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Brand Book

Ver. 1.0 / 2019

As we move forward in time, culture and technology
shape the way we think and develop brands. We believe
in Modular Brands and the power they have to live and
grow in a modern visual era. 121's ID is a brand thought
and designed to Connect with People.

The new brand aims to build a bridge between the origi-

nal idea and its visual representation. To build a dialog be-
tween what we know and what we want to be. It's a
vessel made to communicate and inspire our team and

The logo and its variables are the universal signatures to

be used across all communications. We want them to be
instantly recognizable and provide consistency in peo-
ple's encounters with the brand.

This manual is a reference book for 121's designers and

fans alike. It is the official document regarding the brand's
communication and sets the tone and level of quality for
all its current and future graphics.
Logo/ Tagline/ Logo OneToOne/ Logo OneToOne & Tagline/ Safe
Area & Minimum Size/ Color/ Use Of Color/ Gradients/
Typography/ Business Cards/ Letterhead/ Envelope & Mailer/
Sticker Sheet/ Postcard/ Decal/ Website/ Hat/ Paddle

Presentation Templates/
Credentials Templates

Modular Design/ One To One/ 1 To 1/ Patterns/
Arrows/ Instagram Stories/ Instagram Feed/
Poster Design
Logo/ Tagline/ Logo OneToOne/ Logo OneToOne & Tagline/ Safe
Area & Minimum Size/ Color/ Use Of Color/ Gradients/
Typography/ Business Cards/ Letterhead/ Envelope & Mailer/
Sticker Sheet/ Postcard/ Decal/ Website/ Hat/ Paddle
Brand/ Logo
The LOGO is the first and most recognizable element in 121 LOGO is to be used mostly in black or white unless
121's visual communication. The brand should be used as otherwise stated in this brand book. Specific HEX values
a constant signature through most channels. and further guidance for the use of the LOGO in various
color scenarios is contained on the COLOR section of the
Its design is born with modularity in mind. This means that brand book.
the LOGO is composed of a variety of elements that in
different combinations opens the visual system of the The LOGO should never be altered or distorted in any
brand. way. It must not be re-drawn, but rather reproduced as is
as stated throughout the brand book.
The brand should always be accompanied by its regis-
tered symbol (R) unless otherwise stated in this brand
Brand/ Logo Tagline
The tagline is part of the brand's identity which serves to The examples shown below illustrate the standard config-
clarify the firm's goals or products/services. 121's Tagline, uration of the brand's tagline. The lettering style used on
"Make Ideas, Connect with People", embodies the es- the tagline is TT Norms. The size of the text should relate
sence of the agency. The bridge between the idea and to the size of the LOGO as indicated.
the people.

Make Ideas.
with People.

Make Ideas.
with People.
Brand/ Logo OneToOne
The "121 ONE TO ONE" LOGO variable is intended to The examples shown below illustrate the standard config-
clarify and reinforce the agency's name, 121 (One To One / urations of the "121 ONE TO ONE" LOGO. The size of the
Communications). The combined design serves as an ex- text should relate to the size of the LOGO as indicated.
tension of the brand's visual system. Its lettering design Further guidance for the use of the "ONE TO ONE"
comes from the elements that make the "121" LOGO. LOGO in various scenarios is contained on the PLAY sec-
tion of the brand book.
Brand/ Logo OneToOne & Tagline
The "121 ONE TO ONE & TAGLINE" LOGO variable is in- The size of the text should relate to the size of the LOGO
tended to expose the full message of the brand. The as indicated. Further guidance for the use of the "121 ONE
combined design aims to deliver all the information for TO ONE & TAGLINE" LOGO in various scenarios is con-
the brand; its name, definition, essence and address. Its tained on the LAYOUT section of the brand book.
lettering design merges elements that make the "121"
LOGO along with TT Norms. For additional advice and counsel on the use of "121 ONE
TO ONE & TAGLINE" LOGO, please contact the graphics
The examples shown below illustrate the standard config- coordinator at 121.
urations of the "121 ONE TO ONE & TAGLINE" LOGO.

Make Ideas
with People
Brand/ Safe Area & Minimum Size
To protect the strength and integrity of the LOGO and its
variables, a safe area, free of competing visual elements,
should be maintained. The size of the safe area should
relate to the size of the LOGO as indicated.

Make Ideas.
with People.
Brand/ Safe Area & Minimum Size
121's LOGO reproduces well at almost any size. This page For additional supplies of reproduction art, please con-
contains ready-to-use reproductions. Reductions and tact the graphics coordinator at 121 for advice and counsel
enlargements will alter the details and spacing of the ty- on the use of the MINIMUM SIZE.
pography as well as the registered symbol (R).

Make Ideas.
Connect Make Ideas.
with People. with People.
Brand/ Color
As the advertising industry is quickly shifting towards digi- ing from 0 to 255, or in hexadecimal 0 to FF (#RRGGBB).
tal mediums, the primary use of color aims to live in those
formats. The swatches below are to be used freely other- The HEX CODE aims to facilitate the color use through-
wise stated in this brand book. All color is represented in out the design tools. A six digit code in one box (HEX) over
the HEX CODE. nine digits in three boxes (RGB) improves productivity on
data input.
A color HEX CODE describes the composition of a cer-
tain color in a specific color space, usually RGB. In the
case of RGB, the first value pair refers to red, the second
to green and the third to blue, with decimal values rang-













Brand/ Use of Color
The examples shown below illustrate acceptable uses for
121's LOGO in different color scenarios.
Brand/ Gradients
The use of color gradients is allowed. As the less common Further guidance for the use of GRADIENTS in various
element in 121's visual communication, its use only serves scenarios is contained on the PLAY section of the brand
specific events or user needs. Contact the graphics coor- book.
dinator at 121 for advice and counsel on the use of color
Brand/ Typography
TT Norms Pro is the most important family of types in 121's Pro, Helvetica makes a strong impression whether paired
visual system. TT Norms Pro is a Modern Geometric Sans with a contrasting typeface or on its own. It's elegant,
Serif Font Family designed to be elegant and readable in modern and readable no matter the use or size.
all scenarios. The family weights span an elegant Thin to
an arresting Extra-Black. Its Extra-Light and Light weights Both of the families aim to deliver a clean and clear mes-
are used in combination with the LOGO to form the fun- sage throughout 121's visual communication. The exam-
damental elements of identification. ples shown in the following pages illustrate the standard
configuration of typography use. For additional examples,
Helvetica Now is the secondary type family in 121's visual contact the graphics coordinator at 121 for advice and
system. Helvetica Now is the new chapter in one of the counsel on the use of TYPOGRAPHY.
best-known typefaces of all time. Helvetica is for every-
one, everywhere, for anything. As with its sibling TT Norms

TT Norms Pro Extra Light

1234567890 {[$(&@‽%#^.,: ;-])
TT Norms Pro Regular

1234567890 {[$(&@‽%#^.,: ;-])
TT Norms Pro Medium

1234567890 {[$(&@‽%#^.,: ;-])
Helvetica Now Display Thin

1234567890 {[$(&@?!%#^.,: ;-])
Helvetica Now Display Regular

1234567890 {[$(&@?!%#^.,: ;-])
Helvetica Now Display Extra Bold

1234567890 {[$(&@?!%#^.,: ;-])
Brand/ Typography

Make Ideas
with People
This Space is still as important. So you caught
your clients attention with that amazing
punchline. Now is the time to bring it home.
Tell me why.
Brand/ Typography

Gonzalo Calmet Gonzalo Calmet

Director Creativo General Director Creativo General

Cel. +51 94 211 5993 Cel. +51 94 211 5993

Tel. +511 421 8401 (AX) 214 Tel. +511 421 8401 (AX) 214
Mail. Mail.
Sky. gonzalocalmet Sky. gonzalocalmet
Web. Web.

Gonzalo Calmet Gonzalo Calmet

Director Creativo General Director Creativo General

Cel. +51 94 211 5993 Cel. +51 94 211 5993

Tel. +511 421 8401 (AX) 214 Tel. +511 421 8401 (AX) 214
Mail. Mail.
Sky. gonzalocalmet Sky. gonzalocalmet
Web. Web.
Brand/ Type Layout
The example shown below illustrate acceptable use of guidance for the use of LAYOUT is contained on the
TYPE LAYOUT in communication scenarios. Further LAYOUT chapter of the brand book.

This Space is Dedicated to

Inspire and Connect.
This Space is still as important. So you caught your clients
attention with that amazing punchline. Now is the time to
bring it home. Tell me why.

Make Ideas.
with People.
Brand/ Business Cards
121's business cards are standard size (85x55mm). The ex- The system of cards work best when the range of color is
amples shown below illustrate acceptable uses of design present. For additional examples, contact the graphics
as well as the range of colors the business cards can coordinator at 121.

Alejandro Tripoli
Partner & MD

+51 (9) 4211.5993

Gonzalo Calmet
Partner & CCO

+51 (9) 4211.5993

Benjamín Edwards
Partner & Strategy

+51 (9) 4211.5993
Brand/ Business Cards
Brand/ Business Cards
Brand/ DL Envelope
121 envelopes, letterheads and mailers are standard sizes:
DL Envelope(220x110mm) A4 Letterhead (210x297mm)
and C4 Mailer (229x324mm). The examples shown below
illustrate acceptable uses of design for all the mediums.

Make Ideas
with People

Make Ideas
with People
Brand/ A4 Letterhead

2 de Agosto de 2019
Gral. Federico Recavarren 542
Miraflores, Lima, Perú
+511 4218402

Dear Mr. Gonzalo Calmet,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis cursus laoreet molestie. Etiam vel mauris sem. Sed volutpat tempus ex,
et accumsan ipsum suscipit vitae. Ut quis risus nec magna tincidunt blandit volutpat eu diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante
ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus hendrerit orci at metus vehicula, in dapibus massa iaculis. Aliquam faucibus nisi id orci accumsan
pretium. Sed dapibus, est ut molestie commodo, leo nulla congue lacus, ut eleifend libero velit quis velit. Ut nec nisi finibus, molestie
urna blandit, dictum sapien. Fusce elit neque, semper eget dui sed, molestie tincidunt libero. Ut eget lacinia arcu. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc et faucibus velit. Sed eleifend quam in justo ornare feugiat.
Aenean efficitur ligula eu dui sagittis, sed pharetra nibh eleifend.

Vivamus laoreet, odio accumsan tempor auctor, erat quam aliquet lacus, eget interdum mi velit a massa. Cras lacinia libero libero, sed
porta ex mollis in. Aenean hendrerit vehicula lacus, sit amet dictum magna rhoncus a. Donec commodo pharetra mauris, sit amet
dapibus mauris aliquet ut. Sed efficitur laoreet metus, at maximus nisi laoreet in. Sed quis purus ut est mattis bibendum ut eu tortor.
Nulla commodo luctus mollis. Morbi scelerisque, mi in consequat dictum, tortor elit tristique leo, et congue lacus purus iaculis nibh.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus quis auctor mauris, sed vulputate mi. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Curabitur eu eleifend orci, aliquam ullamcorper massa. Vivamus at facilisis ligula. Maecenas auctor metus finibus lacus laoreet
pulvinar. Pellentesque iaculis lacus at justo rhoncus molestie. Fusce massa diam, pharetra eu tellus vel, gravida condimentum nunc.
Nam accumsan est tortor, eu viverra tellus cursus at. Sed tempus sit amet dolor gravida fringilla. Suspendisse ornare lorem et
congue gravida. Curabitur faucibus tortor nulla, in dapibus dolor rutrum eu.

Duis viverra dictum mi, vel viverra tellus accumsan non. Etiam id fermentum mauris. Praesent sed molestie elit. Ut id tincidunt quam,
mattis vulputate augue. Praesent pulvinar lorem in risus efficitur, at vehicula ligula facilisis. Maecenas quis laoreet risus, eu consecte-
tur metus. Etiam elementum augue at mi semper, a rutrum magna rutrum. Duis in tristique quam, eget aliquet felis. Ut dignissim urna
et quam viverra, semper tincidunt lectus blandit. Donec eleifend magna sed nisl placerat suscipit id ut libero. Phasellus malesuada
quam eu mattis luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis molestie
lorem a elit pulvinar elementum. Morbi tristique, nibh at vestibulum facilisis, massa libero elementum nisl, id ultricies ligula nisi
pulvinar enim.

Duis scelerisque turpis ac mi vestibulum faucibus. Aliquam dignissim suscipit interdum. Curabitur a arcu dapibus, tempus augue ut,
porta sem. Nunc ultrices vehicula nibh ac ullamcorper. Suspendisse viverra, nisi pretium lacinia blandit, enim neque consectetur
lacus, in faucibus leo nisi sed elit. Suspendisse quis viverra arcu. Maecenas condimentum tristique augue eu tempor. Donec laoreet
scelerisque nisi, vitae placerat diam mattis vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac
turpis egestas.
Brand/ C4 Mailer

Make Ideas
with People
Brand/ C4 Mailer
Brand/ A4 Kiss-Cut Sticker Sheet

Sticker Sheet
Brand/ 148x105mm Postcard (Front & Back)
Brand/ 10x10cm Decal (Front & Back)
The use of 121's LOGO is necessary for a variety of com- playfulness of the brand by using a pattern present on the
munication scenarios. To facilitate these markings, the PLAY chapter of the brand book.
brand is available for use in the form of decals. Both de-
signs will solve general identification problems as well as The second, and limited edition, decal uses a visual ele-
connecting with a new audience. ment from the PLAY chapter of the brand book, printed
over a holographic paper. The back of the decal formaliz-
The first and main decal uses the brand's LOGO and main es the experience with the "ONE TO ONE" LOGO appli-
color (RED #CC345). The back of the decal explores the cation along with the tagline and website.

Make Ideas
with People
Brand/ Website
The development of a smart and dynamic web enables the ability to expand each segment to reveal more con-
the brand to display a curated and "always-pretty" con- tent. The example shown below illustrates the basic struc-
tent no matter the region or device the user is on. The ture of 121's website.
website structure is based on a "single-page" design with


Últimos Trabajos

Expandir >

Somos la agencia de hoy

para construir las marcas de hoy.
Tribal 121 es una agencia que vive al ritmo del consumidor y del mundo, por eso pusimos a conversar a las
campañas, con el digital y el always on en una misma mesa.
El resultado: evolucionamos los mindsets de la comunicación tradicional hacia una nueva forma de hacer comuni-
caciones. Así, además de lograr que la gente te recuerde, logramos que también hable de tu marca

¿Qué tal si nos juntamos para contarte la historia completa?

Brand/ Five Panel Hat
Corporate memorabilia is an important facet of 121's
brand spirit. The design of the 5 panel hat expands the
brand experience by using patterns and applying them
into a moving surfaces. Further exploration for the use of
the brand in various color or pattern scenarios is con-
tained on the PLAY section of the brand book.
Brand/ Ping Pong Paddle
Corporate memorabilia is an important facet of 121's Further exploration for the use of the brand in various
brand spirit. The design of the Ping Pong Paddles ex- color or pattern scenarios is contained on the PLAY sec-
pands the brand experience by using the modular ele- tion of the brand book.
ments along with the brand in less common scenarios.
Presentation Templates/
Credentials Templates
Layout/ Presentation Templates
Presentations play an important role on the agency. The hesive style and character. There are a multitude of grids
following section aims to explore all the different scenari- which can be developed and used by the designer.
os a presentation could have and provide a designed
template for each case. The examples shown in the next pages illustrate accept-
able uses of LAYOUT. For additional examples on the use
The covers are a key element of 121's presentations. They of layouts, contact the graphics coordinator at 121.
are designed to build the agency's brand as well as be
flexible for customization to meet clients or directors de-

Interior pages present a variety of grids for all the different

scenarios. A grid is a predetermined understructure
which the designer can employ to give a publication co-

Make Ideas
with People

Make Ideas.
with People.

Client Name Client.

I’m Going to Tell You a Story/
Branding Project
It’s One of Those/ That Breaks a
I’m Going to Tell You a Story/ Smile/ Makes You Awe/ This Story
It’s One of Those/ That Breaks a Smile/ is about You and Me/ Wait Till You
Makes You Awe/ This Story is about You Hear the Ending/
and Me/ Wait Till You Hear the Ending/

All material included in this presentation belongs to 121 Communications©. It can not be copied, used or modified unless it is stated
in a specific contract between the two parts. 121 Communications©2019 Copyright.
Layout/ Cover Templates

Make Ideas
with People

Make Ideas Make Ideas

Connect Connect
with People with People
Layout/ Intro & Plain Slate Templates

Make Ideas. Make Ideas.

Connect Connect
with People. with People.

Client Name Client Name

Branding Project Branding Project
I’m Going to Tell You a Story/ I’m Going to Tell You a Story/
It’s One of Those/ That Breaks a Smile/ It’s One of Those/ That Breaks a Smile/
Makes You Awe/ This Story is about You Makes You Awe/ This Story is about You
and Me/ Wait Till You Hear the Ending/ and Me/ Wait Till You Hear the Ending/

All material included in this presentation belongs to 121 Communications©. It can not be copied, used or modified unless it is stated All material included in this presentation belongs to 121 Communications©. It can not be copied, used or modified unless it is stated
in a specific contract between the two parts. 121 Communications©2019 Copyright. in a specific contract between the two parts. 121 Communications©2019 Copyright.

Love Your Love

Client. Your
I’m Going to Tell You a Story/
It’s One of Those/ That Breaks a
Smile/ Makes You Awe/ This Story I’m Going to Tell You a Story/
is about You and Me/ Wait Till You It’s One of Those/ That Breaks a
Hear the Ending/ Smile/ Makes You Awe/ This Story
is about You and Me/ Wait Till You
Hear the Ending/
Layout/ Image & Ending Templates

Muchas Gracias! Muchas Gracias!

All material included in this presentation belongs to 121 Communications©. It can not be copied, used or All material included in this presentation belongs to 121 Communications©. It can not be copied, used or
modified unless it is stated in a specific contract between the two parts. modified unless it is stated in a specific contract between the two parts.
121 Communications©2019 Copyright. 121 Communications©2019 Copyright.
Layout/ Text Templates

This Space is Dedicated to

This Space is Dedicated to Inspire and Connect.
Inspire and Connect. This Space is still as important. So you caught your clients
attention with that amazing punchline. Now is the time to
bring it home. Tell me why.

This Space is Dedicated to

This Space is Dedicated to Inspire and Connect.
Inspire and Connect. This Space is still as important. So you caught your clients
attention with that amazing punchline. Now is the time to
bring it home. Tell me why.

This Space is This Space is

Dedicated to Inspire Dedicated to Inspire
and Connect. and Connect.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel leo euis-
mod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet orci.
Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra nulla. Sed
rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi sollicitudin. Donec rhoncus nibh quis ullam-
corper efficitur. Donec sed accumsan leo.
Aliquam pretium orci vitae quam faucibus, at placerat arcu feugiat. Nam mollis velit
nec mi fringilla, non maximus lorem aliquam. Aliquam lacinia, nisi a scelerisque
ultrices, metus ex rhoncus ligula, sit amet mattis sapien ligula molestie nulla. Sed
eget nunc odio. Proin porta accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in fauc-
ibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus tempus quis velit vel
Layout/ Credentials Templates
Credentials play an important role on the agency. The fol- developed and used by the designer. The examples
lowing section aims to explore all the different scenarios a shown illustrate acceptable uses of layouts. For additional
credentials presentation could have and provide a de- examples on the use of Layouts, contact the graphics co-
signed template for each case. ordinator at 121.

Most templates in this section serve a specific purpose

on credentials. All of the following pages present a variety
of grids for all the different scenarios.

A grid is a predetermined understructure which the de-

signer can employ to give a publication cohesive style
and character. There are a multitude of grids which can be

Somos lo que
PR Hits

Nuestros Logros
121 está afiliada a DDB Group, a
través de la marca Tribal DDB, lo que
permite tener acceso a las mejores
prácticas internacionales.
121 está afiliada a IAB Perú y ANDA.
Title Title Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Cuenta con las herramientas y
tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel licencias necesarias para el soporte
leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula y la gestión de los proyectos.
odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra
sit amet orci. sit amet orci. sit amet orci.
Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed
dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra
nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et
sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin.
Layout/ Credentials Templates

Somos Somos
Nuestro Equipo Nuestro Equipo

Vanessa Vargas María Andrea Correa Tatiana Urbano Vanessa Vargas María Andrea Correa Tatiana Urbano
Brand Manager Brand Manager Brand Manager Brand Manager Brand Manager Brand Manager

Alejandro Tripoli Gonzalo Calmet Benjamín Edwards José Antonio Legóburu Javier Beroiz Lucas Bargen Alejandro Tripoli Gonzalo Calmet Benjamín Edwards José Antonio Legóburu Javier Beroiz Lucas Bargen
Partner & MD Partner & CCO Partner & Strategy Strategic Manager Content Manager Creative Director Partner & MD Partner & CCO Partner & Strategy Strategic Manager Content Manager Creative Director
+ Business + Business

Somos Somos
Nuestros Clientes Nuestros Clientes
Telco Telco
Banca Banca
Energía Energía
Alimentos Alimentos
Consumo Consumo
Educación Educación
Belleza Belleza
Retail Retail
Institucional Institucional

Somos Somos
Nuestros Logros Nuestros Logros
121 está afiliada a DDB Group, a 121 está afiliada a DDB Group, a
través de la marca Tribal DDB, lo que través de la marca Tribal DDB, lo que
permite tener acceso a las mejores permite tener acceso a las mejores
prácticas internacionales. prácticas internacionales.

121 está afiliada a IAB Perú y ANDA. 121 está afiliada a IAB Perú y ANDA.

Cuenta con las herramientas y Cuenta con las herramientas y

licencias necesarias para el soporte licencias necesarias para el soporte
y la gestión de los proyectos. y la gestión de los proyectos.

Somos lo que Somos lo que

Hacemos Hacemos
Campañas Campañas
PR Hits PR Hits
Innovaciones Innovaciones
Plataformas Plataformas
Content Content
Layout/ Credentials Templates

Somos lo que Somos lo que

Aprendemos Aprendemos

Project Title Project Title

Subtitle Subtitle
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel leo adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel leo
euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio, euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio,
aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet
orci. orci.
Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui
posuere accumsan eu pharetra nulla. Sed posuere accumsan eu pharetra nulla. Sed
rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi
sollicitudin. sollicitudin.

Title Title Title Title Title Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est
nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh.

Title Title Title Title Title Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam est
nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh. nulla, ullamcorper eu tortor vitae, pulvinar mattis nibh.

Title Title Title Title Title Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-
tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel tur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis libero vel
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odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra odio, aliquam in faucibus vitae, pharetra
sit amet orci. sit amet orci. sit amet orci. sit amet orci. sit amet orci. sit amet orci.

Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed
dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra dui posuere accumsan eu pharetra
nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et
sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin. sagittis mi sollicitudin.

Title Title Title Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis
libero vel leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio, aliquam in libero vel leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio, aliquam in libero vel leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio, aliquam in libero vel leo euismod aliquam. Praesent ligula odio, aliquam in
faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet orci. faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet orci. faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet orci. faucibus vitae, pharetra sit amet orci.
Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui posuere accumsan eu Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui posuere accumsan eu Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui posuere accumsan eu Nulla a pulvinar leo. Duis ac neque sed dui posuere accumsan eu
pharetra nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi sollicitudin. pharetra nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi sollicitudin. pharetra nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi sollicitudin. pharetra nulla. Sed rhoncus sem at orci luctus, et sagittis mi sollicitudin.
Layout/ Credentials Templates

Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and

Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect.

Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and

Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect.

This Space is Dedicated to This Space is Dedicated to

Inspire and Connect. Inspire and Connect.

This Space is Dedicated to This Space is Dedicated to

Inspire and Connect. Inspire and Connect.

See Think Do Care See Think Do Care

This Space is
This Space is
This Space is
This Space is
This Space is
This Space is
This Space is
This Space is
Dedicated to Dedicated to Dedicated to Dedicated to Dedicated to Dedicated to Dedicated to Dedicated to
Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and Inspire and
Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect.
Layout/ Backgrounds
Layout/ Backgrounds
Modular Design/ One To One/ 1 To 1/ Patterns/
Instagram Stories/ Instagram Feed/
Poster Design
Play/ Modular Design
121 invites its users to be creative, to be inspired. Its design This chapter explores the possibilities of shapes in combi-
is born with modularity in mind. This means that the nation with color. The examples that follow illustrate the
LOGO is composed of a variety of elements that in differ- concept of PLAY for the brand. Contact the graphics co-
ent combinations opens the visual system of the brand. ordinator at 121 for advice and counsel on further explora-
Play/ Modular Design
The following example uses the elements that make up The idea for the modular elements is to create a dialog
the brand to build connections. As a stand alone design, between the brand and its audience. To inspire creativity
this example uses the LOGO and the modular elements and expose the agency's purpose through imagery.
to connect its individual limbs and the frame that contains
the composition.
Play/ Modular Design Plain
The following examples use the elements that make up between the brand and its audience. To inspire creativity
the brand to build connections. As stand alone designs, and expose the agency's purpose through imagery.
these examples use individual limbs from the LOGO and
the modular elements to connect with the frame that
contains the composition.

The idea for the modular elements is to create a dialog

Play/ Modular Design Colors
Use of COLOR is allowed in Modular Design. Its introduc- The idea for the modular elements is to create a dialog
tion allows new layers of visual narrative and brand en- between the brand and its audience. To inspire creativity
gagement. The following examples use the elements that and expose the agency's purpose through imagery.
make up the brand to build connections. As stand alone
designs, these examples use individual limbs from the
LOGO and the modular elements to connect with the
frame that contains the composition.
Play/ Modular Design Gradients
Use of GRADIENTS is allowed in Modular Design. Its in- The idea for the modular elements is to create a dialog
troduction allows new layers of visual narrative and brand between the brand and its audience. To inspire creativity
engagement. The following examples use the elements and expose the agency's purpose through imagery.
that make up the brand to build connections. As stand
alone designs, these examples use individual limbs from
the LOGO and the modular elements to connect with
the frame that contains the composition.
Play/ Modular Design

Make Ideas. Make Ideas.

Connect Connect
with People. with People.

Make Ideas. Make Ideas.

Connect Connect
with People. with People.
Play/ Modular Design Connections
The following examples aim to illustrate different varia- The idea for the modular elements is to create a dialog
tions that can be build with the modular elements and its between the brand and its audience. To inspire creativity
combination with the use of GRADIENTS. As stand alone and expose the agency's purpose through imagery.
designs, this examples use the LOGO and the modular
elements to connect its individual limbs and the frame
that contains the composition.
Play/ Modular Design

Make Ideas.
with People.
Play/ One To One
Along with the main brand applications present in the and aims to complete the message when the "121" is used
BRAND chapter of this brand book, the PLAY section in an illustrative or visual scenario such as the examples
provides alternative scenarios to grow the brand experi- that follow. For additional examples, contact the graphics
ence. ONE TO ONE is a less common use of the brand coordinator at 121.
Play/ One To One

Make Ideas
with People

Make Ideas
with People
Play/ 1 To 1
Along with the main brand applications present in the numbers with letters to build a bridge between the
BRAND chapter of this brand book, the PLAY section LOGO and its meaning. The examples that follow illus-
provides alternative scenarios to grow the brand experi- trate acceptable uses of 1TO1. For additional examples,
ence. 1TO1 is a less common use of the brand combines contact the graphics coordinator at 121.
Play/ 1 To 1

Make Ideas
with People
Play/ 1 To 1

Make Ideas
Connect with People

Make Ideas
Connect with People
Play/ Patterns
Patterns play an important role on 121's identity. Its main along with different color combinations. For additional ex-
purpose is to build the playful and modular side of the amples, contact the graphics coordinator at 121.
brand. All the patterns that follow are build from the com-
bination of the modular elements that make the brand
Play/ Patterns
Play/ Patterns 121
Along with the patterns made up by the modular ele-
ments, 121 visual system also counts with a LOGO pattern.
The following examples are build on different scales and
color combinations. As the most sober pattern element,
its use is limited to a plain and decorative performance.
For additional examples, contact the graphics coordina-
tor at 121.
Play/ Patterns Connections
The following patterns are made exclusively with the
modular elements. It's use is limited to backgrounds only.
For additional examples, contact the graphics coordina-
tor at 121.
Play/ Instagram Stories
As a brand thought and designed to Connect with elements, a safe area, free of competing visual elements,
People, 121 aims to portray its message and playfulness should be maintained.
through different social channels. The first and most im-
portant one being Instagram Stories. The examples shown in the next pages illustrate accept-
able uses of design for Instagram Stories. For additional
To protect the strength and integrity of the LOGO and its examples, please contact the graphics coordinator at 121.
Play/ Instagram Stories
Play/ Instagram Stories

Make Ideas
with People
Play/ Instagram Stories

Make Ideas. Make Ideas.

Connect Connect
with People. with People.
Play/ Instagram Stories
Play/ Instagram Feed
As a brand thought and designed to Connect with maintained. The 1X1 Safe area predicts unexpected crop-
People, 121 aims to portray its message and playfulness ping on the profile view of the Agency's Instagram.
through different social channels. The second most im-
portant channel is the Instagram Feed. To protect the The examples shown in the next pages illustrate accept-
strength and integrity of the LOGO and its elements, a able uses of design for Instagram Feed. For additional ex-
safe area, free of competing visual elements, should be amples, please contact the graphics coordinator at 121.
Play/ Instagram Feed
Play/ Instagram Feed
Play/ Poster Design
The example shown below illustrate acceptable use of
121's Visual System in a 70x50cm poster design.

Make Ideas.
with People.
Play/ Poster Design
The example shown below illustrate acceptable use of
121's Visual System in a 70x50cm poster design.

Make Ideas.
with People.
Designed by © Hueso
Director: Gianluca Fallone
Executive Producer: Santiago Moncalvo

Humboldt 1531. 4th Floor
Buenos Aires, Argentina
CP 1414

All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be

reproduced without the written permission of
Hueso © 2019 Copyright.

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