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Topic: I Sued The School System.

Attention-getting opener: Albert Einstein once said “everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by
its ability to climb a tree then it is a whole life believe that it is stupid”

Preview: Modern day schooling doesn’t make a fish climb a tree but also make it climb down and do
a 10 miles run. I want to ask the “school” did them proud of what they’ve done by turning millions of
people into robot. Did they find that fun?

1. The school
2. Teachers
3. Educational system

Transition: Do you realize how many kids relate to that fish swimming upstream in class never
finding their gifts. Thinking they are stupid believing. They are useless. Well the time has come and
no more excuses.

First main point: Accuse the school

1. Supporting Detail: Killing creativity, individuality and being intellectually abusive.

2. Supporting Detail: Compare the school system with modern stuff. Which means phone and
car can be change but school can’t change but they still claim they are preparing student for
3. Supporting Detail: School is like factory because they treat all student like an object. For
example, grading the meat before it sells to the buyer.

Transition: This educational malpractice, where one teacher stands in front of 20 kids each one
having different strengths, different needs, different gifts, different dreams and you teach the same
thing with the same way. That’s horrific!

Second main point: Teachers

1. Supporting Detail: Teachers should be paid the same way as the doctor did because they
can get into the students heart and make them truly live.
2. Supporting Detail: They are heroes but often be blamed but they are not the problem
because they work in the system without many options.
3. Supporting Detail: Curriculum were create by the policy maker which most of them that
never taught in their life.

Transition: Ladies and gentleman, if we continue down this road the result would be lethal. I don’t
have much faith in school but I do have faith in people.

Third main point: Educational System

1. Supporting Detail: It should be upgrade the same as the way we upgrade the healthcare
system and Facebook pages.
2. Supporting Detail: We should give every gift an equal chance.
3. Supporting Detail: Finland have a short time of schooling, teachers make a decent wages
and homework is non-existent.

Transition: They focus on collaboration instead of competition.

Summary: Now here’s the kicker boys and girls, their educational system outperform every other
country in the world. Other places like Singapore succeeding rapidly, schools like Montessori,
program like Khan Academy there is no single solution.

Concluding remarks: Maybe they are 20% of students from our populations but they’re 100% of our
future. So lets attend to their dream because there is no talent where we can’t achieve. This is the
world which I believe where fish are no longer force to climb the tree.


What is Khan Academy? - Definition from (2020). Retrieved 10 February 2020, from

Wood, J. (2020). Why Finland's Higher Education System Is the Best in the World. Retrieved 10
February 2020, from

Standardized Tests are Useless by Katlyn P. Yang - Letters to the Next President 2.0. (2020).
Retrieved 10 February 2020, from

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