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Most education systems in the world emphasize the importance of building creative and critical minds
among its students. Creative and critical thinking should be nurtured from an early age because their
minds have not been fully formed by the environment through formal learning and community norms.
As we all know, children have a high tendency towards creativity and creative thinking. Children are
born with a dynamic nature and develop according to the natural nature of their growth process.

Creative thinking skills are a child's ability to digest, imagine, generate ideas, and diversify their ideas.
Creative thinking can enhance children's innovation, imagination and creativity, especially in activities
that involve art activities. The four main characteristics of creative thinking are imagination, courage,
development of ideas and their invention.

Drawings of children are expressions of feelings and expressive (Lowenfeld, 1975) and this is in contrast
to the production of works produced by adults. For adults, visual art is often associated with beauty and
perfection. Most children's art researchers consider works of art as an interesting method to see how
they think and immerse themselves in feelings as well as see and test their cognitive development
abilities. Children's artwork is personal and unique.

Lowenfeld’s stages of artistic development

Victor Lowent founded “The Lowenfeld Stage Theory of Arithmetic Development where it can
encourage children to think positively. This art activity is implemented continuously to provide
opportunities for children to use their senses more comprehensively as a process of observation and
recording. Lowenfeld has introduced eight creative categories among which the first is challenge. Accept
the challenges of problems that exist in the situation and adapt to the environmental situation. The
second is smoothness. Imagining and being open-minded to relate ideas in producing creative work to
run smoothly. The third is flexibility. Willing to accept change and adapt to the situation. The fourth is
originality. Express your own ideas without imitating others. The fifth is divided thinking. Able to develop
existing ideas. The sixth is desire. Has curiosity and is able to make analysis. Next is the complex. Efforts
to synthesize. The latter is the New meaning. Produce a creative and innovative product or idea.
According to Lowenfeld, a child's creativity can be measured through four components, namely
smoothness, flexibility, originality and sensitivity.

Based on Lowenfeld's Theory, we will find that this theory encourages children to think creatively and
creatively. Art activities that are carried out continuously will give children the opportunity to use their
senses to the fullest to the maximum. The eight creative theories introduced by this art figure include
challenges, fluency, flexibility, originality, divided thinking, desire, complexity and new meaning.

Kellog’s stages of artistic development

Ciri motor halus ini penting bagi kita khususnya dalam memahami perkembangan motor halus kanak-
kanak.Sebagai contoh pembelajaran kemahiran menulis,adalah penting kita memahami perkembangan
motor halus dalam pengawalan pensel untuk kanak-kanak ini menulis.Guru harus tahu cara pengawalan
gengaman jari tangan kanak-kanak.Sekiranya guru mengetahui bahawa kanak-kanak masih di peringkat
mengembangkan kemahiran mereka,guru ini akan mempertimbangkan saiz,bentuk dan panjang pensil
yang sesuai untuk kanak-kanak ini mula menulis.Bagi kemahiran melukis pula,kajian yang telah
dijalankan ileh Rhonda Kellogg, khususnya bagi kanak-kanak berumur 2-8 tahun mendapati bakat artis
kanak-kanak bermula dengan lakaran symbol yang tertentu.Pada peringkat awal kanak-kanak akan
melukis symbol seperti bentuk bulat,empat segi dan garis lurus. Adalah diharapkan aktiviti tarian dan
pergerakkan kreatif yang dilaksanakan oleh guru dapat menggalakkan kanak-kanak menggunakan
sebahagian atau keseluruhan anggota tubuh badan untuk berkomunikasi.Hasilnya,kanak-kanak dapat
bergerak mengiringi muzik sensitive dengan rentak muzik serta mempertingkatkan kecerdasan
kinestetik kanak-kanak. 2.1 Perkembangan Kreativiti Kanak-Kanak Bidang seni kreatif tarian
menyumbangkan kepada perkembangan kretiviti kanak-kanak.Walaupun pada amnya perkataan
kreativiti biasa dikaitkan dengan bidang seni,ia digunakan dalam berbagai cara dalam berbagai
konteks.Akibat sifat kompleks konsep kreativiti,berbagai teori telah dikembangkan bagi
menjelaskannya.Oleh itu terdapat berbagai definasi ‘kreativiti yang berlainan.Ada kalangan yang
mengatakan kreativiti adalah anugerah semulajadi tuhan yang tidak boleh dipelajari.Ada pula yang
mengatakan kreativiti boleh dikembangkan dan mereka membentangkan cara-cara
meningkatkannya.Kreativiti semestinya 6 berhubung dengan penghasilan sesuatu yang asli.Walau
terdapat berbagai pendapat mengenai a) proses yang terlibat dalam aktiviti kreatif dan b) kemudahan
mengembangkannya dalam manusia.

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