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Course: Entrepreneurship Prototyping

Method of Assessment: Video Submission

1. Submit group project’s video that consists of:
a. Problems to solve
b. Products/services to solve the problems
c. Products/services features and function
d. Products/services key resources and materials
e. Prototype explanation
2. The maximum video duration is 5 minutes
Project Output
1. Business video
Scoring Rubric

(Score x
No Assessment criteria Weight Excellent (85 - 100) Good (75-84) Average (65-74) Poor (0 - 64) Score

Able to create an innovative Able to create an innovate Unable to create any

Able to create an innovative 30% Able to create a common
1 business solution that fit the business solution but does not business solution
business solution idea as a business solution
problems fit the problems

Able to describe the Able to describe the products

Able to show the products / Unable to describe the
Able to describe the products/services prototype and / services prototype but still
2 30% services prototype without prototype
products/services prototype correlate them with the problems not correlated with the
and solutions problems and solutions

Able to create a video to explain the Able to create a simple and easy Able to create a video that Able to create a video but Unable to create any
3 prototype 40% to understand business video in explain the prototype but still does not explain the business video
timely manner complicated to understand clearly

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