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Ta b le of Con te n ts

Introduction .................................................................... 4

Part 1
What Is The Law Of Attraction? ................................. 5
How Does The Law Of Attraction Work? ...................... 6
Your Belief System ................................................................... 9
How To Find Out What Your Beliefs Are ...................... 10
Mental Diets ................................................................... 13
How To Follow A Mental Diet ............................................ 14
Vision Boards ................................................................... 17
Manifestation Methods ........................................................ 17
How To Create A Vision Board ............................................ 18
Journaling .............................................................................. 20
How To Journal ................................................................... 21
Journaling For Getting Married ............................................ 22
Visualization ................................................................... 2 4
How To Visualize ................................................................... 25
Act As If .............................................................................. 27
How To Act As If ................................................................... 29
Prayer .............................................................................. 31
How To Pray ................................................................... 32
Intentions ............................................................................. 34
How To Set An Intention ...................................................... 35
Assumptions ......................................................................... 37
Affirmations ........................................................................... 39
How To Create Affirmations ............................................ 41
How To Use Affirmations ............................................ 42
Examples Of Affirmations ............................................ 44
Best Time Of The Day To Manifest ................................. 45
Contrast & Resistance ....................................................... 46
Allowing And Happiness ........................................................ 50
Part 2
Guided Exercises – How To ............................................. 52
Manifest Love .................................................................. 55
Manifest Money .................................................................. 57
Manifest Success .................................................................. 60
Manifest Clear Skin ....................................................... 62
Manifest Health .................................................................. 64
Manifest Pregnancy ....................................................... 66
Manifest Getting Over Someone ................................. 68
How Do You Know It Is Working? ................................. 70
What I Learned .................................................................. 73

Did you ever wonder if there was a way of

manifesting your dreams into reality?

How wonderful it would be if you were not limited

by the rules of this world, but instead you could
experience what you always dreamed of?

What if I show you that life is happening for you

and that everything you want is right here waiting
for you to grab it? All you must do is realize it.

What if it is all a lot simpler than you expected?

Are you curious and want to know more? Just

keep reading. | 4
Part 1
What is the Law of Attraction?

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction (LOA) is

a universal rule that says you can manifest your
desires into reality by using your thoughts and

Contrary to what most people think, the Law of

Attraction is not a New Age concept conceived
for the modern world, on the contrary, references
to the LOA can be found in many ancient practices
and literature, from Buddha to the Holy Bible.

Just like the Law of Cause and Effect (or Karma),

the Law of Attraction is intertwined into our lives
and the more we learn about it, the easier it is to
navigate life itself. | 5
How does the Law of Attraction work?

The key to understanding the Law of Attraction

is to understand our own minds. Our memories,
our beliefs, our life experiences and even all
the images we have ever seen or imagined, are
all stored in the part of our minds we call the
subconscious mind. It dictates all our behaviors
and choices based on all the information gathered
throughout our lives.

Some of our choices or behaviors may seem a bit

irrational, but they were always chosen by our
subconscious mind with the aim of protecting us
from a possible threat. We then have a conscious
mind, also called the rational or the awake mind.
This is the part of our minds we are completely
aware of, the awareness of ourselves and the
world around us.

Scientists tell us that about 95% of our thoughts,

behaviors, feelings, and choices are influenced by
our subconscious mind and only a mere 5% fall
under our complete awareness.

If we have almost no control over what we think

and feel, no wonder our lives are in a bit of a mess.
Hands up our subconscious mind is only trying
to protect us from possible threats, but it is also
limiting our choices in life and the possibility of
succeeding in manifesting our dreams. | 6
Let us look at an example so the whole process
becomes clearer.

Say you are a very talented artist and would

really love to make a living selling your art, but
for some reason, you just cannot seem to get a
break. You feel frustrated and helpless, you keep
going to work at that place that does not pay you
enough money and where you feel sad all the
time. One day a friend tells you all about the Law
of Attraction and you finally see there is a chance
you can manifest your dreams.

You start experimenting and looking into your

beliefs. You find out that when you were a child,
your mum used to criticize a family member who
was an artist’ She always said they should find a
proper job as artists always die in poverty.

You realize at that moment that you have a limiting

belief hidden in your subconscious mind, you
believe that artists do not make enough money
and always die poor. You also believe that artists
are often criticized and hated.

Although your rational mind knows you are

talented and could be remarkably successful,
your subconscious is only trying to protect you
from becoming poor, being criticized, and hated,
because that is what it believes will happen to
you if you proceed with that choice of career. | 7
Your subconscious mind will influence your
thoughts, your choices and your behaviors in a
way that will always keep you from being that
successful artist, even if an opportunity magically

As I mentioned before, the Law of Attraction says

that you can manifest your desires into real life by
using your feelings and thoughts, but if you have
virtually no control over them, what can you do to
break free?

Simple, first you identify your limiting beliefs and

then you start changing your mind about them in
a way that your subconscious understands. | 8
Your belief system

Let us get something straight, the Law of

Attraction can work very fast and with virtually
no work required, but it can also become painfully
ineffective. It all depends on your belief system.
I could just give you the instructions on how to
manifest without explaining the whole process,
and you would eventually hit a brick wall in your

So, I prefer teaching you how to identify the

problems and overcome them, so that when
you start your manifesting exercises you can be
extremely successful.

There may be a bit of work involved, but trust me,

you will be so happy you took the time to do it. | 9
As we have seen, the subconscious mind bases
its choices on your beliefs. These beliefs were
created based on your life experiences, what you
may have heard others talk about, what you have
seen and felt at some point in your life. Most of
your beliefs are hidden away in your subconscious
mind, in most cases, you do not even know they
exist unless you actively look for them.

But nevertheless, the beliefs exist and dictate

everything that happens to you in life.

How to find out what your beliefs are

Look at an area of your life you are not happy

about. Let us say you want to find a partner,
someone to share your life with. Unfortunately,
you keep meeting the wrong type of person or
you meet no one at all.

This exercise requires a pen and paper. Write down

everything that comes to mind about relationships.
How do you feel about men/ women?

Let us say you have been cheated and taken

advantage of you may think that all men/ women
are cheaters and do not respect you, they are
selfish and self-centered. Write everything down
without thinking too much about it. Just try to
capture all the thoughts that come to your mind
without analyzing them. | 10
You will notice that some of your beliefs were very
obvious, others were subtly hidden from you, but
they all tend to generalize. Someone cheated on
you: everyone is a cheater. Someone hurt you:
everyone hurts you.

You have been wanting to manifest a suitable

partner, but your subconscious mind believes that
if you do get a partner, they will cheat on you,
take advantage, and hurt you. It will try to protect
you from finding a partner, it will do whatever it
needs for you not to enter a new relationship, or
to ruin every single one you get into.

When you find your limiting beliefs you can change

things around for good, you can start to choose
what you want to experience in life instead of
being tossed around by your life experiences.

Instead of being disappointed by your beliefs,

see them as an opportunity to empower yourself.
Truth is, you did not choose your beliefs, life
happened, and your subconscious mind tried to
protect you, so no guilt around your beliefs. They
are what they are, but you have the power to
change them.

Going back to the exercise, for every limiting

belief, create a new empowering one.

All men/women are cheaters – some men/ women

are faithful

All men/ women take advantage of me – some

men/ women support me and empower me | 11
Then look for examples of your new beliefs. Surely
you know somebody who is happily married to
the most faithful partner, or you have heard of
someone who was. You can look for examples on
the internet, you will surely find them. The aim
here is to gradually change your belief from a
general “everyone is…(negative belief)” to “some
people are…(positive evidence)”.

Once you go through the whole list of limiting

beliefs that you wrote down on your piece of
paper, something has already started to change.
You brought what was hidden away into your
awareness and you found evidence that your
belief may be wrong.
All you have to do now is to immerse yourself in
your new beliefs so that your subconscious mind
changes its mind!

Go through the positive evidence you found every

day. Read it, look at it and think about it. Repeat it
to yourself during the day.

Contemplate what it would feel like to really

believe some men/women are faithful, respectful,
and supportive. How would you feel if you had
such a partner?

Keep in mind that practice makes perfect and

the more you expose yourself to the newfound
evidence, the quicker it will become a new positive
belief that will replace the old limiting one.

When this happens, manifesting your dreams

becomes virtually effortless. | 12
Mental diets

Mental diets are probably one of the most

important aspects of the manifesting process
although it is not something you find in most
manifestation guides.

Manifestation is the becoming real of thought or

intention. This shows you how important it is to
keep your thoughts under control, so you do not
end up creating what you do not wish.

A mental diet is a process you follow that helps

you focus your mind only on the thoughts you
wish to entertain and will help you let go of the
ones you do not want with ease and the minimum
amount of resistance possible. | 13
How to follow a mental diet

To begin with, you must learn to pay attention

to your mind’s chatter. Listen to your thoughts
as if you were just the observer, instead of the
thinker itself. When you observe your thoughts,
you gain a certain distance from them, you do not
get as involved in the stories your mind is telling.
This gives you some perspective and you start
noticing that you can choose what you want to
think, instead of just being pushed around by the

Your mind is going to fight the process as it does

not want to lose its grip over you, so you will have
to trick it into doing what you want. Tell yourself
you will only follow the mental diet for a week,
not even one more day after that. You will see
that the mind will comply with your request.

If you tell your mind the mental diet will last for
the rest of your life, that you will never let your
mind control you again, it will rebel like a teenager
under pressure and you will not achieve anything.

Odds are that if you do try a mental diet, it will not

just last a week or two, but it will become a habit
that you will not wish to let go of. So, every week,
just tell your mind that it will be only one more
week until it feels absolutely natural to you.

My first mental diet was hard and lasted for about

a week. I marked it on my calendar so I would | 14
know when it was over, and I could stop the strain
of controlling my thoughts. The truth is that when
that day arrived, I could no longer go back to who
I was before. I had changed so much just in the
space of a few days, that I could not continue
entertaining negative self-talk anymore.

Do not get me wrong, it is not easy to start with,

you know what they say “old habits die hard” but
it is so worth it.

When you engage in a mental diet you release

a lot of negativity and your mind starts looking
at yourself and the world in a more positive
way which allows you to become open to your
manifestations to come true.

But do not confuse it with positive thinking which

forces the mind to see everything with a pink
filter. A mental diet is simply the acknowledgment
or recognition of your thoughts at the moment,
followed by the conscious choice to think
about something that brings you joy instead of
perpetuating negativity.

It helps if you select a few thoughts in advance

that make you happy. When you notice the old
negativity creeping up, immediately tell your
mind: “I can see you want to go back to old habits,
but I decide to think about ________ instead”. Be
gentle, do not force. Just acknowledge what is
happening and change it with ease and openness. | 15
Be disciplined. You will feel tempted to go
back to entertaining the old negative thoughts
but remember they only serve to block your
manifestation. Do not allow the mind to control
you around. It takes a bit of effort in the beginning,
but it then comes naturally.

You will notice after a few days that once a

negative thought arises it will make you feel
uncomfortable and all you want to do is change
it, the same thought that was your second nature
just a few days earlier.

You can also use affirmations during your mental

diet, but more on that in the next chapter. | 16
Manifestation Methods

Vision Boards

Vision boards are especially effective for people

who are very visual, those of us who prefer looking
at the pictures instead of reading the book. They
can be incredibly fun to make as they allow your
creative side to shine.

But vision boards do not usually work very quickly

so you must be willing to wait for your dreams to
come true if you choose this method. | 17
How to create a vision board

You will need a piece of cardboard that is at least

30cm x 30cm, glue and pictures.

I recommend that you go online and look for

images of the things you want to manifest in your
life. Be specific and pay attention to the details. If
you want to manifest a car, find a picture of the
exact car that you want, down to the make and
color. Print the picture and glue it to the cardboard.

You can make a vision board for just one subject.

In this case, if you want to manifest the car, print
out different pictures of the car you want. You can
take a picture of your driveway and add the car to
it as if it is already parked in front of your door.

Or you can use a vision board to plan your entire


What sort of house do you want to live in? What

country or city? Do you want to add a picture of
a potential partner? Maybe choose a picture of a
couple kissing or even holding hands.

Do you want to have children? Add a baby photo

and toys.

Print out or cut off from magazines the words that

symbolize what you want to experience. “Amazon
#1 seller” if you want to be a successful writer or
“happy family” or simply “love”. | 18
Do not limit yourself, be creative and let the
inspiration flow.

Your vision board can be a finished or a work in

progress kind of project, you can do it in one go
or keep adding things to it over time.

When you are happy with what you have created,

put it somewhere you can see it several times
during the day. Maybe in your kitchen or your

When you do look at it, look at the images and let

the feelings you want to experience come up. Feel
like all those things you chose already happened.
Then carry on with your day and do not think
about it anymore. If the thought comes up during
the day, remember to feel the happiness and
contentment that come from having your desires

You do not have to do anything else, just look at it

during the day and let it go. At one point, you will
feel like you are tired of looking at it. When this
happens, look at it one last time. Look at all the
details and feel those good feelings within you.
Then hide the vision board somewhere you are
not likely to look. Do not think about it anymore,
your job is done.

Go back to it a few months/ years later and you

will be surprised at how much on the vision board
you have accomplished. | 19

If you enjoy writing and have time to spare, you

can take advantage of journaling to manifest your

Journaling can be used on its own or in conjunction

with other methods such as visualization or the
use of intentions.

The technique is simple, you write as if your desire

had already happened.

Treat this process with respect, make it a daily

ritual. Make sure you use a nice pen and pad, new
ones specifically bought for this activity. You do
not want to use an old pad you have lying around
that you sometimes use to write your shopping
lists. You are creating your own future, treat it
with respect.

This is not a particularly fast process to manifest

your dreams, it can take a while for it to come into
fruition, so use it if you are not in a hurry and do
not mind waiting for results. | 20
How to journal

Write on the top of the page a date in the future

when your desire has already come true. Use the
present tense, never the past or the future. Write
about how much your life has changed since your
dream came true and how happy you feel right

Make this experience real for you, not a product

of your imagination. Feel like you are indeed in
the future and all that you are writing about is
completely true. Do not doubt it, do not have
second thoughts about it, it is your new reality.

Do not write solely about your dream coming

true but add comments about the little thing in
your daily life, these details are what will bring
the story alive.

And when you are writing about how you feel,

really feel those feelings and emotions as if they
were real right now. Feelings are an especially
important part of manifestation; you must include
them in your journaling.

When you finish your journal entry, read it to

yourself a couple of times. Feel every word
and every feeling. Look in yourself a sense of
accomplishment and peace that it is all done.

Let us look at an example to make it clearer. | 21
Journaling for getting married

Date – 3 years in the future

Today I woke up early, I was feeling so excited

about our 2-year wedding anniversary I just
couldn’t stay in bed. I kissed my husband/wife
and felt the sweet smell of his/her skin, I just
can’t have enough of it. I left him/her asleep and
came downstairs to prepare breakfast in bed. It is
only fair I do it today, he/she does it for me every

I feel so happy all the time now, I have the most

perfect husband/wife and we love each other so
much. | 22
Looking back at the past couple of years, they
have been an absolute blessing. Our relationship
is beautiful, our house is gorgeous and even my
work is exactly what I always wanted.

I am so grateful for this life I am living and for all

the happiness I get to experience every day. | 23

Visualization is probably the most used method

for manifesting your dreams. It is also one of the
fastest ways to get results.

When we were little kids, we allowed our

imaginations to take us to enchanted places and
magical worlds, but none of those “visualizations”
come true. We did not get our unicorn or become
a superhero saving damsels in distress.

You see, visualization is not just letting your

imagination run wild, there are rules to follow if
you wish the visualization to come true. | 24
How to visualize

To visualize you will need only your imagination.

It is the most common method to manifest your
desires. There is not a rule with this method in
regard to the time length. I had things manifesting
overnight and others manifesting after a couple
of years. But if you do it right, it always comes
into manifestation.

What do I mean by doing it right? Simple, there

are some basic rules you should follow when
visualizing, no matter what it is you are trying to
• You must know exactly what you want,
changing the story halfway through makes
things messy and confuses the energy you
are trying to attract. So, do take time to really
reflect on what you want to bring into life.
• Always start from a state of relaxation. Any
feelings you have during your visualization will
become part of the “order” you are placing.
The desire and the feeling of lack or anxiety
will be intertwined, and you really do not want
to receive your desire mixed with negative
emotions. You want it to be as positive as
possible. If you are not in a relaxed state, do
something else and come back later. | 25
• Always see the scene as if you were there, from
the 1st person perspective. If you see yourself as
a third person, as if you were watching a movie
starring yourself, odds are the manifestation
will come to pass but you will see it happening
to someone else. So, remember to always look
from your own eyes.
• Engage as many senses as possible as you want
your subconscious mind to believe the scene
you are visualizing is actually happening. Always
look around and observe your surroundings. If
you are with someone else, listen to their voice.
If not, listen to the birds or even the wind. If
you are in a restaurant, taste the food. Does it
smell nice? Touch things around you. Make the
scene absolutely real to you.
• And finally, engage the feelings you want to
experience. If you are looking for love, feel
it when your lover approaches you. Are you
looking for happiness? Feel it when you dance
in the rain. It does not matter what scene
you chose and what desires you are trying to
manifest; in the end, it always comes down to
how you want to feel. So, make sure you know
exactly what feelings you are looking for and
feel them as being completely real.

You will find guided exercises to take you into the

full experience of visualization in chapter 5 of this
book. | 26
Act as if

Another method you can use is acting as if your

desire already happened. I am not suggesting that
you totally ignore reality, what I am suggesting is
that you explore different possibilities.

We act as we are used to, whichever the

circumstances, our subconscious mind will always
react in a familiar way. But if we keep acting as
we always did, then nothing will change. The trick
with acting as if is to pretend it already is and trick
your brain into acting differently.

Let us say you are wanting to manifest being

financially independent. Your friend invites you
out for dinner, but you refuse because you do not
wish to spend money on a meal. | 27
Now, think about this. If you were financially
independent, would you refuse to go out for
a meal just because you did not want to spend
money unnecessarily? Or would you avoid going
to that fancy store? Of course not. You only do it
because that is what you are used to doing. Your
mind is just playing the usual part.

If you want to be financially independent, you

should start changing your mindset from lack
to prosperity. You must create new beliefs for
yourself that empower you and make you feel

Let us look at an example. | 28
How to act as if

You should start by doing some investigation on

how people who are financially independent live.
Choose a role model and look them up online, it
helps to choose someone famous as there will be
more information available. What do they wear?
What are their hobbies? Do they exercise? What
is their favorite food?

Now, this is not a copying exercise, the answers

to these questions are only meant to help you
expand the way you see yourself. | 29
Go to an expensive shop and try the same sort of
clothes your role model wears. How do you feel
about them? Can you see yourself wearing these
nice clothes? While you are in the shop, do not
worry about not having the money to pay for the
clothes right now, you are only trying them on
to get you in a state where you believe you can
achieve what you desire.

Do not take things too far with this exercise,

just have fun and play pretend for a bit. Act as
if you are already the person you want to be. Be
responsible, do not go spending money you do
not have. Instead of canceling dinner because
you lack the money, propose another activity
that you can enjoy with your friend and that will
not cause stress.

If you want to be confident, investigate how do

confident people act. What makes them different
from other people? And then act as if you were
already that confident person.

It may feel like it is not real, but after a few

attempts you will start feeling like you can act
that way, you can become that confident person.

Watch out for your brain reacting out of habit.

Catch any limiting thoughts and change them,
act as if you were already that person. | 30

Prayer is often misunderstood and therefore used

in the wrong manner.

Most people tend to use prayer when they have

nowhere else left to go when they finally hit rock
bottom and all there is left to do is to beg for a
higher power’s intervention.

Prayer is not supposed to be used this way,

it is supposed to make you feel empowered
and at peace. Prayer is a means to establish a
connection with your true Self, it should fill you
with confidence and joy.

It is a powerful tool that when combined with

your focused intention and an internal certainty,
can help you manifest anything you want. | 31
How To Pray

You can pray anywhere and at any time. You do

not need to be on sacred ground or wait for a
certain time of the day. Prayer is your internal
conversation, and you can do it with a simple

Use prayer as a means of being grateful for what

is coming, believe that your desires are already
yours and thank the higher power within you for
all the happiness and joy.

Mark explains it very well in this Bible verse:

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in

prayer, believe that you have received it, and it
will be yours.” ~ Mark 11:24

You should not beg; you are not a fragile little being
in need of a miracle. You are the miracle yourself
and when you realize that, when you know deep
within that you are part of this abundant universe,
only joy and gratitude remain.

Some call this faith, others just self-recognition,

but it does not matter what name you give it.
What matters is your understanding that life is
happening for you and that when you are open
to receive the miracles of life, these miracles will
manifest for you. | 32
Here is an example of how to pray.

I open my heart to the flow of life. I allow for all

the abundance and happiness in this world to fill
every aspect of my life. I am grateful for all the
goodness, the love, and the joy I receive every
single day.

Pray every day, take just a few minutes of your

busy life, and just say “thank you”, and then rest
in that feeling. | 33

When you intend for something to happen you are

allowing yourself to receive it. All your resistance
falls away as you focus your attention on your

When you set an intention, there are no doubts

nor maybes, you just know what you want, and
you feel that nothing will stop you from achieving

That is why the use of intentions can be especially

useful when manifesting, they have the power to
boost your faith and inner confidence.

Because they are so good at shedding away the

resistance in you, they can work extremely fast. | 34
How to set an intention

The best way to approach the intention setting is

to use it before you begin an activity that you wish
will have a certain outcome. State your intention,
feel it in your heart, know that it is possible and
go ahead with your activity.

Let us say you are wanting to manifest being

chosen for a particular job. Before you go on your
interview, breathe deeply a couple of times, and
clear your mind.

Then say to yourself or out loud “I intend for

this interview to go very well. I intend for the
interviewer to really appreciate me and offer me
a position that is perfect for me”.

Then just let it go. Know in your heart that it is

done and be your best at the interview.

Instead of setting an intention for your ultimate

desired outcome, you can instead use segment

This is a particularly effective method if you lack

confidence or if you have a lot of doubts about
the manifestation of your desire.

The process is the same, but you divide it into

smaller steps. | 35
For example, before the interview, you say, “I intend
for this interview to go very well”. The interview
goes well, you have a little bit more confidence in
yourself and you say, “I intend for the interviewer
to offer me a position that is perfect for me”

Here you took part in the pressure from the

original intention, you were not so sure if you
could get the job, and by intending for a smaller
step to manifest, you built your confidence. This
way, it seemed a lot more probable your second
intention would come true as well.

If before you even had the 1st date you intend

for a certain person to propose to you and get
married, it may feel completely impossible or
unbelievable. Instead, you intend for the 1st date
to be a success, then you intend for a second date.

You keep intending for smaller segments until your

confidence is at a level where you just know with
every fiber of your being that your intention will
no doubt come true. This is called an assumption. | 36

The next step to Intention is the Assumption.

When you assume something is going to happen

a certain way, you convince yourself you know
that is the way it will happen. You need no proof;
you need no convincing. You just assume it and
that is it.

While the intention puts you in the mental state

of wanting something to go a certain way, the
assumption gives you the knowledge. You should
aim to transform the intentions into assumptions.
Transform the wanting into the knowing.

This gives you a sense of peace and of flow a

lot easier and quicker. When you know, you just | 37
know and that is the message you send out to the
Universe. Just like your beliefs, the universe will
do its best to make them come true.

So next time you have the chance to upgrade an

intention, go ahead and try it. Just say to yourself
“I don’t just intend this to happen, I know this is
going to happen! There is no other way!” and then
feel it as real as possible.

Experiment with this but keep an eye for conflicting

feelings or any sort of resistance. If you notice this
happening, go back to using intentions. | 38

Affirmations are an extremely useful tool that

can be used in conjunction with any other
manifestation method. They are short phrases
built to bring your mind into focus and keep
your attention on your goal, instead of getting
distracted and sidetracked with random or
limiting thoughts.

The Law of Attraction says that you create

your reality with your thoughts and feelings,
affirmations can help you control both these
elements. | 39
When using affirmations, you are actively
choosing your thoughts, your mind is completely
focused on the words you are saying so there are
no random thoughts or negativity entering your

Affirmations also elicit feelings; every phrase

brings up a positive feeling that will bring you
much closer to achieving your goals. | 40
How to create affirmations

There are only a few basic rules you must

follow to make sure you will rip all the benefits
affirmations can offer you. Take your time when
creating affirmations, think that you are creating
your future with the words you are creating, they
should not be taken lightly.

• Write all affirmations on the first person “I”

• Write them in the present tense – “I am…”, “I
• They must be written in the positive – “I am
confident” instead of “I am not shy”
• They must make you feel good and be in
accordance with your desires
• You must believe they are possible and
achievable | 41
How to use affirmations

Affirmations can be used at any place and at any

time. You can repeat them in your mind constantly
during the day or sit for 5 minutes and devote all
your attention to the exercise.

How you use affirmations is totally up to you, as

long as you are not forcing the process of resisting
the words.

My recommendation is that in the beginning, you

set 5 minutes of your day aside to fully concentrate
on the affirmations. Chose 7-10 affirmations and
read them to yourself once, then read them out
loud (if you are alone and it is appropriate to do
so) and then finally read them one more time
very slowly. Allow the feelings that they elicit to

If you are affirming “I am confident” then feel

how it would be to feel confident. What does it
feel like to you to be confident? Take your time
here, repeat the affirmation a few times while
you are immersed in the feeling you want to
experience. When you are ready move on to the
next affirmation.

It is better to use only one theme per exercise

so that the feelings you are eliciting are similar,
instead of mixing different themes and confusing
your subconscious mind. So, if you are using
affirmations to grow your business, use only | 42
affirmations related to business, do not mix
affirmations written to attract your soulmate.

You can always repeat the exercise several other

times during the day and cover all your themes.

Just keep in mind that if you feel any kind of

resistance when using a particular affirmation,
it may be that you do not think it is possible or
believable. In this case, change the affirmation to
something more believable, a little closer to your
current situation. The more familiar you become
with that feeling, the easier it becomes to upgrade

Imagine you want to have a very successful

business where you make 10 times more money
than you currently do. If you feel any kind of
resistance to the affirmations, bring them down
a notch and use affirmations that will be more
acceptable for you “My business grows a little bit
more every single day”. | 43
Examples of Affirmations

• I am beautiful
• I am confident
• I have wonderful relationships
• I can do it
• I am worthy of good things
• Happiness follows me everywhere I go
• I create constant prosperity in my life
• Every day I have more to be grateful for
• I feel healthier and stronger every day
• I am amazing | 44
Best time of the day to manifest

There is no right or wrong time of the day to work

on your manifestation processes. During the day
we enter many times a state where our critical mind
is less in control and our subconscious is easily
impressed. You could say that our subconscious
mind is the direct link to the universe.

If you want to see changes outside, you need to

impress information on your subconscious mind.
The time of the day when your subconscious mind
is more easily impressed is right before going to
sleep. The last 30 minutes of your day, when you
start feeling tired and ready for bed.

This is when you should drop what else you are

doing and immerse yourself in the feelings and

I recommend doing your visualizations in bed,

it is not a problem if you fall asleep after a few
minutes. You will be falling asleep in the feelings
you want to experience, which would in turn be
right there in the morning when you first open
your eyes.

Give it a try and see how you feel. | 45
Contrast & resistance

When manifesting, it is natural to encounter

some contrast and resistance along the way.
By contrast, I mean everything that happens
that does not match your intended outcome, it
contrasts with your desired idea. Contrast often
brings about resistance to the experience instead
of total acceptance.

You will always find contrast in life, it is just what

happens, you cannot control events or situations,
but the way you face them will make a difference
to the outcome.

There is a step in the process of manifesting called

the bridge of incidents. Not a lot of teachers
discuss this stage, but when you are aware of its
existence things start making more sense. | 46
The time that goes from the moment you start
your manifestation process to the moment your
desire manifests is called the bridge of incidents.
During this period, certain situations must happen
for you to achieve your goal. Sometimes, these
incidents can be chaotic and unexpected, but
they are still part of the process.

These events might not even be related to your

manifestation, but from an energetic point of
view, when you are changing some part of your
life, all other parts will be somehow affected.

Now, when you are in the process of manifesting

something and the contrast comes up, it can be
very frustrating. You may feel uncomfortable with
what is playing out, you may even start fighting
the whole situation, but instead of reacting
negatively, just stop for a second and observe.

Take a step back and remember that this is part

of the process. The more you resist it, the more
delays you will be attracting, and you might even
be ruining the chances of the manifestation

Life itself knows where you need to go, and it will

take you there if you give it the chance.

Resistance to contrast keeps you in the state of

mind where you still believe you are lacking the
object of your desire and if you feel you are lacking,
then that is what the universe will continue to | 47
bring: more lacking.

Take every situation as it comes, do not label

it good or bad, acceptable or absolutely not!
Everything that happens has a reason to be, and
often we only understand its meaning after the
situation has been resolved. But how many times
did something happen in your life that you did not
like at the time but that turned out to be the best
thing that has ever happened to you?

Learn to let go of control. Think that you already

did your job, you showed the universe what you
desire, now let the universe work for you, and
allow for things to come your way naturally,
without having to put up a fight.

Imagine you want to manifest a new job, but you

are too scared of leaving the security of your
current one. You might make a mistake at work
that costs you your job. This might feel like the
worst thing that could happen to you and you get
angry and resist it. You feel sorry for yourself and
hide in the house for days worrying about how in
the world you will get the money to pay your bills.

What you do not remember is the number of times

you fantasized about leaving that job, you were
unhappy there, and let us be honest if you had
not been forced to leave you would have never
looked for that other job you really wanted. | 48
Instead of sulking and feeling sorry for yourself,
instead of resisting the contrast, just take a step
back and trust that the universe always has your
back. Intend for this situation to be the best thing
that has ever happened to you.

You decide to take a shower and go out for a walk.

You randomly meet an old friend who works at
that place you really wanted to work for, and he
mentions they are recruiting. He has known you
for so long he will be happy to act as a reference.
And just like that, you land your dream job!

This is just a possible example, but look back in

your life and see how many times random events
happened to you that seemed so bad but turned
out to be wonderful blessings?

Trust that the universe knows exactly what you

need, and will never let you down unless you resist
and fight it. Let go and watch the magic happen. | 49
Allowing and happiness

With the understanding of contrast and resistance

comes my favorite part, the sense of peace and
happiness that comes with the acceptance of life
in all its forms.

You start seeing opportunity in every situation,

opportunity for growth, understanding and for
loving everything and everyone. You lose your
fear, you see the universe as a friend, so fear does
not even cross your mind.

With the acceptance of all, you start feeling more

at peace with everything that happens, and a new
sense of happiness starts showing up from within. | 50
If you get to this stage, there is nothing you cannot
manifest. Resistance is gone, contrast comes and
goes and is seen as a teacher and a friend instead
of an enemy, and life flows naturally through you.

Your desires meet no resistance and you just let

them come and celebrate life.

What a wonderful feeling | 51
Part 2
Guided exercises – how to

I am going to share with you a few manifestation

exercises. They should all start from a place of
relaxation and happiness, never try to visualize
when you are anxious to get what you want, or in
any other negative state.

Remember that all your feelings will be part

of your manifestation and if they are somehow
negative, you will be bringing those into life. So,
pick the right time for you to visualize having this
in mind. The better your state of mind, the better
the results. | 52
The other thing all the following manifestations
have in common is the length of time you will be
doing them. This will depend entirely on you.

During the first few days, your visualization will be

exciting, and you will want to do it several times a
day and even stay in the feeling for quite a while.
But with time that feeling goes away and you end
up getting bored of the visualization. When this
happens, it means that it is finally becoming a
habit and that you are achieving results, although
it will not feel this way.

This is where a lot of people stop it altogether

and move on to something different. If when this
happens you persevere just a few more days and
work through the boredom, you will not regret it.
Just a few more days, and then let it go and trust
the universe is bringing it to you.

You see, the subconscious mind cannot

differentiate imagination from reality, it sees both
experiences the same way. When you learn a new
skill or start a new habit, your brain starts making
new connections and building new pathways.

Say you decide to learn how to play the piano.

The first few lessons are very hard, you make
some errors and eventually learn a little tune. If
by then you decide to go learn how to play the
violin instead and leave the piano, all the new
connections your brain made will be lost after a
few days. | 53
If instead of quitting you keep persevering
and playing that same tune on the piano, until
sometime after you got bored of it, I can assure
you that you will be able to play that tune for
many years, even if you go a long time without
playing it.

This actually happened to me. I only ever learned

one small tune on the piano when I was growing
up. I played it until I had it coming out of my
eyes. I still know how to play it although I have
not been near a piano in over a decade. That is
because my brain made the new connections, the
new pathways.

That pathway was accepted by my subconscious

mind. And that is what you want, you want your
subconscious to accept the feelings and the
visualizations you are working on, so when you
do feel bored, persevere just a little bit longer and
results will follow. | 54
Manifest LOVE

You can manifest a specific person or not, but I

must say from experience, that the specific person
might not always be the best option for you. This
is entirely up to you, so I will give you an exercise
that works for both options.

Breathe deeply and relax your mind. Remember

to see the scene through your own eyes as if you
were really there.

Visualize yourself in bed. You are laying down

and you can see the wall in front of you, the white
sheets, the curtains on the window. You feel the
warmth of the bed and you feel the comfort of
your pillow. Immerse yourself in the feeling of
being there. | 55
Then, you feel movement behind you (If you want
to manifest a specific person, turn around and
face them, if not, just continue as you are). Feel
his/her arm embracing you from behind, feel the
warmth of his/ her body next to yours and sense
his/her smell. Take the whole scene in.

Then hear them say “I love you so much”. How

does it feel? Rest in that feeling for as long as it
feels comfortable.
Manifest money

To manifest money, you must make it believable.

If you want more than what you believe you
could get, it will not manifest as there will be too
much resistance. You have two options, either to
manifest the actual money or manifest the object
you want to buy instead.

If say you want to manifest a camera, it may be

easier to manifest the actual camera instead of
the money you need to buy the camera. Someone
could give you the camera as a present and no
money would even be involved.

But the option of manifesting money, actual cash

is possible, just like anything else, so I will give
you a process to do it.
To manifest money, you must make it believable.
If you want more than what you believe you
could get, it will not manifest as there will be too
much resistance. You have two options, either to
manifest the actual money or manifest the object
you want to buy instead.

If say you want to manifest a camera, it may be

easier to manifest the actual camera instead of
the money you need to buy the camera. Someone
could give you the camera as a present and no
money would even be involved.

But the option of manifesting money, actual cash

is possible, just like anything else, so I will give
you a process to do it.
If you have a bank account, odds are you receive a
statement from your bank showing the movements
on your account and your balance. You must be
somehow familiar with the statement, so use that
familiarity to boost your visualization.

Visualize you are opening the letter from the

bank. Look at the envelope, feel its weight on
your hands. Look at your own fingers feeling the
envelope and remember to be in the scene in the
first person, see everything as you were there.

Open the envelope and take the letter, unfold it.

Take time to visualize every moment, you want
your mind to believe this is actually happening
right now, so do not skip any steps and do not
rush it. | 58
Look at the balance and see the value you want to

Remember that the value must be believable to

yourself. Everyone would like to ask for a million
but the number of people who actually believe
they can get that amount are few. Start small
and build up your confidence. Why not start with
just a few hundred before you wander into the
thousands or millions?

Look at the believable value, see every digit

printed on the paper. How does it feel? Are you
happy, excited? Or is it now a usual thing, it is
just another day with a lot of money in the bank?
Choose how you want to feel and then feel it
completely. Immerse yourself in the scene, let it
come alive.

You can repeat it a couple of times, then let go of

it and move on with your life. | 59
Manifest success

Everybody wants to be successful in life, in one

way or another, but the first question you must
ask yourself is what does success mean to you?

Is it staying home and raise the kids, have a great

business career, be a humanitarian volunteer? You
need to know exactly what you mean by success
before you can manifest it in your life.
Depending on what it means to you, you can then
construct a scene where you can see yourself in
first person, doing exactly what you want to be
doing and being very good at it.

We want to cover as many areas as possible and

help the reader have a great experience so I will
give you an exercise that will cover most kinds
of success. Either way, make sure you have a
good personal definition of success before you

Choose one of your closest friends, someone you

know appreciates you and who is always honest
with you. You want to believe the words that are
being said, so chose the right person to say them.
If you do not have anyone you can trust like this in
your life at the moment, chose a random person,
someone you just met but knows exactly who you
are and how successful you are.

See the person you just chose in front of you. | 60
Take time to observe everything about them, from
the clothes they are wearing, to the way they
styled their hair. Can you sense their perfume or
cologne? Touch their arm. Engage as many senses
as you can in the visualization and remember to
see them through your own eyes, in first person.

Hear them say something along the following

lines: “I am so proud of what you have achieved
so far, you have become so successful and every
day you seem to reach even higher. I am so happy
for you”.

See them smile at you, feel the tenderness of

that moment, feel the love you are receiving. Say
thank you to them and smile back.

You can repeat a few times then let it go and move

on with your day.
Manifest clear skin

The best way to manifest clear skin is to visualize

yourself looking in the mirror. But it is not as
simple as that, you want to do it properly.

See yourself in your bathroom and look down at

your hands. In your mind’s eye hold your hands
in front of your face and look at them. Take your
time. Sometimes it helps to look at your hands
with your eyes open and then closing your eyes
holding that image.

When you are ready, put your hands down and

look at your surroundings, look at the bathtub
and the sink. Are there any particular smells?
Maybe you just spray some perfume. Remember
to engage as many senses as you can. | 62
Then, still looking from the first-person perspective
look at your face reflecting in the mirror. Look how
beautiful your skin looks. It is clear, healthy and
almost glowing. Take a moment to examine your
skin properly, feel its texture on your fingertips.
Then look yourself in the eyes and say “you look
beautiful ______(your name)”.

Repeat a couple of times, then let it go and go

back to your daily routines. | 63
Manifest health

No visualization process should replace the need

to consult a doctor if you have a health condition.
This process can be used alongside any treatment
your doctor may prescribe you, but never replace
it without your doctor’s full agreement.

The best way to manifest health is to visualize

you having a conversation with someone you
know that is close to you and whom you trust.
You want the feeling of trust and full openness to
be implicit in the process.

Visualize the chosen person in from of you. Engage

as many senses as you can in the process, what
are they wearing, what do they sound like? Can
you smell their perfume? Immerse yourself in the
scene and see everything from your own eyes. | 64
Hear them say “you look great and really healthy”
to what you respond, “I feel amazing and my last
check-up showed I’m completely healthy”. Then
hear them say “that’s great news, I’m so happy for

Take some time to celebrate with them, either

with a smile or a hug, whatever feels comfortable
to you. Then rest in that feeling of wellbeing for
as long as you wish. When you are ready, let it go
and move on with your life. | 65
Manifest pregnancy

What you should aim here is to see yourself

sometime after the baby was born, do not focus
on the actual pregnancy. There are many ways you
can do this, but the best way is to visualize a scene
where the baby is implicit, but not necessarily in
the scene.

See yourself in your living room. Remember to

see everything from your own eyes and engage
as many senses as possible.

Look at all the details of your living room,

immerse yourself in that space. Then look at the
floor and see a few baby toys. Pick them up as if
you were tidying up the place. Feel their weights
and textures. Then hear your baby cry in the
other room. Just know it is your baby and feel the | 66
happiness of being a parent. Then say “mommy/
daddy is coming” and see yourself walking towards
the door.

Repeat a couple of times, then let it go and go on

about your day. | 67
Manifest getting over someone

Now, this is something most of us have wanted to

do at some point in our lives. I could say that time
heals all wounds, but that is not always the case
and having a little help speeding up the process
may be the best option at times.

The trick here is to not include the person you are

trying to forget in any of your visualizations. But
this can become very tricky as you will think about
him/her every time you set yourself to visualize or
even to use any of the other processes.

From experience, I have used feelings only to

achieve this and they worked very well.
Every night before sleeping, as you lay in bed,
assess how you feel. | 68
It is ok to feel as you do at that moment, do not
fight it, just allow it to be but do not let yourself
be pulled into any stories. Feel the feelings only.
Then ask yourself, “how do I want to feel?”.

Do you want to feel happy, free, loved? Maybe

a mixture of these and a few more? If in doubt,
choose to feel happy. Odds are that If you had a
broken heart you would not be feeling happy.

Allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you are

looking for but be very mindful of not bringing any
stories or thoughts to the process. Feelings only
so the manifestation will not be contaminated by
old patterns and emotions that you want to avoid.

Feel your new state of being and rest in it for just

a few minutes and let yourself drift off to sleep
with this feeling.

If you do this consistently for a few days, you will

notice a big difference in how you feel. | 69
How do you know it is working?

When attempting to manifest something we really

want, it is common to feel a little bit nervous, let
us face it, you are not sure it if is working or if it
is just a failed attempt. With practice and results,
you become more familiar with the whole process,
including the waiting times.

See your manifestation as a flower. First, you must

plant the seed, which is your process. It could be
the visualization, the journaling, the affirmations,
whichever you choose. This is the first step.

After planting, the seed will need watering, which

is your practice for a few days. Then, you just have
to wait for it to grow and blossom. | 70
If you start messing with the seed before it has
time to grow you might kill it. All you need to do
is learn how to wait, you must learn to trust that
there is no other way than for it to blossom in due

But do not worry because the universe will bring

you a few signs to show you that it is indeed

It is different for everyone, but there are a few

signs that seem to be common to most people.
You can have just one, or a mixture of them. When
you do have a sign, do not jump ahead of the game
and celebrate. Simply receive it, acknowledge it,
and know in your heart that your desire is coming,
them keep on with your life and let it all go.

The signs from the universe may include the


• Your mood will start changing for the better,

you smile more and feel lighter and happier
• Certain series of numbers will start showing
up everywhere. Most people report seeing the
numbers 111 all around, but other combinations
are also usual.
• You will experience unexpected situations that
may not seem to be related to your desire.
• It is also common to start seeing your desire
everywhere. You will see it around you or even
hear people talk about it. | 71
Remember what was said before about the bridge
of incidents. Things outside the ordinary may start
happening that bring chaos into your life, this is
part of the process and a big sign that things are
starting to happen. But keep in mind not to react

See every event as an opportunity. | 72
What I learned

I have been experimenting with the Law of

Attraction for the past few years and I have
learned quite a lot.

Those moments of despair, when I thought I

would never achieve my goals and would remain
unhappy and unfulfilled forever, were amazing
teachers. Sure, I did not enjoy going through them,
but they forced me to really go within myself and
understand why I was wanting all those things.

I realized that what I was really looking for was

the feeling of happiness.

Think about it, if you knew you could have what

you desire the most, but that it would make you
extremely unhappy, would you still want it? We | 73
all aim to be happy and to feel love, those are the
true qualities that we perceive to have been lost
somewhere along the way, so we look for them
everywhere else. But they were never gone. And
all my dealings with the Law of Attraction brought
me to this understanding.

When I realized that all I was looking for was

happiness and love, the objects of my desire lost
their power. I started accepting and allowing for
life to flow and simply focused on feeling what
I was really wanting to experience. I stopped
resisting and acceptance started coming naturally.

Suddenly my life changed.

Things I tried to manifest years earlier, started

manifesting right in front of my eyes. So

Life becomes almost magic. There was virtually

no resistance so the things I resisted for so long
were ready and lined up to come to me. They were
just waiting for me to be ready to receive them.

So yes, it is worth it. Going through the processes

and appreciating all parts of the manifestations
for what they are. But keep in mind that the Law
of Attraction is a tool for self-awareness and

May all your dreams come to pass. | 74
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