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// Configuration format version

Version 1
// Whether to preload assets for initial menu scene before entering main menu.
Makes loading screens longer, but overall experience a bit nicer.
PreloadInitialMenuAssets true
// Whether you need to press spacebar after a loading screen before continuing to
the level
RequireSpaceAfterLoadingScreen true
// Radial menu scale factor (0.8 is default scale), this multiplies with the UI
scale factor
RadialMenuScaleModifier 0.800000
// Creature health bar scale factor (x/y), this multiplies with the UI scale factor
CreatureHPBarScaleModifier 1.000000 1.000000
// Whether to adjust minimap viewport corners according to actual terrain height
(recommended: false)
TerrainAdjustedMinimapViewport false
// Whether to show healthbars for wounded and selected units only
WoundedOnlyHealthbars true
// Whether to always show healthbars for selected units, even if
WoundedOnlyHealthbars is true
AlwaysShowSelectedHealthbars false
// Whether to skip the intro logo video
DisableIntroVideo false
// Has the user seen the EXP1 trailer yet?
HasSeenTrailer false
// Whether to show a watermark containing the development revision number and
timestamp on the screen
ShowWatermark true
// Whether to disable the exit button in the pause menu (for demonstrations only)
DisableExitButton false
// Whether to snap the cursor to the loot window (upon open)
SnapCursorToLootWindow false
// Whether to show a tracker listing active and tracked quests at the edge of the
UseQuestTracker true
// Whether to automatically look for alternative valid building positions near the
cursor when trying to place buildings
BuildingPlacementAssist true
// Whether to automatically focus the camera on the selected building after using
hotkeys to cycle between buildings
FocusBuildingWhenCyclingSelection true
// How selection/camera should behave when cycling specific building types (sector
centers, godstones, etc.)
BuildingTypeCycleMode Camera
// Whether to play narrator voice overs when loading skirmish maps
PlaySkirmishNarrationVOs true
// Where dialogue boxes should be positioned on the screen. Possible values:
Speaker, SpeakerOnScreen, Fixed
DialoguePositioning SpeakerOnScreen
// Whether to automatically continue a dialogue once the voice line has finished
AutoContinueDialogue true
// Whether to allow dialogue answers to be selected by using quick selection
hotkeys while a dialogue is on screen.
UseDialogueQuickSelection true
// Whether to highlight certain dialogue options with story implications using a
different color/icon.
HighlightImportantDialogueOptions true
// If true, inventory context menu can be opened by right-click, otherwise shift +
SimpleInventoryContextMenu false
// Whether to always show detailed ability tooltips
AlwaysShowDetailedAbilityTooltips true
// Whether to disable fluid camera movements in the main menu's background scene
DisableMenuCameraMovement false
// Time in seconds after which a shoutout will automatically continue to the next
line if it has no audio associated
ShoutoutAutoContinueDelay 6.500000
// Time factor (0 - 1) to use while click'n'fight is active
ClickNFightTimeFactor 0.300000
// Maximum number of lines to keep in the dialogue history at once
DialogueHistorySize 500
// Difficulty of the single player campaign
CampaignDifficulty Easy
// Position for steam overlay notification popups
OverlayPosition TopRight
// Units used to display distances. May be one of: Meters, Feet, Engine
DistanceUnits FakeMeters
// Notifications for which floating text should be hidden
HideFloatingText None
// Whether notification history is shown
ShowNotificationHistory true
// Whether hero highlighting is enabled
HeroHighlightingEnabled true
// Whether economy view is enabled
EconomyViewEnabled true
// Whether follow camera is enabled
FollowCameraEnabled false
// Enable formation preview for single click movement commands
SingleClickFormationPreview false
// Hero bar position
HeroBarPosition Top
// Swap select/issue command when using gamepad
SwapSelectIssueCommandGamepad false

// Color scheme to use for units and buildings. Possible values:
// Simple: all units and buildings will be colored according to a simplified
coloring scheme (self/allies/enemies/neutral)
// SimpleUI: same as simple, but only affects the UI, not the game world
// Default: Each faction uses its own individual color
ColorScheme Default
// Camera scrolling speed multiplier
CameraScrollMult 1.000000
// Whether to invert horizontal camera scrolling direction
InvertCameraScrollX false
// Whether to invert vertical camera scrolling direction
InvertCameraScrollY false
// Camera rotate speed multiplier
CameraRotateMult 1.000000
// Whether to invert camera rotation direction
InvertCameraRot false
// Maximum speed at which the camera may rotate towards movement direction while
follow camera mode is active
FollowCameraRotationSpeed 0.600000
// How fast the camera reaches FollowCameraRotationSpeed while follow camera mode
is active (in 1/s)
FollowCameraRotationAccel 0.300000
// Should the camera automatically rotate to face in the movement direction of
followed units while follow camera is active?
FollowCameraAutoRotate false
// Whether to allow selected units to be controlled using movement keys while
follow camera is active.
AllowDirectControl false
// Whether to dynamically adjust healthbar positions to creature's animation. Looks
nice, but may be annoying.
DynamicCreatureHealthbarPos false
// Whether game resources are allowed to be loaded in a background thread.
// Drastically redurces loading times and memory usage, may improve framerate
// May cause some objects to become visible only after a slight delay.
ThreadedResourceLoading true
// How much of a level must be preloaded before leaving the loading screen (only
effective if ThreadedLoading is true)
// Possible values:
// Nothing: Starts the level as soon as possible, you will experience lots of pop-
// Viewport: Waits until objects near the original camera position have been
loaded, good compromise
// Everything: Waits until everything has finished loading. Longest loading times,
smoothest expercience.
ThreadedPreloadMode Viewport
// Whether to show silhouettes for units in the given relations to the player
ShowSilhouettes Allies false
ShowSilhouettes Enemies true
ShowSilhouettes Neutral false
ShowSilhouettes Own true
// Whether to show visibility bubbles around units in the given relations to the
ShowVisibilityBubbles Allies false
ShowVisibilityBubbles Enemies false
ShowVisibilityBubbles Neutral false
ShowVisibilityBubbles Own true
// How to highlight entities when hovered/selected/targeted.
// Possible values:
// Outline: Draws a colored line around the silhouette of the entity
// Border: Draws a colored circle/shape on the ground at the bottom of the entity
// Hybrid: A mix of both of the above, optimized for readability
// Both: Always draws both of the above
HighlightMode Hybrid
// Same as above, but only affects selection highlights for heroes.
HeroSelectionHighlightMode Hybrid
// Whether to automatically track newly received quests
AutoTrackQuests true
// How to show previews for planned buildings.

PlannedBuildingPreview Ghostly
// Whether to show colored posts to visualize sector borders
ShowSectorBorders true
// Whether to hide helmets on player controlled heroes
HideHeroHelmets false
// Whether to enable Muxy integration for streaming to Twitch
EnableMuxy false
// Determines what kind of debug information is displayed during dialogues. Can be
one of: None, Story, Full
DialogueDebugMode None
// Detail level of gameplay (controls number of ornamental NPCs and animals in the
game world, among other things)
GameplayDetailLevel Full

FileVersion 1
// Whether to use the system's cursor behavior or to modify it using the game's
sensitivity setting.
UseHardwareCursor true
// Mouse sensitivity factor (default = 1.0)
MouseSensitivity 1.000000
// Whether to swap left & right mouse buttons.
FlipMouseButtons false
// Which control scheme to use (0 = A, 1 = B)
ControlScheme 0
// Whether to allow immediately quitting the game by pressing Alt + F4.
AllowAltF4 true
// Whether to force gamepad input.
ForceGamepadInput false
Select 101 164 164 164 101 164 164 164
IssueCommand 102 164 164 164 102 164 164 164
QuickSave 40 73 40 72 40 73 40 72
QuickLoad 44 73 44 72 44 73 44 72
ToggleControlScheme 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
Forward 78 164 164 164 78 164 164 164
Backward 79 164 164 164 79 164 164 164
Left 80 164 164 164 80 164 164 164
Right 81 164 164 164 81 164 164 164
RotateLeft 82 164 164 164 82 164 164 164
RotateRight 83 164 164 164 83 164 164 164
ZoomIn 113 164 164 164 113 164 164 164
ZoomOut -113 164 164 164 -113 164 164 164
ResetCamera 61 164 164 164 61 164 164 164
QuickSelect0 0 164 164 164 0 164 164 164
QuickSelect1 1 164 164 164 1 164 164 164
QuickSelect2 2 164 164 164 2 164 164 164
QuickSelect3 3 164 164 164 3 164 164 164
QuickSelect4 4 164 164 164 4 164 164 164
QuickSelect5 5 164 164 164 5 164 164 164
QuickSelect6 6 164 164 164 6 164 164 164
QuickSelect7 7 164 164 164 7 164 164 164
QuickSelect8 8 164 164 164 8 164 164 164
QuickSelect9 9 164 164 164 9 164 164 164
SelectHero0 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectHero1 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectHero2 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectHero3 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectHeroes 17 164 164 164 17 164 164 164
SelectMilitaryUnits 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectHeroesAndMilitaryUnits 30 164 164 164 30 164 164 164
SelectOnScreen 107 164 164 164 107 164 164 164
SelectMilitaryProductionBuildings 65 164 164 164 65 164 164 164
SelectTechBuildings 63 164 164 164 63 164 164 164
SelectSectorCenterNext 35 164 164 164 35 164 164 164
SelectSectorCenterPrev 35 77 35 76 35 77 35 76
SelectGodstoneNext 71 164 164 164 71 164 164 164
SelectGodstonePrev 71 77 71 76 71 77 71 76
CycleSelectionNext 49 164 164 164 49 164 164 164
CycleSelectionPrev 49 77 49 76 49 77 49 76
CycleSectorsWithFreeWorkers 51 164 164 164 51 164 164 164
KillSelection 58 164 164 164 58 164 164 164
ControlGrid0 26 164 164 164 26 164 164 164
ControlGrid1 32 164 164 164 32 164 164 164
ControlGrid2 14 164 164 164 14 164 164 164
ControlGrid3 27 164 164 164 27 164 164 164
ControlGrid4 29 164 164 164 29 164 164 164
ControlGrid5 10 164 164 164 10 164 164 164
ControlGrid6 28 164 164 164 28 164 164 164
ControlGrid7 13 164 164 164 13 164 164 164
ControlGrid8 15 164 164 164 15 164 164 164
ControlGrid9 16 164 164 164 16 164 164 164
ControlGrid10 34 164 164 164 34 164 164 164
ControlGrid11 33 164 164 164 33 164 164 164
ControlGrid12 12 164 164 164 12 164 164 164
ControlGrid13 31 164 164 164 31 164 164 164
ControlGrid14 11 164 164 164 11 164 164 164
Inventory 18 164 164 164 18 164 164 164
Abilities 20 164 164 164 20 164 164 164
Spellbook 21 164 164 164 21 164 164 164
Journal 19 164 164 164 19 164 164 164
Glossary 24 164 164 164 24 164 164 164
Progress 25 164 164 164 25 164 164 164
Construction 23 164 164 164 23 164 164 164
Minimap 22 164 164 164 22 164 164 164
Minimap_LockSector 103 164 164 164 103 164 164 164
Minimap_AIFocus 75 101 74 101 75 101 74 101
ReplayControl 27 73 27 72 27 73 27 72
NotifHistory 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
Screenshot 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
HideUI 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
StreamerMute 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
Quickslot0 36 164 164 164 36 164 164 164
Quickslot1 37 164 164 164 37 164 164 164
Quickslot2 38 164 164 164 38 164 164 164
Quickslot3 39 164 164 164 39 164 164 164
Quickslot4 40 164 164 164 40 164 164 164
Quickslot5 41 164 164 164 41 164 164 164
Quickslot6 42 164 164 164 42 164 164 164
Quickslot7 43 164 164 164 43 164 164 164
Quickslot8 44 164 164 164 44 164 164 164
Quickslot9 45 164 164 164 45 164 164 164
Quickslot10 46 164 164 164 46 164 164 164
Quickslot11 47 164 164 164 47 164 164 164
ToggleQuickBar 68 164 164 164 68 164 164 164
CreateSquad 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
DirectControl 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
HeroHighlight 53 164 164 164 53 164 164 164
ResourceView 52 164 164 164 52 164 164 164
JumpToSelection 54 164 164 164 54 164 164 164
DecreaseWorkers 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
IncreaseWorkers 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
ClickNFight 75 164 74 164 75 164 74 164
RadialMenuConstruction 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
RadialMenuSelectionControl 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
RadialMenuControlGroups 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
RadialMenuUIControl 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
QueueCommands 77 164 76 164 77 164 76 164
AssignQuickSelect 73 164 72 164 73 164 72 164
AssignQuickSelectExclusive 77 164 76 164 77 164 76 164
AssignQuickSelectAdditive 77 164 76 164 77 164 76 164
AggressiveMode 73 164 72 164 73 164 72 164
SelectionAdd 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectionRemove 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
SelectionAddRemove 77 164 76 164 77 164 76 164
ToggleQuickBarTemp 77 164 76 164 77 164 76 164
RotateCamera 73 103 72 103 73 103 72 103
PanCamera 103 164 164 164 103 164 164 164
MPPing 75 102 74 102 75 102 74 102
ShowHealthbars 55 164 164 164 55 164 164 164
ShowDetailedAbilityTooltip 73 164 72 164 73 164 72 164
ProduceMultipleUnits 77 164 76 164 77 164 76 164
ContinueDialogue 50 164 164 164 50 164 164 164
FastForwardCutscene 50 164 164 164 50 164 164 164
PrevSubMenu 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
NextSubMenu 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
PrevElement 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
NextElement 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
GamepadContextAction 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
ContextMenu 102 164 164 164 102 164 164 164
Loot_TakeAll 50 164 164 164 50 164 164 164
UndoGamepadFocus 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
HeroScreen_Prev 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
HeroScreen_Next 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164

// The display language used in the game
TextLanguage english
// The audio language used in the game
AudioLanguage english
// Suppress popup message boxes while the game runs in fullscreen
SuppressFullscreenPopups true
// Whether the cursor should be constrained to the window in windowed/borderless
windowed mode
CaptureWindowedCursor true

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