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Copy and Answer


Name: Grade: 6 Score:

Subject: Science Teacher: Cristine Joy M. Palmes, LPT Week:16
Type of Activity:
Concept notes Laboratory Report Others
Skills / Exercises / Drill Drawing / Art
Activity Title/Topic: The Circulatory System
Learning Target/s: To explain how the organs of each organ system work together.
References: Torres, N. N., et. Al. (2020). The Human Body Systems (1st edition). The Circulatory System. pp 9-16.

The circulatory system is one of the most important systems in the human body. It
transports the needed blood and nutrients in the body. It consists of the blood, blood vessels,
and the heart.

The blood is the liquid part that is constantly flowing throughout the body.

● Plasma - liquid part of the blood.

● Red blood cells (erythrocytes) - transport gases to and

from the cells

● White blood cells (leucocytes) - fight bad bacteria,

viruses and others that cause infection.

● Platelets (thrombocytes) - smallest of formed

components of blood that help in blood clotting.


The blood vessels are the vast networks of small tubes that
carry blood throughout the body.

● Arteries - are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart.

● Veins - carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

● Capillaries - are the smallest blood vessels which serve as a connection between arteries and
veins. When blood passes through them, oxygen, food nutrients and wastes pass in and out
through capillary walls.

The heart is known as the pumping organ of the body. It keeps the
blood moving throughout the body and the average heartbeat of a
human is 60 to 100 times per minute. It has four chambers;

● The left and right atrium - are responsible for receiving used
blood coming from all parts of the body.

● The left and right ventricles - known as the pumping

chambers. When it contracts, oxygen-rich blood is forced
away from the heart for the distribution to the different parts of the body. Between the atrium
and ventricles are valves, the overlapping tissue that allows blood to flow in one direction.
Exercises: Use a separate bondpaper for your exercises.
1. In 5 sentences, explain how the components of circulatory work together as a system.
2. Draw and label the parts of the heart.

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