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Peaceful: secluded
2.Have a blast: having enjoyable time
3.Virgin: Untouched: Pristine: Unchanged: Unspoilt
4.Mysterious: Mystery: difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or
5.Mystical: adj relating to mystics and religious
6.Crowded: full of people
7.Deserted: empty of people.
8.Chubby: rounded.
9.Slim: lean and small
10.Interrogate: ask questions of (someone) closely, aggressively, or
11.Interrogation: the action of interrogating or the process of being
12.Inquisition: a period of prolonged and intensive questioning.
13.Apathetic: showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
14.Inquisitive: having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.
15.Extraterrestrial: of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere.
16.Alienated: to make someone feel that they are different and not part
of a group
17.AREA: Answer, Reason, Example, Answer(conclusion)
18.Choir: an organized group of singers, especially one that takes part in
church services or performs in public.
19.Monument: a structure or building that is built to honor a special
person or event
20.Memento: an object that you keep to remember a person, place, or
21.Memo: sticky note
22.Memorandum: a written report prepared especially for a person or
group of people and containing information about a particular matter
23.Memoir: a book or other piece of writing based on the writer's
personal knowledge of famous people, places, or events
24.Memoirs: a written record of a usually famous person's own life and
25.Memorable: likely to be remembered or worth remembering
26.Memorial: an object, often large and made of stone, that has been
built to honor a famous person or event
27.Memorabilia: objects that are collected because they are connected
with a person or event that you want to remember
28.Memories: something that you remember from the past
29.Memory: the ability to remember information, experiences, and
30.Remember: to be able to bring back a piece of information into your
31.Mausoleum: a building in which the bodies of dead people are
32.Sepulcher: a stone structure where someone is buried
33.Vault: a room under a church or a small building in a cemetery
where dead bodies are buried
34.Pause for the idea: to cause (someone) to stop and think about
something carefully or to have doubts about something
35.Pause for the language: to cause
36.Heroine: a woman who is admired for having done something very
37.Heroin: a powerful illegal drug
38.Trinket: a small decorative object, or a piece of jewelry that is cheap
or of low quality
39.Talk somebody into sth: to convince or persuade (someone) to do
40.Accuse: to say that someone has done something morally wrong,
illegal, or unkind
41.Pantheon: a small group of people who are the most famous,
important, and admired in their particular area of activity
42.Vivid: very clear, bright, and detailed images in the mind
43.Name after: to give someone or something the same name as
another person or thing
44.Gap filler: a term supplied by a law or a court when the parties to an
agreement fail to make provisions for a particular matter
45.Improvise: to invent or make something, such as a speech or a
device, at the time when it is needed without already having planned
46.Articulation: the way in which you pronounce words or produce
47.Articulator: a person who puts forward or expresses an idea
48.Without a doubt: you are emphasizing that it is definitely true.
49.Universe: everything that exists, esp. all physical matter, including all
the stars and planets in space
50.Diverse: including many different types of people or things
51.Evolution: the way in which living things change and develop over
millions of years
52.Evolve: to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to
develop gradually
53.Revolution: sth new a very important change in the way that people
do things
54.Revolutionary: completely new and having a great effect
55.Very: to a great degree or extremely
57.Vary: If things of the same type vary, they are different from each
other, and if you vary them, you cause them to be different from each
58.Varies: differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else
of the same general class.
59.Variety: the characteristic of often changing and being different
60.Various: many different
61.Shepherd: a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move
them from one place to another
62.Herd: a large group of animals of the same type that live and feed
63.Transitive: (of a verb) having or needing an object
64.Intransitive: (of a verb) having or needing no object
65.Shipping: the act of sending goods from one place to another
66.Vulnerable: able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced,
or attacked
67.Extinction: a situation in which something no longer exists
68.Die out: to become less common and finally stop existing
69.Unique: being the only existing one of its type or, more generally,
unusual, or special in some way
70.Potion: a liquid that is believed to have a magical effect on someone
who drinks it
71.Barter: to exchange goods for other things rather than for money
72.Bartering system: the exchange of goods and services between two
or more parties without the use of money
73.Coin: a small, round piece of metal, usually silver or copper coloured,
that is used as money
74.Shell coin: Shell money is a medium of exchange similar to coin
money and other forms of commodity money, and was once commonly
used in many parts of the world
75.Silk: a delicate, soft type of cloth made from a thread produced by
silkworms, or the thread itself
76.banknotes: a piece of printed paper that has a particular value as
77.bill: a request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on
which it is written praise, approval, or honor
79.cred: the quality of being believable or worthy of respect, especially
within a particular social, professional, or other group
80.incredible: impossible, or very difficult, to believe
81.credible: able to be believed or trusted
82.credulous: too willing to believe what you are told and so easily
83.gullible: easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe
everything that other people say
84.incredulous: not wanting or not able to believe something, and
usually showing this
85.skeptic: a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief off: pay a debt in full.
87.crisis: a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering
88.orchard: an area of land where fruit trees (but not orange trees or
other citrus trees) are grown
89.domestic: relating to a person's own country
90.foreign: belonging or connected to a country that is not your own
91.conversion: the process of converting something from one thing to
92.convert: to (cause something or someone to) change in form or
93.speculate: to guess possible answers to a question when you do not
have enough information to be certain a boom! : a rapid expansion or increase
95.mentor: a person who gives a younger or less experienced person
help and advice over a period of time, especially at work or school
96.term: the conditions that control an agreement, arrangement, or
97.terminology: special words or expressions used in relation to a
particular subject or activity terms of something: in relation to something
99.burden: a heavy load that you carry
100.household: a group of people, often a family, who live together
101.household chores: the regular or daily light work of a household or
102.tongue twister: a name or set of words that are difficult to
103.Tea cups, hiccups: You can refer to a small problem or difficulty as a
hiccup, especially if it does not last very long or is easily put right.
104.Epic: a film, poem, or book that is long and contains a lot of action,
usually dealing with a historical subject
105.Subjective: influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings,
rather than based on facts
106.Objective: something that you plan to do or achieve
107.Weave: to make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread
108.Thread: (a length of) a very thin fiber
109.Yarn: thread used for making cloth or for knitting
110.Needle: a thin metal pin, used in sewing,
111.Fabric: cloth or material for making clothes, covering furniture, etc.
112.Fade: to (cause to) lose color, brightness, or strength gradually
113.Inversion: a situation in which something is changed so that it is the
opposite of what it was before
114.Bite: to use your teeth to cut into something or someone
115.Chew: to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so
that it can be swallowed
116.Swallow: to cause food, drink, pills, etc. to move from your mouth
into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat
117.Digest: to change food in your stomach into substances that your
body can use
118.Defecate: to pass the contents of the bowels out of the body
119.Urinate: to pass urine from the body
120.Literacy: the ability to read and write
121.Literate: able to read and write
122.Illiterate: unable to read and write
123.Numeracy: ability to do basic mathematics
124.Numerate: able to add, multiply, etc.
125.Bi: twice, or once every two
126.Uni: having or consisting of only one
127.Homo: romantic attraction to people of one's same sex
128.Rebel: a person who does not like rules or authority

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