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Group name:

1. Ita Lestari
2. Diyah fransiska dewi
3. Nanny
4. Devi ratna sari
5. Mita Agustina

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I

am glade to see you all. We would like to say thank you for coming to this presentation. It’s
great to see you all.

First, let me introduce my group, my group contains 5 people. My name is ita lestari. You
can call ita. I am (-) years old. I graduated from (-). Next the second my friend she name is
Diyah fransiska dewi. You can call nurse siska. She 28 years old. She graduated from
pasuruan city goverment nursing academy. She worked here for 5 years. The third, she name
is nanny, you can call nurse nany. She (-) years old. She graduated from (-).She worked here
for (-) years. The fourth, she name is Devi ratna sari,you can call nurse ratna. She (-) years
old. She graduated from (-). She worked here for (-) years. The fifth, She name Mita agustina,
you can call nurse mita. She (-) years old. She graduated from (-). She worked here for (-)

Kami bekerja di ruang Edelweiss RSUD Bangil. Ruang edelweiss berada di lantai 2
gedung jantung paru rsud bangil. Ruang edelweiss merupakan bagian dari rawat inap yang
melayani pasien VIP dan VVIP. Ruang edelweiss terdapat 10 ruangan, 2 ruang VVIP dan 8
ruang VIP. Serta dilengkapi dengan berbagai ruangan penunjang lainya seperti nurse station,
kamar bersih, kamar kotor, dan ruang penyimpanan alat alat medis.

We work in Edelweiss room at Bangil hospital. The edelweiss room is on the second floor
of the heart and lung building (GJP). The edelweiss room is part of the inpatients unit that
serves VIP and VVIP. The edelweiss room has 10 rooms, 2 VVIP rooms and 8 VIP rooms
and equipped with various other supporting rooms such as nurse stations, dirty room, and
medical equipment storage rooms
Ruang VVIP berada di edelweiss 5 dan edelweiss 6 dalam satu ruangan terdapat 1 bed
pasien, 1 bed keluarga, ruang tamu, dapur, kamar mandi, serta dilengkapi dengan tv, kulkas,
dispenser dan ac. Berikut gambar ruang VVIP:

The VVIP room is in edelweiss 5 and edelweiss 6, in the room there is one patient bed,
one patient waiting bed, living room with sofa, kitchen, bathroom, and equipped with TV,
refrigerator, dispenser and air conditioning. The following is a picture of the VVIP room:
Ruang VIP berada diruang edelweiss 1,2,3,4 dan edelweiss 11,12,13,14 dalam satu
ruangan terdapat 1 bed pasien, kamar mandi, sofa keluarga serta dilengkapi dengan tv,
kulkas,dan ac. Berikut gambar:

The VIP room in the edelweiss room 1,2,3,4 and edelweiss room 11,12,13,14, in the room
there is one patient bed, bathroom, sofa for waiting patient, and equipped with TV,
refrigerator, and air conditioning. The following is a picture of the VIP room:

Ruang edelweiss merawat pasien dengan berbagai kondisi klinis seperti pada kasus anak,
penyakit dalam, cardiologi, bedah umum, bedah orthopedi, bedah urologi, bedah syaraf,
neurologi, kulit kelamin, THT, mata dan sebagainya.

The edelweiss room treats patient with various clinical conditions such as pediatric cases,
internal medicine, cardiology, general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urological surgery,
neurosurgery, neurology, genital skin, ENT, eye and others.

Dalam pembagian tugas perawat edelweiss bekerja dalam tiga shif. Shif pagi, shif sore
dan shif malam. Dalam 1 kelompok shif terdiri dari 3 perawat, 1 perawat penangggung jawab
dan 2 perawat pelaksana.

In the division of duties, nurses in the edelweisss room work in 3 shifts. Morning shift,
afternoon shift, and night shift. In one shift group consisting of 3 nurses, one responsible
nurse and two implementing nurse.

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