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Introduction to Psychology

Worksheet 2:

Name: _____________________________________ Course, Year and Section: _____________

1. Read the story below, imagine and draw a cartoon inspired picture of the character’s

An Indian story tells us of a man chased by a tiger. The man is terrified and, as he runs
blindly for his life, he falls down a precipice. As he falls, he manages to grab hold of the
exposed roots of a tree. He desperately hangs on. He looks up and he sees the tiger; he looks
down and he sees a cobra at the bottom of the precipice. He looks at the base of the tree and
he notices a mouse nibbling at the roots. Just above is a honeycomb. Drops of honey fall on
the back of his hand. All he does is reach up and lick each drop.

2. Write a dialogue between the man and the tiger.

3. Write a dialogue between the man and the mouse.
4. Write a dialogue between the man and the cobra.
5. Put a caption on the drawing.
6. Draw a box anywhere on the page and answer this question:
Imagine yourself as the man/character in the story…what are you going to do?

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