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30, 2021 5391

A Context-Based Image Contrast Enhancement

Using Energy Equalization With
Clipping Limit
Kankanala Srinivas , Ashish Kumar Bhandari , and Puli Kishore Kumar

Abstract— In this paper, a new context-based image contrast HE (CLAHE) [2] is used to increase the contrast locally.
enhancement process using energy curve equalization (ECE) In order to conserve the mean illumination of the image,
with a clipping limit has been proposed. In a fundamental numerous brightness preserving methods are reported in the
anomaly to the existing contrast enhancement practice using
histogram equalization, the projected method uses the energy literature [3]. The histogram is initially partitioned in bright-
curve. The computation of the energy curve utilizes a modified ness preserving methods, and HE applies to the individual
Hopfield neural network architecture. This process embraces sub-histograms. The histogram is divided into two parts in
the image’s spatial adjacency information to the energy curve. brightness-preserving bi-HE (BBHE) [4] with the mean illu-
For each intensity level, the energy value is calculated and the mination of the input image. Then the HE process is continued
overall energy curve appears to be smoother than the histogram.
A clipping limit applies to evade the over enhancement and with the separated sub-histograms individually.
is chosen as the average of the mean and median value. The In contrast to the BBHE, the median value is utilized
clipped energy curve is subdivided into three regions based in dualistic sub-image HE (DSIHE) [5] to divide the his-
on the standard deviation value. Each part of the subdivided togram. It results in each sub-histogram having the same
energy curve is equalized individually, and the final enhanced quantity of pixels. Then the HE is employed on the individual
image is produced by combining transfer functions computed
by the equalization process. The projected scheme’s qualitative sub-histograms. In continuation of these methods, recursive
and quantitative efficiency is assessed by comparing it with the mean separate HE (RMSHE) [6] and recursive sub-image HE
conventional histogram equalization techniques with and without (RSIHE) [7] are projected, where four sub-histograms are
the clipping limit. generated from the histogram based on the mean and median
Index Terms— Contrast enhancement, color image, context values.
modelling, energy curve, image enhancement. These modified versions of HE successfully preserve mean
brightness at the outcome. However, it fails to limit artifacts’
introduction if the image histogram has spikes. The spikes
L OW contrast images have a detrimental effect on visual
aesthetics. Contrast enhancement targets eliminating the
problem of highly concentrated contrast in a specific range
appear in the histogram due to the smooth regions in the
image, which have many similar intensity values. These spikes
alter the enhancement rate and result in over or under enhance-
and attempts to portray all the image data. Several approaches
ment in some regions. The enhancement rate is limited, and
are reported in the literature to amend the low contrast
the effect of spikes is removed in bi-HE with a plateau limit
problem. Histogram equalization (HE) [1] based methods are
(BHEPL) [8] with the introduction of a clipping limit. The
popular for contrast enhancement. General HE is the adaptive,
histogram is initially bisected with the mean value, and then
straightforward, and effective contrast enhancement method.
individual sub-histograms are clipped with a plateau limit
The results are not optimum as the enhanced images consist
before carrying the HE process.
of artifacts, and the mean brightness of the image is altered.
In these HE based methods, the intensity values which are
It results in unnecessary visual deterioration, especially in the
in large numbers dominate the effect of those intensity values,
video sequences.
which are in smaller numbers. The dynamic HE (DHE) [9]
Numerous variants are suggested in the HE process to sur-
is proposed to eliminate this problem. The histogram sub-
mount the general HE’s limitations. Contrast limited adaptive
division is based on the histogram’s local minima values
Manuscript received January 8, 2020; revised January 18, 2021 and in this approach. The quadrants dynamic HE (QDHE) [10]
April 7, 2021; accepted May 19, 2021. Date of publication May 31, approach assigns a new dynamic range to the sub-histograms.
2021; date of current version June 4, 2021. The associate editor coordi-
nating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Four sub-histograms are generated based on the median value
Prof. Damon M. Chandler. (Corresponding author: Ashish Kumar Bhandari.) and a clipping limit is applied as the mean intensity value.
Kankanala Srinivas and Ashish Kumar Bhandari are with the Depart- Then the HE process is carried out on the sub-histograms.
ment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of
Technology Patna, Patna 800005, India (e-mail:; A simple histogram modification scheme (SHMS) [11] alters the histogram’s boundary values. The brightness preserving
Puli Kishore Kumar is with the Department of Electronics and Com- dynamic fuzzy HE (BPDFHE) [12] uses the fuzzy logic
munication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh,
Tadepalligudem 534101, India (e-mail: to compute the histogram. The computed fuzzy histogram
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2021.3083448 is divided into parts based on the local maxima values.
1941-0042 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed algorithm.

In median-mean-based sub-image clipped HE (MMSICHE) The image histogram has been the only available method
[13], initially, a plateau limit is applied, which is equal to the for contrast enhancement for a long time. Some modifications
median value. Then the clipped histogram is bisected based are proposed, such as 2D histogram, fuzzy histogram, etc.
on the median intensity value. The parted sub-histograms are The present paper’s key objective is to develop a novel
split on the basis of individual mean values. Most of the approach for CE. The proposed approach uses the energy
methods mentioned above utilize the input image histogram curve in a primary difference from HE’s current CE practice.
and further processing. In contrast to these methods, a new To achieve this, the histogram’s essential features have been
way of computation of histogram is proposed in [14], in which adopted by considering the spatial relationships among the
a smoothed 2D-histogram is computed by minimizing the sum pixels. The proposed method also alters the pixel values using
of Frobenius norms in the uniform histogram and the input transformation function resulting from the probability density
histogram. function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF) in a
In [15], the histogram is computed based on the texture manner similar to the HE process.
information. Two such methods are reported and named
as dominant orientation-based texture HE (DOTHE) and B. Contributions
enhancement via texture region-based HE (ETHE). A new Traditional histogram-based techniques neglect pixel inten-
method of automatic image contrast enhancement using a sity values’ spatial adjacency in an image. The use of an
reduced reference quality metric based optimal histogram energy function is applied to obviate this problem. Unlike
mapping (ROHIM) is presented in [16]. A new fuzzy his- HE-based methods, the proposed method utilizes a spatial
togram modification scheme is presented in fuzzy-contextual context-based energy curve framework for CE. The energy
contrast enhancement (FCCE) [17]. In this method, the fuzzy curve is computed by considering the spatial adjacency infor-
similarity index is used to alter the histogram. The fuzzy mation at each input image’s intensity value [19], [20]. The
histogram is premised on the contextual information of the calculated energy curve is analogous to the histogram of the
intensity values. Then HE is applied to the computed fuzzy image and looks smoother than the histogram.
histogram. A new image enhancement scheme with the In this paper, the main focus is to generate a transfer
joint histogram equalization (JHE) is presented in [18]. The function by equalizing the energy curve in lieu of the his-
two-dimensional histogram is generated based on the adjacent togram. A novel approach is presented based on the energy
pixel relationships. curve equalization. The energy curve of an image is used first
time for image enhancement application, and it is based on
the modified Hopfield neural network (HNN). The computed
A. Prior Art
energy curve is spliced into triplets based on the standard
The process of HE enriches the contrast of an image, and deviation value. The clipping limit is chosen as the median’s
a number of approaches have been recommended to enrich average and the energy curve’s mean value.
the method. The contrast enhancement’s primary intent is to The remaining parts of the paper are structured as follows.
ameliorate images’ visual characteristics by improving the In section II, the procedure to compute the energy curve
salient features without altering the picture’s global appearance and equalization process with the clipping limit is presented.
(pleasantness). Due to its simplicity and easy implementation, Section III exhibits the results and discussion of the pro-
the HE appears to be the synonym for CE. Different methods jected method. Finally, the paper ends with the conclusion
are proposed to amend the general HE’s drawbacks, using in section IV.
the input histogram. However, the spatial adjacency among
the neighboring pixels is not considered during the histogram II. E NERGY C URVE E QUALIZATION W ITH C LIPPING L IMIT
computation.In reality, the pixel intensity values have some The proposed method is depicted graphically in Fig. 1.
strong correlations among the surrounding pixels. It may affect It comprises two significant steps: energy curve computation
the enhancement rate in the equalization process and result in and transfer function (TF) generation. The computation of
artifacts such as halo artifacts, over-enhancement, a surge in the energy curve and energy curve equalization process is
the noise level, and level saturation (clipping). described in the following subsections.

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A. Energy Curve
For an image, the energy curve is derived from the modified
HNN architecture [19], [21]. The HNN architecture comprises
neurons, where each neuron is interconnected to other neurons
by different weights. In this modified HNN model, each
neuron is replaced with the pixel in the image and each pixel
is connected to the nearest neighborhood pixel.
The term modified HNN is used since the synaptic weights
are modified in the neural network architecture. These weights
are fixed as ‘1’ or ‘0’. For the pixels lying in the neighbor-
hood, the synaptic weight is assigned as ‘1’; otherwise, it is Fig. 2. Visual illustration of neighborhood sizes and corresponding normal-
fixed as ‘0’. The network’s full status is represented by the ized energy curves. (a) Original Mandrill image (b) Energy curves.
network architecture’s energy function computed. The energy
curve consists of peaks and valleys similar to the histogram
and is computed by taking the image’s neighborhood pixel
The energy curve computation procedure is as follows: Let
E k represent the energy curve for an image of size M × N.
The value gi j represents the intensity level at the position
(i, j ) specified in the span of [0, L − 1]. Here the value of L
represents the extreme gray level. Typically, the intensity value
varies from 0-255 for an 8-bit representation. The energy at a
particular intensity level is gi j computed as


Eg = − bi j · b pq + ci j · c pq (1)
i=1 j =1 pq∈N d i=1 j =1 pq∈N d
ij ij

where ‘g’ represents the gray value, the value of ‘ f ’ varies

from 1 to 3 for a color image and fixes as ‘1’ for gray images.
For every gray level, corresponding energy is computed based
on the equation. Thus, the curve consists of different energy
values for different intensity values. For each intensity level,
the matrix Bg is computed, whose entries are calculated as

+1, if bi j > g
Bg = (2)
−1, else
where the bi j represents the pixel intensity value at the pixel
location (i, j ); thus, for each intensity value, the matrix Bg (B0 ,
B1 , B2 . . . , B255 ) is computed, which consists of ‘+1’ or ‘−1’
as entries based on the intensity values in the original image.
Fig. 3. Visual presentation of Bg matrix computation. (a) represents the
In Fig. 3, a sample entry of Bg is presented. As shown structure of Bg matrix (b) represents the sample entry values in Bg matrix.
in Fig. 3, the matrix Bg is also having a size similar to the
input image. The energy for each gray level is extracted from different system orders (3 × 3, 5 × 5, and 7 × 7) are presented
the Bg matrix using Eq. (1). in Fig. 2. It is observed that the minor deviations are reported
Also, in Eq. (1), the additive term is included to make as increasing the neighborhood sizes.
the energy value a non-negative entry. In the additive term, The computed energy curve for an image and the histogram
the entries of ci j are extracted from the matrix C, which are presented in Fig. 4. The energy curve is computed in the
is a unity matrix of size equal to the input image. The same range as that of a histogram. From the energy curve,
computation also includes the spatial correlation among the it can be observed that the spikes in the histogram are missing
adjacent pixels by specifying a neighboring system N of order in the energy curve. It also consists of peaks and valleys
d. It is defined as Ni,d j = {(i + u, j + v), (u, v) ∈ N d } [19]. but looks smoother than the histogram. The energy curve has
In this work second-order adjacent systems are considered i.e., minimum values, where the histogram records zero.
(u, v){(±1, 0), (0, ±1), (1, ±1), (−1, ±1)}.
The eight immediate pixels are covered in the second-order
system. However, increasing the neighborhood size may not B. Clipping and Slicing of the Energy Curve
reflect the larger deviations than the immediate neighbors and The energy curve is clipped to limit the enhancement rate.
increase computation time. The normalized energy curves with The clipping limit is computed as the average of the median

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where Ê mean is the mean of the clipped energy curve. Based

on the SD value, lower and upper limits are computed to split
the energy curve. The lower ( L̂ low ) and upper ( L̂ high ) limits
are computed as
L̂ low = L̂ 0 + S D (8)
L̂ high = L̂ L−1 + S D (9)
where L̂ L−1 and L̂ 0 are the maximum and minimum intensity
levels of the input image. The energy curve is spliced into
three sub-energy regions using Eq. (8) and Eq. (9). The
first sub-energy curve ranges from 0 to L̂ low , the second
sub-energy curve ranges from L̂ low + 1 to L̂ high , and the
third sub-energy curve ranges from L̂ high + 1 to L − 1.
The standard deviation is chosen as the splicing parameter
to cover the image’s maximum energy region. The middle
sub-energy curve conceals the maximum energy region, which
helps conserve the image’s mean energy. The computed energy
curves, along with the clipping limits and lower and upper
bounds for the sub-division of energy curves, are presented
in Fig. 4(c).

C. Energy Curve Equalization

In this process, generated sub-energy curves are equalized
independently and combined to generate the final transfer
function. The computation of the transfer function is similar
to the HE process. It involves three steps: computation of
PDF, calculation of CDF from the PDF, and transfer function
The PDF for sub-energy curves is P D FL (l), P D FM (l), and
P D FU (l) and are defined as
P D FL (l) = Ê(l)/n L for 0 ≤ l ≤ L̂ low (10)
P D FM (l) = Ê(l)/n M for L̂ low + 1 ≤ l ≤ L̂ high (11)
Fig. 4. Results for a sample image (a) Input image (b) Enhanced image P D FU (l) = Ê(l)/n U for L̂ high + 1 ≤ l ≤ L − 1 (12)
(c) Input energy curve and equalization process (d) Input histogram (e) Output
histogram (f) Mapping function and (f) Output energy curve. where n L , n M , and nU are the absolute energy level value in
the three sub-energy curves, respectively. The CDF for each
sub-energy curve is computed as
and mean intensity value of the energy curve and computed

as C D FL (l) = P D FL (k) f or 0 ≤ l ≤ L̂ low (13)
Cmedian = medi an(E(l)) (3) k=0

Cmean = mean(E(l)) (4) 

C D FM (l) = P D FM (k) f or L̂ low + 1 ≤ l ≤ L̂ high
Cclip = (Cmedian + Cmean )/2 (5)
k= L̂ low +1
The energy curve is clipped using the clip limit computed (14)
in Eq. (5). It can be given as 
 C D FU (l) = P D FU (k) f or L̂ high + 1 ≤ l ≤ L − 1
Cclip , if E(l) ≥ Cclip
Ê(l) = (6) k= L̂ high +1
E(l) else
where Ê(l) is the clipped energy curve. The energy curve is From the CDFs, the transfer function for each sub energy
partitioned into three regions based on standard deviation (SD) curve is generated as
and computed as
 TL = L̂ low × C D FL (16)

l=0 (l − Ê mean ) × E(l)
SD =  TM = ( L̂ low + 1) + ( L̂ high − L̂ low + 1) × C D FM (17)
 L−1 (7)
l=0 E(l) TU = ( L̂ high + 1) + (L − L̂ high + 1) × C D FU (18)

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Fig. 5. Visual representation of input and enhanced images for aero-plane named as Img1 (CEED2016 [23] ). Top row from left to right specifies the
input image, images with HE [1], CLAHE [2], BPDFHE [12], and MMSICHE [13]. Bottom row from left to right specifies the images with DOTHE [15],
ROHIM [16], FCCE [17], JHE [18] and proposed ECE.

The final transfer function is generated by combining the judge an image enhancement algorithm’s quality. Since some-
three functions as times, quality degraded images may also result in good metric
scores. Out of many, few images are presented in Figs. 5 to 10
T = TL + TM + TU (19)
for visual comparison. The input image and enhanced image
A contrast-enhanced image is formulated by applying the with corresponding histograms and energy curves are shown
above transfer function to the input image. in Fig. 3. From Fig. 4, it may be noted that the proposed
The proposed method remaps the pixel distribution like method enhances the image while preserving the natural char-
the HE process using the transformation function derived acteristics of the image. Further, it is evident from Fig. 2 (d)
from Eq. (19). The input intensity values’ distribution to the and Fig. 2 (e) that the proposed method does not alter the
output intensity values is based on the transformation function. histogram’s original shape. It is also easy to observe that the
It may be visualized as a lookup table, where every intensity shape of the energy curve between the original and enhanced
value in the input image is remapped to the output intensity image is preserved while trying to distribute the energy all
value in the enhanced image. The computed transformation over the image.
function for a single image is presented in Fig. 4(f). The same The results obtained after enhancement with the pro-
thing was also carried out in the HE and the proposed method. posed method have been compared with popular HE based
The main difference is that, instead of using the histogram, methods. These methods includes the HE [1], CLAHE [2],
a newly proposed energy curve is utilized to generate the BPDFHE [12], MMSICHE [13], DOTHE [15], ROHIM [16],
transformation function. FCCE [17], and JHE [18]. The visual comparison is presented
in Figs. 5-10. In Fig. 5, the enhanced results are presented for
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION the aero-plane image from the CEED2016 dataset with the
identification mark as Img1. The input image has a smooth
In this section, various experiments are conducted to demon-
background region, whereas the compared methods produce
strate the proposed algorithm. The experiments are engaged
artifacts in the enhanced images. The same artifacts can be
with images of different illumination conditions with signifi-
observed in Fig. 5. In case of the proposed method, it produces
cant contrast variations. Since this is the first time the energy
an optimum level of enhancement without introducing any
curve is utilized for image enhancement, the performance is
compared with the other histogram-based algorithms. Hence
Fig. 6 represents the input and enhanced duck image images
the comparison is justified.
from the CEED2016 dataset with the identification mark
Those histogram-based algorithms’ performance is already
as Img2. The image can be easily separated into the fore-
verified for image contrast enhancement problems. Quantita-
ground and background regions where the foreground region
tive and qualitative analysis is performed to prove that the
represents the object. In most of the compared algorithms,
projected method outperforms other state-of-art methods.
an improper enhancement is reported in either the foreground
or background. Whereas the proposed method enhances the
A. Qualitative Assessment foreground and background regions properly, and the enhanced
The proposed procedure has been applied to several images outcome is free from artifacts. Five more images from the
from the Berkeley [22], CEED2016 [23] standard databases. CEED2016 dataset and corresponding outputs are presented
The assessment using visual perception is the best way to for visual assessment in Fig. 7.

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Fig. 6. Visual representation of input and enhanced images for Duck named as Img2 (CEED2016 [23]). Top row from left to right specifies the input image,
images with HE [1], CLAHE [2], BPDFHE [12], and MMSICHE [13]. Bottom row from left to right specifies the images with DOTHE [15], ROHIM [16],
FCCE [17], JHE [18] and proposed ECE.

image. The enhanced results of the MMSICHE (Fig. 10 (e))

show that this method produces the contrast-enhanced images
but cannot wholly eliminate artifacts. It may be seen from
Fig. 10 (f) that the methods DOTHE over-enhance the color
level in images, resulting in a poor visual quality of images
enhanced. The enhanced results of ROHIM are presented
in Fig. 10 (g). It enhances the images; however, it suffers
from color saturation issues in some cases. The enhanced
results of FCCE are presented in Fig. 10 (h). It is observed
that the FCCE results in over-enhancement and introduces
Fig. 7. Input and enhanced images of the proposed method from the
CEED2016 [23] dataset. Top row represents the input images and bottom unnatural colors. The enhanced results of JHE are presented
row indicate the corresponding enhanced images. in Fig. 10 (i). This method produces visually unpleasing
images. The enhanced results are not optimum compared to
the proposed method. The enhanced results with the proposed
The enhanced results are presented for the bird image algorithm are presented in Fig. 10 (j). It may be seen that the
in Fig. 8. Except for the proposed ECE method, the other enhanced images are free from artifacts in almost all cases and
method’s output images destroy the image’s visual appearance that the images have been optimally enhanced with preserved
as it introduces a different type of visual artifacts. The pro- naturalness.
posed method enhances the image without introducing any
artifacts. Contrast enhancement operation introduces several
artifacts in the enhanced images, especially in images with B. Quantitative Assessment
a smooth background. Any contrast enhancement algorithm’s Human visual perception is used to judge the image
performance should be tested over the images with a smooth enhancement quality. Visual information or image quality
background. accuracy is closely related to how humans perceive distor-
In Fig. 9, the enhanced images are presented for Img4. tion that may vary from human to human. The contrast
Fig. 9 shows that the proposed method enhances the image enhancement operation may also introduce artifacts and cause
with almost no artifacts introduced into the output image. side effects. Thus, in support of the qualitative assessment,
Further, in Fig. 10, the enhanced results are presented for a quantitative assessment is also essential. Therefore, image
thirteen different images. The input images are presented quality assessment using some quality measures has long
in Fig. 10 (a). Fig. 10 (b) presents images obtained after been available. A good contrast enhancement algorithm should
enhancement using the HE method. It may be noted that obtain an adequate enhancement level with minimum dis-
that the enhanced images are corrupted with artifacts as it tortions. In order to justify both enhancement and quality
overstretches the smoothed regions of the image. CLAHE preservation, the following quality metrics are used in the
performs better than HE but still fails to remove the artifacts, comparison.
as shown in Fig. 10 (c). Fig. 10 (d) shows that BPDFHE Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) [24],
maintains a good contrast but fails to restore the original Feature Similarity Index Measure (FSIM) [25], Measure
color information and loses the natural appearance of the of Enhancement (EME) [26], Gradient Magnitude Similarity

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Fig. 8. Visual representation of input and enhanced images for bird named as Img3 (43074 from BSDS [22]). Top row from left to right specifies the
input image, images with HE [1], CLAHE [2], BPDFHE [12], and MMSICHE [13]. Bottom row from left to right specifies the images with DOTHE [15],
ROHIM [16], FCCE [17], JHE [18] and proposed ECE.

Fig. 9. Visual representation of input and enhanced images for bird1 named as Img4 (8049 from BSDS [22]). Top row from left to right specifies the
input image, images with HE [1], CLAHE [2], BPDFHE [12], and MMSICHE [13]. Bottom row from left to right specifies the images with DOTHE [15],
ROHIM [16], FCCE [17], JHE [18] and proposed ECE.

Deviation (GMSD) [27], Visual Saliency Induced Index The EME values of the enhanced images for different
(VSI) [28], Michelson-Law measure of enhancement algorithms, including the input images, are shown in Table V.
(AME) [26], a second-derivative-like measure of enhancement From the table, it can be concluded that the proposed method
(SDME) [29] and patch-based contrast quality index produces higher values of EME than the input images for
(PCQI) [30] have been used for quantitative comparison. Out all cases. Also, the value of EME of the proposed method
of these metrics, EME, AME and SDME are no-reference differs from the lowest amount from the input image com-
metrics used to measure the enhancement, whereas the pared with other methods. Compared with the other methods,
remaining metrics are used to measure the quality of the the proposed method’s GMSD metric performance is shown
enhanced image. It may be noted that, for the parameters in Table VI.
except GMSD and EME, higher values for parameter scores From the table, it is clear that the proposed method produces
indicate better enhancement. It may also be noted from [26] the lowest scores for GMSD compared to other methods in
that sometimes a noisy image may also produce the highest most cases. The higher score for the AME metric designates
EME value. The closest value of enhanced image EME to a better contrast enhancement. The computed scores of the
the input image EME indicates better enhancement [31]. AME metric are shown in Table VII. From the table, it can
A lower value of GMSD indicates better performance of the be easily observed that the proposed method is achieving the
enhancement algorithm. best metric score in almost all cases.
Table I represents the quantitative comparison for the SSIM A higher value of the SDME metric indicates better
metric for different images used in the visual evaluation. The enhancement. The computed scores of the SDME metric for
parametric scores for the FSIM and VSI metrics are presented different methods are shown in Table VIII, the proposed
in Table II and Table III, respectively. The proposed method’s method achieving the best score in most cases. In Table VIII,
metric score is superior to the comparative methods and has the PCQI metric score for fifteen different images is presented
the highest value in almost all SSIM, FSIM and VSI metrics for different algorithms. The best metric score is highlighted
cases. with a bold case value in each case.

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Fig. 10. Visual comparison of input and enhanced images. From left to right indicates the Input image, HE [1], CLAHE [2], BPDFHE [12], and MMSICHE [13],
DOTHE [15], ROHIM [16], FCCE [17], JHE [18], and Proposed ECE with clipping limit.

An algorithm’s performance cannot be justified by evalu- The proposed algorithm is justified over a wide range of
ating a small set of images. Due to the images’ stochastic images; five hundred images are considered from the Berkeley
discrepancy, the algorithm may fail in one or more cases. BSDS [22] dataset, and 30 images from the CEED2016 [23]

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are used in evaluating the performance. The average scores are proves the proposed method’s supremacy over the other
presented in Table IX and Table X, respectively, for the BSDS histogram-based methods. The statistical boxplots are pre-
and CEED2016 [23] datasets. The computed average metrics sented in Fig. 11 for the comparisons’ metrics.
scores indicate that; the proposed algorithm achieves the best The qualitative and quantitative analysis proves the strength
metric score in most cases. This exhaustive experimentation of the proposed algorithm. It yields optimum contrast

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Fig. 11. Box plots for different metrics over the BSDS [22] dataset over 500 images.





proposed method outperforms most of the conventional and

state-of-the-art histogram-based methods for image contrast
In this paper, a new energy curve based image contrast
enhancement method has been introduced. The energy curve
includes the spatial relationships among the surrounding pix-
els. The computed energy curve is clipped with a plateau
limit. The clipping limit is chosen as the average of the
energy curve’s median and mean intensity values. The clipped
enhancement with the preserved natural characteristics of the histogram is divided into three parts based on the median
image. In almost all cases, the enhanced images are free value. Each parted sub-energy is equalized independently and
from artifacts. It may be concluded from the results that the combined to form the final enhanced image. The proposed

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology Patna. Downloaded on September 27,2021 at 09:53:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

method enhances the images while preserving the natural char- [23] M. A. Qureshi, B. Sdiri, M. Deriche, F. Alaya-Cheikh, and
acteristics and produces an optimum enhancement with almost A. Beghdadi, “Contrast enhancement evaluation database (CEED2016),”
in Proc. Colour Vis. Comput. Symp. (CVCS). Gjovik, Norway: Nor-
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