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Name: 7th grade

I. Read the following text:

“Mrs. White’s grandfather lived with his granddaughter and his wife. Every morning, Mr. White went
for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for lunch.
One morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. White’s house at twelve o’clock and the
policeman helped Mr. White to get out. One of them said to Mrs. White, “The poor old gentleman lost
his way in the park and telephoned us for help. So they decided to send a car to bring him home.”
Mrs. White was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left.
“Grandfather, you have been to that park nearly every day for twenty years. How did you lose
your way there?”, asked Julie.
The old man smiled, closed one eye and said, “I didn’t quite lose my way. I just got tired and I
didn’t want to walk home!”

1. Underline in the text the verbs in the Past Tense Simple. (0,1p x 20 = 2p)

2. Read the sentences about the text and write True or False. (0,2p x 5 = 1p)

a) Every morning Mrs. White’s grandfather went for a walk in the park.______
b) The policeman didn’t help Mr. White. ______
c) The policemen decided to send a car for Mr. White. ______
d) Mr. White has been to the park nearly every day for twelve years. _____
e) Mr. White didn’t want to walk home. ______

II. Write the following sentences: a)- negative form and b)- interrogative form. (0,25p x 6p =

1. They were sleeping at 5 p.m. yesterday afternoon.

a) (-) ____________________________________________________________
b) (?) ____________________________________________________________

2. He was walking in the park when he met his cousin.

a) (-) _____________________________________________________________
b) (?) _____________________________________________________________
3. The young woman was reading a magazine.
a) (-) _____________________________________________________________
b) (?) _____________________________________________________________

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous: (0,3x5=1,5p)

1. We ................................... .(walk) in the woods when it .......................... (start) to rain.

2. John ...................................(repair) his bike when his mother .............................. (arrive).
3. I ...................................... (eat) my lunch when the phone ............................. (ring).
4. He ....................................... (ride) his bike to school when he .............................. (drop) his bag.
5. We .....................................(see) a bad accident as we .............................. (drive) to the airport.

IV. a) Describe your last summer holiday. Use approximately 80 words. You should include: 3p

- the places you visited;

- what was the food like;
- what was the weather like;
- the people you met;
- the activities you did, etc.
b) Describe a happy/sad event in your life.
1 point granted

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