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1. What is network protocol?

A network protocol for me is responsible for allowing us to communicate with people and it plays role in
modern digital communications. It exchanged data between devices on the same network. Without network
protocols, LAN nor WAN could function as they do today. Because this built into software and hardware, it possible
for devices interacts with each other. Protocols have nothing to do with the installation of the network equipment.
Network protocols are required to exchange information between source and destination devices in both local and
remote networks.

So, how network protocols work?

Well, it must be carried out in a consistent order that is the same on every computer in the network. In the 7
layers in an OSI model, a task can be assigned to each layer where seven layers are independent, so each task can be
independently executed. In the sending computer must be executed from the top down while in receiving, must be
carried out from the bottom. This need to be performed in the same way, when it is received as it did when it was
sent so that the data will have the same structure.

What is the purpose of protocols in data communications?

Protocols provide rules that define how a message is transmitted across a network. Implementation
requirements such as electronic and bandwidth details for data communication are specified by standards.

2. Give one (1) network protocol and explain why it is important for you in your day to day activities as
a college student.

We are all familiar about network protocol. One of them is important for me in my day to day activities and it
is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The particular reason for circumstance is maintain a conversation by
which my applications can exchange data. As a college student, as of new normal we are in online class I can used
this for the reason that it has the standard procedures for the way information is communicated over the internet and
ensures that data transmission is carried out uniformly, regardless of the location, hardware or software involved.

3. Enumerate 5 network protocols arranged it in most to least priority in your own self-assessment.


Secure Shell (SSH)
Because this mechanism is for securely connecting two
computers over the internet. It offers a variety of robust
authentication options and uses strong encryption to
ensure the security and integrity of conversations.
You use a program on your computer (client), to
connect to our service (server) and transfer the data
to/from our storage using either a graphical user
interface or command line.

FTP servers, the particular reason for circumstance is

that make it easier to transmit files over the internet.
Files are either uploaded or downloaded to the FTP
server when you provide them via FTP. The files are
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) transmitted from a personal computer to the server when
you upload them. The files are transmitted from the
server to your personal computer when you download
them. FTP transfers files using TCP/IP (Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), the language that the
internet uses to execute commands.

DNS servers, to extent that it helps computers

comprehend and use URLs and domain names by
converting them to IP addresses. They convert what a
user writes into a machine-readable format that may be
Domain Name System (DNS) used to find a webpage. DNS servers respond to requests
from both within and outside their domains. When a
server receives a request for information on a name or
address within the domain from someone outside the
domain, it responds with the authoritative response.

An SMTP server's, on account of the fact that operation

can be split down into two parts. Verifying the computer
settings through which an email is sent and obtaining
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) authorization for the procedure are the first two steps. It
then sends out the message and monitors the email's
delivery in the second stage. If the email is not delivered
for some reason, it is returned to the sender.

The reason being a client/server networking

mechanism is used in the chat process. IRC clients are
computer programs that can be installed on a user's
computer. To send messages to other clients, these
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) clients communicate with chat servers. IRC is primarily
intended for group communication in discussion forums
known as channels, but it also supports one-on-one
communication through private messages, chat, and data
transfer, including file sharing.

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