% impervious cover
12140 51% to 75% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
12141 Short grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 51-
75% impervious cover
12142 Long grasses with planted coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 51-
75% impervious cover
12143 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs, 51-75% impervious cover
12200 Artificial surfaces with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs with sparse
12210 4% to 10% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
and sparse trees
12211 Oak woodland brushland with 4-10% impervious cover
12212 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs and trees with 4-10%
impervious cover
12220 11% to 25% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
and sparse trees
12221 Oak woodland brushland with11-25% impervious cover
12222 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs and trees with11-25%
impervious cover
12230 26% to 50% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
and sparse trees
12231 Oak woodland brushland with 26-50% impervious cover
12232 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs and trees with 26-50%
impervious cover
12240 51% to 75% impervious cover with coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs
and sparse trees
12241 Oak Woodland brushland with 51-75% impervious cover
12242 Other coniferous and/or deciduous shrubs and trees with 51-75%
impervious cover
13000 Artificial surfaces with herbaceous dominant vegetation (25% to 96% 1.hh.
vegetation cover)
13100 Artificial surfaces with perennial grasses with sparse trees 1.hh.CT.
13110 4% to 10% impervious cover with perennial grasses and sparse trees 1.hh.CT.i10.
13111 Jack pine barrens with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i10.cJB.
13112 Oak savanna with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i10.cOS.
13113 Aspen openings with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i10.cAO.
13114 Short grasses and mixed trees with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i10.cGS.
13115 Long grasses and mixed trees with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i10.cGL.
13120 11% to 25% impervious cover with perennial grasses and sparse trees 1.hh.CT.i25.
13121 Jack pine barrens with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i25.cJB.
13122 Oak savanna with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i25.cOS.
13123 Aspen openings with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i25.cAO.
13124 Short grasses and mixed trees with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i25.cGS.
13125 Long grasses and mixed trees with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i25.cGL.
13130 26% to 50% impervious cover with perennial grasses and sparse trees 1.hh.CT.i50.
13131 Jack pine barrens with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i50.cJB.
13132 Oak savanna with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i50.cOS.
13133 Aspen openings with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i50.cAO.
13134 Short grasses and mixed trees with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i50.cGS.
13135 Long grasses and mixed trees with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i50.cGL.
13140 51% to 75% impervious cover with perennial grasses and sparse trees 1.hh.CT.i75.
13141 Jack pine barrens with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i75.cJB.
13142 Oak savanna with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i75.cOS.
13143 Aspen openings with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i75.cAO.
13144 Short grasses and mixed trees with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i75.cGS.
13145 Long grasses and mixed trees with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CT.i75.cGL.
13200 Artificial surfaces with perennial grasses 1.hh.CG.
13210 4% to 10% impervious cover with perennial grasses 1.hh.CG.i10.
13211 Short grasses with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i10.cGS.
13212 Non-native dominated long grasses with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i10.cGL.
13213 Mesic prairie with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i10.cMP.
13214 Dry prairie with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i10.cDP.
13220 11% to 25% impervious cover with perennial grasses 1.hh.CG.i25.
13221 Short grasses with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i25.cGS.
13222 Non-native dominated long grasses with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i25.cGL.
13223 Mesic prairie with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i25.cMP.
13224 Dry prairie with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i25.cDP.
13230 26% to 50% impervious cover with perennial grasses 1.hh.CG.i50.
13231 Short grasses with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i50.cGS.
13232 Non-native dominated long grasses with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i50.cGL.
13233 Mesic prairie with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i50.cMP.
13234 Dry prairie with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i50.cDP.
13240 51% to 75% impervious cover with perennial grasses 1.hh.CG.i75.
13241 Short grasses with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i75.cGS.
13242 Non-native dominated long grasses with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i75.cGL.
13243 Mesic prairie with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i75.cMP.
13244 Dry prairie with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CG.i75.cDP.
13300 Artificial surfaces with cultivated herbaceous vegetation (Gardens) 1.hh.CN.
13310 4% to 10% impervious cover with cultivated herbaceous vegetation 1.hh.CN.i10.
13311 Vegetables with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i10.cVG.
13312 Forbs (flowers) with 4-10% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i10.cFB.
13320 11% to 25% impervious cover with cultivated herbaceous vegetation 1.hh.CN.i25.
13321 Vegetables with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i25.cVG.
13322 Forbs (flowers) with 11-25% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i25.cFB.
13330 26% to 50% impervious cover with cultivated herbaceous vegetation 1.hh.CN.i50.
13331 Vegetables with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i50.cVG.
13332 Forbs (flowers) with 26-50% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i50.cFB.
13340 51% to 75% impervious cover with cultivated herbaceous vegetation 1.hh.CN.i75.
13341 Vegetables with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i75.cVG.
13342 Forbs (flowers)with 51-75% impervious cover 1.hh.CN.i75.cFB.
14000 Artificial surfaces with less than 25% vegetation cover
14100 Buildings and/or pavement
14110 76% to 90% impervious cover
14111 Buildings with 76-90% impervious cover
14112 Pavement with 76-90% impervious cover
14113 Buildings and pavement with 76-90% impervious cover
14120 91% to 100% impervious cover
14121 Buildings with 91-100% impervious cover
14122 Pavement with 91-100% impervious cover
14123 Buildings and pavement with 91-100% impervious cover
14200 Exposed earth
14210 0% to 10% impervious cover-exposed earth
14211 Mines with 0-10% impervious cover
14212 Sand and gravel pits with 0-10% impervious cover
14213 Landfill with 0-10% impervious cover
14214 Other exposed/transitional land with 0-10% impervious cover
14220 11% to 25% impervious cover-exposed earth
14221 Mines with 11-25% impervious cover
14222 Sand and gravel pits with 11-25% impervious cover
14223 Landfill with 11-25% impervious cover
14224 Other exposed/transitional land with 11-25% impervious cover
14230 26% to 50% impervious cover-exposed earth
14231 Mines with 26-50% impervious cover
14232 Sand and gravel pits with 26-50% impervious cover
14233 Landfill with 26-50% impervious cover
14234 Other exposed/transitional land with 26-50% impervious cover.

Planted or Cultivated Vegetation

20000 Planted or Cultivated Vegetation (greater than 96% vegetation cover) 2.
21000 Planted, maintained or cultivated tree vegetation
21100 Planted, maintained or cultivated coniferous trees
21110 Upland soils with planted, maintained, or cultivated coniferous trees
21111 Spruce/fir trees on upland soils
21112 White pine trees on upland soils
21113 Red pine trees on upland soils
21114 Coniferous trees on upland soils
21200 Planted, maintained or cultivated deciduous trees
21210 Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated deciduous trees
21211 Fruit trees (apple, cherry, plum, etc) on upland soils
21212 Walnut trees on upland soils
21213 Deciduous trees on upland soils
21300 Planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous and deciduous trees
21310 Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed
coniferous/deciduous trees
21320 Hydric soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed
coniferous/deciduous trees
22000 Planted, maintained or cultivated shrub and/or vine vegetation
22100 Planted, maintained or cultivated coniferous shrubs
22110 Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated coniferous shrubs
22120 Hydric soils with planted, maintained or cultivated coniferous shrubs
22200 Planted, maintained or cultivated deciduous shrub/vine vegetation
22210 Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated deciduous
shrub/vine vegetation
22211 Blackberry
22212 Blueberry
22213 Grape
22214 Raspberry-black
22215 Raspberry-red
22216 Other shrub/vine vegetation
22220 Artificially flooded or saturated soils
22221 Cranberry
22300 Planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous-deciduous
shrub/vine vegetation
22310 Upland soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous-
deciduous shrub/vine
22320 Hydric soils with planted, maintained or cultivated mixed coniferous-
deciduous shrub/vine
23000 Planted or maintained herbaceous vegetation
23100 Planted or maintained grasses with sparse tree cover
23110 Upland soils with planted or maintained grasses and sparse tree cover
23111 Short grasses with sparse tree cover on upland soils
23112 Long grasses with sparse tree cover on upland soils
23120 Hydric soils with planted or maintained grasses and sparse tree cover
23121 Short grasses with sparse tree cover on hydric soils
23122 Long grasses with sparse tree cover on hydric soils
23200 Planted or maintained grasses
23210 Upland soils with planted or maintained grasses
23211 Short grasses on upland soils
23212 Long grasses on upland soils
23220 Hydric soils with planted or maintained grasses
23221 Short grasses on hydric soils
23222 Long grasses on hydric soils
23300 Planted or maintained grasses and forbs
23310 Upland soils with planted or maintained grasses and forbs
23311 Short grasses and forbs on upland soils
23312 Long grasses and forbs on upland soils
23320 Hydric soils with planted grasses and forbs
23321 Short grasses and forbs on hydric soils
23322 Long grasses and forbs on hydric soils
24000 Cultivated herbaceous vegetation
24100 Row cropland
24110 Upland soils - cropland
24111 Beans (all types except soybeans)
24112 Corn
24113 Sorghum
24114 Soybeans
24115 Sugar beets
24116 Potato
24117 Pumpkins
24118 Sunflowers
24119 Other vegetable and truck crops
24120 Hydric soils - row cropland
24121 Beans (all types except soybeans) on hydric soils
24122 Corn on hydric soils
24123 Sorghum on hydric soils
24124 Soybeans on hydric soils
24125 Sugar beets on hydric soils
24126 Potato on hydric soils
24127 Pumpkins on hydric soils
24128 Sunflowers on hydric soils
24129 Other vegetable and truck crops on hydric soils
24200 Close grown or solid seeded cropland
24210 Upland soils - close grown cropland
24211 Wheat
24212 Oats
24213 Barley
24214 Sod
24215 Not planted
24216 Fallow
24217 Hayfield
24218 All other close grown cropland on upland soils
24220 Hydric soils - close grown cropland
24221 Wheat on hydric soils
24222 Oats on hydric soils
24223 Rice on hydric soils
24224 Barley on hydric soils
24225 Sod on hydric soils
24226 Not planted on hydric soils
24227 Fallow hydric soils
24228 Hayfield on hydric soils
24229 All other close grown cropland on hydric soils
24230 Artificially flooded or saturated soils - close grown cropland
24231 Rice

30000 Forests 3.
31000 Coniferous forest 3.ce.
31100 Upland coniferous forest 3.ce.UP.
31110 Black spruce-feathermoss forest 3.ce.UP.nBL.
31120 Jack pine forest 3.ce.UP.nJP.
31121 Jack pine forest jack pine-fir subtype 3.ce.UP.nJP.nJF.
31122 Jack pine forest hazel subtype 3.ce.UP.nJP.nJH.
31123 Jack pine forest jack pine-oak subtype 3.ce.UP.nJP.nJO.
31124 Jack pine forest jack pine-black spruce subtype 3.ce.UP.nJP.nJS.
31125 Jack pine forest blueberry subtype 3.ce.UP.nJP.nJY.
31130 Red pine forest 3.ce.UP.nRP.
31140 White pine forest 3.ce.UP.nWF.
31150 Upland white cedar forest 3.ce.UP.nUW.
31151 Upland white cedar forest wet-mesic subtype 3.ce.UP.nUW.nUE.
31152 Upland white cedar forest mesic subtype 3.ce.UP.nUW.nUM.
31160 Spruce-fir forest 3.ce.UP.nSF.
31161 Spruce-fir forest white spruce-balsam fir subtype 3.ce.UP.nSF.nSB.
31162 Spruce-fir forest fir-birch subtype 3.ce.UP.nSF.nSI.
31200 Saturated coniferous forest 3.ce.WB.
31210 Tamarack swamp 3.ce.WB.nTS.
31211 Tamarack swamp seepage subtype 3.ce.WB.nTS.nTE.
31212 Tamarack swamp minerotrophic subtype 3.ce.WB.nTS.nTM.
31213 Tamarack swamp sphagnum subtype 3.ce.WB.nTS.nTP.
31220 White cedar swamp 3.ce.WB.nWC.
31221 White cedar swamp seepage subtype 3.ce.WB.nWC.nWT.
31230 Black spruce swamp 3.ce.WB.nBS.
31240 Black spruce bog 3.ce.WB.nBB.
31241 Black spruce bog intermediate subtype 3.ce.WB.nBB.nBI.
31242 Black spruce bog raised subtype 3.ce.WB.nBB.nBR.
32000 Deciduous forest
32100 Upland deciduous forest
32110 Oak forest
32111 Oak forest red maple subtype
32112 Oak forest mesic subtype
32113 Oak forest dry subtype
32120 Northern hardwood forest
32130 Paper birch forest
32131 Paper birch forest northern hardwoods subtype
32132 Paper birch forest spruce-fir subtype
32140 Aspen-birch forest
32141 Aspen-birch forest northern hardwoods subtype
32142 Aspen-birch forest spruce-fir subtype
32150 Maple-basswood forest
32160 Aspen forest
32170 Altered/non-native deciduous forest
32200 Temporarily flooded deciduous forest
32210 Floodplain forest
32211 Floodplain forest silver maple subtype
32212 Floodplain forest swamp white oak subtype
32220 Lowland hardwood forest
32230 Aspen forest - temporarily flooded
32240 Altered/non-native temporarily flooded deciduous forest
32300 Saturated deciduous forest
32310 Black ash swamp
32311 Black ash swamp seepage subtype
32320 Mixed hardwood swamp
32321 Mixed hardwood swamp seepage subtype
32330 Aspen forest - saturated soils
32340 Altered/non-native saturated soils deciduous forest
32400 Seasonally flooded deciduous forest
32410 Black ash swamp - seasonally flooded
32420 Mixed hardwood swamp - seasonally flooded
32430 Altered/non-native seasonally flooded deciduous forest
33000 Mixed coniferous-deciduous forest
33100 Upland mixed coniferous-deciduous forest
33110 Mixed pine-hardwood forest
33120 Boreal hardwood-conifer forest
33130 Northern hardwood-conifer forest
33131 Northern hardwood-conifer forest yellow birch-white cedar subtype
33140 White pine-hardwood forest
33141 White pine-hardwood forest dry subtype
33142 White pine-hardwood forest mesic subtype

40000 Woodland 4.
41000 Coniferous woodland 4.ce.
41100 Upland coniferous woodland 4.ce.UP.
41110 Jack pine woodland 4.ce.UP.nJW.
41120 Northern conifer woodland 4.ce.UP.nNW.
41130 Eastern Red Cedar woodland 4.ce.UP.nRC.
42000 Deciduous woodland
42100 Upland deciduous woodland
42110 Aspen woodland
42120 Oak woodland-brushland
42130 Altered/non-native deciduous woodland
42200 Temporarily flooded deciduous woodland
42210 Altered/non-native deciduous woodland - temporarily flooded
42300 Saturated deciduous woodland
42310 Altered/non-native deciduous woodland - saturated
42400 Seasonally flooded deciduous woodland
42410 Altered/non-native deciduous woodland - seasonally flooded
43000 Mixed coniferous-deciduous woodland
43100 Upland mixed coniferous-deciduous woodland
43110 Altered/non-native mixed woodland
50000 Shrubland 5.
51000 Coniferous / evergreen shrubland 5.ce.
51100 Saturated needle-leaved or microphyllous evergreen 5.ce.WB.
51110 Open sphagnum bog 5.ce.WB.nOB.
51111 Open sphagnum bog intermediate subtype 5.ce.WB.nOB.nOI.
51112 Open sphagnum bog raised subtype 5.ce.WB.nOB.nOR.
51120 Scrub tamarack poor fen 5.ce.WB.nPT.
52000 Deciduous shrubland
52100 Upland deciduous shrubland
52110 Mesic brush-prairie
52111 Mesic brush-prairie sand-gravel subtype
52120 Native dominated disturbed upland shrubland
52130 Altered/non-native dominated upland shrubland
52200 Temporarily flooded deciduous woodland
52210 Native dominated temporarily flooded shrubland
52220 Non-native dominated temporarily flooded shrubland
52230 Bog birch, spiraea temporarily flooded shrubland
52300 Saturated deciduous shrubland
52310 Shrub fen
52311 Poor fen shrub subtype
52312 Rich fen shrub subtype
52320 Wet brush-prairie
52321 Wet brush-prairie seepage subtype
52330 Altered/non-native dominated saturated shrubland
52340 Shrub swamp seepage subtype
52350 Alder swamp - saturated soils
52360 Willow swamp - saturated soils
52370 Wet meadow shrub subtype - saturated soils
52380 Bog birch, spiraea shrubland - saturated soils
52400 Seasonally flooded deciduous shrubland
52410 Alder swamp
52420 Wet meadow shrub subtype
52430 Willow swamp
52440 Altered/non-native dominated seasonally flooded shrubland
52450 Bog birch, spiraea shrubland - seasonally flooded
52500 Semipermanently flooded deciduous shrubland
52510 Wet meadow shrub - semipermanently flooded
52520 Willow swamp - semipermanently flooded
52530 Bog birch, spiraea shrubland - semipermanently flooded
52540 Altered/non-native dominated semipermanently flooded shrubland
60000 Herbaceous 6.
61000 Grassland or emergent vegetation
61100 Tall grassland
61110 Mesic prairie
61111 Mesic prairie carbonate bedrock subtype
61112 Mesic prairie crystalline bedrock subtype
61120 Tall grass altered/non-native dominated grassland
61200 Medium-tall grassland
61210 Dry Prairie
61211 Dry Prairie barrens subtype
61212 Dry Prairie bedrock bluff subtype
61213 Dry Prairie sand-gravel subtype
61214 Dry Prairie hill subtype
61220 Medium-tall grass altered/non-native dominated grassland
61300 Temporarily flooded graminoid vegetation
61310 Wet prairie
61311 Wet prairie saline subtype
61320 Wet meadow - temporarily flooded soils
61330 Temporarily flooded altered/non-native dominated grassland
61340 Cattail marsh - temporarily flooded
61400 Saturated graminoid vegetation
61410 Wet prairie - saturated soils
61411 Wet prairie saline subtype - saturated soils
61412 Wet prairie seepage subtype - saturated soils
61420 Wet meadow
61430 Cattail marsh - saturated soils
61440 Calcareous seepage fen
61441 Calcareous seepage fen boreal subtype
61442 Calcareous seepage fen prairie subtype
61450 Poor fen
61451 Poor fen sedge subtype
61452 Poor fen patterned fen subtype
61460 Rich fen
61461 Rich fen sedge subtype
61462 Rich fen floating-mat subtype - saturated soils
61463 Rich fen patterned fen subtype
61470 Open bog
61471 Open sphagnum bog schlenke subtype
61472 Graminoid bog
61480 Saturated altered/non-native dominated graminoid vegetation
61500 Seasonally flooded emergent vegetation
61510 Cattail marsh - seasonally flooded
61520 Mixed emergent marsh - seasonally flooded
61530 Seasonally flooded altered/non-native dominated emergent vegetation
61540 Wet meadow - seasonally flooded
61600 Semipermanently flooded emergent vegetation
61610 Cattail marsh - semipermanently flooded
61620 Mixed emergent marsh
61630 Semipermanently flooded altered/non-native dominated vegetation
61640 Wet meadow - semipermanently flooded
61641 Wet meadow floating mat subtype
61650 Rich fen floating-mat subtype - semipermanently flooded
61700 Intermittently exposed emergent vegetation
61710 Cattail marsh - intermittently exposed
61720 Mixed emergent marsh - intermittently exposed
61730 Intermittently exposed altered/non-native dominated vegetation
61740 Rich fen floating-mat subtype - intermittently exposed
61800 Permanently flooded emergent vegetation
61810 Cattail marsh - permanently flooded
61820 Mixed emergent marsh - permanently flooded
61830 Permanently flooded altered/non-native dominated vegetation
61840 Rich fen floating-mat subtype - permanently flooded
62000 Grassland with sparse tree layer
62100 Grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62110 Aspen openings
62111 Aspen openings sand gravel subtype
62120 Dry oak savanna
62121 Dry oak savanna hill subtype
62122 Dry oak savanna barrens subtype
62123 Dry oak savanna sand-gravel subtype
62130 Mesic oak savanna
62140 Grassland with sparse deciduous trees - altered/non-native dominated
62200 Grassland with sparse conifer or mixed deciduous/coniferous trees
62210 Jack pine barrens
62220 Grassland with sparse conifer or mixed deciduous/coniferous trees -
altered/non-native dominated
62300 Temporarily flooded grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62310 Altered/non-native grassland with sparse deciduous trees - temporarily
62400 Saturated grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62410 Altered/non-native grassland with sparse deciduous trees - saturated
62500 Seasonally flooded grassland with sparse deciduous trees
62510 Altered/non-native grassland with sparse deciduous trees - seasonally
63000 Perennial forb vegetation
63100 Upland forb vegetation
63110 Talus slope algific subtype
63200 Saturated forb vegetation
63210 Seepage meadow
64000 Hydromorphic rooted vegetation
64100 Standing water hydromorphic rooted vegetation
64110 Water lily
64111 Water lily open marsh
64112 Boreal water lily aquatic wetland
64113 Northern water lily aquatic wetland
64120 Midwest pondweed submerged aquatic wetland
65000 Annual grasslands or forb vegetation
65100 Seasonally flooded annual forb vegetation
65110 Slender glasswort saline meadow

Nonvascular vegetation
70000 Nonvascular vegetation 7.
71000 Lichen vegetation
71100 Lichen vegetation with sparse tree layer
71110 Northern conifer scrubland

Sparse vegetation
80000 Sparse vegetation 8.
81000 Consolidated rock (cliffs, bedrock, etc.)
81100 Cliffs with sparse vegetation
81110 Open cliff
81111 Great Lakes shore basalt/diabase cliff
81112 Northern (Laurentian) igneous/metamorphic dry cliff
81113 Midwest dry limestone/dolostone cliff
81114 Midwest sandstone dry cliff
81115 Midwest sandstone moist cliff
81116 Great Lakes shoreline granite/metamorphic cliff
81120 Wet cliff
81121 Maderate cliff
81122 Midwest sedimentary dripping cliff
81130 Rock outcrop / butte
81131 Northern (Laurentian) granite/metamorphic rock outcrop
81132 Midwest quartzite - granite rock outcrop
81200 Level bedrock with sparse vegetation
81210 Open level bedrock
81211 Inland lake igneous/metamorphic bedrock shore
81212 Great Lakes basalt (conglomerate) bedrock lakeshore
81213 Great Lakes limestone-dolostone bedrock lakeshore
81214 Great Lakes sandstone bedrock shore
81215 River ledge sandstone pavement
82000 Boulder, gravel, cobble, or talus
82100 Lowland or submontane talus / scree slopes
82110 Lowland talus
82111 Northern granite/metamorphic talus
82112 Midwest limestone - dolostone talus
82113 Northern sandstone talus
82114 Northern basalt/diabase open talus
82200 Cobble / gravel beaches and shores
82210 Cobble / gravel shore
82211 Great Lakes basalt/diabase cobble-gravel lakeshore
82212 Riverine igneous/metamorphic cobble-gravel shore
82213 Great Lakes non-alkaline cobble/gravel shore
82214 Inland lake igneous/metamorphic cobble-gravel shore
83000 Unconsolidated material (soil, sand, and ash)
83100 Sand flats
83110 Inland strand beach
83111 Inland freshwater strand beach
83200 Temporarily flooded sand flats
83210 Sand flats temporarily flooded
83211 Lacustrine sand flats - bars
83212 Riverine sand flats - bars
83300 Seasonally / temporarily flooded mud flats
83310 Non-tidal mud flat seasonally / temporarily flooded
83311 Lake mud flats
83312 River mud flats
83313 Saline spring mud flats

90000 Water 9.
91000 River (riverine) 9.ri.
91100 Slow moving linear open water habitat 9.ri.S.
91200 Fast moving linear open water habitat 9.ri.FR.
92000 Lake (lacustrine)
92100 Limnetic open water
92200 Semipermanently flooded littoral aquatic bed
92210 Floating algae - semipermanently flooded littoral aquatic bed
92220 Floating vascular vegetation - semipermanently flooded littoral aquatic
92300 Intermittently exposed littoral aquatic bed
92310 Floating algae - intermittently exposed littoral aquatic bed
92320 Floating vascular vegetation - intermittently exposed littoral aquatic bed
92400 Permanently flooded littoral aquatic bed
92410 Floating algae - permanently flooded littoral aquatic bed
92420 Floating vascular vegetation - permanently flooded littoral aquatic bed
92500 Littoral open water
93000 Wetland-open water (palustrine) 9.ww.
93100 Intermittently exposed aquatic bed 9.ww.WG.
93110 Floating algae - intermittently exposed aquatic bed 9.ww.WG.nFA.
93120 Floating vascular vegetation - intermittently exposed aquatic bed 9.ww.WG.nFV.
93200 Permanently flooded aquatic bed 9.ww.WH.
93210 Floating algae 9.ww.WH.nFA.
93220 Floating vascular vegetation 9.ww.WH.nFV.
93300 Palustrine open water 9.ww.OW.

Definitions of the alphanumeric characters

1. Artificial Surfaces
2. Cultivated or Planted
3. Forests
4. Woodland
5. Shrubland
6. Herbaceous
7. Nonvascular
8. Sparse Vegetation
9. Water

Level 2 - Cultural
ch. Cultivated Herbaceous
hh. Herbaceous
mv. Minimal Vegetation
ph. Planted Herbaceous
ss. Shrubs
sv. Shrubs and Vines
tt. Trees

Level 2 - Natural
ag. Annual Grasslands or Forb Vegetation
bg. Boulder, Gravel, Cobble, or Talus
cd. Mixed Coniferous and Deciduous
ce. Coniferous / Evergreen
cr. Consolidated Rock
de. Deciduous
ge. Grassland or Emergent Vegetation
gt. Grassland with Sparse Trees
hr. Hydromorphic Rooted Vegetation
la. Lake
li. Lichen
pf. Perennial Forb Vegetation
ri. River (Riverine)
um. Unconsolidated Material
ww. Wetland / Open Water

Level 3 - Cultural
BP. Buildings or Pavement
CB. Cultural Coniferous Shrubs
CC. Cultural Conifers
CD. Cultural Deciduous
CE. Cultural Shrubs with Trees
CF. Cultural Grasses and Forbs
CG. Cultural Grasses
CM. Cultural Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous
CN. Cultural Gardens
CO. Cultural Deciduous Shrubs
CS. Cultural Mixed Shrubs
CT. Cultural Grasses with Trees
EE. Exposed Earth
GN. Close Grown Cropland
RC. Row Cropland

Level 3 - Natural, Plant Physiognomics

GC. Grassland with Sparse Coniferous Trees
GD. Grassland with Sparse Deciduous Trees
LT. Lichen Vegetation with Sparse Trees
MG. Medium-tall Grass
TG. Tall Grass

Level 3 - Natural, Geomorphology and Hydrology

AS. Temporarily Flooded Sand Flats
BS. Cobble / Gravel Beaches and Shores
CL. Cliffs
FR. Fast River
LB. Level Bedrock
LC. Limnetic
LL. Littoral
MF. Seasonally / Temporarily Flooded Mud Flats
OW. Palustrine Open Water
SF. Sand Flats
SR. Slow River
SW. Standing Water
TS. Lowland Talus / Scree
UP. Upland

Level 3 - Cowardin Hydrology

WA. Temporarily flooded
WB. Saturated
WC. Seasonally flooded
WF. Semi-permanently flooded
WG. Intermittently exposed
WH. Permanently flooded

Level 4 - Cultural, Artificial Surfaces
i10. 4% to 10% Impervious Cover
i25. 11% to 25% Impervious Cover
i50. 26% to 50% Impervious Cover
i75. 51% to 75% Impervious Cover
i90. 76% to 90% Impervious Cover
i99. 91% to 100% Impervious Cover
Level 4 - Cultural, Exposed Earth
e10. 0% to 10% Impervious Cover-Exposed Earth
e25. 11% to 25% Impervious Cover-Exposed Earth
e50. 26% to 50% Impervious Cover-Exposed Earth

Level 4 - Cultural, Soil Hydrology

pFL. Artificially flooded
pHS. Hydric Soils
pUS. Upland Soils

LEVEL 4 & 5
Level 4 & 5 - Cultural Communities
cAB. Aspen-birch
cAF. Aspen
cAO. Aspen Openings
cBA. Barley
cBB. Blackberry
cBD. Buildings
cBG. Boxelder-green ash
cBL. Blueberry
cBN. Beans
cBP. Buildings and Pavement
cCB. Cranberry
cCO. Corn
cDP. Dry Prairie
cFB. Forbs
cFW. Fallow
cGL. Long Grass
cGP. Grape
cGS. Short Grass
cHF. Hayfield
cJB. Jack Pine Barrens
cJP. Jack Pine
cLF. Landfill
cMB. Maple-basswood
cMF. Mixed Pine Hardwood
cMN. Mines
cMP. Mesic Prairie
cNF. Northern Hardwood Conifer
cNH. Northern Hardwood
cNP. Not Planted
cNW. Northern Conifers
cOA. Oak Forest
cOB. Other Shrubs
cOC. Other Close Grown crops
cOE. Other Exposed
cOR. Other Shrubs with Trees
cOS. Oak Savanna
cOT. Oats
cOV. Other Vegetables
cOW. Oak woodland
cOX. Other Shrub / Vines
cPA. Planted Ash
cPC. Planted Conifers
cPD. Planted Deciduous
cPF. Fruit Trees
cPK. Pumpkins
cPL. Planted Landscape
cPM. Planted Mixed Conifer - Deciduous
cPO. Planted Oak
cPP. Potato
cPR. Planted Red Pine
cPS. Planted Spruce
cPT. Walnut trees
cPV. Pavement
cPW. Planted White Pine
cRB. Raspberry - black
cRC. Red Cedar
cRI. Rice
cRR. Raspberry - red
cSB. Soybeans
cSD. Sod
cSF. Spruce Fir
cSG. Sand and Gravel
cST. Sugar Beets
cVG. Vegetables
cWF. White Pine
cWH. White Pine Hardwood
cWT. Wheat

Level 4 & 5 - Natural Communities

nAB. Aspen-birch Forest
nAC. Open Great Lakes Alkaline Cliff
nAF. Aspen Forest
nAG. Aspen Openings Sand-gravel Subtype
nAN. Aspen-birch Forest Northern Hardwoods Subtype
nAO. Aspen Openings
nAS. Alder Swamp
nAT. Altered/non-native
nAU. Aspen-birch Forest Spruce-fir Subtype
nAW. Aspen Woodland
nBA. Black Ash Swamp
nBB. Black Spruce Bog
nBC. Great Lakes Basalt (Conglomerate) Bedrock Lake Shore
nBD. Basalt / Diabase Great Lakes Cliff Sparse Vegetation
nBE. Black Ash Swamp Seepage Subtype
nBF. Boreal Hardwood-conifer Forest
nBG. Boxelder - Green Ash Disturbed Native Forest
nBH. Birch bog - spiraea shrubland
nBI. Black Spruce Bog Intermediate Subtype
nBL. Black Spruce-feathermoss Forest
nBR. Black Spruce Bog Raised Subtype
nBS. Black Spruce Swamp
nCB. Calcareous Seepage Fen Boreal Subtype
nCF. Calcareous Seepage Fen
nCG. Cobble / Gravel Shore
nCM. Cattail Marsh
nCP. Calcareous Seepage Fen Prairie Subtype
nDA. Dry Prairie Barrens Subtype
nDB. Dry Prairie Bedrock Bluff Subtype
nDC. Sandstone Dry Cliff
nDG. Dry Prairie Sand-gravel Subtype
nDH. Dry Prairie Hill Subtype
nDI. Dry Oak Savanna Hill Subtype
nDN. Dry Oak Savanna Barrens Subtype
nDO. Dry Oak Savanna
nDP. Dry Prairie
nDR. Dry Oak Savanna Sand-gravel Subtype
nDT. Disturbed Natural Community
nFA. Floating Algae
nFB. Lacustrine Sand Flats - Bars
nFF. Floodplain Forest
nFM. Floodplain Forest Silver Maple Subtype
nFO. Floodplain Forest Swamp White Oak Subtype
nFV. Floating Vascular Vegetation
nGB. Graminoid Bog
nGC. Non-alkaline Cobble - Gravel Lakes Shore
nGG. Granite / Metamorphic Rock Outcrop
nGR. Granite / Metamorphic Great Lakes Cliff
nIG. Northern (Laurentian) Igneous/Metamorphic Dry Cliff
nIM. Inland Lake Igneous/Metamorphic Cobble-gravel Shore
nIS. Inland Strand Beach
nJB. Jack Pine Barrens
nJF. Jack Pine Forest Jack Pine-fir Subtype
nJH. Jack Pine Forest Hazel Subtype
nJO. Jack Pine Forest Jack Pine-oak Subtype
nJP. Jack Pine Forest
nJS. Jack Pine Forest Jack Pine-black Spruce Subtype
nJW. Jack Pine Woodland
nJY. Jack Pine Forest Blueberry Subtype
nLB. Open Level Bedrock
nLC. Central Water Lily Aquatic Wetland
nLD. Limestone / Dolostone Midwest Dry Cliff
nLE. Lake Beach Bedrock Subtype
nLG. Gravel - Cobble Lake Shore
nLH. Lowland Hardwood Forest
nLL. Boreal Water Lily Aquatic Wetland
nLM. Lake Beach Mud Subtype
nLN. Northern Water Lily Aquatic Wetland
nLS. Lake Beach Sand Subtype
nMA. Mesic Prairie Carbonate Bedrock Subtype
nMB. Maple-basswood Forest
nMC. Sandstone Moist Cliff
nME. Mixed Emergent Marsh
nMF. Mixed Pine-hardwood Forest
nMG. Mesic Brush Prairie Sand-gravel Subtype
nMH. Mixed Hardwood Swamp
nMM. Moist Cliff Maderate Subtype
nMN. Mud Flat Saline Subtype
nMO. Mesic Oak Savanna
nMP. Mesic Prairie
nMR. Mesic Brush Prairie
nMS. Mixed Hardwood Swamp Seepage Subtype
nMU. Mud Flat
nMY. Mesic Prairie Crystalline Bedrock Subtype
nNF. Northern Hardwood-conifer Forest
nNH. Northern Hardwood Forest
nNS. Northern Conifer Scrubland
nNT. Native Dominant
nNW. Northern Conifer Woodland
nNY. Northern Hardwood-conifer Forest, yellow birch-white cedar
nOA. Oak Forest
nOB. Open Sphagnum Bog
nOS. Open Sphagnum Bog Schlenke Subtype
nOW. Oak Woodland-brushland
nPA. Poor Fen Patterned Subtype
nPB. Paper Birch Forest
nPD. Poor Fen Sedge Subtype
nPF. Poor Fen
nPH. Poor Fen Shrub Subtype
nPN. Paper Birch Forest Northern Hardwoods Subtype
nPS. Paper Birch Forest Spruce-fir Subtype
nPT. Poor Fen Scrub Tamarack Subtype
nPW. Midwest Pondweed Submerged Aquatic Wetland
nQG. Quartzite - Granite Rock Outcrop
nRC. Red Cedar Woodland
nRD. Rich Fen Sedge Subtype
nRE. Sandstone Bedrock River Shore
nRF. Rich Fen
nRG. Cobble - Gravel River Shore
nRH. Rich Fen Shrub Subtype
nRM. Rich Fen Floating-mat Subtype
nRO. Rock Outcrop
nRP. Red Pine Forest
nRS. River Beach Sand Subtype
nRT. Rich Fen, Patterned Subtype
nRU. River Mud Flats
nRW. Red Saltwort
nSB. Spruce-fir Forest White Spruce-balsam Fir Subtype
nSC. Sandstone Cliff Great Lakes
nSD. Sedimentary Dripping Bluff - Cliff
nSF. Spruce-fir Forest
nSG. Slender Glasswort Saline Meadow
nSI. Spruce-fir Forest Fir-birch Subtype
nSL. Sandstone Bedrock Great Lakes Shore
nSM. Seepage Meadow
nSN. Shrub Fen
nSS. Shrub Swamp Seepage Subtype
nST. Sand Flats Temporarily Flooded
nTA. Talus Slope
nTB . Great Lakes Limestone Bedrock Lake Shore
nTC. Wet Cliff
nTD. Limestone - Dolomite Talus
nTE. Tamarack Swamp Seepage Subtype
nTF. Basalt/Diabase Open Talus
nTG. Granite / Metamorhic Talus Northern
nTL. Talus Slope Algific Subtype
nTM. Tamarack Swamp Minerotrophic Subtype
nTN. Sandstone Talus Northern
nTP. Tamarack Swamp Sphagnum Subtype
nTS. Tamarack Swamp
nUD. Upland White Cedar Woodland Cliff
nUE. Upland White Cedar Forest Wet-mesic Subtype
nUM. Upland White Cedar Forest Mesic Subtype
nUW. Upland White Cedar Forest
nWA. Wet Prairie Saline Subtype
nWB. Wet Brush Prairie
nWC. White Cedar Swamp
nWD. White Pine-hardwood Forest Dry Subtype
nWE. White Pine-hardwood Forest Mesic Subtype
nWF. White Pine Forest
nWG. Wet Brush Prairie Seepage Subtype
nWH. White Pine-hardwood Forest
nWI. Willow Swamp
nWL. Water Lilly
nWM. Wet Meadow
nWP. Wet Prairie
nWR. Wet Meadow Shrub Subtype
nWS. Wet Prairie Seepage Subtype
nWT. White Cedar Swamp Seepage Subtype
Appendix D

Glossary of Technical Terms

Glossary of Technical Terms
Acre-Foot Volume of water that would cover an acre of land to a depth of one foot (43,560
cubic feet).
Alluvium Material, such as sand and gravel, deposited by running water. River terraces and
outwash plains are examples of landforms composed of alluvium.
Barrens Usually refers to an area with sparse vegetation or stunted plants, caused by harsh
growing conditions such as infertile, droughty, or thin soils; also, a plant community that has
very sparse cover or is composed of stunted plants.
Bedrock Any solid rock exposed at the earth’s surface or covered by unconsolidated material
such as till, gravel, or sand.
Best Management Practices: Methods, measures, or practices to prevent or reduce water
pollution, including but not limited to structural and non-structural controls, operation and
maintenance procedures, and scheduling of specific activities. Acronym is BMPs.
Blowout An area, on a dune or other sand deposit, where wind has eroded a bowl-shaped
hollow in the sand. Blowouts generally are sparsely vegetated.
Bluegreen algae A type of algae whose population often increases dramatically at high
nutrient concentrations in lakes. They can form objectionable surface scums, cause taste and
odor problems, and secrete toxins poisonous to warm-blooded animals.
Bog A wetland composed of a layer of acidic peat on which grows a specialized group of
herbs and low shrubs. Bogs are distinguished from closely related poor fens by extremely
nutrient-poor conditions and the absence of most of the minerotrophic species that occur in
poor fens.
Bounce In Hydrologic references, the rise in level in a wetland or lake resulting from a
rainstorm event. The difference in elevation between the normal water elevation and the peak
water elevation of a pond for a given size runoff event.
Brushland An upland plant community composed of shrubs and tree sprouts.
Buffer strip: A band of un-maintained, preferably native, vegetation left along the edge of a
stream, lake or wetland to filter runoff and/or stabilize the shoreline Calcareous Describes a
soil or substrate that contains a significant amount of calcium carbonate.
Canopy Aerial branches and leaves of terrestrial plants; generally the tallest layer of foliage in
a plant community.
Chlorophyll a The primary photosynthetic pigment in plants, a measure of the algal biomass
in lakes
Colluvium A deposit of rock and soil at the base of a cliff or slope, formed by gravitational
Colonial nesting birds Species that nest in colonies (groups or aggregations), either with
others of the same species or in mixed-species aggregations.
Cover The proportion of the ground shaded when the living plant canopy is projected vertically
downward; also a general term used to describe any component of the habitat that conceals
animals from view.
DBH (diameter at breast height) – a standard measure of tree trunk diameter taken
approximately 4.5 feet above the ground level.
Dominant Describes a plant species that shapes the character of a community by virtue of its
size, abundance, dense shade, or effects on soils. Dominant species generally influence the
presence, growth, and distribution of other plant species in the community.

Many of the definitions used in this section are borrowed from Minnesota’s St. Croix River Valley and Anoka Sandplain, Worcha
et al, Minnesota DNR, 1995.
Degradation A decrease in quality.
Detention Pond A pond designed to catch and temporarily store runoff before discharging the
water downstream. The volume of the pool of standing water in the pond is important in
determining how effective the pond will be in treating the incoming stormwater.
Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) Oxygen that is dissolved in water. Fish and other water organisms
need oxygen for respiration to survive. Depletion of oxygen from water can occur as a result
of chemical and biological processes, including decomposition of organic matter.
Downcutting The process by which a river or stream erodes and lowers its bed, eventually
resulting in the formation of a valley or ravine.
Drift (glacial) Rock material, such as boulders, gravel, sand, silt, or clay, removed from one
area and deposited in another by glaciers. Drift includes material deposited directly by glacial
ice, such as till, as well as material deposited indirectly, such as outwash.
Ecosystem The interacting group of physical elements (such as soils, water, etc.), plants,
animals, and human communities that inhabit a particular place.
Emergent Describes a plant capable of surviving indefinitely with its root system and lower
stem in water and its upper stem above water (e.g., cattails).
Empirical Based on experiment and observation; used to describe water quality models
which are developed from measured data.
End moraine A typically hilly landform composed of material deposited at the margin of a
Ephemeral habitat A temporary habitat created by low intensity, short-lived fluctuations in
environmental factors.
Epilimnion: Upper warm layer of a lake during thermal stratification.
Esker A long, often serpentine hill or ridge composed of sand and gravel deposited by
meltwater streams flowing in a channel in a decaying ice sheet.
Eutrophication A natural process caused by the gradual accumulation of nutrients and
consequent increased biological production, and resulting in the slow filling in of a basin with
accumulated sediments, silt, and organic matter. Man’s activities can increase the rate at
which eutrophication occurs.
Eutrophic Lake: A nutrient rich lake; usually shallow, green due to excessive algae growth
and with limited oxygen in the bottom layer of water.
Exotic species A species that has been introduced to an area by humans or that is present in
the area as a result of human-caused changes. (same as non native species.)
Export Coefficient An estimate of the expected annual amount of a nutrient carried from its
source to a lake.
Fen a wetland community composed of sedges, grasses, forbs, and sometimes shrubs, that
develops on peat in shallow basins.
Floating-leaved plants Aquatic plants that root on lake, pond, or river bottoms and have
leaves that float on the water surface at the end of long, flexible stems ( e.g., water-lilies).
Floodplain A flat area adjacent to a stream or river channel, created by erosion and
deposition of sediment during regular flooding. Signs of 2flooding include debris caught in
trees and ice scars at the bases of trees.
Flushing Rate The number of times per year that a volume of water equal to the lake’s
volume flows through the lake.
Forb A general term for broad-leaved, herbaceous plants.
Forest A plant community with a nearly continuous to continuous canopy (70 to 100% cover)
of mature trees.

Many of the definitions used in this section are borrowed from Minnesota’s St. Croix River Valley and Anoka Sandplain, Worcha
et al, Minnesota DNR, 1995.
Forest-grown tree A tree that matured within a closed-canopy forest. Forest-grown trees
tend to have narrow crowns and tall, straight trunks with few lower limbs.
Graminoid An herbaceous plant with linear, “grasslike” leaves that typically are oriented
vertically. Graminoids include grasses, sedges, and rushes.
Greenway or Greenway Corridor A linear open space area, usually composed of natural
vegetation, or vegetation that is more natural than surrounding land uses. May include paths
or recreational trails.
Ground layer A vegetation layer, mostly less that 3 feet tall, of grasses, forbs, and woody
Ground moraine A broad and level or gently undulating landform composed of material that
was deposited underneath and sometimes at the margin of a glacier as the ice sheet melted;
also referred to as a till plain.
Grove A general term for a patch of trees less than 2 acres in area.
Grub A tree or shrub whose aboveground shoots are repeatedly killed by fire or browsing but
whose root system survives and continues to send up new shoots. The root system of a grub
may be several hundred years old; the above ground shoots are generally much younger.
Habitat The locality, site, and particular type of local environment in which plants, animals,
and other organisms live.
Herb A plant lacking a persistent above ground woody stem. Herbs include broad-leaved
flowering plants, ferns, grasses, sedges, and others.
High Water Level (HWL) The peak water surface elevation in a ponding area as a result of a
specific runoff event. Once the peak is reached, the pond water elevation eventually returns to
its normal (standing) water level.
Hydrology The science and study of water in nature, including its circulation, distribution, and
its interaction with the environment.
Hydrophyte A plant adapted to growing in water or on wet soils that are periodically saturated
and deficient in oxygen.
Hypolimnion Lower cooler layer of a lake during thermal stratification.
Ice block lake A lake that occurs in a depression that was formed when a block of glacial ice
was buried or surrounded by till or outwash sand, and then melted.
Ice scar A scar on a floodplain tree caused by abrasion by ice floes during spring flooding.
Impervious Surface A surface that is impermeable to the downward seepage of water; e.g.,
pavement and roof tops.
Inflorescence An arrangement of flowers on a plant, such as in a cluster or along a stalk.
Lacustrine Refers to features (such as sediments, landforms, plant communities, or animal
communities) that were formed by or are associated with a lake.
Landform A land feature, such as plain, plateau, or valley, formed by a particular geologic
Life form Characteristic structural features and growth pattern of plant species (e.g., broad-
leaved deciduous shrub).
Litter layer Relatively undecomposed organic matter and debris on top of soil layer.
Loading The amount of a pollutant or other substance delivered to a lake, usually expressed
as a weight per unit time (i.e. pounds per year). The loading of a given constituent to a
receiving water is a function of the volume of incoming water and the concentration of the
constituent in the incoming water.
Loess Fine material consisting predominantly of silt with fine sand and clay. Loess is often
deposited by wind.
Macrophytes Higher plants which grow in water, either submerged, emergent, or floating.
Reeds and cattails are examples of emergent macrophytes.
Marsh A plant community of shallow wetland basins, dominated by herbaceous, emergent
aquatic plants such as cattails and bulrushes. Marshes usually have standing water
throughout the growing season.
Meltwater Water released by melting glacial ice.
Mesic A general term describing upland habitats that are intermediate between wet and dry;
also used to describe plants and plant communities that occur in mesic habitats.
Mesotrophic Lake Midway in nutrient levels between eutrophic and oligotrophiclakes.
Microhabitat A small, specialized habitat.
Mineral soil A soil composed mostly of inorganic matter, including clay, silt, sand, and gravel.
Mineral soils usually have less than 20% organic matter but may have organic surface layers
up to 12 inches thick.
Minerotrophic A general term describing wetlands with nutrient levels that fall between very
low (such as in bogs) and very high (such as in seepage meadows).
Mitigation: Actions taken to reduce an impact. Water quality mitigation measures can be
non-structural (such as street sweeping, regulation of fertilizer use, and creation/protection of
natural buffers to filter runoff) or structural (such as installation of detention basins). Properly
designed detention basins are among the most effective and reliable measures for mitigating
the water quality impacts of urban developments.
Model A mathematical representation of an event or process.
Moraine Rock and mineral debris deposited directly by glacial ice. Moraines most often
consist of unsorted rock and mineral particles.
Muck A dark-colored organic soil of highly decomposed plant material in which the original
plant parts are not recognizable.
MUSA (Metropolitan Urban Service Area) The area designated by the Metropolitan Council of
the twin cities area to receive urban services such as central sewer, urban streets, etc.
Native habitat A habitat formed and occupied by native plants and animals and little modified
by logging, farming, ditching, flood control, and the like.
Native species A species that occurs naturally within a given region.
Native vegetation Vegetation, composed of native plants, that has been little modified by
human activities such as logging, farming, ditching, or the introduction of nonnative species.
Natural area Geographic area in which the dominant plants and animals are native species.
Natural community An assemblage that tends to recur over space and time of native plants
and animals that interact with each other and with their abiotic habitats in ways that have been
little modified by nonnative plant and animal species. Natural communities are classified and
described according to their vegetation, successional status, topography, hydrologic
conditions, landforms, substrates, soils, and natural disturbance regimes (such as wildfires,
windstorms, normal flood cycles, and normal infestation by native insects and
Nonnative species A species that has been introduced to an area by humans or that is
present in the area as a result of human-caused changes.
Non-Point Source Pollution: Refers to pollution other than that caused by discharge of
pollutants through a pipe from a closed system to a receiving water. Pollution caused by
runoff from farm fields or paved streets are examples of this non-point pollution.
Normal Water Level (NWL) The elevation of the surface of the standing water pool within a
pond or wetland. Generally, the NWL is the elevation of the bottom of the primary outlet pipe
or overland flow channel. Nutrient Budget: An itemized estimate of nutrient inputs and
outputs (usually for a period of one year), taking into account all sources and losses.

Many of the definitions used in this section are borrowed from Minnesota’s St. Croix River Valley and Anoka Sandplain, Worcha
et al, Minnesota DNR, 1995.
Nutrient Loading The input of nutrients to a lake
Nutrient Trap A type of pond or wetland that is effective at removing nutrients from water.
Nutrients Elements such as phosphorus and nitrogen that are required for plant growth.
When excess amounts are transported in stormwater they may encourage excessive algae or
other plant growth in receiving water bodies.
Oligotrophic Lake A relatively nutrient-poor lake, usually clear and deep with bottom waters
high in dissolved oxygen.
Open-grown tree A tree that has matured in an open setting, such as a prairie or savanna.
Open-grown trees tend to have broad crowns and thick, spreading lower limbs.
Organic soil A soil in which the upper surface layers contain more than 25% organic matter.
Outcrop Bedrock that projects above the soil.
Outwash plain A plain formed of sorted and stratified material-such as layers of sand and
gravel-carried from an ice sheet and deposited by glacial meltwater.
pH A measure of the acidic or basic nature of the water; it is defined as the logarithm of the
reciprocal of the hydrogen-ion concentration in moles/liter.
Parent material The weathered rock or partly weathered soil material from which topsoil
Parts per billion (ppb) a unit of concentration, sometimes expressed as micrograms per liter
Parts per million (ppm) a unit of concentration, sometimes expressed as milligrams per liter
Peat soil A dark brown or black organic soil consisting largely of undecomposed or slightly
decomposed plants. Peat soils usually form where persistent excessive moisture slows or
inhibits the decay of plant material.
Persistent vegetation Wetland vegetation formed by emergent hydrophytic plants with stems
that normally remain standing until the beginning of the following growing season (e.g., cattails
and bulrushes).
Phosphorus A nutrient essential to plant growth. Phosphorus is the nutrient most commonly
limiting plant growth in lakes.
Phosphorus Export The amount of phosphorus carried off of a given area of land by
Phytoplankton Open water algae; it forms the base of the lake’s food chain and produces
Prairie An upland plant community composed of grasses and forbs. Prairies generally lack
trees; shrubs, if present, are not prominent.
Presettlement A term used for convenience to denote the time period before Euro-American
settlers moved into the Region. The Region was actually settled by American Indians for
thousands of years before European-Americans arrived.
Range (geographic) The limits of the geographic distribution of a species or group.
Rate Control: A term that refers to controlling the rate at which water is discharged from a
watershed. Rate control is often accomplished by creating ponds-either by excavation or
berming- to temporarily store runoff, then discharging the stored water at a slower rate to
downstream areas. Further reductions in the rate at which water is released from a pond can
be accomplished by reducing the size of the outlet, such as through installation of a wall in the
outlet structure with a hole (orifice) through it.
Reintroduced species Species that had been eliminated from areas where they occurred
historically and were later released back into the area by humans.
Remnant A portion or fragment of a natural community that has survived while the rest of the
community has been destroyed by logging, urban development, clearing of land for cultivation,
and other human activities.
Residence Time The amount of time it takes for water flowing into a lake to equal the lake
volume. The shorter the residence time, the more incoming water the lake is receiving relative
to its volume.
Rhizome A horizontal underground plant stem.
Savanna An upland plant community formed of prairie herbs with scattered trees or groves of
trees. The canopy cover of trees in a savanna is generally between 10 and 70%.
Secchi Disc A device measuring the depth of light penetration in water, typically a 9-inch,
white circular plate attached to a rope. Used to measure water transparency.
Sedge Any of a number of grasslike plants of the family Cyperaceae.
Sedimentation The process by which matter (usually soil particles) settles on a substrate
following transport by water, wind, or ice.
Seepage The slow, diffuse oozing of groundwater onto the earth’s surface.
Shallow Lake Lakes with mean depth of less than 10 feet
Shrub layer A vegetation layer, usually less that 6 feet high, of shrubs and tree seedlings.
Shrub swamp A wetland community dominated by a nearly continuous to continuous canopy
(70 to 100% cover) of shrubs, such as willows and alders.
Subcanopy A vegetation layer, composed of patches of individuals of approximately equal
height, that is lower than the canopy layer; often refers to a layer of saplings, tall shrubs, or
small trees between 6 and 35 feet high.
Submergent Describes an aquatic plant that grows entirely under water.
Substrate The surface layer of organic or mineral material-such as till, outwash, or bedrock-
from which the soil is formed.
Succession The change in vegetation over time.
Swale A broad, shallow depression in a till plain or broad river plain.
Swamp A wetland community with a fairly continuous to continuous canopy of shrubs or trees,
such as speckled alder, black ash, or tamarack. Swamps generally occur in shallow basins or
wet depressions.
Talus Rocks and other coarse mineral debris that accumulate at the base of a cliff or steep
Terrace A sandy and gravelly alluvial plain bordering a river. Terraces represent former river
floodplains, left stranded when the river level dropped because of channel downcutting or
decreased flow. Terraces are ordinarily level or nearly level and are seldom flooded.
Till Unstratified and unsorted material deposited directly by a glacier. Till consists of clay,
sand , gravel, or boulders mixed in any proportion.
Till plain A broad and level or gently undulating landform composed of material that was
deposited underneath and at the margin of a glacier as the ice sheet melted; also referred to
as a ground moraine.
Total Phosphorus (TP) A measure of all of the different forms of phosphorus in water.
Includes phosphorus dissolved in the water, suspended or incorporated in algae or other
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Particulate material which floats in or is carried along in water
(e.g., algae, soil particles).
Transitional habitat A habitat present between two adjacent natural communities (for
example, the edge of a forest along a wet meadow). Transitional habitats often have features
that set them apart form the habitats formed by either of the adjacent communities.
Trophic State The level of growth or productivity of a lake as measured by phosphorus
content, algae abundance, or depth of light penetration.
Understory The vegetation occurring below the canopy in a plant community.
Vine A plant with along, weak stem that grows along the ground or climbs on other vegetation
for support.
Watershed: The area of land draining into a specific body of water.
Water Transparency A measure of the clarity of water. The depth at which an object can be
seen in water.
Wetland Habitats where the soil is saturated or covered with water for part of the year.
Woodland A wooded habitat characterized by an interrupted tree canopy; also used as a
general term to describe any tract of land with trees growing on it.
Woodland-brushland An upland plant community composed of a patchy canopy (10 to 70%
cover) of mature trees and a dense understory of shrubs, tree shoots, and saplings. Usually
the trees occur in scattered groves with dense thickets of brush between them.

Many of the definitions used in this section are borrowed from Minnesota’s St. Croix River Valley and Anoka Sandplain, Worcha
et al, Minnesota DNR, 1995.

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