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Wheel of the Year Tarot

Interpretations of the Animal Helpers

Red Squirrel
Bringer of Fire

A light playful energy enters your life. This may be a good time think about starting new
projects. Perhaps you’re not quite ready yet, but you’re beginning to feel the pull of a new
cycle. Sometimes it may refer to a young playful person in your life.

You may hear the call in the form of a drum or woodpecker.

Ranger of Fire
Communication is important. Use your head to think things through. There’s nothing holding
you back now. You can move forward with projects in an independent way.

There’s also a tension of powerful energy. What do you need to rebalance ?

You may feel powerful forces of wanting to grow, a call to action, and a restlessness. Take
care to use your head and the force is with you.

You are raring to go, you wish to push ahead with a project. Now there’s energy and
optimism. You may go far, but remember to focus. Don’t get out of balance. You have an
instinct that will help you succeed here. Keep focussed. You may need to make some
changes. You may need to wait for exactly the right moment then spring forward.

Holder of Fire

This is a very fertile and potentially creative time. A need to stay alert and rebalance your
energies. Look at what you need and what you can discard. Gather your strength and focus
your abilities now for any creative projects. You can move forward and find inner
strengths. You may use almost magical skills to achieve your aim, if you focus that inner

This may signify a powerful and magnetic woman in your life, who enables great creativity.

Leader of Fire
When you draw this card, you can know that the force of the element of Fire is with you.
You have the power to go forward and act in accord with your will. You can create and
command like a King. Take this power into yourself, direct it and use it well. You have
command of the situation, inspiring others.

This can represent a strong person with authority, mature power. A leader.

Bringer of Air

A joyful time when you can take pleasure in playing and chatting with friends. A time to be
uncommitted and joyful, just as in early summer we all feel a sense of expanding in the
growing warmth of the sun and longer daylight.

Can indicate a cheeky, provocative person with a fresh light energy, who looks on life as a
curiosity, like a butterfly flitting from project to project or person to person.

Ranger of Air

There’s a need to think clearly and not to be swayed by emotional considerations or

distracted by pleasures. Use your skills of assessing, perceiving, knowing, perhaps
dissecting with an analytical mind. It may not be the time yet to hone in on your aim. So
take some time. Stay alert. It could be that there are emotional pressures, hurts and
difficulties. Yet this is not the time for emotional indulgence. Keep your mind clear.

This card may indicate a person with sharp intellect. A good ally if you need to see a
situation clearly and not get too involved.

White Deer
Holder of Air

Air and Water suggest mist: perhaps you’re not seeing clearly. Yet, here’s an ally that will
help you. Perhaps you need a different viewpoint, in order to see through that mist. Yet
this is not a simple rational was of seeing, this card asks you to also use your heart, your
imagination to find a perfect balance of heart and mind.

It may help to visualise your situation artistically. Can you draw your situation or tell it as
if it’s a story? There’s often truth disguised in old tales.
This card can also indicate a soul quest. You want to follow her. Perhaps a new way of
seeing may be open to you. A new state of being.

Leader of Air

Now is the time to see from a new perspective. To take a cool, rational view of your
situation. Thinking clearly is indicated and not to be swayed by emotional considerations.

This card symbolises a mind under conscious control. You can act with authority and alone
if necessary. Look to a sense of purpose, honour and integrity.

Legal issues may be involved as you need clarity to see the situation through to the

It may be better to step back and consider carefully, what is your aim? Then once clear,
going directly for it. Have courage, preen and praise yourself. Take some alone time in

Bringer of Water
It’s the flash of the moment, there before you in a split instant of brilliance . There’s no
time to do anything, just see it and consider yourself blessed to have seen it, to have
shared with it the glorious bursting forth of hidden into seen, existing, recognised,
treasure the moment because you have only a moment.

Life can be fun. Enjoy this moment. You can appreciate beauty, enjoy art, dance, treasure
this moment of existence. Look to your blessings, to what you have right now. Then dance
forwards, into whatever comes next.

This card may represent a young person, perhaps dreamy and imaginative.

Ranger of Water

Here’s an intense sense of quest, and movement. Now is the time to go forward with your
search for meaning and your deep desire. Nothing can hold you back if you stay focused.

It may be a good time to watch your dreams and visions to find your true path. The answer
lies in your subconscious memory, which you may also access by art. Try random drawing or
painting exercises.

[Music: The Wisdom of you. By Carolyn Hillyer]

Holder of Water

Spend some time in reflection. Now it’s best to slow down, take your time. Imagine you look
deep into the Seal’s eyes. What do you see there? Allow time to see deeply into your own
heart, what are your wishes, your desires?

Are there hidden aspects of your emotions, a sense of surges? Perhaps it’s time to
examine yourself deeply and review your life’s purpose.

Alternatively, if you have artistic inclinations, now could be the time to work in that

If you have the inner strength, there could be psychic visions and creative possibilities. If
you don’t have that strength, then what do you need to work on?

Perhaps it’s time to seek an inner teacher to help you understand your own depths. If you
are able to find a safe space, it may be time to take an inner journey or path working.
Remember to write down your insights before they fade and bring them into your
conscious mind with a new understanding.

Love and hate can be equally powerful to raise spirits or dash hopes, so which are you
encouraging? Seek advice, but don’t lean on people who might drown you.

The Seal calls on you to take responsibility for your own happiness and creation of your
own reality.

[Music- voice, water meaning of heart]

[Seagull and wind. Siren, mermaid, whale song]

Leader of Water

You’ve probably achieved some control over your emotions and can now go forward with the
confidence that you’ll choose a good path. This card indicates a maturity of feeling. It may
have cost you many difficult experiences to get to this point, and you can value what you’ve
won, either through experience or through a fair fight. So go forward with confidence.

This card may also indicate a wise and mature person near to you.

Bringer of Earth
Now it’s possible to play, to enjoy life and everything around you. Soon you will move on and
look for a deeper quiet place to rest. For now, enjoy the moment. You may find pleasure in
the company of a child or young person. Perhaps you’ll learn a new practical craft. Know
that life is good and you’ve earned a rest from toil for the moment. Completing a journey.
A connection to nature. Happy and Secure.

You may “Badger” away at things until you achieve your aim. Understand = stand under.

This card may indicate a child or young person who likes to enjoy the material world.

An inner child, a servant for divine purpose in the world.

Ranger of Earth

Drawing the Wolf as an ally means you have his protection and loyalty. Loyalty and
protection of the wild: fierce and competent.

A sense of security is indicated here. You have all you need materially. You may have had
to work hard and perhaps that is ongoing, but you have the rewards rightfully accrued to
you. It may be better to keep on going, even if the going gets tough, don’t give up.

As a person, this card indicates someone you can trust. A steady and reliable type.

Holder of Earth
As an ally, the Bear will protect and nourish you. This bodes well for all your projects.

Security, stability and warm caring strength. There’s a sense that time and growth are on
your side. There’s a different quality to time in winter, as many processes slow down,
there’s more focus on craft activities and preparation for the next year.

There’s time for music, perhaps to learn an instrument.

This card can represent a mature female who will nourish you.

Leader of Earth

A change is coming. As an ally, the horse gives freedom and the power to travel. Movement
is indicated now in your life. You may feel a need not to be tethered.

Horse reminds you that no one can take away your power unless you allow it.

However you can only carry a certain amount and must not be overloaded.

You are competent at work and can get along with everyone. Have confidence, trust
yourself and let the horse lead you into a journey of self discovery.

There may be a subconscious wish to be free of something and you may need to fight like a
wild horse to gain your freedom. Remember a horse is sensitive and responds to very
subtle gestures. So treat yourself gently and go confidently towards your goal.


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