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Estimating Helicopter Gross Weight Using HUMS

Eric Bechhoefer Thomas Wells
CEO/Chief Engineer M.S. Aerospace Engineer
GPMS Purdue University
Cornwall, VT, USA West Lafayette, IN, USA

Abstract—Weight and balance are part of every pilot's that for a given power (thrust), airspeed, and vertical weight,
preflight. Gross weight (G.W.) and center-of-balance impacts the what would the aircraft's weight be?.
static and dynamics of flight. However, from a condition
monitoring perspective, understanding the G.W. could determine II. GROSS WEIGHT METHODOLOGIES
the accumulated damage to structural component. This, in turn, Traditionally, G.W. can be taken by weighing the aircraft,
allows for the calculation of components remaining useful life and
but this is generally impactable for daily missions. Additionally,
improved retirement time of structural components. As life limits
for a critical component are based on the worst-case assumption
this does not work for helicopters with sling loads, nor does it
of usage, an actual estimate of G.W. allows for a more accurate account for fuel consumed during the mission. It should be
assessment of loads, thus providing a more precise usage noted, the need for calculating weight automatically has
spectrum. This then provides a path toward extending the time generated a number of both innovative and novel attempts to
between overhaul or extending the maintenance interval. This derive this information. Thus far, the goal is mostly unattained,
paper solves for G.W. using Health and Usage Monitoring System with no commercial systems automatically providing G.W.
(HUMS) parameter data to solve an inverse performance estimation from aircraft-mounted sensors.
This need for G.W. to define damage was first reported by
Keywords—momentum theory, HUMS, usage credit Daniell and Molnar [1]. Daniell was concerned with the loads
imposed on the rotating components such as the rotor shaft, pitch
I. INTRODUCTION control horn, and rotor head spindle. These parts experience
stress, which varies due to aircraft weight and other factors.
While the calculation of weight and balance is part of every
Daniell notes that tracking these stresses over time aids in
preflight, accurate and automated weight measurement would
determining the useful life of these components. Further, due to
facilitate the measurement of aircraft loads. Weight coupled
the rotating frame, these parts cannot be measured with strain
with flight regime would allow for improved structural fatigue gauges (this work was done before low-cost, wireless
life calculations. Knowing the actual loads imposed on the
communication devices). Instead, Daniell et al. measured the
aircraft can facilitate safely extending life-limited components.
blade conning angle in a steady-state using laser diodes. The
For future vertical lift aircraft, designing in the calculation of conning angle is a function of blade load, thus proportional to
weight could be used to improve the aircraft's performance. weight.
Weight and balance affect the static and dynamic characteristics
Moffett [2] was motivated by the requirements of the
of the helicopter. The known weight would be an enabling Structural Integrity Recording System (SIRS). This study was
technology for advanced automatic flight control systems and
developed in 1978 to acquire operational usage data from the
supporting condition-based maintenance. The known weight AH-1G helicopter. Their need was to use flight parameter data
could also be used to validate the usage spectrum of the aircraft.
such as engine torque, pressure altitude, temperature, and gross
An actual usage spectrum would use the existing calculations of weight to differentiate between damaging and non-damaging
time for life-limited components, based on the actual spectrum
flights. Moffett's approach was an inverse lookup of the hover
of usage, to allow for a credit or extension of an overhaul or performance chart. Using pressure altitude, temperature, and
torque, go "backward" through the hover chart to estimate the
This paper approaches the calculation of inferred weight as weight. This solution was limited to in-ground effect hover, and
an inverse of the performance problem. Generally, performance as such, is limited in its application.
calculations are used to calculate the power needed in hover and In "Helicopter Structural Life Modeling: Flight Regime and
forward flight. However, these calculations are made using
Gross Weight Estimation" [3], Grabill et al. were interested in
numerical methods. In this paper, the inverse problem solves
enhancing usage measurements to support of on-condition
maintenance. This would be coupled with the improved


structural fatigue life calculation afford by a G.W. estimation, 𝑊!
% = 𝐴" + 𝐵" *𝑃, - (2)
allowing for safely extending the time between overhauls of life- 𝛿√𝜃 𝛿√𝜃
limited parts. This life extension would reduce helicopter
operational and support costs. Grabill et al. used a multi-layer Wf is the specific fuel consumption normalized by the pressure
perception (MLP) neural network. While this process was ratio and temperature ratio, where P is power (a product of
shown to be feasible, no life extensions have been granted at this torque and RPM), A.E. is the fuel flow intercept, and B.E. is the
derivative of fuel flow as a function of normalized power. A.E.
and B.E. were calculational from data acquired on four aircraft
Researchers J. Isom et al. [4] wanted to calculate G.W. and flying several missions using different density altitudes.
center of gravity to support health and usage monitoring,
improved control authority via inputs to automated flight B. Power Required
controls, and improve mission planning systems. Their solution In this paper, the lifting force on the helicopter is derived
to G.W. involves wireless sensors on the main rotor (rotating from a change in momentum of incompressible air entering a
frame) to measure loads, then using a multivariate linear stream tube passing through the rotor disc (that is, based on
regression model to represent the aircraft states, such as G.W. momentum theory). This flow enters the disk and is accelerated,
resulting in a force (thrust) T, see [7] for more discussion on
Here, the method uses fundamental helicopter aerodynamics Momentum Theory.
and measured flight data management (FDM) parameters from
a health and usage monitoring system (HUMS) to calculate
G.W. This new methodology calculates induced, parasitic, 𝑇 = 𝜌𝐴𝑉# 𝑉$ (3)
profile drag. The power required by these sources of drag is
summed and compared against the power measured by the Vi is the induced velocity, V2 is the velocity after acceleration,
HUMS. The difference is used to calculate the G.W. of the A is disc area, and r is density. With a change in variables, it
aircraft from the thrust required for flight at a given airspeed, can be shown that V2 = 2Vi, or that the induced velocity is
density altitude, and maneuver. This process uses the tools doubled as the air forms in the wake far downstream of the
developed for helicopter performance calculations based on rotor. That allows for:
momentum theory.
In this paper, results were derived from real-world data
Eq 4 provides the relationship between disc loading and
acquired on the Bell 407. Initially, flight data was taken from
induced velocity. This tells us that the force provided by thrust
four different aircraft with known gross weight and fuel loads.
works on the medium passing through it as the induced velocity.
An important input into the calculation of weight is determining
the rate of weight change due to fuel combustion. The amount Hence, the rotor is expending power as the product of thrust and
induced velocity:
of fuel burned is a function of air density and the power
delivered by the engine to the rotor. Power is relatively easy to 𝑃# = 𝑇 × 𝑉# (5)
calculate as the product of torque and RPM. Thus, the
helicopter's known weight both before and after the flight, along Based on this concept, the solution strategy is to measure the
with cumulative power produced and air density (both derived total power required to maintain equilibrium as the power
for the HUMS), allows for calculating the specific fuel required to overcome parasitic drag, profile drag, and induced
consumption. drag. Induced drag is used then use to determine the weight from
A. Specific Fuel Consumption the generated thrust.
Usually, fuel consumption is calculated to determine the fuel C. Profile Drag
needed to complete a mission. The is done by using the product Profile drag is the result of the movement of the blades
of the specific fuel consumption and power. In this problem, the through the air. It is assumed that this value does not change
fuel burned is used to determine the rate of change of the significantly with the blade angle of attack.
helicopter rate due to power. The fuel flow for a given power is
linear when normalized by a factor [6]: As a generalized solution for profile drag, the system
requires configuration data. When the aircraft is at idle and not
generating lift, it is possible to calculate the blade coefficient of
𝛿√𝜃 (1) drag. Configuration data are easily measured, derived from the
blade cord, the radius of the blades, the main rotor RPM, and the
Here, d is the pressure ratio and q is the temperature ratio number of blades. The blade coefficient of drag was calculated
relative to ISA atmospheric conditions. From eq 1. The while the aircraft was at 55% idle. As it is assumed that as the
normalized specific fuel consumption can then be calculated as blades generate little to no lift [6] at idle, the power (percent
a linear regression (eq 2) torque x max engine torque x RPM/9.5488) is used to calculate
𝐶% = 𝑃8,𝜌 × 𝐴 × 𝑉𝑡 & × (1 + 𝐾) (7) The total power is the sum of equations 8, 9, 11, and 12.
Further, the thrust terms are presented in 12 does not have a
closed-form expression. Hence the solution for gross weight is
Here, r is the air density, A is the area of the blades, Vt is the derived as an optimization problem.
rotor trip velocity, K is the Glauert expression for induced
velocity (a value of 4.65 was used, [6]), and V is the aircraft IV. RESULTS
velocity (for Cd calculation, V has a value of zero at flight idle). Data were collected from several missions' flown on the Bell
407GX, where an estimate of G.W. was made from the fuel load
This leaves the real-time calculation of profile power as: pre-and post-flight. This was used to build a configuration for
the blade coefficient of drag, flat plate area, and specific fuel
𝐶%, & $ consumptions. Using this configuration data and HUMS data
𝑃'()!#*+ = 8 × 𝜌 × 𝐴 × 𝑉𝑡 × (1 + 𝐾 × (𝑉⁄𝑉𝑡) ) (8) from other flights, the profile, induced, and parasitic drag was
D. Parasitic Drag calculated as a function of airspeed. Examples of the Induced,
Parasitic, Profile and total power required are in Figure 1. Note
Parasitic drag is the drag associated with the non-lifting
that this is specific for a G.W. and density altitude.
portion of the aircraft. The parasitic power is calculated as:

𝑃',(,-#.#/ = 1,2 𝜌𝑉 & 𝑓 (9)

After calculating the blade Cd, and the change in weight due
to fuel burn (eq 2), the equivalent flat plan area, f, was calculated
by least-square fit. The data for this estimate was derived from
test flights where the initial and post-flight weight was known
and where the aircraft was flown from 40 to 140 knots. Note that
the V3 term in the parasitic drag equation will tend to dominate
at higher speeds.
E. Induced Drag
This is the drag incurred as a result of lift and is affected by
the helicopter weight. The induced velocity and its associated
drag are calculated from:

Figure 1 Power Requires for a Given Airspeed

𝑉#$ = − 1,2 𝑉 $ + 1,2 ?[𝑉 0 + 4 (𝑇⁄2𝜌𝐴)$ ] (10)
Once the configuration was generated, the total power,
From this, the induced power required can be calculated profile, parasitic, induced, and power required as a result of
(from eq 6). However, allowances are added for: tail rotor climb/dive can be calculated vs. flight time for an operation
power, main gearbox losses, and other miscellaneous loses. This (Figure 2). The label dP is the power for climb and dive. Note:
is collected in the empirical term ki, of 1.15: It is generally acknowledged that Momentum Theory fails
during descent, but the results suggest that the error is small.

𝑃# = 𝑘# × 𝑇 × 𝑉# (11) This example mission included a short fifteen-minute transit

on to station to where power line inspections were performed
(for approximately 30 minutes), followed by a 1:45 hr. transit. It
Note that the thrust, T, is calculated from the weight, which
is solved via optimization. First, the weight is decremented by can be seen that where the inspection occurred, the power
the product of specific fuel consumption (eq 2) and power (from required was about 300KW (Figure 4).
the flight data monitoring function of the HUMS). The weight Give flight data parameters and equations 8 through 12, a
then decreases by the amount of fuel burned over the flight. least-squares error solution for weight was solved. Since only
induced power requires thrust, and hence, G.W., the power
F. Climb/Dive Power
remaining after profile and parasitic losses are easily accounted
Finally, one needs to account for the power associated with for by density altitude and airspeed, can be plotted against the
the vertical rate of the aircraft. Using vertical rate date (Vrate) estimate of induced power, give a time series for a given mission
from the inertial measurement unit, the power required for a weight (Figure 5).
change in altitude can be calculated as:

𝑃!" = 𝑘# 𝑇 %1(2 𝑉"$%& + 1(2 +𝑉"$%&

+ 2𝑇⁄(𝜌𝐴) − 3𝑇((2𝜌𝐴)4 (12)

As noted, ki is the empirical expression for profile power.

Figure 2 Power Associated by Different Profile, Parasitic and Induced Drag Figure 3 Power Unaccounted vs. Estimate of Induced Power for a Weight

Figure 3 is the track of the aircraft. Note that the helicopter icon is at the start
of the inspection, about 18 minutes into the mission. Figure 4 Calculated Weight and Rate of Change of Weight

Observe that there is a small amount of error after The G.W. analysis assumes that specific fuel consumption is
maneuvers. This may be due to the band-limited nature of the accurate. This solution strategy does not expect/use an interface
parameter data, such as torque and airspeed, relative to vertical with the fuel quantity sensor, so the rate of change of weight is
climb/dive. The weight and rate of change of weight are plotted an open-loop calculation. Hence, the analysis is depending on
in Figure 5. The aircraft weight was tested as 2177 kg, while the some context on engine performance. For example, if the engine
estimated weight (at the start of the flight) was 2170 kg. margin drops due to needing a compressor wash, the weight
calculation error will increase. Or, for instance, on the Bell 407,
V. DISCUSSION bleed air is used for cabin heat. Bleed air "on" affects the engine
This estimated weight as derived was relatively accurate, margin by 5 to 6 percent. Consider that there is no indication in
given the small computational effort required to solve the the Bell 407 that bleed air is on. Hence, it is difficult to determine
optimization. On average, the error was less than 1% for the when to apply a correction factor for Bleed Air on in an
mission that was flown (power line inspection). However, it's automated way.
likely the error would be more significant when the modeling This engine performance error would correspond to an
assumptions are not met. increase in weight estimation error of maybe a 1% change in fuel
For sling loads, unless an improved flat plate area is weight. However, this fuel weight error is relatively small
calculated for parasitic drag, the weight will be overestimated. compared to vehicle weight. That said, if part of the standard
There may be strategies to address this where if the model operating procedure were to perform a hover, the HUMS could
"increases" weight in forward flight, it is assumed the flat plate perform an automated engine performance check to account for
area needs an update. However, this does add some complexity engine margin or bleed air on errors.
as to when/how to update coefficient values. This is an active Despite some potential for minor errors in the weight
area of research. calculation using this method, having an idea of actual vehicle
weight and maneuvers will reduce the uncertainty of the vehicle
usage spectrum. In the worst case, the G.W. is corrected by 1.01 standards district office (FSDO) to enable the extension, as per
to account for worst case. This would allow for a revised time [7].
between overhaul (TBO) or inspection interval for life-limited
parts on the aircraft. Even at the design assurance level (DAL) REFERENCES
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