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Answer 1:There are many approaches to Early childhood care.

I like the two most successful approaches

for young learners are:

1.Jean piaget

Jean piaget (1896-1980)is a Swiss psychologist. He was the first to make a systematic study of the
acquisition of understanding in children. His theory of intellectual or cognitive development, focuses on
children, from birth through adolscence, and characterizes different stages of development.
1.SENSORIMOTOR(BIRTH TO 18-24 MONTHS OLD): first stage covers motor activity without use of
symbol. Its Main goal is establishing an understanding of object permanence.

2.PREOPERATIONAL(2 TO 7 YEARS OLD):In this stage, children are egocentric, memory and imagination
are developing. The main achievement is being able to attach meaning to objects with language. Its
thinking obout things symbolically.

3.CONCRETE OPERATIONAL (7 TO 11 YEARS OLD) :In the third stage, children are much less egocentric, is
marked by more logical and methodical manipulation of symbols. Main goal for a child to aware of
outside world and events, and Operational thought process starts.

4.FORMAL OPERATIONAL(ADOLESCENCE TO ADULTHOOD):This is the last stage, children 11 years old

and older, milestone of this period is using symbols to understand abstract concepts.


Piaget emphasized the importance of schemas in

cognitive development. A schema can be defined as a
set of linked mental representation of the world, which
we use both to understand and respond to situations.
Jean piaget viewed intellectual growth as a process of
adaptation to the world. This happens through
assimilation, accommodation and equilibration.
Piaget defined assimilation as the cognitive process of
fitting new information into existing cognitive schemas,
perception and understanding.
Piaget defined accommodation as process of revising
existing cognitive schemas, perception and
understanding so that new information can be
Equilibrium is the force which drives the learning
process and will seek to restore balance by mastering
the new challenge.
Ans2. Reggio Emilia is a second approach to early
childhood learning named after the town where it
originated in Italy. Founder Loris Malaguzzi began the
Reggio Emilia style based on the belief that every child
is unique and will express their interest in many
different ways.
There are four central principles guiding
teacher said in Reggio Emilia.
1.Emergent curriculum:Cirrculum
For the classroom is a mashup of the children's
interests, their families communication, and the close
observation and notes teacher take on their students
growth and exploration.
2.Indept projects:In Reggio Emilia the learning is led by
each child, and structured around projects.hence, these
projects “adventures” to young learners. Teachers guide
children in choosing an area of research and following
to the project conclusion.
3.Representational development:His approach invite
children to present their ideas and learning in many
forms-print, art, drama, dance, music, puppetry and so
on. Giving the space for all these efforts to flourish
helps each child built confidence and excitement obout
their learning.
4.Collaboration:In a Reggio inspired classroom, teachers
encourage groups to work together using dialogue,
comparisons, negotiations and respect. Basing the
course of study on the children’s interests creates a
collaborative environment that can help foster growth.
Teachers play a dual role in Reggio Emilia classroom.
Their primary role is to learn alongside children,
becoming involved in group learning experiences as a
guide and resource. Second, Reggio teachers will also
take time to reflect on what they have learned obout
themselves and their teaching.
Documentation of the growth of both children and
teachers is another important components of the
Reggio Emilia approach. Teachers can then adjust the
dynamics of their classrooms accordingly.
The classroom is referred to as the “third teacher “ In
Reggio school Items from home, such as real dishware,
tablecloth, plants and animals, contribute to a
comforting homey classroom environment.
All these principles and beliefs combine to make Reggio
Emilia classroom an interesting and highly effective
method of expanding children's minds- one adventure
at a time.

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